Possessed by a Stranger (5 page)

Read Possessed by a Stranger Online

Authors: Jeny Stone

Tags: #erotica, #fate, #contemporary romance, #strong female, #alpha male, #dominate male, #99 cent book, #chance meeting

BOOK: Possessed by a Stranger
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Her hips pressed
against his hand, with two of his fingers deeply
massaging inside her. He withdrew his hand, leaving her gasping
uncontrollably. He reached over to his bedside table and retrieved
a condom from the top draw.

She watched with fascination as he opened the
wrapper with his teeth. He rolled the ring of protection over his
extremely large shaft. It was larger than she imagined but the
condom covered its thickness easily. He rolled over on top of her.
Her legs eagerly widened as he positioned himself. The muscles
lining her tunnel pulsated inviting the invasion. He used his hand
to place the tip of his manhood inside her throbbing opening. The
sensation was vastly exciting giving her hope he would fit inside

After he leaned over her,
he trapped her arms out to the sides of her head with a firm
She drew in her breath in a long
gasp as if it were her last.

“Don’t worry. I will be easy, the first time.
But after that, you are mine for the taking, over and over again.”
His look was lethally intense confirming his statement. She knew it
to be true and, Oh God, help her, she hoped so.

He slowly and gently glided his manhood
inside her, penetrating untouched territory. Her lips pressed
tightly together to suppress any outcry. The piercing stab was
sharply painful yet satisfyingly filling. Hannah wrapped her legs
around his thighs, accepting his gentle entry. Her tight inner
walls stretched to accommodate the invasion of his thickness. He
groaned deep and long with his narrowed eyes boring into hers. She
felt his massive body shudder against hers. The sharp pain quickly
subsided, leaving her filled with the amazement of surrounding his

The intimate moment was beyond anything she
could imagine. They were joined perfectly, both of them intimately
vulnerable, bound by ravishing bodily desires. His weight confined
her, along with the pressure of his grip on her arms. Her desires
returned to an extremely volatile state of a lustful thirst for

Suspended above her he released her arms to
hold her face. His eyes locked onto hers. “Keep your eyes open.”
His gut deep voice seeped through his clenched teeth. With his
torso suspended over her, he glared into her eyes. His hips rose as
he slid partially out of her. He pushed his hips forward

Hannah fought to keep her fluttering lids
from relinquishing to clamping shut. The motion of his thrusts
teased her desires. Nerves deep inside her sparked as his manhood
caressed her walls. Her fingers dug into his flexing biceps,
wanting the in and out motion to continue forever. Ecstatic spasms
shot up her body as his thrusts pushed her closer to ecstasy.

She was besieged with the glorious bliss his
manhood reverberated through her body. His thrust had started slow
and easy but quickly intensified. His balls caressed her buttocks,
bouncing with pleasure. His neck extended like a howling wolf as he
emitted a loud groan. Her hips grinding against him pushed her over
the edge. She gasped, and then screamed, as her body was engulfed
in an orgasmic tidal wave. The spasms of her tunnel walls
intensified from being stretched around his pulsating release. He
pushed hard against her as their bodies twitched and shuddered,
stuck together with the sweet perspiration of satisfaction.

Hannah gasped to breathe not remembering
taking a breath during the rapturous loss of her virginity.

He teased her lips with several soft kisses
then nuzzled her neck while he caught his breath. The bed trembled
from his arms sinking into the mattress supporting his weight. The
intimacy of the moment overwhelmed her. A warm glow seeped through
her skin cocooning them both. He was the perfect man to introduce
her to her bodily desires.

Together, they had shared a pleasure she
didn’t think possible. She wanted him to stay on top of her so her
ill thought out encounter wouldn’t end. Much to her dismay, he
rolled, or more like flopped since the bed shook, onto his back. He
removed his condom to dispose of it in the wastebasket beside the

His exclamation of “Good God, woman!” made
her hopeful she had at least done it right. From her body’s reeling
reaction and the fact that she laid there recuperating she knew he
had done everything perfectly.

