Poolside Passion (Forbidden Fruit - Book 1)

BOOK: Poolside Passion (Forbidden Fruit - Book 1)
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Poolside Passion

Book 1: Forbidden Fruit Series

By Eden Devoe





Text copyright © 2013 Eden
Devoe Books


This book is a work
of fiction. Any resemblance

(living or dead),places, or events is



*This book is
intended for adults only.


All Rights Reserved.
The reproduction or utilization of

except for in the case of reviews, is

prohibited without the written permission

publisher, Eden Devoe Books.


Table of Contents


Poolside Passion

Bonus Excerpt
"Clean Slate"

Other Books from Eden

Connect with Eden

About the Author:
From Eden




Poolside Passion


The sun’s
rays on her skin felt deliciously warm as Ami lay in her backyard, relaxing. For
once, the house was quiet, and she was determined to take advantage of the
moments she could.  Her son had taken his younger sister to an afternoon
movie, given her a little breathing room. She loved her kids, but it was nice
to have a little time to
now and then.

She laid
there, her pale white skin soaking in the first rays of the season, taking
stock of her life.  It was a good one, in her opinion. She had her two
she had her health, plenty of money, and was still
young enough to enjoy life. The only thing missing was a companion.  Her
husband, the love of her life, had passed nearly two years before, and she was
lonely.  She had been with him since high school. They had gotten married
when she was just 16 and pregnant, at the insistence of his father, a very
powerful man.  His family was rich and more than able to take care of them
and a new born child while John, who was older than her by almost 4 years,
finished his university career and started to make a name for
in the world. 

the decision to marry had seemed rushed to them both in the beginning, neither
of them had ever regretted it for a single second.  They had been very
much in love, and it was a love that had grown daily, aging like a fine
wine.  They had built a hell of a life together.

His death
had been a blow she had barely recovered from. It had been so sudden. He’d left
for work one morning, kissing her goodbye and telling her he loved her more
than life itself, and never made it home.  She had been devastated. 
If she hadn’t had her kids to keep her grounded, to remind her she had
responsibilities in the world, she was certain she would have wasted away with
heartbreak during that first year.  Things were better now, though the
sadness was still there, swirling below the surface.  John’s death had
left a hole in her heart that she couldn’t fill and wasn’t certain she wanted
to, but it was time to at least try dating again. She needed human interaction,
needed the comfort of a masculine touch on her skin. She needed to be fucked,
plain and simple.  But the idea of dating was daunting, which is why she
hadn’t tried yet.
, she kept telling herself.

The voice of her son, Adam, pulled her from her thought abruptly.  She
looked around from the lounge chair she was sprawled upon in her bikini with a
slight frown.  Had so much time passed already? She saw her son making his
way toward her skirting the edge of the pool carefully with a young man in tow
that she didn’t recognize.

stopped a few feet from her, happy grin on his face.  “Mom, look who came
to visit!”

She stared
up at the young man standing just to the left of her son and couldn’t quite
place him. After a long moment of silence Adam blurted out, “You remember Clay,
don’t you?
From down the street?
He’s back from

dawned instantly, and she understood why she hadn’t been able to place him
right away. The last time she had seen her son’s friend he had been a skinny
little kid just graduating high school. He had certainly filled out over the
last three years or so. He now looked broad and muscular. She could see muscles
rippling under his almost too tight t-shirt every time he shifted. He was hot,
extremely hot, and she felt instantly aroused.  The feeling was closely followed
by a burst of shame for thinking such unwholesome thoughts about a friend of
the family, though she did her best to hide it.

She smiled
brightly up at them. “Of course I remember Clay!” she replied in a friendly
tone. “It’s good to see you.
Back for the summer?”

, mom’s been bugging me to come home since I went away,
but I haven’t had time. I’ve been taking summer classes each year so I could
graduate early,” he replied in a voice that was much deeper than she
remembered. It sent a pleasant shiver racing down her spine.

She gave
him a beaming smile. “She must be so proud of you. And I’m sure she’s thrilled
to see you.”

He gave her
a brilliant smile that made her heart beat just the tiniest bit faster. “It’s
good to be home,” he admitted. “Good to see old friends.” He reached out and
grasped Adam’s shoulder, squeezing softly before letting go.  Adam’s giant
grin told her that the sentiment was shared.

“Adam,” a
small, insistent voice called from near the house, interrupting them. 
“ADAM!” Pause.


She heard
her son give a heavy sigh. “That’s Emily. I promised I’d help her make a snack
when we got home.” He frowned and glanced hopefully at her, but Ami shook her
head ever so slightly.  Emily would just pester her until she sent in Adam,
and they both knew it.  Her son rolled his eyes slightly in acknowledgment
and sighed again. “I have to go help the pipsqueak for a bit.
…” He glanced back and forth between Clay and the house,

Clay saved
him the trouble of having to worry about what to do. “I’ll hang out here by the
pool with your mom, if that’s cool with her.
Would be nice to
catch up for a bit.”

She gave
him a pleasant smile.
“Of course.
You can tell me all
about school.” She gestured to one of the chairs next to her.

