Preserving Love: A Contemporary Romance Series (Nick & Lexi Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Preserving Love: A Contemporary Romance Series (Nick & Lexi Book 2)
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The most frustrating part was that I had really grown attached to having him there to talk to. First I’d had Nick on Facebook. I’d been able to gripe about my day and then he’d changed the subject and we’d chatted. Knowing he was there was a huge help when things seemed overwhelming.

When I’d discovered he was Evan Monroe, the person that stood against me at every turn, it’d been difficult. Yet it turned out that the bond I’d had with Nick only got closer with Evan. Before either of them I’d never really put much emphasis on men or relationships. Now that I was attached to him, Evan was dropping the ball and it scared me. Partly because I worried that he was giving up and partly because I was afraid I would.

Nothing had ever interfered in my work in the community. This was a new feeling. And as much as I needed Evan in my life, or felt like I did, I knew that I’d never choose him over the Society. This was my home. My life. Everything that had ever happened. If fighting this building cost me the only man I’d really had a connection with, then that would be how it went.

Kendall wouldn’t understand that. She wouldn’t be able to support me giving up love for a fight against changing the city. Hell, some days I thought she believed the city should change.

Besides, I didn’t even really know that it was love. Especially when it felt so bad. Wasn’t love supposed to good and happy? If so, this couldn’t be love because it was beginning to feel sad and hurtful.


Chapter 4

“You’ve barely touched your food,” Evan pointed out as I ordered another glass of wine. “Do you not like it?”

“It’s delicious,” I smiled, taking another bite. It really was good. Probably the best Italian food I’d ever had. Unfortunately, my appetite wasn’t really there and I couldn’t exactly explain why.

“Then what’s wrong, Lexi?” I saw the concern showing on his face and it made me feel a little better about our situation. I didn’t want to lose Evan and I was worried that this was going to tear us apart. When he’d never replied back on Saturday it had only fed those fears. Looking at him and seeing that he still cared helped me to relax. “I can tell something is bothering you.”

“The whole situation,” I finally relented. “The condo, the Society, us…it’s all on my mind. I’m not sure that this is going to work out as well as we’d hoped.”

His face dropped as his eyes focused on the empty plate in front of him. I saw the look of pain that flashed through them before he looked down. He was hurt that I’d doubt what we had, but why? He was the one that had completely bailed on me when I needed to know he hadn’t.

“If a relationship can’t stand a little adversity, it’ll never work long term,” it was the only answer he gave and that almost made me angry. How could he compare us fighting for our own dreams on opposite sides as being a little adversity? “Lex,” he looked up at me. “You told me to follow my dreams and I did. I’m not backing out now. I’ve never asked you to back out either. I don’t understand why you think we should let something as simple as this come between the feelings we have for each other. At the end of the day do you not still feel the same?”

“Yes, but..”

“There is no but,” he continued. “If you feel the same about me and I feel the same about you, then why would that change because we have different interests in a building?”

“Different interests? Evan, this is my home. This is my community. This is my life,” I argued my point. “You don’t understand because you’ve never been anywhere that long, but it means something to me. This isn’t an interest,” I sighed, drinking another bit from my wine glass. “This is important.”

“I suppose my dreams, hard work and college degree mean nothing to me because I haven’t lived in the same place my entire life?”

“I didn’t mean that,” Suddenly I realized how what I’d said must have sounded to him. As if I were criticizing his life choices. “I just mean that it’s more than just a passing hobby. I’ve been doing this as long as I can remember. It’s not something I can just let go.”

“I didn’t ask you to Lexi,” he commented. “All I ask is that we don’t let it come between us.”

“I don’t want that either,” it was the truth. “I just don’t know how to do this.”

“We put us above nonsense. Yes it’s important to you that I don’t build the condo. It’s important to me that I do. So in business, we fight. But in personal life, we enjoy our time together. And we leave business as business. It’s that simple.”

“I wish it felt that simple,” I shrugged.

“It can tear us apart if we let it,” he agreed. “Or it can make us stronger. It’s up to what we do with it.”

“Like ignoring me for two days because I had a meeting?”

“What? Lexi, you think I ignored you?” He seemed surprised. “You broke off the date, not me.”

“We could have done something else…” I pointed out the obvious.

“Yes,” he agreed. “Had you mentioned it. When you said you had the meeting and had to postpone, I assumed you were canceling altogether.”

“You know the meetings don’t last that long,” I reminded him that he’d attended a couple. “Why would I cancel?”

“Why would I ignore you?”

His question made its point. It was just as unlikely he’d ignore me as it was that I’d cancel a date. Neither of us was doing a very good job with this so far.

“I didn’t hear from you for two days,” I answered quietly.

“I didn’t hear from you either.”

Again, point proven. He wasn’t in this alone.

“Evan, I think…”

“Stop,” he looked at me. “Lexi my feelings for you are real. They are strong and they mean something to me. We’ve fucked this up so far. Let’s stop. Can we just leave business aside and enjoy being together? Please? And can we both quit worrying so much about what might happen that we enjoy what is happening?”

