Pregnancy of Revenge (15 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline Baird

BOOK: Pregnancy of Revenge
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'Dio grazia.
drew her into his arms, his mouth finding hers with unerring accuracy.

For Charlie it was like coming home, her body melting into his. Five long weeks of abstinence were echoed in the hunger of his mouth, the hot, unbridled passion that swept away all her doubts in a flood of excitement. She felt the hardness of his body against hers, and squirmed ecstatically against him. Jake was back and she wanted his hands on her breasts, her thighs, every where. She was starving for his touch, the taste of him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers burrowing through the thick dark hair of his head, holding him to her.

He groaned against her mouth.
Charlotte, I have missed you, missed this.' His hands lifted and cupped her breasts, his fingers skimming over the cotton that covered her swelling flesh, and she moaned as his fingers plucked the sensitized peaks and a quick stab of arousal lanced from her nipples to her loins.

'Oh, Jake, I've missed you too, so much,' she sighed ecstatically as he nipped her bottom lip between his teeth, and kissed her again with a deep, hungry passion until she
was mindless and shaking in his arms. I love you so much, love what you do to me,' she moaned, almost incoherently—but not quite.

'I know.' Jake smiled against her mouth. It was one of the things he adored about her, she was such a vocal lover, and slowly he slid his hand down her body. His long fingers curled beneath the hem of her shorts and he cupped her between her thighs, and she moaned his name again.

'Charlie, I need the keys to the safe...'

Jake's hand shot from between her thighs to grip her around the waist and hold her tight against him as he let fly with a string of Italian curses that would have made the devil blush.

'Oops! Not the best of timing, but I am glad to see you've kissed and made up.' Her manager's voice finally got through to Charlie's love-hazed mind.

'Jeff!' she squeaked, pushing against Jake's chest, her face the
of a beetroot. 'Have you never heard of knocking?' She tried to squirm out of Jake's hold, dying inside with embarrassment.

'My sentiments exactly,' Jake said sardonically, looking at the other man over the top of Charlotte's head.

'Sorry.' Jeff grinned, looking not in the least sorry. 'So, Charlie, does this mean I can tell the staff wedding bells are on the cards, and finally put them out of their misery?' he queried, tongue in cheek.

Jake stilled, his brows drawing together in a puzzled frown, and then he suddenly grinned. 'Ah, now I understand the staff's attitude,' he said dryly.

'What attitude?' Charlie demanded. 'Was someone rude to you?'

'Not exactly, but let me guess. They all know you're pregnant, and they all know my name.'

'Well, I might have mentioned you in passing.' She had the grace to blush.

Jake laughed out loud, his arm tightening around her shoulders. 'As you appear to have been doing all the talking so far, at least allow me to make this announcement. As the man concerned, it is only fair,' he added mockingly.

Charlie stayed dumb.

'Jeff, isn't it? I believe we met earlier. As you have seen for yourself, Charlotte and I can't keep our hands off each other, and so, yes, we are getting married, just as soon as it can be arranged. Feel free to tell everyone. If you don't, I'm sure Charlotte will.'

'Certainly, Mr
Jeff laughed. 'Obviously you know our Charlie well. I'll just get the keys and leave.'

'So, Charlotte, it is done. We are to marry—no going back.' He drew her into his arms again.

'I won't change my mind.' Never one to duck a challenge, she asked bluntly, 'Is it because I'm pregnant? Or do you really love me?'

I adore you.' And he kissed her.


They were married two weeks later in an outdoor ceremony in the grounds of the hotel. The wedding breakfast was over and the
speeches done, and Charlie, with Jake's arm around her shoulder, was
still in shock from the speed of it all.

'One more and that's it.' Diego
Jake's best man, was a famous fashion photographer.

'I feel as though I should strike a pose or something,' Charlie murmured, slightly intimidated.

being, let's get out of here.
I want you to myself. And I don't want to waste any more of our wedding day, or more importantly wedding night, chatting to your friends—nice as they are,' Jake added, his dark eyes roaming over the exquisite vision in ivory silk at his side.

His wife.
He congratulated himself on having made the right decision. He had discovered, on being introduced to quite a few of her male friends, that she was a member of the local mountain rescue team. Not only was she beautiful, and very beddable and carrying his child, she was also brave, though the climbing would have to stop, he decided. He didn't believe in love, but he had no trouble accepting Charlotte's declarations of love. Life didn't get any better than this.

'You have a one-track mind.' Charlie chuckled, her blue eyes laughing up at him.

'Do you blame me? It has been seven weeks.'

'No, I can't wait either,' she said honestly. She had never felt more loved, more cherished in her life than when the registrar had said, 'You may kiss the bride,' and Jake had taken her in his arms, and kissed her with a tenderness that had brought tears to her eyes. But now she wanted more.

The day he had proposed had turned into a party at the hotel, and by accident or design Jeff and Dave had turned it into a stag night for Jake. Pressure of business had forced Jake to leave early the next morning. Even so, he had with Jeff and Dave's assistance
everything long distance. The only thing Charlie had done was shop for her trousseau. She had bought lacy underwear and a few totally impractical flimsy nightgowns. She had limited herself to one cocktail dress with the prospect of a bulging tummy in mind, and, ever practical, for her wedding outfit she had chosen an exquisitely made designer suit.

