Power Play [Pleasure Playground 2] (3 page)

BOOK: Power Play [Pleasure Playground 2]
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Her shoulders lifted in a subtle shrug.

"A mean contractor with a hell of a sadistic side. That's who creates a room like this."

He felt the moment she gave in to her fate. Her rigid body posture relaxed a fraction, and the nails digging into his thigh eased their pressure.

"I'm just tired. It's been a long day, and I was looking forward to..."

She stopped before she finished, but it didn't take long to put two and two together and deduce she'd planned on a trip to the club tonight. Probably to relieve her frustration. A wave of possessiveness rolled over him. That she'd reject his offer in favor of a scene with a stranger annoyed the hell out of him. Not to mention he was sick and tired of talking about it. He had to take action.

Daegan brushed her hair to the side, leaned down and bit her skin, right in the curve between her neck and shoulder.

"You're not alone, you know. I had a different idea on how tonight would go."

"You thought I would say yes to becoming your play toy for the next few months?"

She sounded breathless when she said that. He liked that very much. Even better was the way she relaxed into him, her body slowly becoming compliant to his touch. Did she even notice how well she responded to him? He seriously doubted it. If she did, there'd be walls slamming into place before he got in a word edgewise. He wanted her as so much more than a simple plaything, but he'd go on letting her believe differently—for now.

This one needed him to go extra slow when it came to getting to the deep-down submission he craved. If he pushed too hard, she'd go into hiding. So he'd go slow, give her pleasure, make her beg for more, and then... A little training could go a long way.

Daegan drew back and despite the darkness, he envisioned the confused look on her face. The full kissable lips that beckoned him every time he saw her. But most of all, the look in her eyes made it clear her life was missing something fairly major. “You were going to go to Purgatory tonight and play, weren't you?"

"I don—” He placed a fingertip against her lips.

"Yes or no. I don't need an explanation, an excuse, or any other variation of a long answer. Yes or no, Jennifer."

A slow exhale brushed past his finger. “Yes."

"Good girl.” He cupped her chin and lifted her face to his as if they could see each other's eyes. “You can't run this time, love.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, slipping his tongue between her slightly parted lips. The simple kiss quickly intensified when he took her mouth in nothing short of possession. A floodgate in his chest burst open. He pulled her closer and poured every ounce of frustration from the last few weeks into the joining of their flesh. To his surprise, she kissed him back with a fervor equal to his own. Heat, lust, desire, want—everything he'd felt for her flowed between them. He could master her, and this was his way of letting her know it without words. Words scared her, but actions didn't seem to. So he'd spend the night giving her more than she knew she desired.

Daegan didn't hesitate to make his move. He slid his hand up her back and buried it in her hair. With more than a handful, he pulled hard, breaking the kiss and drinking in the loud gasp like music to his ears.

"Tell me what you need tonight.” The whispered words between them lingered in the air.

"I can't,” she whispered, pain echoing in those two words.

"Can't or won't?"

"You don't understand.” The hitch in her voice attacked his resolve.

"Then help me understand. Tell me."

A quiet sob filled the space between them. “I go to the club because it's the only way I know how to erase the noise."

Daegan stilled. Not in a million years did he expect a confession like that. He'd grown so accustomed to her pithy comebacks and angry responses, the truth hit him in the chest like a wicked curveball out of left field. It was important to proceed with caution, but he had to know more. “What noise, love?” He didn't dare loosen his hold on her hair, but he couldn't resist leaning forward to nip at her chin.

"It's all noise. Everything. The constant chaos of life is relentless. I only wanted a few minutes of peace.” Her voice cracked on the last word. Daegan had to fight the impulse to gather her in his arms and soothe away whatever this was. God, he had to tread carefully. If he broke the moment now, he feared there wouldn't be another.

"Jennifer, trust me for tonight. Trust me to help you."

She whimpered, the sound raising the hair on his arms. Her desire for what he offered lived so close to the surface. If only he could get her to admit it. The challenge of it intrigued him beyond anything in a very long time. He wanted—no, needed to do this.

