Authors: Stephanie Beck
When she woke, Trevor was already out, running errands according to Cody, but he'd lined up a limo with a very experienced LA driver to get them around without him. Trevor texted while Poppy showered, announcing his meetings had finished early and he would meet them at the boutique. She watched out the car window as they passed strip malls, condos and hotels, and knew they'd entered the part of Los Angeles the movies always portrayed when big box stores became tiny boutiques with odd names.
The store they entered was trendy and, well, trendy, she decided, looking around at the bizarre shapes and colors painted on the walls, ceiling and floor. Two associates, tall skinny women with spiky hair, occupied the space, neither smiling as they looked her over, tape measures in hand. She was a faithful Target shopper with a weakness for sales at Macy's, so whatever they had in mind was beyond her comfort zone.
"Awe, come on, babe.” Just short of a whine, Trevor's words broke her from her thoughts. “It's just a swimming suit. You'll love it. It can be my Christmas present."
"We'll see.” As Poppy glanced around she realized she was in a clothing store that had a few pictures of clothes...but no clothes. She couldn't help wonder where everything was. “So, what are we supposed to do now?"
"I bought an hour of private shopping.” He handed one of the associates a credit card and walked over to Poppy, kissing her cheek. “Head to the back and get naked. Lilith and Raz will bring stuff for you to try. One pile for anything you like, and dump what you don't."
It sounded simple enough, yet twenty minutes later Poppy was near tears as she looked at the mound of rejects. She'd tried to keep an open mind but every piece she'd tried on was in the stack. They kept offering things and the mountain of horrible clothing kept growing.
The original designs were well made in nice fabrics, but she couldn't get past how extreme they were. Most were cut low to her cleavage, tight to her breasts and stomach, and meant to stretch as she grew, not drape. The colors were crazily limited to black and various shades of neon. The style was all the rage, Lilith assured her, including leather pants with complicated zippers that allowed for growth, but not too much. Nothing was soft or sweet or all that comfortable, even when she managed to find something that fit.
Everything had to be dry-cleaned and as she'd learned over Thanksgiving, “dry-clean only” didn't work for her due to her amazing new gift for spilling things. Her favorite white blouse was the latest casualty of the clumsiness pregnancy caused. Spilling barbeque sauce on one of her clearance bought t-shirts was one thing, dripping it on a two hundred dollar blouse was another.
She looked in the tri-mirror at the latest outfit. The black snakeskin motif cigarette pants and a black knit top were tight, with a slash of white from one shoulder diagonal across her belly. She bit her lip to still its shaking as a tear fell down to the tip of her nose.
"Very modern,” Lilith, the dark-haired associate, praised. The woman was patently insane if she thought the outfit was anything but horrid. “Especially if you did your makeup, maybe straighten your hair and add some color. Dark, I think, maybe even black to contrast your skin."
Raz, who'd been quiet, spoke up, sending Lilith to get the men. “Sweetie, put your other clothes back on.” The theatrical tone she'd used with Trevor and Lilith was gone and the emo, emaciated woman sounded like any other woman. “My cousin is the designer here, and he makes a mint on this stuff. I didn't wear it when I was pregnant. I enjoyed eating, airflow, and not having every bulge showcased. Do you need some help to get out of that?"
"Oh, thank God.” Poppy gladly accepted the hand Raz offered and tried not to rip the transparent t-shirt. “I just...I hate of this stuff so much."
"I don't blame you.” Raz snorted in amusement. “My cousin, Jarrod, thinks this is cutting edge and fabulous. I think it's ugly as sin, but it pays the bills, ya know?"
Awkwardly wiggling out of the snakeskin pants, Poppy nodded and Raz held her elbow to help her keep her balance. “They're so tight, it's like they're growing into my skin. How can people wear these? Gosh, finally,” she panted when her legs were free. “Can you recommend somewhere else? I don't want to hurt Trevor's feelings, but I don't want to wear any of this either. No offence."
"None taken.” Raz laughed and began jotting down directions on the back of the shop's business card. “I'd try a place called Baby Bee. They sell fun and feminine clothes that are also modern, in the good way, and stay out of the muumuu category. Try their camisoles. They also have some sexed-up prego panties for your boys. Thongs didn't work for me, but my boyfriend liked the lacy ones I bought there."
