Prayer & Study Guide: The Power Of A Praying Parent (2 page)

BOOK: Prayer & Study Guide: The Power Of A Praying Parent
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What You’ll Need

This P
is divided into a 30-week plan for use in personal or group study. You will need to have my book T
to read
along with this. The answers to many of the questions will be found in it. You will also need a Bible. I have quoted the New King James Version here, but you can use whatever translation you want. Just make sure the Bible you have is easy for you to understand, and one you feel free to write in.

About Your Answers

Many of the questions in this P
will have to be answered separately for each individual child. If you are praying for more than one child, you will not have room in this book for all of your answers. In that case, it would be beneficial to keep your responses in a notebook or journal. The answers are not for anyone else to read, and you will not be tested on them. They are to help you determine how to pray specifically for each child. This kind of prayer notebook for your children is wonderful to keep and look back on years later. You will be amazed at how strategically the Lord directed you to pray and how He answered those prayers.

Try to answer all the questions and follow the directions to the best of your ability. Even if your child is an infant, or he (she) is grown and has been gone from your home for some time, God will reveal things to you about him (her) with regard to the questions. Try to write something for each entry. If nothing else, write what is in your heart regarding that question. When instructed to write out a prayer, it doesn’t have to be a lengthy one. Two or three sentences will cover the subject of focus.

How to Proceed

In group study, it’s good to follow the order of this book so that everyone will literally be on the same page when
they come together each week. In individual study, you do not have to proceed in the same order if there are more pressing concerns that need to be addressed immediately. In any case, however, Chapter One and Chapter Two of T
should be read before proceeding on to any others.

In a Group

When studying in a group, read the appropriate chapter in T
and answer the questions in the corresponding chapter here in the P
on your own. When the group comes together, the leader will go over the questions and discuss what insights God has given each person as he or she feels led to share them. This will be the perfect time to pray as a group for your children. Group intercession for children is very powerful, so take advantage of every opportunity to pray for them in this way.

How to Pray a Scripture

Frequently you will be asked to write out a specific scripture as a prayer over yourself or your child. This is to help you learn to include the Word of God in your prayers. Also, there is power in writing out your prayers. To help you understand how to do that, I have included an example of how I pray Ephesians 6:10-11 over my daughter. Look it up in your Bible and see how I have personalized it:

“I pray that Mandy will be strong in You, Lord, and move in Your power. I pray that she will be able to put on the whole armor of God. I pray that Mandy will be able to stand strong against the wiles of the devil.”

Your Role

Your role is to become an intercessor for your child.
An intercessor is one who prays for someone and makes possible the ability of that person to respond to God
. No one else on earth will ever pray for your child with the fervency and consistency that you will. What an awesome opportunity to powerfully affect your child’s life for eternity.



1. List three traits you see as your child’s best qualities.

2. How could these good qualities become liabilities if they are not covered in prayer?

3. List the three biggest concerns you have for your child.

4. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by any of these concerns? _________. In what way?

5. Does your child have any negative character traits that need to be covered in prayer? _________. What are they?

6. How could these negative traits be turned into positive qualities or assets in your child’s life? (For example, a child’s tendency to dominate other children could be tempered by the love of God, mixed with a heart of compassion, and turned into a great leadership quality.)

7. Look up James 4:7 and underline it in your Bible. Who are you supposed to resist? _______________. When you resist, what will happen? ________________________. Do you believe that you can successfully resist the enemy’s plans for your children in prayer? ___________. Why or why not?

8. Read Deuteronomy 32:30 and underline it in your Bible. According to this, how many of the enemy’s forces can you cause to flee when you pray? _______________________. How many when you pray with one other person? ______________________. Do you believe there is power in praying with other believers for your children? _________. Why or why not?

9. In what ways do you feel you have done a good job as a parent?

10. Do you feel you have ever made any mistakes as a parent? _________. If so, list what they are and what would you have done differently. Then write out a prayer asking God to redeem those situations.

11. Do you ever feel guilt as a parent? _________. Why or why not? (All parents at one time or another feel guilt about something regarding their children. The purpose of this question is not to make you feel bad, but rather to identify this area so that the devil can’t use it against you.)

12. Is there anything you would like to change about yourself or your life that would alleviate the guilt you feel as a parent? _________. Explain your answer. Write a prayer asking God to help you make the changes.

13. Do you feel that you generally expect a lot of yourself? _________. Do you expect yourself to be a perfect parent? _________. Explain your answer.

14. Read Romans 8:1 and underline it in your Bible. How are we to walk in order to be free of feeling condemnation? ___________________. How are we
to walk? _______________________. Write a prayer asking God to help you walk free of condemnation.

15. Read Ephesians 6:12-13 and underline it in your Bible. Whom are we wrestling against when we pray? _________________________. What are we supposed to do to withstand them? _________________________. Write out a prayer asking God to help you do that, especially with regards to your children.

16. Read 1 Peter 5:8-9 and underline it in your Bible. Who is your enemy and the enemy of your children? ________________. What is he constantly doing? _________________________. What are you to do in response?

17. Read Luke 10:19 and underline it in your Bible. God has given you authority over all _________________________. That means for your children as well as yourself. Do you see the enemy trying to threaten your child in any way? _________. If so, in what way?

18. Read John 15:5 and underline it in your Bible. How does this verse apply to you as a parent? ________________. Are you able to fully depend on God to help you raise your children?

19. Read 1 Peter 4:8. What will cover the places where we miss the mark as parents? ________________. Write out a prayer asking God to help you love your child with such unconditional love that it smooths all the rough places, heals all wounds, and covers your weaknesses.

20. Pray out loud the prayer on page 30 in T
. Include any specifics about yourself as a parent.



1. Are you highly protective of your child to the point that you constantly worry over his (her) safety? ___________. Explain why or why not.

2. Read 1 Peter 5:6-7 and underline it in your Bible. What are you supposed to do with your cares and concerns for your child? __________________. Are you able to easily do that?

3. Do you believe God is a good Father and that He loves your child even more than you do? ________. Explain why you do or do not believe that.

4. Have you asked God to be in control of your life? ___________. Of your child’s life? _________. Why or why not?

5. Where does prayer for your child begin? _________________. Releasing your child into God’s hands is a sign of _____________________. (See page 36 of T

6. Do you believe that when you release your child to God, he (she) will be in good hands? ___________. Why or why not?

7. Is there any reason why it would be difficult for you to fully release your child into God’s hands? ___________. Explain your answer.

8. Read Isaiah 65:23 and underline it in your Bible. Put a star next to it. Write it out below as a proclamation and claim it as a promise for your child. (“I do not labor in vain. I did not bring forth
name of child
for trouble…”)

9. Read Psalm 127:3 and underline it in your Bible. Do you believe your child is a blessing from God? ___________. Why or why not?

10. Pray out loud the prayer on pages 36–37 of T
. Include specifics God has revealed about you or your child.


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