Predator (54 page)

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Authors: Richard Whittle

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Kubitschek, Juscelino

Kubrick, Stanley

Kuhn, Ira


L-3 Communications

Laden, Osama bin

9/11 and

Afghanistan war and

Al Jazeera and

Atef and


debate on strikes vs.

Predator hunt for

Predator video of

Summer Project and

Tenet's Scotch and

Langley Air Force Base (Hampton Roads)

Langley CIA headquarters

Predator GCS at (Trailer Park)

Summer Project and


laser, defined

laser designator

laser-guided weapons

launch-and-recovery element (LRE)

Leading Systems

Lehman, John F., Jr.

Lewis, Jerry


Lightning Bugs

Lindbergh, Charles

line-of-sight C-band link.
See also
split operations

Lippold, Kirk S.

Lockheed Martin

long-range radar

Lucky (dog)

Lulu Belle

Lynn, Larry

M299 Hellfire launcher

MacDill Air Force Base

Machin, Jim

Manhattan Project

Marine Corps

Marks, James A. “Spider”

Martin, Gregory S. “Speedy”

Massoud, Ahmad Shah

Mastiff mini-RPV


Mattoon, Mark “Spoon”

Maverick missile

McCarthy, Eugene

McLaughlin, John

McLean, Terry

Meermans, Mike

Melnick, Mike

Memorandum of Notification (Bush, 2001)

Memorandum of Notification (Clinton, 1998)


MH-47 Chinooks

Military Intelligence Battalion

MiG fighters

Military Intelligence Battalion (Mibli)

Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicles exhibit (2008)

Miller, Ray

Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium

Mirage 2000D fighter planes

Miramar Naval Air Station

Mirazi, Hafez Al-

Misty Fast FAC

Mladic, Ratko

Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh

Monkey Switch

Monroe, Bob

Monroe, Marilyn

Moore, Robert A.

Moorhead, Glen W., III, “Wally”

Moseley, T. Michael “Buzz”

MQ-1C Gray Eagle

MTS ball (Multi-Spectral Targeting System)

Mullowney, Penn E. “Pete”


Murphy, Ronald

Murray, Bill

MX nuclear missiles

Myers, Richard

Najibullah, Mullah

NASCAR teams

National Exploitation Laboratory (NEL)

National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA)

National Military Command Center

National Photographic Interpretation Center

National Reconnaissance Office

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Security Council (NSC)

Naval Air Systems Command

Navigation Signal Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System (NAVSTAR,


Air Force and

Amber and

Forty-Four ball and

MTS ball and

Predator and

Navy Aircraft Weapons Requirements Branch

Navy Department

Navy SEALs

Navy Tactical Readiness Division

Naylor, Sean

Nazi Germany

Nellis Air Force Base

New America Foundation

New Skies Satellites NSS-703

New Start Notification

New Yorker

New York Herald Tribune

New York Times


Nightly News
(NBC TV show)

Nine-line Brief

Norman, Willie

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Balkans and

Naples headquarters

Northern Alliance

North Korea

Northrop, Jack

Northrop Grumman

North West Frontier Province

Not a Good Day to Die

Novak, Dan

Obama, Barack

Obama, Michelle

O'Grady, Scott

Omar, Mullah Mohammed

O'Neill, Paul

Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA)

Operational Requirements Document

operations center (ops cell)



Operating Location Detachment 4

Owens, William A.

Pace, Frank

Paisley, Melvyn R.


Palmdale, California

Pan American World Airways

Panetta, Leon

Paris Air Show

Pave Penny (A-10 laser tracker)

Pavitt, James

PB4Y-1 Liberator

Peled, Benjamin


9/11 attacks and

Predator video in

Perry, William

Pie Face project


Piper planes

Plummer, Stephen

Poss, James

Powell, Colin

Powers, Francis Gary

See also
Hellfire Predator; WILD Predator

ACC review of

Afghan Eyes (Summer Project) and

Afghanistan war and (
see specific missions

Air Force and

Amber and

arming of (
see also
Hellfire Predator)

arming of, legal hurdles

arming of, proposed

authority to pull trigger and

beyond line-of-sight communications

Big Safari and

bin Laden sighted by

Blues, Karem, and early design of

Bosnia and

buddy-lase capability

cloud cover and

cost of replacing


daylight camera

debate over strikes vs. Al Qaeda and

drone revolution and

drug war and

early design of, and Karem's Gnat 750

early General Atomics prototype

endurance of

exploitation support data

first combat and

as first Medium Altitude Endurance UAV

flight crew (
ground control station)

flown globally, from U.S. base

Forty-Four ball added to

imagery system developed

infrared camera

Kosovo and

Ku-band satellite link

laser designator

laser illuminator

line-of-sight C-band link

MTS ball and

name chosen

speed of

split operations

Stinger missiles and

Swanson assigned to

Taliban shoots at

test drive of

video stream and

WILD project and

wings icing and

Predator 3023

Predator 3034

Predator 3037

Predator 3038

Predator 3040

Predator B.
See also


Prince Sultan Air Base

Principals Committee (NSC)

Pry, Raymond

Purple Passion

pusher propeller

Q-2C target drones

Q-2 Firebee target drones


QH-50 DASH drone helicopter

Quigley, Craig

Rabel, Ed

radar antenna

radio control

Radioplane Company


Radtke, Mark

Raduenz, Brian

Raggio, Robert F.

