Post-Apocalyptic Nomadic Warriors (32 page)

BOOK: Post-Apocalyptic Nomadic Warriors
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The truth is painful(ly funny)

Have you been following me, Mr. Wallace? Is it possible you’ve been spying on me!?!?! The opening page of Dumb White Husband leads one to believe that this is a fictional work, but I know better. Your observations are spot on. I laughed my ass off. Can’t wait for the next installment.”


Dumb White Husband vs. Halloween (A Short Story)


Great short story. As a Dumb White Husband I approve.

“I had been looking forward to this short story since I heard the title on Twitter. I finished reading Ben’s other story, Dumb White Husband vs Grocery Store, and could not imagine how he could top that. The more and more I read, the more I laughed. I chose to read this story in the middle of my lunch break and the people around me must have thought I had lost my mind as I was laughing so much. I could see the story being played out. I do not want to spoil it, but I have never been looking to forward to Halloween so much in my life. Ben, I could see this being an every holiday event. What would the Dumb White Husband do to top this…is that Santa I see in his future……please say yes.”


Tortugas Rising


A class unto itself

“Yet again Wallace has proven that he is the master of the irreverent action packed novel! His protagonists are just 2 regular Joes put into a scenario that defies explanation and rise to the occasion, all the while providing some genuine belly laughs. I defy any one not to crack up during the Rhino scene! With all that being said he also paces the story and keeps the dialog and action moving at a frantic pace. I literally read this book in one setting, it was that gripping. Is it War and Peace? No but for what it is it is definitely a standout in his genre (I dare you to define it!) I look forward to more!”


A page turner

“Not really, as there are no pages but I think I sprained my thumb from moving ahead on my kindle. Seriously, it was hard to put down. If you are looking for an action packed story with humor, this is it.”


“Just plain fun!”

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