Poisonous Pleasure (16 page)

Read Poisonous Pleasure Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #PolyAmour, #Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Poisonous Pleasure
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“Slow down,” he whispered, easing his tip into her. Out of the last few weeks, they’d made love plenty of times, but she’d never been in her true collector form. Having him penetrate her now made her eyes open wide. He was so thick, so heavy against her pussy.

The slickness made it easier for him to enter, but the speed tortured her. Inch by slow inch he entered, molding her to fit around him. The pleasure was so drawn out Marcella was sure she’d come before he completely filled her.

Dominic pulled back and eased another inch forward. Separating her thighs wider, she felt him bury himself entirely. They both moaned loudly at the completion of their joining. Realization hit Marcy hard. This was the way things were meant to be with mates. More than ever, she knew her connection to the partner fate handed her was meant to be. What she feared was how long?

* * * *

The grip of Marcella’s pussy around Dominic’s cock made him fight not to shoot his cum so soon. He wanted to pleasure her, make her always remember why they were meant to be together. But the tension only seemed to intensify, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before an orgasm made her even tighter. The control he held could only last so long, and with her, he felt lost. The way she affected him crumbled ever amount of power he harbored.

“Dom, I want you to go faster. I
you to…”

Internally he groaned. She needed speed, and he needed to go as slow as possible. If she wasn’t so tight he’d be able to last for hours. Searching his mind he tried to think of something to focus on while his rhythm increased. But all he could see was golden eyes and full, kissable, soft lips.

“Look at me, Dominic.” Opening his eyes, he watched her study his face. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing’s wrong. You’re just really…”


He sighed. “Yes, exactly.”

“Does it hurt you? I can change form if you think that would be better.”

“No, I don’t want you to be anything else. It doesn’t hurt too much, you actually feel really good. Too good, if you must know.”

“Oh. Well what can we do to make things easier on you? Would this help?”

Marcella held up a small bottle of lubrication that she made appear. Dominic looked at it and then back to her. A smile came to his lips. “Yes, I think that will work perfectly.”

He took the bottle, examining it. Pouring a small amount in his hand he withdrew his cock, groaning at the sensitivity. Marcy sat up, applying some lubrication to the outside of her pussy. He watched mesmerized while she rubbed it along her folds and slid two fingers into her entrance. Pressure from her hand wrapping around his thickness pulled him closer.

“Now, make love to me like you wanted to.”

The seductiveness of her voice caused his cock to ache. He entered her smoothly causing them both to cry out. Dominic wrapped his arm beneath her head as he leaned down and tasted her sweet mouth. It didn’t take long for him to find a pace they could both enjoy, one where he held some form of control.

“I’m never going to let you go, Marcella. I don’t care what happens. You need to know that I’ll always be yours.”

Hungrily, she replaced her mouth against his. Fingers weaved through his hair while he held her. Tightening gripped around him, but not to the extent prior to using the lubrication. He pushed deep, grinding his hips into her thighs so he could apply pressure to her clit. Tremors rocked her body, but he pushed himself faster needing the memory to burn inside her brain so she’d never forget. He knew it was imperative she remember, he wasn’t sure why, but his mind pleaded for him to make it a point.

A brush of fingertips against the sensitivity of his sack wiped every thought away that raced through his head. His body betrayed him as he was blindsided with his own release. Dominic groaned, thrusting into her for the last time before he collapsed to the bed. “You cheated. I wasn’t ready to stop.”

“Me either, but Jason’s coming down the road and something’s really bothering him. Tell him to give me a few minutes.”

Marcella kissed his lips, jumped off the bed, and ran to the shower. He smiled, watching her curves disappear around the door. Blissfully, he lay back, and stared at the ceiling. Jason entered not seconds later.

“Where is she?” He said, panting.

“In the shower. She told me to tell you to give her a few minutes. What’s bothering you?” Dominic sat up to stare into Jason’s collector eyes.

“You know damn well what is wrong with me. I’ve tried to hold back, tried to forget what you told her. I even almost convinced myself she was better off not knowing, but I can’t let you continue to lie to her. If she finds out…”

Dominic materialized pajama bottoms to cover him than he slowly got out of the bed. “Tell me how she’ll find out. If you keep your mouth shut, she’ll never know. You saw her last night. Do you seriously think she needs to go through that?”

“It’s the last thing I want her to go through and you know it. But I can’t lie to her. And I sure as hell won’t lose her over your dishonesty.”

Stalking toward what Dom was starting to see as his enemy, he looked down into Jason’s eyes. “But you’ll let me lose her by exposing mine, is that it? I’m trying to protect her and you’re ready to play the knight in shining armor, here to whisk her away from a monster, right?”

“You know that’s not it at all. I love her as much as you, more actually, and I’m not risking that love for a second. What made you even think to do something so wrong? We could have helped her through it. Now we’re going to be in the shithole once she learns the truth.”

The water cut off so Dom lowered his voice. “Everything will be okay if we just stay quiet. Do you like seeing her in pain? Don’t do this, Jason.”

“She deserves to know the truth, Dom!”

“What truth?” Marcella walked out wrapped in a black silk robe. Her smile slowly disappeared upon seeing their faces.

