Power Unleashed (8 page)

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Authors: Savannah Stuart

BOOK: Power Unleashed
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else to say other than I’m really

“Why’d you run?” His arm tensed under her fingers so she dropped her hand.

“I…” She bit her bottom lip and decided to plunge ahead. “I don’t want you

reading my thoughts. I don’t care if we’re mates, you have no business in my head.



She frowned. “That’s it?”

“You want me to argue with you and tell you I’m going to hijack your thoughts?”

His voice was wry and his expression unreadable.

“Well, no.” She crossed her arms over her chest and took another step back from

him. She didn’t like this cold side of Adam. At least when he’d been awkward before,

he’d been endearing and approachable. Having him give her the cold shoulder hurt

more than she could have imagined.

“Just because we’re linked doesn’t mean I can jump into your head anytime I want.

I can project my thoughts, yes, but I don’t think I can read your mind unless you allow

me to.”

“You’re sure?”

He shrugged. “As sure as I can be without trying. Once—if—we bond, we’ll likely

link completely, but that’s neither here nor there.”

Crap. She hadn’t even thought about bonding. If they were mates, of course he’d

want to bond. But then he’d definitely be able to read her thoughts whenever he

wanted. Or at least that’s how it was for her sister and her mate. An icy shiver rolled

over her. She couldn’t have him in her head digging around her innermost secrets.

“Okay then.” She stood there feeling incredibly awkward, but she wasn’t sure what else

to say. It was late, she was tired, she’d lost her virginity to the mate she couldn’t be


Power Unleashed

with, and she already missed her sister desperately. With the exception of the mind-

blowing sex, this night sucked.

“Maybe not tomorrow or even this week, but later I’ll take you shopping.”

She frowned at the sudden change of subject. “What? Why?”

He stared at her as if she’d grown two heads. “Because I take care of what’s mine.”

Subconsciously she smoothed her hands over her pants. When he shut the door

behind him, she let out a long breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. The house

was a lot warmer than her sister’s so she changed into a slim-fitting T-shirt and

matching navy shorts. Then she slid under the silky sheet and plush comforter. With

high ceilings and custom crown molding, the guestroom was devoid of personal

decorations, but everything was crisp and clean. There was even a spacious sitting area

near one of the windows complete with a chaise lounge and a small bookshelf full of

recent fiction releases. She felt like she was in a bed and breakfast or a really nice hotel.

As she closed her eyes, she tried to force sleep to come, but it was annoyingly

elusive. She kept picturing Adam’s face, and each time, she felt guilty as hell. Not to

mention, lonely. After what they’d shared together, she’d hoped to at least cuddle with

him for a while, but then she’d freaked out like some sort of maniac. There was no

question she could have handled things better and now she was worried she’d done

irreparable damage. What if he got curious about why she was so insistent he stay out

of her head and started digging deeper into her past?

When an hour had passed and she still couldn’t sleep, she punched her pillow once

more for good measure and slipped from her bed. Peeking out into the hallway, she

found it empty. She listened for a moment and when she didn’t hear any noise, she

hurried toward the stairs, which were also empty. At the bottom stair, she realized she

hadn’t asked Adam where anything was but figured she’d find what she wanted. She

walked across the foyer and through an archway that led into an expansive kitchen.

Everything was state-of-the-art stainless steel and spotless. Most of the appliances

looked new.


Savannah Stuart

There was enough moonlight streaming in through the skylights so she didn’t

bother with the overhead lights. Not to mention she had supernatural night vision. The

refrigerator creaked open, but before she’d pulled it out all the way, she was aware of

another presence. She spun around to find Adam standing in the archway wearing

boxers and a grim expression.

Her throat seized as she stared at his ripped stomach and chest muscles. She

quickly shut the door. “Hi…”

“I heard you get up and wanted to make sure everything was okay.” He turned to

leave, and even though everything inside her told her to shut up, she called out to him.


He paused but stayed turned away from her. Yeah, he was pissed and she didn’t

blame him. Smooth lines and tight muscles accentuated his back and calves. His body

was drool-worthy and her mouth instinctively watered as her gaze narrowed on his ass.

If only he didn’t have those boxers on.

“Are you going to stay mad at me forever?” she asked.

At her question, he turned. It wasn’t anger she saw there but confusion and desire.

He let out a short sigh. “I’m not mad, Paz. I…shit…I don’t even know what to say. You

find out we’re mates and you run away.” His jaw clenched tightly as he abruptly

stopped talking.

Did he think she’d run because she didn’t want him?
Maybe if she let him think that, it

would be easier to keep her distance. Staring into his green eyes, she could feel herself

losing the battle in her head. She needed to stay away from him, but there was an

inexplicable pull every time she was near him. Separation physically hurt. Okay, so

maybe it wasn’t that crazy. Her sister had told her that’s what it was like when she’d

found her mate. It was supposedly just biology but the deep ache was low in her belly

and it pulsed throughout her entire body. She
to be near him. Needed to feel his

hands on her again. “I’m not embarrassed you’re my mate if that’s what you think. The

opposite in fact.”


Power Unleashed

His gaze narrowed as he assessed her face, but some foreign energy rolled off him

and nearly bowled her over.
She couldn’t put her finger on it. Before she could

change her mind she walked toward him until they were barely inches apart. “Can I

sleep in your room tonight?”

At her question, mercurial storm clouds swirled in his eyes, but he nodded. When

he didn’t make a move, she brushed past him and was surprised when he placed his

hand on the small of her back. She was even more surprised that he left it there as they

ascended the stairs all the way to his room. It was almost as if he was making a

statement, but she wasn’t exactly sure what it was yet.

