Polyamory in the 21st Century: Love and Intimacy With Multiple Partners (44 page)

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3. Barbara Foster, Michael Foster, and Letha Hadady,
Three in Love
(San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1997).

4. Doug Slinger and Penny Slinger,
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6. Merlin Stone,
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7. Andie Norgren (e-mail communication, December 3, 2009).

8. David Barash and Judith Lipton,
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(New York: W. H. Freeman, 2001).


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4. Anderlini-D’Onofrio,
Gaia and the New Politics of Love
, 41.

5. Anderlini-D’Onofrio,
Gaia and the New Politics of Love
, 5.

6. Anderlini-D’Onofrio,
Gaia and the New Politics of Love
, 115.

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Gaia and the New Politics of Love
, 137.

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9. Prescott, “Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence.”

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(Durango, CO: Kivaki Press, 1988).

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11. LaChappelle,
Sacred Land, Sacred Sex
, 260.

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Sacred Land, Sacred Sex
, 261.

13. LaChappelle,
Sacred Land, Sacred Sex
, 263.

14. Deborah Anapol,
The Seven Natural Laws of Love
(Santa Rosa, CA: Elite Books, 2005).


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acceptance as new-paradigm value,

extramarital sex; infidelity;

68, 133


accountability, 103

agreements: commitment and, 13;

activists/activism, 23, 25–26, 53,

decision making and, 78–80; integrity

173, 181, 197; gay, lesbian,

as essential to, 80–81; new sexual

bisexual, transgendered, and queer

ethic and, 78–80

(GLBTQ), 61–62, 204

Akbar, Jalaluddin Muhammad

adolescents: perspectives and

(emperor), 73

experiences of, 92, 93, 97,

alpha behavior, 9

132–33, 135–40, 150–53, 171–72;

“alpha problem,” 103–4

polyamory as challenging for, 138–

altruism, 9–10, 237, 239

See also

anarchist politics, 24–26, 207

adultery: biblical prohibition against,

anarchy, relationship.

67; Judaism and, 71–72.
See also


affairs; infidelity

Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Serena, 203,

affairs, extramarital: common in


cultures espousing monogamy, 5,

androgen, 11

7, 12–13; case material, 38, 87,

animals: mating patterns in, 6–10,

109–10, 115, 208–9; European

113–14, 213; pleasure and violence

relaxed attitude toward, 185;

in, 235–36.
See also

jealousy and, 109, 113, 115; media

Aphrodite, 221

portrayals of, 141; politicians and

archetypes, 213–14, 219–22.
See also

exposure of, 77, 231–32.
See also


2 5 5

2 5 6


Asperger syndrome, 32–36

as creating, 77; oxytocin and, 10–12,

Assagioli, Roberto, 215

See also

attachment, xiii, 37–38; biochemistry

bonobo chimpanzees, 113–14, 224–25.

of, 10–12.
See also

See also

Australia, 130–32, 184, 185, 197,

Bourne, Edmund, xiii–xiv


Bowen, Murray, 216

authenticity, “coming out” and,

breast-feeding and bonding, 155, 235


Brook Farm community, 47–48

Buddhism, 73–74, 189, 217

Baha’u’llah, 73

Buss, David, 108–12

Bailey, Alice, 215

Butler, C. T., 24–26

Barash, David P., 7–9

Barker, Meg, 43, 204–5

Capella, Danielle, 165, 166

Bauer, Robin, 61, 197–98

Cardosa, Daniel, 165, 166, 200–201

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

caring as new-paradigm value, 68

religious beliefs

“carrying capacity of the land,” 7–8

bigamy (legal construct), 178, 181

case histories: Alex and Dawn, 29–31;

Big Love
(television program), 47

Alice, 90; Amanda, 162, 166; Anne,

biological processes underlying

208–10; Beth, 170–71; Betsy and

behavior, 10–11, 40, 224, 226–

Terry, 178–79; Bill, Liz, Helen, and

27, 236–37.
See also

Angie, 241; Bruce, Jane, Cindy,

programming; neurobiology of

Rebecca, Richard, and Harry,

pleasure and violence

17; Cheryl, Paul, and Leslie, 232;

bisexuality: exploring, 21–22, 40,

Chitvan and Suresh, 196–97;

116–17; and false dichotomy of

Christine and Jeanette, 202; Chuck,


Janice, and Frank, 123; Dane, 41,

163–64; high incidence among

168; Daniel, 98–99; David, 164;

polyamorists, 43; poly diversity

Don, Denise, Gary, and Ann, 188;

and, 163; problems with the term,

Elaine, 89; Elizabeth and Tom,

206; sexual fluidity and, 165, 167;

124–25; Ellen and Charlie, 38–40;

visibility/invisibility of, 88, 130,

Ellen and Doug, 13; Gina and

See also
gay, lesbian,

Eric, 4, 16; Graham, 96–98; Izzie

bisexual, transgendered, and queer

and Amelia, 115; Jacob, 138; Jenna

(GLBTQ) people

and Gary, 3; Jivana, 193; John,

Blanton, Brad, 62–63

Eli, and Carol, 18; Jonathan and

The Body Sacred, 55

Victoria, 231; Joseph, Suzy, and Jill,

Bolen, Jean Shinoda, 221

124; Juliette, Roland, and Laurel,

bonding, 155; as advantageous to

143–45; Kamala and Michael,

group survival, 226–27; in children

23–24, 145–47; Kate, 18; Kelly and

of polyamorous parents, 140; is not

Eileen, 140–43, 161; Linda and

limited to dyads, 63; meaningful sex

Mark, 109–10; Margaret, 166–77;


2 5 7

Mark and Linda, 112; Mark and

131–32; cultural norms and, 140;

Nancy, 16–17; Marvin and Sheila,

dearth of research concerning,

79–80; Muffy, 210–11; Nancy and

127–28; experiences of the

Darrell, 21–23; Ned, 94–96; Neil

“next generation” of, 132–40; in

and Lynne, 125–26; Nora and

polyamorous communities, 148–56;

Jim, 15–16, 137–38; Patricia, Ellis,

setting a context for, 140–43.

Bruce, and Zoë, 126; Paula, 90–92;

adolescents; case histories

Peter, Candy and Jessica, 17–18;

China, 24, 186–91, 211, 218

Peter, Stacy, Janice, and Ian, 84–85; Chisti Order (Sufi), 73

Peter and Sarah, 116–17; Rachael,

Christian clergy validating alternatives

Bev, and Gene, 119–20; Rainah,

to monogamy, 53–54

92–94; Raymond, 132–36; Reemah

Christian grandparent custody case,

and Avinash, 194–95; Richard,


Kate, and Susan, 187–88; Ricky,

Christian viewpoints/beliefs,

171–72; Robert, 114–15; Sally,

208, 209, 215; conservative,

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