Power Play [Pleasure Playground 2] (14 page)

BOOK: Power Play [Pleasure Playground 2]
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In the meantime, he had a pissed-off sub tied to his bed, and he wanted to know why. He turned and strode to the bedroom. She'd listened to him and not undone the bindings, but the look on her face spoke volumes.

"I'm taking this off right now.” She seethed.

He glared back at her. “No."

"What? You've got to be kidding me. That woman just—"

"I know exactly what happened, and you're going to listen to what I have to say. No more running, remember? In the meantime, I'd be reconsidering how you speak to me. I'm not feeling particularly generous at the moment."

Her eyes widened. She was pissed with good reason. He moved to the bed and brushed her hair behind her ear. “Cathy blew that way out of proportion."

"I didn't even know you were married. That seems like kind of important information.” She pressed her lips together.

"Scoot over.” He watched her hesitate for a few seconds before finally deciding to obey. She shifted on the bed, and he sat down next to her. “Good girl."

"You still have some explaining to do."

He chuckled. “You're right about that. Although, I think you do too.” He tapped on the leather cuff at her wrist.

She lifted her arm and cupped her wrist. For a few seconds something dark came across her face before she managed to get it back under control. Something had gone very wrong today, and he needed to find out what.

"How long has it been?"

She didn't have to specify; he knew exactly what she meant. “It's been a very long time. Long before I came here and met you."

"Please tell me she lied about me looking like your deceased wife."

Oh boy
. “You resemble her some. Same hair color, same body type, but it's not as close as Cathy would have you believe.” He wrapped his hand around her free wrist and pushed her flat on her back. Rising over her, he watched her body language carefully. “Everything else is different. If Cathy had bothered to listen and spend five minutes with you, she'd have seen the differences. You are wild, untamed with a craving to submit you don't understand yet. You couldn't be more different."

"Why didn't you tell me? That kind of information seems, well... Important."

"I had planned to. Maybe even tonight.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead at the same time he settled between her legs. “Claire is my past. It wasn't that pressing."

"I don't agree.” Her words came out breathless. Obviously his position began having an effect on her.

"Point taken. Now tell me, love. Why are you tied to my bed when I didn't put you there?” He pressed his cock to the apex of her thighs. Her mouth formed a little O and her eyes grew wide. He nudged her clit.

"Daegan,” she gasped.


"I mean, Sir.” She responded breathlessly. “I'm sorry, I can't think straight when you do that."

"Good. Now tell me."

"I—uh—I—I don't want to talk about it.” She averted her eyes.

Daegan cupped her chin and pulled until she was forced to face him. “Did I ask if you wanted to talk about it?"

She didn't respond.

"I can't do my job as your Dom if I don't know everything that is going on with you."

"I'm not a job,” she argued.

Things were going from bad to worse pretty quickly. “That's not what I meant, and I think you know that. I'm guessing something bad happened today and then Cathy—"

"It sucks when you're caught in a lie, doesn't it?” she spat.

He sighed. “Stop trying to use me as your excuse to escape. If you still have an issue with what happened, we'll discuss it like adults.” He tightened his hands on her wrists and her expression immediately changed. Some of the anger slipped, and he saw the desperation underneath.

"I tried to tell you from the beginning I wasn't cut out for this."

"Don't bullshit me, Jennifer. Something happened today that hurt you. Badly enough that you came here and shackled yourself to the bed trying to find some comfort. Now I want to know why."

She started to protest.

"Don't. Fucking. Lie.” He pressed her into the mattress with the full length of his body. She had no idea how close she was to getting flipped on her stomach and fucked in the ass. “There is nothing wrong with taking comfort in submission. What do you think you're doing when you go to the club once a month like clockwork for a flogging?"

"It's fun,” she protested.

"Oh no doubt about that. But that's not why you seek strangers. It's all about easing the pain inside. I bet if I turned you over right now, spanked your ass red, and then fucked you into oblivion, you'd glow like a goddamned night-light."

She started to open her mouth and then quickly clamped it shut.
Smart girl
. He noticed the tears flooding her eyes and practically felt the inner struggle to hold them at bay. Poor baby. She needed him. Just as he needed her.

