Post-Human Series Books 1-4 (18 page)

Read Post-Human Series Books 1-4 Online

Authors: David Simpson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Alien Invasion, #Anthologies, #Colonization, #Cyberpunk, #Exploration, #Military, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Metaphysical & Visionary, #Space Exploration, #Science Fiction, #science fiction series, #Sub-Human, #Trans-Human, #Post-Human, #Series, #Human Plus, #David Simpson, #Adventure, #Inhuman

BOOK: Post-Human Series Books 1-4
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“You’re kidding.”

“I’m not particularly comfortable with humor at the moment, Craig,” the A.I. replied, “so I avoid ‘kidding,’ as you put it. Unfortunately, I am quite serious.”

“I’m going to see my own SOLO jump?”

“We should be appearing on the ground to witness the confrontation between you and the MAD robot known as Robbie. Then we will witness the destruction of the Chinese A.I. by a tactical nuke not long afterward.”

Craig placed a hand on his forehead and shook his head. “Why would Aldous possibly have wanted to see that?”

“It’s one of history’s most important events,” the A.I. replied before adding, somewhat uncertainly, “amongst other possible, more personal reasons.”

“Other reasons? What are you talking about?”

“As I’ve said, Craig, since I have not yet passed the Turing test, my understanding of human psychology is purely objective. Please keep that in mind when listening to my theory.”

“Noted,” Craig replied impatiently. “Go ahead.”

“Have you noticed any similarities between the three worlds we’ve visited so far?”

“Yeah,” Craig nodded. “I’ve noticed a whole lot of people on the verge of dying in each one.”

“But beyond that,” the A.I. responded, “have you noticed a certain pattern in the events?”

“Just cut the bull. What are you driving at?”

“In my opinion, Aldous chose these events because they have a particular fascination for him. Both the
disaster and 9/11, it can be argued, are examples of magnificent human achievement thwarted. The
was the world’s largest ship, and the most technologically advanced human-built structure in the world when it sank. Similarly, the World Trade Center buildings were the tallest in the world at the time of their completion. Also, it can be argued that the
and the Twin Towers were the ultimate symbols of both the British and American empires, and both empires crumbled shortly after those important, yet devastating events.”

“But the Chinese didn’t have an empire. They’d been isolated.”

“True, but empire was their goal. Indeed, their A.I. was that civilization’s crowning achievement—before it was destroyed.”

“So you’re saying Aldous has a fascination with tragedy?”

“I think a man who has spent his entire life trying to cure death and give birth to strong artificial intelligence could certainly be accused of a degree of hubris, wouldn’t you agree?” the A.I. asked rhetorically. “I think Aldous is drawn to these events because they are examples of magnificent technological achievement—yet they are also the embodiments of the myth of Icarus—humanity reaching too far, going too close to the sun and, therefore, drawing too close to the gods in a sense. Surely you can see why this story might apply to Aldous. He must subconsciously fear that he, too, will face Icarus’s fate.”

Craig nodded impatiently. “Okay, so Aldous is a freak. I knew that already. Luckily, while you were giving your psychoanalysis, I was coming up with a plan.”


“My plan is to go to the next universe, save my SOLO team, destroy the Chinese A.I., and then bring a couple of them back with us to Universe 1.”

“Members of your SOLO team?” the A.I. reacted, surprised.

“Yes. They’re heavily armed. It would give us a fighting chance once we get back home.”

“May I remind you, Craig, that the SOLO worked
the Purist government? Their stated mission is the destruction of strong A.I.—not the preservation of it.”

“After we save their butts and help them destroy the Chinese A.I., I’m sure they’ll be happy to return the favor. I’ll just need to explain a few things.”

The A.I.’s expression was one of dubiousness.

“Trust me. I know these guys,” Craig said reassuringly.

“That sounds familiar.”

“Ha! An attempt at sarcasm. And you said you never kid.”

Craig stepped onto the Planck platform, careful not to step on either Paine or Degrechie in the process. He clapped his hands together once again and exhaled excitedly, shaking out his arms and rolling his neck as he prepared for yet another universe jump. “Okay. I’m ready. Let’s do this, Hoss.”

“As you wish,” the A.I. replied before activating the platform once again.


Craig had forgotten how hellish the terrain of Shenzhen was on the lip of the impact crater. The fallout had not yet receded, and the sun was blocked by the dust cloud that enveloped them.

“I’m keeping the platform’s magnetic field active to protect the Purists from the radiation,” the A.I. said.

“I guess I’ll have to activate my field as well once I step off the platform.”

“Actually, that won’t be necessary. Your nans are capable of repairing any physical damage that the radiation may cause.”

“Nice,” Craig replied, impressed. “What time is it? How long do we have?” Craig asked.

“I would need to see the position of the sun—”

“Done,” Craig replied immediately as he ignited his cocoon and flew straight up through the dust cloud. In seconds, they emerged and entered the sunshine.

“We’ve arrived after your SOLO jump began,” the A.I. informed Craig. “They’ll be here in two minutes and four seconds.”

“The Chinese A.I. hacked our HUDs and threw us all off course. We were supposed to open just above the crater—”

“Yes, it is all contained in the historical record,” the A.I. interrupted.

“We have to catch them. Can we do that with the magnetic field?”

“I’m afraid not,” the A.I. replied. “In the future, the technology will have more capability, but as of yet, the protective cocoon and the flat wall we used to push the
are the only shapes the fields can take.”

“Can we use the flat surface—”

“Like a giant trampoline? I’m sorry, Craig, the technology does not, as of yet, have that capability.”

“So what do I do?”

“You’ll have to find a way to make them open their parachutes earlier.”

“Heh,” Craig scoffed as he blasted upward, streaking to meet his SOLO team and his double, “thanks for the help.”

