Power Game (128 page)

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Authors: Hedrick Smith

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Max Lerner, foreword to Niccolo Machiavelli,
The Prince and The Discourses
(New York: Modern Library, 1950), p. xxvi.

One of the most perceptive scholars of American government, Richard Neustadt of Harvard University, wrote. “The substance is important, never doubt it, for that is what the game is all about. But so is the personal element.… The personal is tightly interwoven with the institutional. It is a rare player who can keep the two distinct, much less view both apart from substance.” See Richard E. Neustadt,
Alliance Politics
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1970), pp. 76, 78.


John F. Kennedy, in Theodore C. Sorensen,
Decision-Making in The White House: The Olive Branch or the Arrows
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1963), foreword.

Howard Baker, interview with the author, January 14, 1986.

Larry Crowley and Charlie Welch, interviews with the author’s researcher Lauren Simon Ostrow, April 22, 1986.

Many Americans assume this military aide is a mythical figure, but reporters traveling with the president do see him, and White House aides talk of his presence matter-of-factly.

, May 6, 1982, p. 1.

Strange as these security precautions may strike the ordinary reader, this account comes directly from my interview with Senator Baker, January 14, 1986.

These details on the size of the presidential traveling caravan came from the Reagan White House Press Office and the White House Transportation Office.

Michael Deaver, interview with the author, February 4, 1986.

Al Kingon, interview with the author, April 9, 1986.

Margaret Truman,
Harry S. Truman
(New York: William Morrow, 1973), pp. 551–552.

Richard E. Neustadt,
Presidential Power
(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976), p. 101.

Newt Gingrich, interview with the author, January 29, 1986.

The Washington Post
. December 15, 1985, p. C1

Richard Darman, interview with the author, April 5, 1985. Walter Bagehot is a nineteenth-century British political essayist.


The Wall Street Journal
, April 13, 1973, p. 10.

Stuart Eizenstat, interview with the author, August 8, 1986.

See Michael Malbin,
Unelected Representatives: Congressional Staff and the Future of Representative Government
(New York: Basic Books, 1980), pp. 10–19; and Norman J. Ornstein et al.,
Vital Statistics on Congress, 1984–85 Edition
(Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy, 1984), pp. 116–127

Richard Conlon, interview with the author, January 12, 1986.

After the 1986 election, Helms got himself reestablished as the “ranking Republican”—in effect, shadow chairman—on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by invoking seniority over Richard Lugar, the Indiana Republican who had chaired the Foreign Relations Committee since 1984 when Helms had chosen to chair the Agriculture Committee.

Dan Quayle,
Congressional Record
, September 12, 1984 p. S10958

Thomas Eagleton,
Congressional Record
, November 23, 1985, vol. 131, # 163.

Tommy Boggs, interview with the author, March 27, 1986.

Morris Udall, interview with the author, January 23, 1986.

Henry Brandon, interview with the author, November 4, 1985.

Barbara Gamarekian, interview with the author, February 18, 1986.

Morris Udall, interview with the author, June 23, 1986

David Pryor, interview with the author, March 13, 1986.

Bob Rota, interview with the author’s researcher Kurt Eichenwald, April 13, 1986.

Arthur Levitt, interview with the author, April 20, 1986.

Fred Wertheimer, interview with the author, March 18, 1986.

These figures come from the Federal Election Commission.

Both parties have national committees, separate campaign committees for the House and Senate, and mount special drives for presidential conventions. These figures, from a report of the Federal Election Commission, cover funds raised for the 1983–84 election cycle. Figures for the 1986 races are lower than 1984 because it was not a year of a presidential election.

Studley Report
, December 1986, Washington edition.

Mabel Brandon, interview with the author, March 17, 1986.

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