Poisonous Pleasure (24 page)

Read Poisonous Pleasure Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #PolyAmour, #Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Poisonous Pleasure
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“You’re beautiful.” He kissed her gently on the lips and lowered even more, resting his head in her lap while she ran her fingers through his curls. Pressure gripped her calves while he held onto her.

“Thank you, Dom. I don’t know this for fact, but I do know if I sent you to hell then you must be my best warrior. I’m not sure why I sent you there, of all places, but I obviously believed you could take care of yourself. Maybe we needed information or something only you could interpret. We’ll have to find out eventually.”

Marcella turned to Jason. “And you, my… personal protector? No wonder I’ve loved you my entire life. You’re part of me. Every time I’ve needed you, you’ve been there, whether to give advice or emotional support.” She couldn’t keep the elation off her face. Happiness surged through her. “I love you, Jason.”

He smiled and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I think you’ve been there for me more than I’ve been there for you. But if you still love me, that’s all that matters.”

“Ambrose, I’m not sure how I managed to make your life the way it is. But I promise for all the pain you’ve suffered, I will try to ease and erase the hurt I’ve caused you. I do think the position you hold is somehow very important to the future.”

Marcella turned to Samael. “I can’t give you his soul. You know that, right? And I’m not letting you take Dominic back, either.” Heat radiated behind her eyes while inside she prepared to start the battle right now if necessary. She could feel the power swirling around inside of her. Dominic’s head came from her lap as he eased to his feet, placing his hand on her shoulder. He was ready and that’s all that mattered.

“My intentions were never to have Ambrose’s soul, Marcianna. That was
test. You needed to know and prove to yourself that you were worthy to stand up, even to me. Plus, I can’t take his soul, he’s supernatural. Only you have the power to do that. Supernaturals sever the tie from heaven or hell the moment they choose eternity. You must return them to their rightful place. Good luck getting any to the good side. The big guy thinks they all belong with him regardless of how they became immortal.”

“But, what if it wasn’t their fault? What if they didn’t ask to be changed or it was some sort of accident?”

“Doesn’t matter. I think you better reflect more on this conversation. We’ve had it multiple times before. Let’s pray some of your memories come back. For now, I have work to do. Tonight, be ready. I’ll help you with your first ceremony. Are you ready, guys? This is your test for your queen. She’s to have all of your souls if you truly believe everything she stands for. You’ve done it in the past. It’s the reason you’re alive today. Let’s see if you all remain true.”

With that, Samael vanished, leaving Marcella the only one gaping. She looked over at them nervously. “I completely understand if you don’t want to do this.”

“I’m game,” Jason said, making a bag of Doritos appear in his hand. As she watched him chomp away at the nacho cheese flavored chips, she stared in horror.

“You don’t even have to ask,” Ambrose said, walking to the small twin size bed.

“I’d want nothing more.” Dominic pulled her into his arms hugging her tightly. Suddenly he turned her in his arms while he scanned the room. “Hey, what’s with all the alcohol? Did you guys have a party while I was passed out?”

“Don’t remind me,” Jason said, waving his hand. “No more tequila for me for awhile. I’m a dick on liquor. Beer from now on, if anything.”

“Yeah, drinking probably wasn’t a good idea. Listen, guys, we need to discuss what we’re going to do. I think we need to start making plans about who we need, what we need, and where in the hell we’re going to get it.” Marcella broke away and paced uneasily. “For some reason I’m getting antsy. We need more protectors. Gosh, I feel like we need a freaking strong hold or something. Like no matter what monstrous castle or place we find, it’s not going to be enough in the end.”

“All right, let’s do this.” Dominic pointed to the doorway and they all filed into the living area. With a wipe of his hand everything disappeared but the bare walls holding the mansion in place. “Let’s start from scratch. You want to be protected, so be it. Tell me what you want, a castle, a concrete fortress, you just name it and it’s yours.”

Marcella looked around the empty space and searched her mind for what she felt they needed. “Wouldn’t a castle be obvious and attract attention?” She asked curiously. “I mean, what I see in my head would bring the national guard in with worry.”

Dominic ran his fingers through his curls. “The only thing anyone will see if they ever come down this road will be the projection of a small house. There’s no need to worry. I can make anything possible, trust me.”

