Poor Little Bitch Girl (6 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Murder, #Contemporary Women, #Upper class, #Murder - California - Beverly Hills, #Collins; Jackie - Prose & Criticism, #Beverly Hills, #General, #Fiction - General, #Romantic suspense fiction, #Upper class - California - Beverly Hills, #Suspense, #Beverly Hills (Calif.), #California, #Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Poor Little Bitch Girl
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Teenage boy


4:00 p.m.


The Four Seasons


Penthouse suite

Boy’s name:


n the way up in the elevator, Annabelle smoothed down the bottom half of her silk dress. The material felt sensuous and rich against her skin. She wore no undergarments – just the slip of a dress, her honey-colored fox-fur coat, and spike-heeled Christian Louboutin short boots.

Before arriving at the door to the boy’s suite she slipped on a satin eye-mask, the trademark move of all her girls. Not that she was a recognizable face like most of the girls who worked for her, but she’d soon realized that mystery was everything.

The moment she placed the mask over her eyes it transported her to another zone – an exciting place where she became Belle Svetlana – a woman with no history, a woman who was light years away from Annabelle Maestro, the unknown and unnoticed daughter of two famous movie stars.

The door to the suite was flung open by a twenty-something fat creature wearing baggy rapper clothes with multiple gold and diamond chains hanging from his neck, sinister oblique wraparound shades, diamond stud earrings and an elaborate tattoo of a dragon covering his forearm.

Annabelle was thrown. There was not supposed to be anyone else present, she’d made that perfectly clear to Sharif Rani.

“Omar is expecting me,” she said, imagining that this creature must be the boy’s bodyguard.

“I know,” the man cackled. “I

“That’s impossible,” she said, somewhat nonplussed. “There’s no way you’re fifteen.”

Letting forth another manic cackle, he reached forward, grabbed her wrist and hauled her into the suite, almost knocking her off-balance.

“Fifteen an’ way ready for some hot steamy action,” he guffawed, kicking the door shut with his Nike-clad foot. “We’re gonna get it on,
. I bin waitin’ all day.”

* * *

If there was one thing Frankie Romano knew about his girlfriend, Annabelle, it was that she hated cell phones, always had. In fact, she hated phones altogether. It bothered her that with a phone in her purse, anyone could reach her at any time. Frankie often told her that she was crazy, since he was never without his iPhone and his BlackBerry – both of which he used constantly. But Annabelle was adamant. No cell phone for her, she preferred voice mail, on her home phone, which she hardly ever checked.

“What if there’s an emergency?” Frankie often asked.

“Then I’ll deal with it when I get home,” she always replied.

So after Frankie checked into the hotel and caught the news of Gemma Summer’s murder on TV, there was no way he could reach Annabelle. She was locked away somewhere with a fifteen-year-old Arab kid teaching him the joys of sex. Meanwhile her mother had been shot to death in L.A.

This was obviously the emergency he’d always worried about.

Damn Annabelle for refusing to carry a phone. She was a stubborn one, always insisting that she wanted things her way. Usually he didn’t object, but today was something else.

He tried to remember if she’d mentioned where the assignation was taking place, but they’d both been joking about it so much that he couldn’t recall. All he could remember was that they were pocketing thirty thousand dollars for her to have a quick sex romp with a teenager which would probably last all of three minutes.

“Find out if he’s got a sister,” Frankie had quipped. “I’ll do her for the same price.”

“You will
not!” Annabelle had retaliated, exhibiting her fiery jealous streak. As far as she was concerned it was okay for her to service a client or two if they paid enough, but Frankie with another woman? No way.

Frankie was well aware of the house rules, therefore he never pushed it. Why rock the latest Ferrari he’d recently purchased?

“Shit!” he muttered. What exactly was he supposed to do? He was in Atlantic City with the guys, and he knew that if he reached Annabelle with the news, she’d expect him to rush right home.

Not that he wasn’t into her – she was the greatest. How many other women would embrace the business they’d embarked on with such unbridled enthusiasm?
participate when the money was right?

But he was on a fun trip, and it wasn’t as if Annabelle was close to her mom. In fact, from the few times she’d mentioned her famous mother it was quite the opposite.

It occurred to him that since Gemma Summer’s untimely death was all over the TV, he didn’t have to be the one to tell her. She’d find out soon enough, and when she finally called him, he could make out that he hadn’t heard.

Yeah, that would work. Especially if he turned off his phone for a while so that he could at least enjoy a few hours of freedom.

Frankie always had an answer for everything.

Determined to put the news from L.A. out of his mind, he rejoined M.J. and Bobby in the casino.

“Where were you, man?” M.J. asked, indicating an empty seat at the blackjack table.

With his shaved head, dazzling white teeth and friendly brown eyes, women found M.J. irresistible, even though he was on the short side. They all wanted to mother him – although once he got them into bed, mothering him was the last thing on their minds. M.J. had hidden talents.

“Takin’ a crap,” Frankie announced, eliciting a disapproving glare from an elderly woman at the far end of the table.

“I’m losing my ass, while Bobby’s cleanin’ up,” M.J. griped.

“Bobby always cleans up,” Frankie grumbled, sitting down at the table. “It’s in his genes.”

Taking his eyes off the dealer’s cards for one swift moment, Bobby shot Frankie a devastating grin. “Sit. Play,” he commanded. “I need someone at this table who knows what he’s doing.”

