Prescribed for Love (29 page)

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Authors: Mallory Moutinho

BOOK: Prescribed for Love
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“You expected us?” asked Keith.

“Well of course I did, especially after hearing tales of Catri
ona being taken by the Camerons,” answered Elspeth.

Of course, I ken
that to be false since this came back to my home some weeks ago,” said Elspeth as she held of the book that had brought Alasdair his greatest
joy and greatest sorrow. “Here,

said the
as she
handed Alasdair the book.

“Thank ye, but he is the o
ne who
needs the book.
My need to have Catriona returned to me will go unfulfilled—nay matter how much I may wish otherwise
.” He
to hand the book to Keith, but it vanished from his grasp. Keith’s shocked gaze met his own.  “Do ye think?”
asked Alasdair.

“I don’t know,

said Keith.


Cat was having trouble processing what she had just
come to comprehend
. The whole time she had been in the past she had been t
rying to figure out what need she had to fulfill. She never would have thought it would be to find love and a family
. The fact that her current-self wished her past-self into the past blew her mind. She still had trouble understanding all of the

But then what was the point?
Why would she be sent to the past, only to then send herself to the past, but then not be able to get back
to the past?
It makes no freakin’ sense!

Cat’s whirling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the window. “Excuse me miss, you forgot this!” The store clerk was outside her window.

Cat opened the door so she could take the proffered item from the clerk. Cat’s
jaw nearly dropped
to the ground when she realized
it was the book.
Can it be?
She was so unsteadied by her shock, t
he weight
from Alexander and all the other items she had attached to her arms
pulled her back into the car
. She hit her head on the doorframe as she fell.
But rather than landing in the
seat, she landed on the ground.

Son of a
Cat sputtered as she landed with a thud. She tried to rub the pain from her head.
Moving her hands from her face, Cat finally took in her surroundings.
seriously? A
re the blows to the back of the head really necessary for the initial jump through time?


Son of a!”

“I think it is,” said Keith just a moment after his last uncertain statement. Alasdair nearly took the door off its hinges as he
outside. From the sounds of it, K
eith must
completed the destruction


“Well don’t just stand there
Mac—help me up!
” Both he and Keith went to help her. “Here, you take Alexander,” said Catriona as Alasdair approached. She handed him a small ball of cloth that immediately started to wail.

“Is this?” Alasdair
question lodged in his throat as he became overwhelmed with emotion

“Yes, that’s your son
, Alexander Keith MacLean
,” said Catriona as she took her brother’s hand to help her up. “Can’t you tell? He has your devastating blue eyes.”

“Catriona love, are ye back, are ye truly back to stay?”

“Well Mac, that depends,” she said.

“On what?”
asked Alasdair.

“Do you really mean what you just said?”

“What did I just say?” asked Alasdair

“That you love me?”

“Aye, of course I mean it,” he replied.
“I had thought I wouldnae ever have the chance to tell ye.”

“Good, because I would hate
to think I travelled back to the past to the man I love, only to be rejected,” said Catriona.

“Ugh, can you guys lay off the sappy stuff? You’re making me sick!” teased Keith.

“Oh shut up Keith!” said Catriona,
as she walked into Alasdair’s embrace to
his kiss.

guys! Get a room!”

About the Author

Mallory Moutinho grew up in Massachusetts, but now resides in Connecticut with her high school sweetheart turned husband. There is nothing she loves more than curling up with a good book and a
piece of choc
olate. You can find out more at, or feel free to email her at
[email protected]


Thank you for reading my book, I hope you had a good laugh!


***Shameless plea
for self-promotion***

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