Marcella nodded. “I do. More than you know.”

“Good, now, what do you see?”

Looking at Jason and Ambrose, she smiled nervously. “Well, let’s start with the surroundings. I need a fifteen-foot wall of something impenetrable, stone, I guess. But it has to be smooth, where no one can climb it.”

Dominic closed his eyes and shook his head. “Okay, what else.”

“We need a fortress, one that will hold a lot of people, and also protect us. You know, with one of those large open areas…a great hall, that’s it! There needs to be enough room to contain hundreds of people for dinner and meetings.”

The room began to warp in and out as stone began to cover the walls and floor. In fascination, she watched Dom work his amazing abilities. The expanse of the room alone was easily close to forty thousand square feet and the ceiling in parts seemed to go up higher than she’d thought possible. A large table appeared that could sit more people than she even knew. At the far end of the room were five chairs, the largest in the middle, overtowering them all.

Marcella began to pace as images exploded in her mind. “I want it to have electricity, but also candles and torches everywhere just in case we need the light. We need a dungeon, I’m not sure why, but it has to be filled with chains and shackles. And one of those, those….fuck what are they called? Jason, I’m sending you a picture via mind message. What is the thing I’m seeing?”

“A bailey? An outside courtyard inside the walls, right?”

“Yes! I want a bailey right in the middle of the castle, boxed in so I never have to watch my back when I want to be outside. And, and, we need towers on all four sides of the castle. I also want a place to walk, off one of those towers, surrounded with white pillars. It’s to lead from one side of the fortress to the other.”

Marcella was talking so fast she wasn’t sure if air even made it to her lungs. Flashes were blinding her. It took all of her concentration to see exactly what kept repeatedly rushing past her vision.

“An armory or a room where we keep weapons, every weapon you can think of, old weapons, new ones, whatever you’ve ever seen, we need. No nuclear bombs or anything like that, but grenades, definitely. And I want…no I
…fuck it, I got this.”

Marcella smiled crazily as her mind raced. Lifting her hands open, she watched a diamond encrusted dagger appear. With it not being more than six inches long, she knew exactly where it was meant to go, where she’d worn it for centuries.

The dress magically split up to her thigh without her so much as thinking it. Yes, this was her, the dagger, the crown, the necklace. She could feel the power swelling inside of her. Spinning around, she threw the small weapon toward the table stabbing the blade into the wood at the very end where she knew she’d always sat.

“Enough for tonight. Shall we eat? I think I’ve claimed my seat.”

Marcella lifted her hands and shot them down fast, filling the table full of every food she’d ever heard of or seen. The men’s eyes grew round as they looked at her.

“What’s wrong with her?” Jason whispered toward Dominic.

She turned and walked toward him. “I’ll tell you what wrong, Jason. I’m remembering bits and pieces of our past and I’m loving every minute of it. Would you like to see something really cool?”

He returned her smile. The mischief was evident in his expression. “Show me. Show me everything you know.”

Marcella held out her hand, praying she was right. Wind whistled and just as Jason opened his mouth at what he saw coming behind her, she turned, grabbed the dagger that she’d summoned, crouched and swiftly kicked his feet out from under him. He hit the ground hard, all the air escaping his lungs. Laughter echoed off the walls from Dom and Ambrose.

“Do you remember when we used to train that way? Jason, we had so much fun.”

A groan poured from his mouth as he pushed himself up. “I think it’s coming back, slowly. Damn stone floors, what the hell? Can’t we at least have carpet in here? Do you have any idea what century this is?”

“I remember that move,” Dominic whispered. “Oh shit! I remember you doing that before, Marcella! Fuck, I can’t believe this. We’ve been here before, like déjà vu. It’s totally freaking me the fuck out.”

“Breathe, Dom. Here, maybe this will bring more back for you. I still can’t remember much, but my brain sure is flashing me clips of things that are blowing my mind.” Manifesting a sword, she placed it across her hands for him to see. The shape of her symbol, covered in diamonds, rested right where he was meant to hold the sword.

A deep intake of breath passed Dominic’s full lips. “That’s mine. Oh, God…” He quickly retrieved it from her hands and moved back to where he could do a few swings. Captivated by how graceful he looked, she almost didn’t hear Jason move in from behind her.