"How old is your child?” Back in her powder blue track suit, Poppy could breathe again.
"Two. He's out with his daddy today.” The brothers rounded the corner into the back room. “Ah, here they are. Gentlemen, this isn't the store for Poppy. There's another up the street with different styles she'll be more comfortable in. Lilith, refund Mr. Patrich's deposit."
Trevor looked confused, Michael concerned, and Cody couldn't hide his relief. She figured the clothes scared him too, so she hugged him while Trevor did business. She was worried he would be annoyed by the change of plans and smiled apologetically. Even back in her own clothes the store seemed to close in around her, so she hustled Cody into the thick LA air but out of the creepy shop.
Once in the limo on their way to Baby Bee, she relaxed. “I know you went to a lot of trouble, Trev, but nothing fit right. I'm sorry. I'm glad you got your deposit back."
Something flashed in Trevor's eyes at her apology, and Poppy wondered if she'd hurt his feelings more than she thought. “I'm not the one wearing the shit. I'd rather shop around and get what you like than buy crap you don't.” He pulled out his cell and retreated from the conversation.
She sometimes forgot she wasn't the only one new to relationships. Yes, the brothers knew more from living with their parents, but other than Michael, none of them had had lasting, monogamous relationships. They knew in theory what they wanted and knew how to work together sexually, but she was seeing more and more that they had the same insecurities she did. Since their night in front of the fire she'd thought Trevor understood her feelings, but apparently he'd just gotten better at hiding his disquieted times.
The next shop was friendlier and as Raz assured her, soft and sweet. The owner set her up in a room, and Poppy knew Michael and Cody liked the clothes because they brought her several different things to try. Trevor sat on the spouse bench with his BlackBerry, looking up and nodding absently when asked his opinion, but she saw he was no longer part of the trip.
"I'll be right back, Poppy.” Rita, the store's owner hustled out when the phone rang, leaving her alone in a light green cashmere sweater and gray yoga pants with added panels made of a thick, stretchy fabric.
"Trevor?” Poppy called, and like before, he popped his head in but she wasn't going to let him leave again. “Can you come here a second?"
"Of course.” He entered the luxurious dressing room complete with cushioned stools, benches and Belgian chocolate. She stepped up on the bench, Trevor quickly there to help. “What the hell are you doing?"
"I want to hug you.” The added height allowed her to cuddle his face to her breasts, a special favorite of his. “What's wrong?"
"Nothing.” He relaxed into her, but his hands hugged her hard as if he was worried she would pull away, and she knew she'd done something wrong.
"Don't lie to me, Middle Man,” she said sternly. “I really am sorry I didn't like the other store."
"That's not your fault. I should have known you wouldn't like that shit. I thought after the other night I wouldn't make these mistakes anymore, damn it. This.” She felt his fingers slip under the hem of her shirt. “This is you. It's pretty and sweet, like you. I know that."
"That's why you're upset, because you think you should have known about maternity clothes?” There were words he needed to hear, she thought as she rubbed his back. Words that she'd been holding but couldn't any longer. “What do you think matters more to me, handsome? Your taste in maternity wear or how you treat me? You try so hard, Trevor, don't you dare be down when the results don't match the effort.
"The past few weeks we've been doing better. Remember when I made pineapple cupcakes and you ate them even though you're allergic, because you were worried about making me feel bad? You ate the cupcakes, and on second thought, wearing the thong wouldn't be a big deal if it makes you smile. I'm sorry. I'd never intentionally hurt you, not for the world. I promised, remember?"
"I remember.” The relief in his voice was matched in her heart as the tension eased. “I know you wouldn't hurt any of us on purpose, you're too sweet for that, and I will always eat whatever you offer.” His wicked grin was back, and she couldn't help but smile in return. “You make these clothes look pretty. Are you finding things you like?"
"Yep.” She slowly shimmied her hips until her pants slid past her butt. “I know it's not a thong, but what do you think of these panties?"
He looked over his shoulder, making sure the curtain was closed she knew, before he bent lower. “Ooh, nice. I like these a lot. Are these ties? These have to be the greatest invention of all time. How could I not like panties that gift wrap my favorite thing in the world? What are they made of? Are they comfortable?"
