Pornland (31 page)

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Authors: Gail Dines

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Portman Clinic (London), 92–93

Private Media Group, 50, 53

pseudo-child porn (PCP): and
Barely Legal
magazine, 54, 56–57, 143; content of, 145–58; and defilement stories, 147–48; description of, xxx; and Free Speech Coalition, 56, 142–43; images and ideology of, legitimizing sexual desire for children, 158–62; and incest porn, 154–57, 159; law on, 142–43; and loss of virginity, 148–51; older men involved in, 153; and penetrative sexual activity between adult(s) and child(ren), 148–51; and sadism, 152–58; and sexual activity between children or solo masturbation by child, 145–48; and teen girl as babysitter, 153–54; and typology of child pornography, 145–52; and video game industry, 50.
See also
child porn

pubic hair: and
centerfolds, 13; and
centerfolds, 8, 13; removal of, in pseudo-child porn (PCP), 146; on sex dolls, 76; as sexual turnoff, 91; shaving or waxing of, xii, 91, 99–101.
See also
female body

puke scenes, xviii, xix, 71, 74, 130.
See also
porn sex

Purcell, Natalie J., 160–61

PVExposed (Web site), 53

Quayle, Ethel, 151, 159

racism: and African American men as porn performers, 67, 122, 133, 135–40; and African American women as porn performers, xv–xvi, 42, 121, 123–24, 126–30; and Asian men as porn performers, 131–35; and Asian women as porn performers, 124–26, 131, 134; of blackface minstrel shows, 139; and dehumanization of people of color generally, 65; and Don Imus’s comments on Rutgers University women’s basketball team, 121; justification process for, 140; media images reinforcing, 87, 121–22; in porn, xxx, 88, 121–40; and Stepin Fetchit image, 86–87, 121.
See also
civil rights movement

Radisson hotels, 52

Randall, Holly, xxii

rape: and child porn, 161–62; feminists on, 96–98; and hookup sex, 116, 117; myths of, 97–98; porn as leading to, 85–86, 94–98; porn sex as, xxvii–xxviii, 68–75; and rape culture, 96–97; symptoms of victims of, 118.
See also
child sexual abuse

RealDoll, 75–78

“Real Touch,” 50

Regan, Judith, 37

Ross, Lawrence, 126–28

Russell, Diana, 160–61

Russell, Ray, 8

Ruszczynski, Stanley, 92–93

Rutgers University, 121


St. James, Izabella, 22

Salomon, Rick, 103

Sandler, Adam, 55–56

Sex and the City,
25, 100, 105–7

sex dolls, 75–78

sexism, 87–88, 98.
See also

sex offenders, 94–96, 117–18, 144, 159–62

sex portrayed by porn.
porn sex

sex tourism, 125–26

sex toys, 55–56

sexual assault.
child sexual abuse; rape

female sexuality; male sexuality

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), xxviii, 35

Sheraton hotels, 52

Shields, Brooke, 141–42

Showtime, 54


Sirius Radio, 52

Sir Rodney (Web site), 66, 132

Skin on Skin,

“slut” label, xxi–xxiv, 28–30, 33, 34, 64, 75, 97, 102–4, 115–16, 123–31, 146, 148, 152, 156

Smith, Anna Nicole, 104

Smith, Kevin, ix, 55

Smith, Will, 54

gender socialization

Soderbergh, Steven, ix, 40–41

Solo Teen sites, 146–48

Stop Porn Culture (SPC)