Nodding I agreed to table the discussion and just have a normal date. I found that I was able to eat most of the dinner he’d bought me and from there we went to a movie that had just recently released. The entire night Evan held my hand and smiled and did everything just right.

The problem was that even as he dropped me off at my place, I felt that something wasn’t just right about any of it. We may have been able to table the discussion for the moment, but what were we going to do when that wasn’t possible? How were we going to handle it when our business put us on opposite sides of the stage, fighting for a crowd that either loved us or hated us? Would our relationship survive that?

Just as I set my things down and prepared to run a hot bath, I heard the chirp of my phone. I hadn’t been active on Facebook in weeks so it had surprised me.

That lady that used to make me crazy? Yea, she still does. But it only makes me want her more.

I smiled to myself at the message from my Nick. The guy that I could talk to about anything. The one I could vent to even when the rest of the world was tired of hearing it.

I know what you mean. I’m having the same problem with my guy. He’s going to be the death of me and I’m going to enjoy the journey.

He must be one sexy guy.

He’s okay.


I can’t complain too much. But he does have expensive taste in food. Whatever happened to a burger and fries?

Maybe he thinks you are too classy to deserve that?

Then he’s not very bright.

Maybe he likes to show off?

He should stop. Soon he won’t have a job and be able to afford pricy meals.

So do you feel a little less lonely?

Not at the moment. But overall yes.

Me too.

I need to go and take a bath.

Why do you insist on doing that to me?

Hmm, don’t you have a woman now? Maybe you should try this conversation with her sometime?

She’s not nearly as flirty.

I am NOT flirting with you.

Yes you are. But I like it.

I am not. You are just hopeful.

Every day of my life.

I need to go now. Have a good night.

You too Lexi.



Thank you. I needed this.

I know. Me too.

Will we always have this?

I sure as hell hope so.

Me too. Good night Nick.

Good night Lexi.

I ran the water and lost myself in thought. He had done the one thing I’d needed the most. He’d come to me on the level I was comfortable with. As I sat there in that moment I felt confident that we’d be okay.

Sure, Alexis and Evan may have their battles ahead of them-- but Nick and Lexi were going to be just fine. They had something that not even the Society and architects could take away.


Chapter 5

“Thanks for meeting me,” Patty smiled over the cup of coffee she held to her lips.

“No problem,” I returned the gesture as I pulled the seat out and took my place.

I’d be lying if I said the meeting didn’t surprise me. Mainly because it wasn’t a meeting. Just two friends having lunch. At least that was what she’d said when she called. We were just friends having lunch together.

What made it odd was that we didn’t do that. Patty and I had never really met except when it involved the Society. Not because we weren’t friendly-- we were-- but
because that’s where our common interests ended.

We led two vastly different lives and had a lot of opposite viewpoints and opinions. I respected her and enjoyed working with her, but she had never been a person I saw myself enjoying lunch with just for the hell of it.

“I just…” she started, but something stopped her for a moment. “I felt bad about the meeting and the way things played out.”

“It’s the nature of business Patty,” I shrugged, already past what had happened nearly a month prior. “We didn’t have to have lunch for you to apologize.”

“I know,” she looked into the distance. “I don’t think we’ve ever really taken the time to be friends.”

“No I guess we haven’t,” she knew why so I was confused. Patty was super religious and all of her life choices reflected that. It was commendable really. I wasn’t. Even growing up the Bible Belt, I hadn’t ever taken to that mindset. So we often ended up on opposite ends of the spectrum when it came to the important things in life. “Probably my fault with the shop and life being so busy.”

“Well I stay pretty occupied as well with church and the kids,” she let her voice trail off and something told me there was still something she wanted to say and wasn’t.

“Patty,” I leaned onto my elbows, ignoring the menu that was lying in front of me. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” she shook her head vehemently. “Nothing’s wrong,” she paused once more as if trying to make her thoughts coherent. “There’s a rumor…and that’s all it is at this point…that they are going to motion for a speedier decision.”

I knew immediately what she was referring to even though she didn’t specify who ‘they’ were. She was referring to the condo development and the company behind it, more specifically- Evan.

“Well that’s silly,” I blew it off. “That’ll never fly with the Commission.”

“Word is, it already is flying,” she stared at the hands she was folding in her lap.

“I find that hard to believe Patty,” I looked her eye to eye, forcing her to return the gesture. “Why would the Commission be agreeable to an early decision? They have their rules. I’ve never known them to bend on any of them.”

“I don’t know Alexis,” she shook her head. “I just know what I hear. Which is that the Commission is already on board with the idea of pushing this through. I only know this because I get told things by church friends before others find out,” she twisted her mouth up. “I came to you because I was hoping that you would have an idea on what to do or what it is that helped them sell their case to HRC”

“Why would I….” the look on her face said it all. She hadn’t come to be a friend.

Patty was sitting there at lunch with me, digging for information. The Society thought that because I was dating Evan I had the inside scoop on whatever was going on with the Commission. Grant had probably sent Patty to meet with me in the hopes she’d befriend me and I’d tell her what I knew.

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