Air rushed past her head as her feet were kicked out from under her. Just when she thought she’d hit the floor, Jason caught her in his arms. “Bet you didn’t remember that, did you, my queen?”

“Feeling her heart in her throat she had to laugh. “Touché, my knight. Now kiss me and apologize for nearly hurting me, or I might have to punish you down in the dungeon.”

“Mmm, is that a promise? As much as I want to check out the area and see what kind of torture you can dish up, I’d rather taste you right now.”

The snap of Jason’s finger was quickly followed by him standing and lifting her. Looking around, she noticed Dom’s bed right next to them. They both fell into the soft mattress. His weight pushed against her deliciously, causing her to moan out.

“Let me please you, Marcella, just like I used to, like we all used to. Can you remember it? Everything back before the fight was wonderful.”

“You remember,” she whispered.

“A little, and there are not words to describe the way things were. I’d say heavenly, but I know we weren’t in heaven. We were in our own place, not heaven, nor hell. Our own little world, where things were perfect.”

“Afterward, you’ll tell me more? I want to know everything you do.”

“Anything you want.”

Jason’s mouth eased to her and she became consumed by his taste. The time had come. She could possibly remember everything she needed to, to make the pieces fit together. If she received the answer, she might be able to figure out what her plans were. If not, she feared they’d never come. Somehow she knew they still had time, but she wasn’t sure how much. And that part scared her the most.

Chapter 14

Everything about Marcella drove Jason wild with desire. She possessed him, filled his body until there was nothing left but her taste and her smell. From the first moment he could ever remember seeing her, he knew they would someday have a special bond. But this, this was so much more than he ever dreamed, could ever have hoped for.

Jason leaned in closer. “Let me have you, please.”

Marcella quickly jerked back and pushed him off of her. She looked around the room at Dom and Ambrose. Turning her gaze back to him, he couldn’t help but feel confused by her sudden lack of passion.

“Not like that. I’m not ready for all of you, Jason.” She crawled back to him straddling his hips on the bed. “Let’s go somewhere, just me and you.”


They vanished and quickly reappeared in a room that looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place where he’d seen it before. Slowly, he crawled off the bed and walked to the window, pulling the lock out and swinging the glass open. He nearly jumped back when he realized how high off the ground they were.

“This is my room, I think. We’re in the highest part of my tower.”

Jason nodded. “Yeah, I can see that. How many stories up do you think we are?”

“I’m not sure. It really doesn’t matter. Come to me,” Marcella whispered.

Just at the sound of her voice Jason forgot about everything else. He turned and started walking toward her, taking off all of his clothes just before he reached the large bed. The red silk sheets settled around her waist, exposing her bare breasts.

“God, you’re beautiful.”

He climbed onto the soft mattress, pulling the silk around him as he covered her body. Marcella moaned while he settled his weight against her soft skin. Kissing her deeply, he wrapped his arm around the back of her waist, pulling her deeper into his body. A part of him wished he would never stop touching her. It didn’t matter what she was doing or who she was with, he’d always be there, always be waiting for her to pick him, just as she had done not moments before.

Jason broke away from her mouth to look at her. He swore physical pain stabbed into his heart. Her taste was addictive, a requirement if he wanted to live a happy life. What hurt the most was he knew he’d never be able to live without her, never. Just the thought of them being separated sparked a fear he’d be willing to fight for. Kill for.

Trailing his lips down her neck, he ran his tongue over her skin, taking in even the faintest flavor of her skin. She tasted so sweet, almost like vanilla, but with a hint of butterscotch. Brushing his lips against her pulse point, he felt himself changing into the one thing he knew he wanted to be, a vampire. If he could take in as much of her as he could, then she’d be inside of him until the next moment they got to be together. It would keep him sane and sedate the cravings. Since turning into a collector, they’d only gotten worse.

Nibbling down her chest, fingers gripped into his hair, but didn’t force him in a direction. She was still letting him lead, but obviously fighting not to take control. Sucking her hard nipple into his mouth, he rolled it around in a circular motion with the tip of his tongue until she began to cry out and clutch with her other hand onto his shoulder. He fought not to smile. He loved pleasing her. Knowing he caused these reactions in her drove him on.

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