"Just for tonight?"

"Yes. In the morning you'll be free to leave.” If she truly didn't want to stay with him, there wasn't much point to pushing it beyond one night.

"Okay.” Her voice trembled.

A smile pulled at the corners of Daegan's mouth. In the black darkness his other senses had heightened, and even the sound of her breathing thundered in his ears, making his cock hard. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply, letting the scent of her citrus shampoo mingle with the female musk unique to her skin. With her warm and compliant in his arms, it would be so easy to bend her over a bench and fuck. The image of his cock buried in her cunt nearly drove him wild every time he imagined it. He easily imagined her wet, sucking flesh taunting him to go deeper. Daegan bit back a moan. Now that he finally had her right where he wanted her, he wasn't going to waste his time with a quick fuck. If he had his way tonight, and he was certain he would, she'd be begging for more than one night. Clearly he had a new goal, and it started right now.

He tightened his grip on her hair. “Tell me."


"Tell me what you want. It's an easy request."

Silence stretched between them. Without sight he couldn't rely on her facial expressions to tell him what was going through her pretty little head. Instead, he'd have to feel for her body language and listen carefully to her reactions.

"Jennifer,” he warned. “Do I scare you?"

"A little,” she mumbled.

Daegan's heart kicked faster in his chest. Blood rushed through his veins. That soft, sexy-sweet voice turned him a little inside out. He traced his fingers up her arm and along her shoulder before releasing her head so he could use both hands to draw down the zipper of her little dress. He pushed the straps from her shoulders and pulled the fabric down her torso. His hands splayed across the warm skin of her back where he immediately noticed she'd not worn a bra. God, she was like sex on a stick.

He stroked his fingers across her breast, testing to see if she'd stop him. She didn't. He cupped the weight of each breast before he brushed the tight nipples with the pads of his thumbs. Her body jerked in his direction, followed by a low and satisfying moan. She'd yet to verbally tell him what he wanted to hear, but her body nearly screamed with her desire. Daegan blazed a trail along her rib cage, which reminded him she could stand to put on some more weight before they went too far. As rough as he liked to get, he needed her at full strength. He nudged her dress from her hips and let it fall to the floor where he imagined it pooled at her feet.

With her ass revealed, Daegan couldn't resist taking some time to explore the luscious curves. More than once his nighttime fantasies consisted solely of this spot. He traced up and down the split a few times before testing her readiness with a few quick slaps. She gasped and pressed herself closer, encouraging him to continue.

"Clasp your hands behind your back and spread your legs for me.” With no hesitation, she did as he asked. Since she couldn't see his face, he let a wide smile split his lips. He left her like that for several long minutes without touching her. The only sound in the room came from her. Heavy breaths as she waited to find out what he'd do next.

"Daegan?” She sounded unsure if he still stood next to her.

"What?” he asked. One way or another she wouldn't leave this room until she told him what she wanted.

"I...” She stopped again.

"Tell me.” He touched her flat stomach, feeling the muscles jerk when he did. He traced circles along the hills and valleys of her heated flesh, purposely not getting too close to her breasts and pussy. A slight tremor erupted under his hand, and he knew she wouldn't withhold much longer.

"I don't know what you want me to do,” she confessed.

That small admission deserved a reward. Daegan traced the slit of her cunt, elated at the moisture already formed between her legs. He pushed two fingers between her folds and began alternately rubbing and pulling at her clit.

"Does that feel good, Jennifer?” When she didn't respond, he removed his hand.

"Yes,” she breathed, barely a whisper.

He'd take that answer for now. This time he pushed two fingers to her opening and plunged them deep. She met his thrust with a loud cry and grasped his shoulders to hold on to.

"Hands,” he reminded her. She immediately pulled them back, and he wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her steady. Before her body could go too far, he withdrew from her heated flesh and brought his fingers to her mouth. “Open your mouth.” No sooner had he uttered the command, he pushed past her lips and across her tongue. “Lick them clean."

