Positive/Negativity (5 page)

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Authors: D.D. Lorenzo

BOOK: Positive/Negativity
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“You said your Dad
a jack of all trades. Is he no longer with you?”

I felt that I was treading on thin ice.

“My dad died last month, but my mom is still alive. I came to the beach after I lost him.” Again, I saw tears threaten to fill her eyes.

I was leaning against the wall, and I instinctively reached out for her hand.

“I’m really sorry about your dad,” I said.

I covered her small hand with my own, giving it a comforting squeeze.

She looked as if she were attempting to fight a storm that was about to unleash inside of her.

“Thank you,” she barely whispered. “I think I should go.” She dropped my hand and turned to start toward the door. The rain had turned into a drizzle, and I knew there was no talking her into staying.

“Aria, wait. I didn’t mean to upset you.” I tried to say in the most apologetic tone I could muster.

She stepped out onto the porch and instantaneously had composed herself. The transformation was immediately detectible.

“Declan, thank you for the coffee,” she said as she looked up into my face. I must have looked a little confused. To tell the truth, I was. She smiled a slight smile and said, “Really, it isn’t you. I just need to be going.”

I thought that I had to make a desperate attempt to salvage this or I might never see this girl again.

“What if I take you out for coffee sometime? I promise I won’t put my foot in my mouth or anything. You pick the topics for discussion. I’d just really like to see you again.” She looked very hesitant, so I put on my most pathetic and pleading expression and said, “Please?”

Maybe my pathetic appeal moved her. Maybe the rain gods were smiling. Hell, maybe her dad felt sorry for me and intervened. Whatever it was, the next few words from Aria were the best I could hope for.

“Okay. I have some things I’m taking care of, but coffee sounds good. Pick me up at The Blackjack?” she said, giving me a ray of hope.

I nodded like a schoolboy. “Perfect. It’s a date,” I said.

Then she turned to leave, but before she did, she gave me the beautiful smile I was hoping for.



…and as Aria walked back to the Blackjack, she thought that the morning’s events were more than she could have hoped for…



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The days and weeks hadn’t passed uneventfully. I watched Aria on the beach during her walks. Occasionally I would join there, but at times I thought it best to leave her to her thoughts. She would wave and I always nodded back and raised my cup in acknowledgment. Sometimes she would walk up to the house when she saw me, and we would chat for a few moments. She had even accepted a cup of coffee a few times. I was a patient man in most things, but truthfully the anticipation of this date was killing me! Our conversations were becoming more familiar, but I desired more and was looking forward to going out with her. This girl captured my interest more than any supermodel, heiress, or movie star ever had. I was as drawn to Aria as positive is to negative. I couldn’t be certain of what the attraction was, but she magnetized me. I needed to be near her, whether casually talking or from fifty yards away. I was, however, looking forward to being near her today. There was electricity when I was close to her. Anticipating our date I was happy that, finally, that day had arrived.

There are sixteen steps that lead from the sidewalk to the door of The Blackjack. I had walked up to meet Aria for our date, and I looked up at all the steps of the old beach house. The odd thing about a resort town is that there’s a sign in front of almost every building with the name the owner had given it. The Blackjack was no exception. It looked like it had been built in the nineteen-twenties, much like my own house. As I climbed the stairs, I saw that it had the comfortable Adirondack chairs on the porch, again like my own. I opened the screen door and knocked. I was anxious to see Aria. My beautiful girl quickly came to the door.

“Hi,” she said with a big, gorgeous smile that almost knocked me flat.

“Hi yourself. These are for you.” With a look of surprise she reached out.

“Oh, thank you, so much! How did you know I loved daisies?” she said and reached to kiss me on the cheek.

She had to hold on to my arm to balance herself. Never had I been so happy for such a platonic gesture, and I knew I had a schoolboy grin on my face.

This was a different Aria than I’d seen before. She was beautifully dressed; casual, but lovely. I had only gotten to view her with sports clothes, such as sweatpants, and messier hair. This look was even more pleasing, if that were possible. Her hair had soft waves all down her back, and she had one side tucked behind her ear. She had a white linen top, black jeans, and black sandals. This was such a contrast to the wild, windswept girl I had seen on the beach for so many days. I found that both looks appealed to me.

“I hope you don’t mind walking. I thought we would just go up the street for coffee. The Daily Grind is pretty good. Is that okay with you?”

“Sounds great,” and we started to cross the street so that we could walk the scenic route up the Boardwalk.



“Do you want to get us a table?” Aria nodded her head and went toward a spot by the window.

“Two coffees; one black, and another with three sugars—extra cream.” Aria heard my order and smiled at me.

When I had paid and brought the coffees to the table, she smiled and said, “You remembered.”

“Well, of course I did. It’s
, remember? Isn’t this a treat?” And with that answer, I was rewarded with another one of her smiles.

Aria was a vision that I’d never grow tired of, and I found it hard to keep my eyes from roaming over every inch of her body. She had placed her hand in mine as we walked, and I felt an instantaneous protectiveness for her come over me. The intimate gestures, ever so slight, were appealing to my inner caveman. Most of the women I knew were bold and aggressive. She was none of that. Looking into her face gave me a raw pleasure. She made me feel my masculine, alpha male nature on the most basic level. When I said something that would make her blush, it only served to make me desire to know her more personally and intimately. I don’t remember seeing anyone blush in a long time. It was refreshing. Her eyes were constantly changing color; captivating me with their never-ending display. They were doing so right now. The appropriate, old fashioned word for Aria would be “delightful”…



Declan was a bit more reserved in the verbal department than me. I felt I needed to start this conversation to avoid any awkwardness. Physically, I felt the same magnetism to him that I had when I was in his house. I could feel heat and color creeping up my neck and cheeks, and looking at him was making me very, very warm.

“What type of work do you do?”

“I’m a model,” he replied. He waited for a few moments as if he was waiting for a response from me. When he was satisfied with my non-response, he continued. “New York’s my home base. I’ve been modeling since my early twenties. A friend mentioned trying out when there was an open call, so I went. I wasn’t their average guy. Usually they looked for boys that looked like scarecrows by starving themselves, which isn’t me as you can see. I also had tats, and that was a no-no when I went for the call. What I had going for me was that I was
. That’s exactly what they were looking for at the time. They needed something
, they said. I worked out at the gym a lot, and someone got the idea that a muscular, healthy looking model might just sell some products. It was slow at first, but my agent won them over. I’ve done a lot of print work; most of the major designers, some fragrance ad work, luxury watches and cars, underwear, and runway shows. I’m starting to slow down now. Not for lack of job offers, although I am getting a bit old for the industry. I’m slowing down on my own because I have some ideas to start up a studio, but nothing concrete, really. I came to the beach to clear my head, strategize, focus on a direction, and put together a business plan.

Declan took a drink of his coffee and deferred to me. “What about you, beautiful?” he asked.

He reached across the table and took my hand in his, an act that I thoroughly enjoyed. I now knew why he looked so familiar. I had seen him in magazines and on displays in department stores. He was very good looking; “drop dead gorgeous” as they say. He oozed and dripped sexuality. His voice was deep and commanding, and it lulled you into wanting to reveal your innermost secrets to him. Having my hand in his was a secure and soothing feeling. He was unconsciously stroking the top of my hand with his thumb. It was such a simple, but intimate, act, which didn’t feel awkward or out-of-place. It made me feel sexy, but special and cherished at the same time. I felt I wanted more, but more of what? Being with him made me feel happy, and the dark clouds that had been surrounding me lately seemed to vanish whenever we were together.

I didn’t want to talk about me at that moment, so I continued to ask him about himself.

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