She knew she’d been the one who had screwed up so it would be up to her to get

him talking again. The lights were off, but the curtains on the broad window were

drawn back, giving them plenty of illumination. She frowned when she realized the bed

wasn’t even rumpled.

“Have you gone to sleep yet?” She looked at him as he shut the door behind them.

“No.” He shook his head and nodded at the small desk by the window. A laptop

was on and papers were fanned out.

A sudden wave of apprehension threatened to sway her, but she forced her legs to

move toward the bed. “What side of the bed do you like?”

“Doesn’t matter.” Short, curt and to the point.

A knot formed in her belly as she pulled back the chocolate-colored comforter and

equally dark silky sheet. She slid under the covers and turned on her side as he shut

down his computer. When he got in next to her, she reached out to touch him, but he

tensed so she pulled her hand back. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk so she rolled

onto her other side and stared at the huge curio cabinet against the wall. Asking to sleep

in the same room as him was a dumb idea. She was wound up and now she’d never be

able to sleep.


Savannah Stuart

The bed moved suddenly and before she realized it, he’d slipped his arm around

her waist and pulled her back flush against his chest. “You want to start over?” he

murmured against her ear. His hot breath sent shivers to her toes.

She nodded and shifted so that she was on her back instead of facing away from

him. “I’m sorry—”

He placed a gentle finger over her lips. “No more apologies. We’re starting over.”

His expression was still unreadable, but his eyes filled with undeniable lust. He

might be mad at her, but he still wanted her.

“So we really are mates, huh?” she whispered.

“Afraid so.” He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and lay back against the pillow

but still stayed turned toward her. And he kept that hand across her stomach.

Her shirt was pushed up and she was very aware of the bare skin his fingers idly

caressed. She had no clue what the future held for them or if they’d ever bond, but if he

was her mate she wanted to know more about him. Stephan was right. Before she

condemned Adam, she needed to find out what kind of man he was. “So how did you

get the job as The Council’s enforcer?”

His fingers stilled and tightened against her. He was silent for so long she doubted

he’d answer, so he surprised her when he spoke. “Centuries ago when The Council

formed I handled a few skirmishes between packs and since I don’t have a pack to

speak of, the job fell to me.”

The sadness that rolled off him sent a dagger through her chest. Maybe it was

because they were mates or maybe it was because she’d never fit in well anywhere.

Whatever the reason, she ached for him. “Do you like what you do?”

He shrugged. “It’s my job.”

Not exactly an answer, but she let it slide. For now. She decided to ask something

else that had been weighing on her mind. “Exactly how old are you?”


Power Unleashed

His lips pursed. Under the moonlight streaming in, his face was all harsh lines and

angles. “Roughly five hundred.”

She gasped. He barely looked forty years old. And that was stretching it. “How is

that possible?”

He shrugged again, but this time he didn’t answer at all.

“Does anyone else know?”

“The members of The Council.”

“Shit.” She had more questions, like what had happened to his pack, but suddenly

nothing else seemed that important.
How the hell was he that old?

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone my age. It’s not a secret exactly, but I

don’t spread it around.”

She nodded and stared at the ceiling. She was barely a hundred, but she’d thought

werewolves only lived to be four or five hundred years old. Since she’d never actually

seen one that old, she’d assumed they’d look older. Adam looked younger than Lucas

Lazos, the Alpha of the Lazos pack, and she was pretty sure Lucas was only two

hundred years old. It didn’t make sense. Unless Adam had different magic running

through his blood. Just like her.

“I can see those wheels turning in your head. Shut your eyes and get some sleep.

We’ll talk in the morning,” he murmured.

Technically it was already morning, but she didn’t comment. When he lay on his

back, she shifted and stretched out across his chest. His heartbeat was steady and true.

She could also see his cock was hard as a rock underneath the sheet, but he didn’t make

a move to touch her other than wrapping his arm snugly around her.

For the first time in over a year, she felt safe. Ironic that it was in his arms, but she

didn’t care. As she listened to the thump of his heart, she allowed the blackness of sleep

to engulf her.

* * * * *


Savannah Stuart

Adam opened his eyes as the increasing sunlight crept up over the sheets through

the window. Paz still lay across his chest and every so often, a soft cry erupted from her.

He knew she was battling something in her sleep and needed to get it out. Despite the

wet tears on his chest and the protective need that nearly overwhelmed him, he

refrained from waking her. If she could fight her demons while asleep, it would be

good therapy.

“No—” She jerked up and met his gaze. Her hand was still on his chest. She looked

at it, then him. Her eyebrows snapped down in confusion. “Was I dreaming?”

“Yeah.” He tried to catch his breath as he stared at her. Her dark hair was mussed

around her face. He rubbed his thumb across her cheek, swiping away some of the

wetness. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, but she didn’t look okay. Those dark eyes were haunted and full of so

much sadness. His belly ached as he looked at her. No matter what had gone down

between them yesterday, he couldn’t stand to see her in pain.

Sliding his hand through the curtain of her hair, he cupped the back of her head.

“Come here.” He wanted to give her a chance to say no.

Her lips parted slightly as she realized what he wanted. Without pause she leaned

forward and pressed her mouth to his.

He’d gone to sleep with a hard-on and he’d woken up with one. And it was all for

her. For centuries he’d had complete control of his body. He loved sex as much as the

next wolf, but his fist would do just fine. Hell, it had been all he’d had over the past

couple decades. Now he couldn’t imagine using his rough hand when he had her sweet


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