Adam replied with a nod, clearly relieved that Clay wasn’t ready to leave just
yet. “I’ll bring us back something cold to drink when I return.

“Sounds good.”

paused, looking sheepish and gave her a hopeful glance. “Is that ok?”

She sighed.
“One,” she replied, knowing he would understand. “No more than that.” He was
below the legal age for drinking, but he had recently turned 18, and in her
mind, if he was old enough to vote or give his life in service to his country,
he was old enough to know whether or not he could handle a beer or so now and
again.  She was still his mom though, and had to pretend to be the bad
guy, at least a little. “And bring one back for me while you’re at it,” she
added as an afterthought. 

smiled, rolled his eyes and said, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Clay waved
in return and settled into the chair opposite her, staring blatantly at her.
Even though the afternoon was quite bright, he had his sunglasses perched on
top of his golden brown locks, allowing her to see his brilliant green eyes
staring at her, taking in every inch of her frame.  He gave her a cocky,
yet endearing smile when their eyes met. “You’re looking damn good, Mrs. K,
smoking even.”

chuckled in return, pleased at the compliment.  She had worked hard over
the years to keep in good shape, and although she was a little rounder, a
little curvier than she had been in her younger days, she thought the softness
of her angles gave her a sexier look.  The young man sitting in front of
her now certainly seemed to be enjoying what he was seeing.  “You aren’t
too shabby yourself, Clay. You’ve filled out well.”

His smile
broadened. “Been working out,” he bragged. “You like.”

She nodded.
“You must get attention from lots of the girls in your university.”

It was his
turn to chuckle. “I turn my share of heads,” he replied flippantly, “but most
of them are a little too young for me. I’m more into older women.”

women, huh?” she asked, somewhat amused by the unexpected direction the
conversation had taken.

Ma’am,” he said in a fake southern accent, something she found amusing and
sexy. “And if I can say, you are one of the hottest older women I’ve ever laid
eyes upon.” He licked his lips in appreciation and did another sweep of her
form from top to bottom.

She almost
laughed but kept it locked up tight for fear of insulting him, which was not
her intent. She was just amused by the fact that standing before her, flirting
in the most outrageous manner, was a boy – man she corrected herself – who had
spent numerous nights sleeping in her house or in her back yard with her
son.  The last time she had seen him, he had been a skinny teenager who
had been too shy to say more than ‘hi’ to her. That had definitely changed, and
she found she liked it.
A lot.
  Emboldened by his
brazen flirting, she decided she would play along with his game and see where
it led. She expected him to back down and was secretly hoping he
wouldn’t.  “Well, aren’t you the sweetest thing,” she replied, allowing
her southern roots to come out in her voice: an accent she had taken pains to
smoother over the years. It sounded deliciously sultry to
ears. “I could just eat you up.” She licked her own lips, slowly and
suggestively, making certain he watched her every move.   She saw his
eyes widen slightly and was surprised to see the intense lust reflected in his
gaze.  She was starting to believe that he wasn’t actually playing a

They stared
at each other for what felt like forever. She could feel her cheeks flushing
just the tiniest bit, his gaze was so intense.  Just when she was certain
he was about to rise from his chair and kiss her, movement from the house
caught her eye.  She could see Adam struggling to tug open the patio doors
with an armload of beer and knew the game was about to end. Which,
surprisingly, she found herself extremely disappointed about.  She leaned
forward, giving him a great view of her ample cleavage and said in a hushed
tone, “If you come by on Saturday when the kids are out of State visiting their
grandparents…” she paused and gave him a small wink, “we both might get EXACTLY
what we want.”  She raised one slim, well-manicured hand to her throat and
began trailing her fingers softly downward, watching his eyes follow every
motion, a hunger in his gaze that was almost palpable.  She paused at her
breasts, lingering for several heartbeats, enjoying the feel of his eyes there.
With a small, sensual sigh, she continued downward, fingers skimming across her
belly, stopping just at the edge of her bikini bottoms. His bright green eyes
widened comically as she pushed the edge down just a fraction, hinting at what
her words had meant.

voice startled both of them enough that they jumped. “I could only find the
imported beer,” he called, finally making his way into the back yard, “That ok,

She blinked
once or twice, trying to recompose herself before answering. “Of course,
’,” she said with a sweet smile.
for our honored guest.”
She met Clay’s eyes and dropped a small wink.
“Anything at all.”


Ami found
herself lying in the sun once again, this time with her bikini top lying beside
her, sipping some sort of tropical drink her housekeeper,
had whipped up for her. The woman had discovered it on a recent trip down south
and was eager to share.  It was a touch too sweet and could use a bit more
alcohol in Ami’s opinion, but it wasn’t bad. Besides, a tropical drink was just
the thing she needed to make herself believe she was on a beach somewhere
rather than lying by her own pool. She
wanted to take a vacation, but with the kids in tow, it often turned out to be
less than relaxing.  She also hadn’t taken one since John’s death, and it
was just one more thing that she was afraid to do alone.

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