Spears, Britney, xii, 44, 103–4

Spencer, Jesse (aka Mr. Marcus), 122–23

Spink, Amanda, 49

magazine, 54

Staton, Daniel, 20

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Stead, Jake, 122

Steele, Lexington, 54, 126

Stepin Fetchit image, 86–87, 121

Stern, Howard, ix, 25, 39, 41, 45–46, 52, 71, 123

Stop Porn Culture (SPC), 163–64

Stratten, Dorothy, 19

Streisand, Barbra, 56

Supreme Court, U.S., 142–43

Taylor, Laramie, 45

Taylor, Max, 151, 159

Teen Dirt Bags (Web site), 152

teen porn, xxi, 143, 146–58.
See also
pseudo-child porn (PCP)

television: children’s programming for, 61–62; and E! Entertainment, ix, 22, 35, 39, 42, 51, 123; and ideology of consumption, 10; and music videos, 44, 104, 142; 1950s view of marriage and family on, 3, 101; and Playboy TV, 21–22, 51; and porn, 21–22, 25, 35, 51, 54, 100, 105–7; and
Sex and the City,
25, 100, 105–7; violence on, 61–62

Thomas, Sean, 44

THQ Wireless, 22

Time Warner Cable, 51, 52

toy industry, 60–61

trafficking of women and girls, 125–26

University of Maryland, ix, 155–56

vaginal sex: injury risks during, in gonzo sex, xxv–xxviii; in interracial porn, 137, 138; male domination during, xxv; multiple penetrations in, xviii, xxv–xxviii, 65–66; in pseudo-child porn (PCP), 157.
See also
porn sex

Vanity Fair,

video game industry, 49–50, 62

video-sharing Web sites, 49

violence: in children’s television programming, 61–62; desensitization to, 62, 63, 74–75, 93–94, 159–60; of gonzo porn, xi, xiii, xviii–xxiii, 43, 68–75, 88, 93–94, 130; and masculinity, 61–63; pseudo-child porn (PCP) and sadism, 152–58; on television, 61–62; and toys, 61; in video games, 61, 62

virtual sex, 50

Vivid Entertainment, 27, 41–44, 45, 123

vomiting, xviii, xix, 71, 74, 130

wall-to-wall porn, xxii

Walter-Bailey, Wendy, 115–16

Watkins, Mel, 139

WB network, 52

WebQuest, 27, 28

Web sites.
specific Web sites


West, Cornel, 128

West Coast Gang Bangs (Web site), 66

Weyr, Thomas, 6, 11–12

Whisnant, Rebecca, 163–64

White Dicks in Black Chicks (Web site), 129–30

White Meat on Black Street,

Who Wants to Be a Porn Star?
(slide show), 163–64

Wicked Pictures, 36, 123

Willingham, Calder, 11

Winfrey, Oprah, 25

Witherspoon, Reese, 141


women and girls: anti-woman view during 1950s, 3–5; body image of, 109–11; and
xii, 100, 107–9, 142; dehumanization of, in porn, 63–75; and eating disorders and other self-destructive behavior, 111, 115, 118; and fashion industry, 82, 99, 102–3, 141–42, 162; and food, 110–11; hypersexualization of, 100–113, 117–19, 128, 141–42, 162; and loss of virginity, 149–50; and plastic surgery, 82–83;
’s anti-woman view, 4–5; rape of, 85–86, 94–98, 116, 117; removal of pubic hair by, xii, 91, 99–101; resistance to cultural norms by, 112, 113; socialization of, 101–2; Stepford Wife image of, 102; view of, in 1950s, 3–5, 101.
See also
female sexuality; porn performers

women of color.
African Americans; Arab women; Asian women; Latina women; racism

women’s magazines, xii, 100, 107–9, 141

Wonderland Club, 144

Wylie, Philip, 4–5

27, 47, 51, 55–56, 123, 51, 128

XBIZ News,
41, 55–56

Yagielowicz, Stephen, 51

YouTube, 49

Zack and Miri Make a Porno,
ix, 54, 55

Zollo, Burt, 4, 5

Beacon Press

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© 2010 by Gail Dines

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dines, Gail.

Pornland : how porn has hijacked our sexuality / Gail Dines.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-8070-4452-0 (hardcover : alk. paper)

E-ISBN 978-0-8070-4453-7

1. Pornography. 2. Pornography—Social aspects. 3. Sex. 4. Sex—Social aspects. I. Title.

HQ471.D549 2010



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