A second later, Craig’s HUD suddenly went blank, before briefly turning back on and then going blank once again.

“Uh, my HUD just went down,” Weddell stated in controlled alarm.

“Mine too,” Craig replied.

“We’re all down,” Wilson quickly realized. “We’re gonna have to open high and do it manually!”

Then, just as suddenly as they had flashed off, the HUDs came back online.

“I’m back up!” Craig shouted.

“Is everyone back up?” Wilson shouted.

Each member of the team confirmed.

“Okay! Then we stick to the original plan. Adjust to thirty-five degrees!”

Craig watched the time to opening tick down on his HUD. They were now only a minute away from their computer-controlled low opening. Their speed was slowing, but something didn’t feel right.

“Commander, have the onboard SOLO systems ever glitched like this before?” Craig asked.

“No. This is a first,” Wilson replied.

“Then I recommend we do a high manual—”

“Cut the chatter, Doc!” Wilson shouted. “Concentrate!”

The yellow dust covering the ground was closing in below them, its surface gleaming in the sunlight as it crawled like a yellow, living fog.

Then, suddenly, something else became visible. A green light, growing larger by the second, was coming toward them, seemingly emerging from the dust below.

“We’ve been compromised!” Wilson shouted as soon as he saw the luminescent projectile moving in. “Break formation! Break formation!” he screamed out.

The SOLO team members broke away from each other, hoping to evade the unknown weapon that was quickly bearing down on them.

Unfortunately for Craig, the evasive maneuver did nothing to help him. The green missile had a bead on him, moving intelligently to match his speed and trajectory, and impact was imminent. The horrifying reality suddenly reached into Craig’s skull and laid its frozen fingers over his brain. “Oh no,” he whispered.

And then, just as all seemed lost, the projectile stopped only a meter in front of him and he saw, what appeared for a moment to be his reflection on its surface. When the reflection moved its lips and urgently gestured for Craig to pull his chute release, he realized this was something else—something bizarre—something fantastic.

With twenty seconds left before his computer-controlled opening was scheduled, Craig pulled the emergency lever, and his chute billowed out above him. When his drop speed settled into a gentle descent, the green light suddenly disappeared, and Craig was left looking at his reflection, unobscured.

“Hey there,” it said. “We need to talk.”


“How am I hearing you over my com link?” Craig’s twin asked him.

“I’ve got a computer in my brain,” Craig replied. “They call it the mind’s eye. I’m using it to connect to your com system.”

“A computer in your brain? That technology doesn’t exist. I’d know if it did.”

“It doesn’t
. I’m from the future.”

Craig’s twin was momentarily dumbfounded. He looked down at the yellow dust cloud that was quickly approaching and then back up at Craig. “What kind of trick is this?”

“It’s not a trick,” Craig replied. “Look, I’m not an illusion. Trust me—I’m from the future. I know what happens down there, and it doesn’t go well. I’m here to help you.”

Craig’s twin looked down at the dust once again. He knew they’d be entering it in seconds. “That’s heavy fallout we’re about to enter,” he warned.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m good,” Craig replied. “You’re the one who’s in danger. The Chinese A.I. is still active.”


“It survived. It’s going to hack into Robbie and use it to kill your SOLO team. We’ve got to stop it.”

“Robbie? Damn it,” Craig’s twin cursed as the yellow dust swallowed them.

The ground appeared a moment later, and they landed. The chute automatically ejected and disappeared into the cloud. “What about my team? Where are they?”

“I’m not sure,” Craig replied as he held his hand in front of his eyes to shield them from the dust. “When I spooked you guys, I changed the course of events. In my universe—”

your universe?
I thought you said you’re from the future?”

“I did,” Craig replied, “and I am—it’s complicated. Look, in my universe, the Chinese A.I. caused the glitch in your telemetry—”

“I knew it!”

“Yes, and Wilson hit the ground hard. Robbie stole your exoskeleton and your weapon and used it to kill the rest of the team.”

“And you? I”

Before Craig could answer, he was interrupted by a short burst of gunfire not far behind him. He turned, stunned.

“Did that come from my team?” the twin asked. “Did they find Robbie?”

“That was Purist ammunition, Craig,” the A.I. warned. “It was located near our Planck platform.”

“How?” Craig asked, astonished as he squinted, struggling to peer into the dust. “I thought we knocked out their electrical systems.”

“It’s almost certain that the Chinese A.I. managed to reactivate them and has commandeered one of the Purists, Craig. You and your doppelganger need to proceed with extreme caution.”

“Commandeered? How? They’re people.”

“With cybernetic prosthetics, controlled by a hackable system.”

“Oh my God,” Craig replied before turning to his twin. “We’re in trouble. We need to get out of—”

“Watch out!” Craig’s twin suddenly shouted as he watched an uncanny figure emerge from out of the yellow dust behind Craig.

Before Craig had a chance to react, the Purist neutralizer had hit him from behind, instantly knocking him to the ground and suspending his powers. As his face hit the dusty ground, he watched as his twin removed his rifle from its holster on his back, only to have it knocked out of his hand by the first of several bullets to enter his body.

Craig listened to the sound of his own voice screaming in his ears. “No!” he shouted as he watched his twin fall to the ground, dozens of bullets riddling his torso, each steaming as their searing heat was expelled from deep inside the wounds.

Craig turned onto his back and watched as Colonel Paine moved toward him with his rifle drawn, the barrel still smoking.

“It’s not me, Doc!” Paine shouted as he squirmed, thrashing his body in an attempt to regain control. “Something’s got control! It shot Degrechie! Christ!”

“No,” Craig whispered as he realized that he’d run out of lives. Without his MTF functioning, there was no way to protect himself. He closed his eyes. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you,” he whispered to the A.I. as he waited for the same fate that had met his twin.

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