A sophisticated column of ivory silk, the dress was strapless and revealed a hint of cleavage before skimming her still slender figure to end just on her knees. Apart from a posy of rosebuds, her only other adornment was a choker of pearls around her throat. Jake had flown in last night and given them to her over dinner at the hotel, but they had not spent the night together. Amy, the receptionist, had made sure of that, saying it was unlucky, and sharing Charlie's room herself, much to Jake's chagrin.

Diego, the best man.
arrived this morning, and Charlie had met him for a few moments before the ceremony. He and Jake had been room-mates at college and were old friends, and he was almost as handsome as Jake.

'Right, that's it,' Diego cried. 'I need a drink.'

Charlie flung her posy into the crowd, and Amy, her bridesmaid, caught it amid much laughter. A few moments later Amy stepped forward and handed Charlie her suit jacket and her purse. 'Enjoy your honeymoon and have a wonderful life.'

'Thanks.' Charlie grinned.

'Thanks,' Jake echoed. 'Pressure of work means the honeymoon is on hold for the moment, unfortunately, but the wedding night isn't.
Though we won't even have that if the damn car doesn't show up.
I need to have a word with Dave,' he muttered darkly. Pressing a swift kiss on Charlie's smiling lips, he added, 'Wait here, I'm going to find out what's happened.'

Charlie watched her new husband stroll purposefully towards the hapless Dave. If she knew Dave, he had probably hijacked the car and covered it with bottles and cans and cheesy comments. She heaved a sigh of pure delight. This was the happiest day of her life.

'Big sigh for a new bride,' Diego said, reappearing with a glass of champagne in his hand.

'A sigh of pure happiness,' Charlie answered, slanting Diego a brilliant smile before her gaze sought out her husband. He looked so devastatingly handsome in a tailored silver-grey three-piece suit and she watched as he gesticulated wildly with one hand towards the drive. He was so very Latin, and she loved him.

'Changing your name from Summerville to
obviously suits you,' Diego said and drained the champagne.

'Yes, it does,' Charlie murmured, not paying much attention. All her thoughts were with Jake and the night ahead.

'Are you any relation to the artist Robert Summerville?' Diego asked.

'Yes, he was my father. In fact he was responsible for my meeting Jake,' she offered, remembering the first time she had seen Jake in the art gallery.

'Ah! Now I see,' Diego exclaimed. 'You have known Jake for much longer than I thought. I did wonder when he said he was getting married in two weeks. He is not the type to act in haste. But you must have known Anna when she lived with your father. You met Jake through her—or at her funeral, perhaps?' He shook his dark head. 'Her death so soon after your father's demise was such a tragedy.'

Charlie's brow furrowed as the full import of Diego's words sank in. Suddenly the nude painting Jake had bought when she met him loomed large in her mind. With it came the conviction she now had a name for her father's ex- lover—Anna—and if Diego was to be believed, she had been a close personal friend of Jake. But why hadn't Jake said anything?

Feeling a sudden chill that had nothing to do with the sunny weather, she slipped on the short jacket that matched her dress. 'You mean Anna with the beautiful long dark hair, almost to her thighs?' she queried softly, describing the woman in the portrait.

'That's her. So you did know her. It was a sad business all around, no? But what am I thinking of?' Diego grinned. 'Forgive me. Today is not a day for recalling past losses. Life is for celebrating.' He drained his brandy glass. 'Jake is a very lucky guy to have found you. I wish I had seen
you first,' he added with a teasing, slightly inebriated glint in his eyes.

'You're a charmer.' Charlie smiled, but with difficulty. Diego had aroused a suspicion in her mind. There was a mystery here she did not understand. But he was right: this was not a day for recalling the past, but for looking forward to the future. Jake loved her, Jake had married her, and nothing was going to spoil her day.

'I was always the charmer,' Diego asserted, sliding an arm around her waist. 'And Jake was always the worker. But he did have his moments. Mostly with engines, rather than women,' he added drolly. 'Though he did once take a girl out on a powerboat he built, and it sank. Needless to say, she never spoke to him again.'

Twenty feet away Dave listened to Jake's tirade before slapping him on the back. 'Relax, Jake, the car will be here in five minutes. I understand you intend keeping our lovely Charlie in Italy? I hope you
you're a very lucky man. She's an all-or-nothing kind of woman, so you'd better take very good care of her. We're all going to miss her at International Rapid Rescue. But I've told Charlie we'll be looking forward to seeing her back after she has the baby.'

Jake's black brows arched in amazement, and in the next few minutes he discovered he did not know his wife at all. That Charlotte would willingly risk her life in search and rescue all over the world appalled him. His head reared back, his eyes searching for her across the heads of the guests, and narrowed angrily when he saw she was talking to Diego, and the devil had his arm around her.

'Forget about Charlotte ever working again, Dave. I have other plans for her,' he threw over his shoulder as he made a beeline for her.

'What is this, a mutual admiration society? Get your arm off my wife, Diego.'

Charlie grinned. 'Diego was just telling me about your college exploits.'

'Was he indeed?' Jake put his own arm around Charlotte, drawing her close into his side. He said something in rapid- fire Italian to Diego, who responded equally quickly, then turned a grin of pure devilment on Charlie.

'I am sorry you have to leave so soon, Charlotte. I feel I was just getting to know you, but I understand Jake's haste.' Taking a card from his pocket, he gave it to Charlie. 'This is my number. If you ever get tired of this jealous bozo, give me a call.'

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