As her vital signs returned to normal and her
mind settled back into her head, Hannah realized she was out of her
realm. With only her friends sexual disclosures as a guide for a
one night stand, she wasn’t clear on what happened next. Never in
her wildest imagination had she expected to be in this situation.
She had heard everything from “she just wouldn’t leave” to “he
didn’t even pay for my cab“. Oh screw it…she decided to ask.

She was totally nude in a stranger’s bed. He
had seen and touched every intimate part of her. What could she
possibly say that would be any more embarrassing?

Hannah turned sideways resting her head on
her bent arm. Her mystery man was stretched full length on the bed.
His chest rose then fell with each lung filling breath. There was
definitely a smile on those wonderful lips. “I’m not sure what the
protocol is in these situations. Am I supposed to leave now?”

His smile widened before he jerked his torso
sideways facing her. He pushed her onto her back leaning over her.
A low chuckle stayed in his throat. “No you don’t leave yet. I am
nowhere near done with you. Is there a reason you didn’t mention
this was your first time before we were in bed?” His eyes danced
above his parted lips.

She sheepishly rolled her eyes as if
searching the ceiling for a plausible answer. “I didn’t think you
would notice?” That sounded more believable than the truth, which
was “I have no frigging idea.” Her reason was mute with the
ecstatic results. This was a night she would never regret or

“You thought wrong. I could have hurt you if
I had fucked you the way I wanted to. I can assure you, there
wouldn’t have been as much control. You won’t be as tight the next
time. So don’t expect slow and gentle. I did however, expect
tears.” He teased her with a ring of smug amusement in his

A graciously gratified smile possessed her
lips. Tears… he must be out of his frigging mind after what he just
did and how he made her feel. “With the smile you just put on my
face, I think you eliminated any chance of tears.” For the second
time in the same day, she repressed the urge to scream “thank you”
to a man.

He rolled over her, touching and rubbing her
body with his, before he stood on her side of the bed. She was
slightly disappointed he hadn’t settled back in for a repeat
performance. Good God, what was wrong with her?

“Now, that your obstacle is out of the way,
let’s get you cleaned up so I can show you what you’ve been
missing.” He extended his hand toward her completely devoid of any
modesty. Even in a relieved state his manhood was husky.

Hannah bolted upright in the bed. “Let’s?”
Had she heard him correctly and what did he mean by let’s? She laid
naked for the first time in front of a man, a stranger, and he
wanted to bathe with her. That seemed like an invasion of her
privacy, which of course was utterly insane after what they just
did, but no less unnerving. Even with her flustered state caused by
his scandalous proposal, the fact there was going to be a repeat
sparked her interest. Hannah flopped backwards with her head
sinking into the pillows. She smiled into the face of the man that
possessed her. She was beyond redemption unable to resist his

He chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t get
bashful on me now. There’s no reason to waste good shower time and
I’ve seen and tasted everything.” His hands cupped under her arms
and she found herself lifted out of the bed like a rag doll. His
strength commanded her compliance. With his hands under her arms,
he pressed her into his warm moist body and kissed her with a
tenderness he hadn’t shown before. His kiss was soothing,
appreciative and just as arousing.

He guided her into the bathroom as large as
her bedroom. The massive mirrors duplicated the image of two naked
bodies. They looked good together, although his large stature made
her feel smaller than her actual size. His potent strength should
be intimidating, but she felt protected and extremely aroused. The
clear-glassed shower door was open. He reached inside to turn on
the water.

“I like it hot and I don’t want anything to
cool you down. We need to make sure the bleeding has stopped. Are
you hurting?” He handed her a wash cloth.

“I feel fine. It only hurt for a moment
when…well, you know. I hate cold showers.” God, he was an Adonis.
Now that she knew what he could do with that body, nothing would
cool her down. Her desires ran amuck, totally out of her control.
Just standing beside him naked drove her crazy with her need to
touch him.

“You can say it…when I took your virginity.
As a matter of fact, I want to hear you say it.” His arm embraced
her against his body. “Say it” He commanded in a lusty tone.

Hannah grasped his forearms pressing into
him. “When you took my virginity.”