"There's nothing wrong with being controlled. The need to be safe is a common trait. I want to be the one in control,” he leaned close to her face, “the one who gives you the discipline you need,” he brushed his lips across hers until she shuddered underneath him, “the one who calms your racing mind."

Her body shook, a slight tremble. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that he was right. Not after this. She'd actually come full circle in a matter of days. It stunned him. He'd expected it would take weeks to get this far. He rained kisses down the curve of her neck and across the slope of her shoulder. “What happened, love? Did someone hurt you?"

After the story she'd confessed last night, he'd had to control the impulse to keep her close every minute. He'd thought of her often during the day. Soft skin and willful eyes filled his head.

"I got a call from my family."

His body stiffened and not in a good way. Muscles tightened in his neck to the point of pain. “Who called?” For some reason it mattered to him who she'd spoken to. The pain that led her to his bed had to run deep. This was the source.

"The wicked stepmother, of course."

The sarcasm of her delivery didn't hide the hurt in her eyes, no mattered how hard she tried. The small lines around her mouth and the sadness in her gaze spoke volumes her words didn't. “What did she say?"

"Do we have to do this now? I'm still reeling from your revelations to then have to get into mine."

Daegan compressed his lips into a frown. “Don't try to play me in this. The situation with Cathy is barely a blip."

"A blip?” Her voice rose. “Your lack of honesty is hardly a blip. I get that you're from a different country and all, but c'mon."

He growled deep in his chest. “I'm not going to keep explaining me self over and over, little sub. You entered into this apartment under a clear set of rules, so can the disrespect and tell me what she said."

Jennifer bit her lip, looking undecided whether to snap at him or not. He loved that internal byplay that crossed her face every time he made her uncomfortable. Years of independence and solitude struggled against the desire to let him care for her. She'd learn.

"Apparently my father has been ill, and now that he's recovered, she opted to take today as an opportunity to twist the ever-present knife in my back.” She pulled her bottom lip back into her mouth but not before he caught the slight tremble. So much bluster.

"I'm glad your father is okay now.” He'd heard enough about her family to easily understand why she stood apart from everyone.

"I don't know why I let her get to me so much. She used to regularly pull this crap with me until I knocked her down a few pegs many years ago. She caught me off guard is all. Hell, I didn't even think anyone in my family knew where I worked."

"You aren't like them, you know. You broke free from their narrow-mindedness. I can't imagine that was an easy thing to do, but you did it. You got a job as a fetish model, one who tends to mesmerize everyone, I might add, and you made a success of your life."

"A job you now won't let me do."

"Jennifer,” he warned. “You agreed to this, and you're either in it or you're not."

Her teeth nibbled at her now plump bottom lip. “What do you want me to do? Please tell me. I want you to like me."

Daegan shook his head and released his grip on her wrists. Her face fell. He ignored her reaction and lifted himself from the bed. Good thing he had plenty of tricks up his sleeve. He retrieved a few supplies from the closet and dropped them on the bed. “Spread your legs."

Thankfully, she obeyed without hesitation. He grabbed one leg and attached a cuff to her thigh and then clipped it to the cuff on her wrist.

Her eyes grew wide.

He then added a pretty leather band to her free wrist and tied her to the opposite bed post. Daegan held out his hand for her other leg. With only a hint of hesitation she lifted and placed her ankle in his palm where he proceeded to cuff and attach it to the corresponding wrist restraint. With her legs bent and restrained, he had full and complete access to his lovely new sub without worrying about her fighting him. “This little bed is handier than I expected. Although it needs to be bigger.


"Oh yeah. We need more room than this for proper fucking."

She glanced around her and turned curious eyes his way.

"Just wait, love. There's much more to come.” He took a few seconds to admire the pretty picture she made before he stood and stripped. He eased onto the bed and slipped between her legs.

"I've been waiting for this all day.” He licked his lips. “Pretty pink pussy just for me,” he whispered across her wet folds. “Wet too.” He stroked a finger from clit to opening and swirled through her juices, then slid the tip of his finger inside her.