Her sweet little tongue went to work with vigor. In seconds, she lapped every inch of his fingers, not at all offended by her own taste. “You're very wet down there, love. For all those times you've protested against me, your body has made quite the little liar out of you hasn't it?"


Daegan growled. Her simple admission meant the world to him. He pulled his hand from her mouth and tightened her against his frame. He made sure to bend his knees and settle the head of his covered cock at a precise juncture between her thighs. Then he sought her lips in the darkness.

The taste of her pussy exploded in his head. Good God she tasted incredible. In an incredibly exciting move, she kissed him back. A move that drove him mad. His stomach flip-flopped, and his cock throbbed mercilessly. He wanted inside her so fucking bad he thought he might implode if that didn't happen soon. First he took the time to explore her some more. From everything he'd learned about her, he couldn't push too fast. She gave skittish a run for the money. He deepened the kiss and let his hands wander over her entire body. Then he wrapped his hands around her neck and pressed his thumbs into the hollow spot above her clavicles—she kissed him harder in response.

Thank God he'd limited her movement, because if she touched him now, they'd both be lost. The need to be thrusting inside her, rough and wild pulled at his resolve. Instead he focused on discovering more of her. He trailed his hands down her chest and explored the soft texture of her tits and the tight sensation of her bunched nipples. The more he moved, the more he connected with her on an intimate level. Somehow he'd known from the beginning she'd get inside him too fast, but he'd been helpless to resist. The urge to claim her had punched him in the gut the minute he met her. It went beyond the pretty face and the tight body. The emotions she tried to unsuccessfully hide from him drew him like a magnet.

He captured a taut nipple between his teeth and bit down, adding pressure a little at a time. He knew the precise moment he'd hit the sweet spot for her, that perfect mixture of pleasure and pain, when her hips bucked against his cock repeatedly, seeking enough friction to get her off.

Abruptly he released her. “You're not getting what you want that easy, love.” Little did she know he meant that literally as well as figuratively. He groped to his right until his hand landed on the bench that had been strategically placed in the middle of the room.

"Do you have a safe word, love?"


"What is it?"

"Mustang,” she answered.

Of course. He reached back and grabbed her hand. “Come here,” he gruffly ordered. She shuffled a few feet, obviously unsure of herself in the dark. “You're going to lean over this bench and feed your hands into the loops on the legs. I've seen you trussed to this equipment before, so you should know what to do."

"Daegan, wait."

"No.” He pushed between her shoulder blades and lowered her over the leather seat.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Three

Unease gripped Jennifer's stomach at the same time fire erupted between her legs. She'd had no idea how hard this would be without her sight. She'd never once allowed someone to blindfold her, and this was much worse. She couldn't just reach up and rip a cloth from her eyes and watch her world rebalance. Absolutely nothing would take away the darkness until morning.

She took a deep breath and let her mind wander to her normal comfort zone, the place where she was in control despite what happened to her body. On autopilot as if she were at a modeling job, she pushed her hands through the leather restraints and grabbed on to the metal bars. Although no amount of previous experience stopped the tremors shaking her muscles like jelly.

Daegan's big hand cupped her pussy and pressed a finger against her clit with steady pressure that shot pleasure straight to her core. Her head buzzed with sensation.

"Do you really want to stop now?” he asked. She opened her mouth to answer and no words came out. If she said yes, it would only be another lie on top of all the other lies she'd used to try and convince them both she didn't want this.

"How do you feel, Jennifer?"

"I don't..."

He growled before she could finish.

"Yes, you do. Your legs are shaking, your pussy is dripping, and I'll bet your clit aches for me to move my hand like this.” He swept his wicked fingers in a short tight circle over and over again. More pressure built. Her insides tightened in a bright coil. The orgasm she'd fought earlier climbed ever closer. Much more and she'd lose all control, becoming mindless to the pleasure.

Then he stopped as quickly as he started.

"Submission isn't about learning to overcome fear. It's simply accepting it. Fear is your body's natural response to the unknown, and it's not going away. Fear excites you, doesn't it, love?"

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