The wolfish gleam returned to his eyes. She
felt his shaft become rigid upon hearing her words. Her body
tingled with exhilaration experiencing the power of her sexuality.
His eyes quizzically gauged hers. “Should I thank you?” She

“Oh, I plan on you thanking me over and over.
You’re going to love this shower.” He tested the water temperature
with his hand. He stepped inside the marble lined shower pulling
her with him and shut the door. A slap of his hand against the
controls turned on enough water to put out a burning building.

Pulsating, rotating water jets squirted out
of the three stationary walls. Magic water fingers searched every
inch and crevasse on her body. Her gleeful laugh echoed off the
walls. “This isn’t a shower, it’s a water park.”

Blood washed from her inner thighs. He gazed
from her eyes down to the source of the concern on his face. The
only privacy in the confinement of the shower was turning her back
toward him, which she did. She wiped the wash cloth between her
legs. She was anxious to check for any further loss of blood. The
amount on her thighs wasn’t in a heavy menstrual range but wasn’t
in the small scrape range either. The washcloth didn’t produce any
more blood. She turned around to see his amused smile.

“I’m fine. The bleeding has stopped.” She
reported embarrassingly realizing with his height he had a bird’s
eye view over the top of her head.

“Then let’s play. If you feel any discomfort
tell me. I won’t enjoy having you if you don’t enjoy what I’m
doing.” He turned her around and slipped his arm around her waist,
crushing her against him. His hand skimmed over the fluff on her
womanly mound to between her legs. “I appreciate a neatly cropped
runway. Your extensive bikini wax was surprising under the

She slid one foot
on the slippery bottom of the shower
to allow his hand complete access. Her arms entwined his with her
hands touching the flexing muscles on his forearms. She settled
into him. “It was a gift. Spa day and body wax with the girls.
That’s one wedding gift I won’t be returning.” The Brazilian wax
may have been worth it after all. She had endured the excruciating
pain in preparation of her wedding night. Her stranger deserved the
benefits since he provided more enjoyment than she knew Jay ever

“Was that on your wedding registry? I’ll have
to remember to look for it the next time I get a wedding
invitation. The groom would get a lot of enjoyment out of that gift
and it beats the hell out of a toaster.” His fingers glided in
between her lower lips.

Her head rolled against his chest feeling the
tremors spark yet again. Her hands dug into his arms. “That depends
on which… Oh oh….” His finger slipped inside her. “end of the hair
ripping you are on.” She finished her statement gasping for breath.
The water sensually caressed her body as she glided her body over

His hands moved to her
waist putting a halt on her motion. She felt the length of his
hardness press into her back. He stepped back turning her to face
him. He nibbled her lips as he moved her hand to his engorged
manhood. She felt the tightly stretched skin as her hand glided
over his shaft. “It’s so soft.” The surprise of the smooth texture
the words out of her mouth. She
felt the flood of embarrassment heat her cheeks.

He chuckled breathing deeply responding to
her hands movements. “I hate to disappoint you, but it doesn’t get
much harder.”

She smiled slyly noticing the glaze in his
wolfish eyes. He enjoyed her touch, a lot. “I meant the skin.” Her
hand circled his manhood sliding over the protruding veins. He
cleared his throat and she felt his muscles tighten.

His arousal was as stimulating as when he
touched her. She now understood why he liked to watch her eyes.

A ravenous glare bored into her eyes as he
crushed her against him with one arm. His mouth devoured hers,
hungrily demanding. His use of brute strength escalated her into an
erotic frenzy. He picked her up with his arm supporting her hips.
Her legs wrapped around him and her hands pressed against the back
of his head. She was hot, wet and needy all over again. He slid
open the shower door carrying her out of the bathroom to the

True to his word, he showed her what she had
missed repeatedly. He took pleasure in pleasing her, strumming her
body like a well-tuned guitar, producing a glorious song that
touched her soul. He was gentle, demanding, forceful, and generous;
whatever she needed him to be. By his reactions to her touch and
mouth she believed she had done the same for him.

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