Ramstein Air Base

Rapid Exploitation and Dissemination Cell (RED Cell)


Razak, Abdul

RC-135S aircraft

Reagan, Ronald

Reaper (MQ-9, Predator B)

Red Flag exercise

Redstone Arsenal

Reeve, William

Rembrandt codec

remote-control drones, early

remote-control war.
See also
split operations, remote

remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs).
See also
and specific aircraft


renamed “unmanned aerial vehicles” (UAVs)

Renuart, Gene

Republican Party

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

(Las Vegas)

RF-4C Phantom II jets

Rice, Condoleezza

Richards, Dana

Ricks, Tom

“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” (Coleridge)

Rivet Amber

Rivet Joint

Roberts, Neil

Roberts Ridge

Roche, James

rocket-propelled grenade (RPG)

Rotax 912 engine

ROVER (Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver)

Roving Sands '95 exercise

RQ-170 Sentinel drone

Rumsfeld, Donald

Russack, John

Rutherford, Allan

Ryan, Michael E.

Ryan Aeronautical

Sadler, Bill

Sadler Vampire ultralight

Salon International de l'Aéronautique

SAM radar umbrella

Sanborn, Scott

San Diego Union


Sandino, Augusto César


satellite communications antennas.
See also
Ku-band satellite antenna; line-of-sight C-band


Gnat 750 and

modem uplink and

Predator video stream and

Saudi Arabia

Schroeder, Gerhard

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

Schweizer RG-8 motor glider

Scott, Tony

Scout mini-RPV

Scud missiles

Seahawk helicopters

search-and-rescue helicopters

Self, Nate

sensor operator

September 11, 2001, attacks (9/11)


SESAT satellite

17th Reconnaissance Squadron


Shaffer, Glen

Shelton, Hugh

Shiffrin, Richard

, USS (cruiser)

Short, Michael

Sierra Hotel

Sikorsky, Igor

Sikorsky helicopters

Simpson, O. J.

645th Aeronautical Systems Group (Big Safari)

9/11 and

Afghan Eyes and (
Summer Project)

Afghanistan war and

armed Predator and

control of Predator from U.S. and

Hellfire Predator deployed vs. Al Qaeda by

Hellfire soft target tests and

MTS ball and

Predator “ears” and

Predator laser designator and

Predator taken over by

recent Predator projects

6514th Test Squadron

Skunk Works

Slokes (pilot)


Small Group

Small Smart Bomb

Smith, Leighton W., Jr., “Snuffy”

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Snitch (crew member)

soft targets


Somoza Debayle, Anastasio “Tachito”

Somoza García, Anastasio “Tacho”

Somoza García, Luis

Southern Command (SOCOM)

South Korean airliner

Soviet Bloc

Soviet Union

Afghanistan war of 1980s

collapse of

INF Treaty and

planes shot down by

Yom Kippur War and

Spear (pilot)

Speed Light

Spirit of St. Louis

split operations


SR-71 Blackbird spy plane

State Department

Status of Forces Agreement

stealth fighters

Stewart, Bill

Stinger antiaircraft missiles

Stratakes, Jay

Strategic Air Command

Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)

Strategic Plans and Policy Division

“Strategy for Eliminating the Threat” (Clarke)

Stufflebeem, John

See also
African embassy terrorist bombings

Sullivan, Kevin

Sulzberger, Arthur Hays

Summer Project (Afghan Eyes)

bin Laden sighting and

Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (Mons, Belgium)

surface-to-air missiles (SAMs)

Suter, Richard “Moody”

Swanson, Scott

Swenson, Don

synthetic aperture radar


“Taco Bell” tests


Takur Ghar peak


Tanjug news agency

African embassy terrorist bombings

Tarnak Farms

Taszár air base

Technion—Israel Institute of Technology

Teledyne Ryan

Tenet, George


Thanh Hoa Bridge

Thatcher, Margaret

32nd Expeditionary Air Intelligence Squadron

Thomas, Joseph G.

348th Bombardment Squadron

391st Fighter Squadron


Tier programs

I (low-altitude UAV)

II (medium-altitude UAV)

III (high-altitude UAV)

tiltrotor designs

(New Orleans)

Title 10, U.S. code

Tomahawk missiles

Top Gun

Townes Commission

Transportable Medium Earth Terminal (TMET)

Trimble Navigation

Trimble Navigation GPS receiver

Trippe, Charles W.

Trippe, Juan

Trojan Spirit II mobile satellite system




Tuzla Air Base

TV-guided missiles

12th Air Force

Twetten, Thomas A.

U-2 plane

Udorn Royal Air Force Base, Thailand

UHF (ultra-high-frequency) satellite antenna

ultralight planes

United Nations

Balkans and

Iraq and

Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions

U.S. Air Forces Europe (USAFE)

U.S. Congress

Afghanistan war and

New Start Notification and

U.S. House of Representatives

Appropriations Committee

Defense Subcommittee

Intelligence Committee

U.S. News & World Report

U.S. Senate

Armed Services Committee

unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), term adopted.
See also
Hellfire Predator; Predator;
and other specific aircraft

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