Jennifer moaned. “Oh, Sir..."

"It's time for a little torture,” he warned with a wicked grin. He wasted no time, licking across her swollen clit repeatedly. Her hands struggled with her bonds. Unless she uttered her safe word, she had nowhere to go. Her eyes slid closed.

"Eyes on me, love. I want you to watch as I wring every ounce of pleasure from you that you think you can have, and then I'll give you some more."

She moaned again, her hips jerking slightly against his mouth. Her restraints offered her very little give. He alternately nibbled and sucked on the sensitive bundle of nerves until she struggled for breath. With teeth and tongue he tormented every nerve ending he could find. He eased his finger in and out of her cunt with precise movements designed to touch her G-spot on every thrust.

"Oh yes!” she exclaimed. “Please...please Sir."

She was responding even better than he'd expected. He added a second finger alongside the first and scissored his fingers to loosen her tight muscles. Everything about Jennifer appealed to him. Her sassiness challenged him, her easy responses drove him wild, and—he breathed deeply—her sweet, musky scent made him want to stay here like this for hours.

Her muscles quivered around his fingers, signaling he needed to slow things down. He withdrew his fingers, ignoring her whimper of protest. His wet fingers slid beyond the opening to the smaller hole of her ass.

"Like that, love?"

"Yes,” she wailed.

"Mmm. I can't wait to fuck you there.” He slipped one finger past the tight ring. “So fucking tight...” He wanted to drag this out, but she'd been so good, all things considered. At this point there was no usefulness in punishing either of them. Their day had gone to shit, but together they'd righted things back to where they belonged. With a finger in her ass, he licked at the succulent flesh of her pussy. Up one side and down the other. Warm, silky flesh against his tongue made his dick swell with the need to be inside her, feeling the hot fist of her pussy squeezing him to release.

"Please, please,” she begged. “I can't take it. I hurt."

"I know, love. Me too.” He flicked across her clit, watching her eyes roll back in her head. Every muscle in his body grew taut. As close as she was, he wasn't far behind her.

"Come now, Jennifer,” he ordered. He clamped her clitoris with his teeth and applied just the right amount of pressure to send her keening over the edge.


The muscles of her anus clamped down on his finger, and he thought he might pass out from the pleasure of it. He quickly withdrew and grabbed a condom from his supplies on the edge of the bed. He tore at the foil and sheathed his cock. In one harsh thrust he impaled her, pushing through the convulsing muscles of her vagina.

Her screams tore through the room as she thrashed underneath him, her legs and arms pulling at the restraints. “Mmm. So tight, love. You feel so good.” He managed to capture her lips for a kiss that muffled some of her screams. Her wet, tight sheath pulled at him rhythmically, more than enough to drive him insane.

He drove deeper, his balls slapping against the soft skin of her bottom. Yes, very soon he'd take her there and drive them both to the edge of their control. The sounds coming from her now were nothing compared to how she'd scream then. Mmm he loved that idea.

Jennifer whimpered and cried for more. She'd gone past pleasure after the first orgasm and now was suspended in an ache of need only he could satisfy. That knowledge filled him with pride. What an amazing woman she'd turned out to be. Despite the recklessness of her family, she'd gotten here all on her own. He'd only nudged her in the direction her instincts had tried to lead her.

The intensity of her heat around him grew too strong. His balls drew up, and the impending orgasm beat at his control. His cock swelled, triggering another orgasm from Jennifer. She spasmed so tight around him he couldn't take it anymore—he gave in to the pleasure engulfing him. He groaned into her neck and buried himself to the hilt, joining her in the incredible sensations.

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Chapter Twelve

The next morning Jennifer stayed in the bathroom much longer than she needed to. She stared at her body in the big mirror on the wall, turning to see all of the marks Daegan had left on her. Faint lines on her ass, a little chafing at her wrist, and a few minor bruises strategically placed here and there across her skin. No wonder he didn't want her to model. The man liked to play rough and with this many markings, she'd be useless at work unless Chase incorporated them into the shoot.

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