"Brushed cotton. They are very breathable, comfortable, and I hope you think a little sexy.” She suddenly felt shy under his intense scrutiny, face to face with her crotch.
He cupped the softly covered curve of her ass, and she knew she had his approval. “So sexy, baby. Rita recommended a lingerie store up the block for bras and night gowns, so hopefully they'll have more like these to choose from. I personally like you in red, but Michael will like the blue best."
"Maybe some black and white ones for Cody."
Trevor looked confused for a moment, then laughed. “Baby Boy and his stupid cows. You know, he's fascinated with the breast pumps Rita has set up out there. He has plans to improve them.” He was still laughing as he helped her smooth her pants over her backside, showing just as much care in dressing her as he did undressing her.
"Milkers.” She laughed, and heard a light tap on the door frame.
"All right in there, Poppy?” Rita asked.
"Yep.” She tugged Trevor close again when he started moving away. “I'll be right out."
"Take your time, hon. Cody, Michael and I are finding some very nice things for you, and I ordered some lunch too,” Rita called, leaving the curtain untouched.
"Trevor.” She ran her fingers through the black curls on his head. “Okay, now?"
"Definitely. You always make me feel better.” Obviously enjoying the hug, he rubbed his face between her breasts.
"Yes, Poppy?” he asked, amusement in his voice.
"I love you.” The words almost stuck in her throat, but she pushed them out because they were true and he needed them. “Very much."
His arms were nearly bruising but he didn't talk or move, and she couldn't make herself ask him to ease up. It took long minutes before he loosened his hold, stepping back and helping her down from the bench. He looked a little stunned. She knew the feeling. Sometimes she was so overwhelmed by what was happening, she would grab onto one of them and hold on. They didn't demand answers and never stepped away before she was ready. Doing the same for Trevor gave them something special.
"I'm going to love you forever.” His hands were gentle as he cradled her chin between them, his height making her look at his neck for a moment until he tilted her face so they were eye to eye. “It means everything that you love me. Everything."
"You, Cody, and Michael are my family now. It's taken a while and I know we have difficult times ahead, but I also know the three of you are going to be with me each step of the way. I know you, Trevor, are going to be the one making me laugh and making me feel like I can yell, scream, and cry and still be loved when the tantrum passes.” Her nose burned with tears, but she didn't hate the emotions. She could stand to shed a few joyful tears. “I adore you."
"Goddamn.” He lifted her in a hard hug again, making her laugh when he spun around. “Let's finish up here. I want you behind closed doors. No, I want you dressed up for dinner and dancing, and then I want you naked. You might need another nap for what I have in mind. Hell, you might need two."
"Hey, Trev, quit screwing around. Lunch is here.” Cody peeked in. “Are you two okay?"
"Baby Boy, things couldn't be better.” The love in his eyes overflowed as he continued to look at her, and she couldn't have agreed more.
It didn't surprise Poppy that Trevor's night out was spent at the chef's table in one of LA's best restaurants. She wore a new dress with a high gathered collar, demure long sleeves and a hem that fell inches shy of her knees. Every day she was feeling better physically and emotionally. As her confidence grew, she felt more like the woman she wanted to be.
She flirted with her men, enjoying their grins. The jealous looks some of the women around them shot her weren't so bad either. She'd never been the pretty one, never been the one other women wished they were, and she really found the feeling suited her.
"Here, darlin', try a bite of this.” Cody offered a piece of pork chop with peach and blueberry glaze. “It's a little sweet, so I think you'll like it."
"Mmm, just like you.” She accepted the bite and the light kiss it came with, and took a teasing moment to deliberate. “Hmm, you're better."
Cody blushed but kept on grinning. Even out of his comfort zone, which only stretched to Morris, she could see he was having a good time.
"This place is pretty fancy, Trev. Do you come here often?” she asked.
"Not often enough to keep my wait staff happy,” the chef announced with a chuckle. Karl was tall and handsome in the tanned surfer sort of way, she thought, but not to her tastes. “They like the mountain men, especially the ones who tip fifty percent. Mrs. Patrich, you are the envy of all the women, and a few of the men as well."