“Jeez!” M.J. complained, rolling his eyes. “I’m tryin’ to work it here, an’ that’s the thanks I get?”

Frankie passed money to the dealer in exchange for chips. “I’m in,” he muttered.

Bobby shot him another look. “Wipe your nose,” he said,
sotto voce
. “You look like you fell into a vat of baby powder. I don’t get why you’re so into that shit.”

Automatically Frankie ran his hand across his nose. It pissed him off big-time that Bobby refused to indulge. Without the coke to keep him elevated, Frankie himself simply couldn’t function.

He’d started hanging out with Bobby and M.J. when he’d deejayed at their club a year ago. M.J. had hired him to work several private parties, and it didn’t take long before he and Bobby discovered they happened to be sleeping with the same girl – Serenity – a sleek and overly confident bitch. She’d thought she was playing them, but when they’d discovered they were both in bed with her, they’d bonded – even though they hailed from totally different backgrounds.

Bobby came from money, money, money, while Frankie was the son of a timid mother and a tough Italian Chicago union boss who used to beat the crap out of both of them, until, at the age of fifteen he’d tried to defend his mom, and his dad had beaten him so badly he’d had to be taken to the hospital. Two weeks later, he’d said goodbye to his mother, made a midnight run for freedom with seventy bucks in his pocket, and headed straight for New York. He’d never looked back, although he often fantasized about returning home and putting a bullet right between his dad’s eyes. He might seem cool on the outside, but within Frankie lurked a simmering deadly anger.

“This game is shit,” he complained after losing four times in a row.

M.J. agreed, he wasn’t doing well either, while Bobby was continuing to rake it in.

“Hey,” Bobby said, tossing the dealer a generous hundred-dollar chip. “If you guys aren’t into it, let’s split. I got no problem with that.”

“Finally!” Frankie exclaimed, pushing his chair away from the table, feeling only vaguely guilty that he wasn’t on a fast track back to New York to be by Annabelle’s side.

What the hell – he wasn’t about to give up a night out with the guys. And maybe a girl or two, because when Annabelle wasn’t around . . . who knew what the evening would bring.

* * *

Annabelle was overcome with feelings of deep apprehension. This huge sweating hulk in the would-be rap-star outfit and insane tattoo was hardly the young innocent Arab boy she’d been expecting. He wasn’t Middle Eastern, he was all American. And he
wasn’t fifteen.

She did not appreciate the way he hauled her into the suite and almost threw her down onto a large couch.

“You can’t possibly be Sharif Rani’s son,” she said, gathering her composure, while in her mind she was busy planning a fast exit.
No sex with this big lout. No sirree.

“You doubtin’ me,
?” he shot back belligerently, planting himself in front of her, massive legs widely spread. “My old man paid you up front, an’ he dint pay you to ask no dumb questions. So get your fuckin’ clothes off an’ let’s get it on.”

“There’s been a very big mistake,” she said, managing to keep her cool.

“What fuckin’ mistake would that be?” he snarled, folding his arms across his burly chest. “You got your money, didntcha?”

Yes, she had gotten the stacks of cash delivered early that morning by one of Sharif Rani’s minions. The money was even now inside her safe.

“I said there’s been a mistake,” she repeated. “I need to speak to your . . . uh . . . father.”

“Y’know what?” he said, smirking lustfully. “Soon’s we get it on,
, y’can talk all ya want.”

And with those words he dropped his pants, revealing multiple rolls of dimpled white fat around his middle, and lower down, a small, angry, uncircumcised penis pointed in her direction.

Annabelle had never been caught in a situation like this before, although sometimes she’d heard stories of bad behavior from her girls. There was the family TV star who was into strangulation and nearly went all the way with one unfortunate girl. There was the rock star with a sudden urge to inflict extreme pain. There was the soul singer who attempted to involve a child before his “date” walked out on him. Oh yes, she’d heard many things, but she’d never personally experienced a difficult situation.

Now that situation was here, and how was she supposed to handle it?

“Suck my dick,” Omar commanded, thrusting his penis toward her. “Suck it hard.”

“Oh no,” she said firmly, struggling to get up from the couch. “This is
going to happen.”

“That’s what
think!” he roared. And before she could get to her feet, he fell on top of her, jamming his penis into her mouth, at the same time ripping the front of her dress and exposing her breasts.

She would’ve screamed if it was possible. But it wasn’t.

Omar was on a roll, and he obviously had no intention of backing off.

Chapter Six


haking hands with Ralph Maestro was not a pleasant experience, since his hand was big, meaty and slick with sweat.

Not a flicker of recognition crossed his big bland face as he shook my hand. But why should it? There’s no reason he’d remember me. After all, why would a big movie star like Ralph Maestro remember a scrawny little kid from Chicago who’d hung out with his daughter many years ago?

“Sorry for your loss,” I murmured respectfully. Hey – whether he’d done it or not, as part of his future defense team I had to hope he was innocent.

“Thanks,” he muttered, practically ignoring me as he turned quickly to Felix. “Is this your secretary?” he asked, cracking his knuckles.

“No,” Felix answered patiently. “Denver is my colleague. She’s an excellent and accomplished associate, and I can personally assure you that she’s a brilliant girl who has done some outstanding work for our firm.”

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