Dominic thought he was going to be sick. The thoughts he had while they were making love, to make her remember, resurfaced nearly causing him to choke. With the damn gift he held, he should have known. He would have taken Marcella away until Jason came to his senses. Well, Dominic would have at least tried. There was no way of knowing whether Jason couldn’t find her if she vanished. Marcy was his master. Their connection still was a mystery.

“Truth? Oh, nothing you need to worry about.” Dominic said quickly, glaring in Jason’s direction.

“No, I want to know.”

Jason opened his mouth and Dominic didn’t think, couldn’t think passed not letting Marcella feel pain. The scream that echoed into the room tore into his heart, but he knew he’d lose her if she learned the truth. He’d betrayed her, lied to her.

Before he knew it, the boy was beneath him. Dominic repeatedly slammed his fist into Jason’s face. No matter what went through his mind, he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t lose Marcella.

The air pushed from Dom’s body as he hit the wall hard, sticking into place. Jason stood from the ground, murder in his eyes as he held Dominic into position. “Tell her or God help me, I will. I came here to give you the option, but you didn’t let me get that far. Now, tell her!”

Marcy ran over, pushing a rag under Jason’s bleeding nose. “Dominic?” She whispered. The pain etched into her face was his fault. He’d been so worried about keeping her protected, he’d been the one to end up hurting her in the end.

“I don’t want to tell you. You don’t need to know. Marcella please, just listen to me and believe when I say nothing good will come from you knowing.”

“Me knowing?” She got quiet and looked down at the floor. Dominic fell to the ground, finally released from Jason’s hold, but he took a step forward and walked into what felt like a brick wall. Confused, he pushed against the invisible force. Gold looked up at him while Jason shrugged at not knowing what was happening.

“Marcella, don’t think about it. Just come to me and we’ll leave. We’ll take a vacation somewhere so you can clear you head and not worry about anything. It’ll be fun, just me and you.”

Slowly, she shook her head back and forth making his heart accelerate. The light coming from her eyes gave the effect of fire behind her golden color. “You lied to me last night, didn’t you?”

“Don’t do this. Just think about something else.”

“No! I killed them, didn’t I?”


“Jason?” She asked, heartbreakingly.

Dominic went crazy beating on the invisible wall. “Jason! Don’t do it! Jason!”

Jason held out his arms, and Marcella nearly collapsed before she made her way into them. The sounds of screaming raked against his skin, tearing all the way into his insides. Something shattered deep in the core of his being. He’d lost her. Their connection weakened considerably leaving him gasping for air while he held his chest.

Suddenly, he fell through the force that held him. Looking up, they were gone. The floor tilted beneath his feet leaving him stumbling to the bed. Desperately, he searched for her link. He needed to bring her back, explain why he did it, but nothing was there for him to latch onto. Emptiness, that’s all that remained for him. Just like before his angel ever appeared, he was hollow. She was meant to save him, and he’d done the only thing he knew, sin. He failed her, and himself.

* * * *

Marcella looked toward the Gulf of Mexico, hugging Jason tightly. The tears were drying, and the numbness settling throughout her body felt better than the pain she’d experienced when she realized Dominic could lie to her about something so crucial.

They’d been here for hours and still her best friend held her. She’d immediately brought them to the one place only Jason knew of, a small beach hidden behind a hill, not a mile from her old house. Even though Jason tried to explain Dom’s reasons, she wouldn’t listen. The fact remained, he had lied.

“Marcy, why don’t you come to my house for awhile? My mother won’t mind. I’ll talk to her.”

“No, I don’t think so. We’ve already made a mess for you by showing me to your friends. I’m sure they’re going crazy with all the gossip. I don’t doubt Mrs. Jefferies already called your mom.”

“She did, this morning. But I don’t care. You leave my mom up to me. I’ll tell her something.”

Looking up into Jason’s eyes, she saw his worry. “What, more lies? No, I’ll get a place. Somewhere no one knows exists.”

“You can’t hide forever. He’s your mate. As much as I hate it, I think you both need to work out your problems.”

“Nice try, but I don’t need a mate. I have you. You’re the only one left who’s stayed honest with me. As long as we have each other, that’s all that matters.”

“Now who’s lying? We both know you need Dominic. He really was just trying to protect you. He loves you more than you think.”

“Enough, Jason.”

“If you say so, but I think you’re making a mistake. You weren’t supposed to leave. You were supposed to be angry, maybe break some stuff, and then together Dom and I would show you how much we’re there to support you. Then things would go back to normal.”

“Oh, is that the way your plan worked? Sorry if I messed up your little vision of the perfect family, Jason. I’m still pissed that you didn’t tell me this last night.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I almost didn’t tell you at all.”

“But you did.”

Marcella walked to the water, gazing out over the miles that held the tall buildings of Corpus Christi in the distance. “When I was a little girl, I used to imagine myself living at the top of one of those towers. Too bad they’re banks and offices, or else I would.”

“You could stay at the penthouse in one of the Omnis. Have maids wait on you, and there’s that fancy restaurant you can eat at every night. Huh, huh…sounds good, right?”

She watched Jason move his eyebrows up and down at her. A smile came even though she really wasn’t in the mood to laugh, but he always knew how to make her happy.

“I supposed they have a reservation waiting for a Miss Amanda St. Claire.” Marcella dressed herself in an outfit she’d seen on television not that long ago. The black pencil skirt hugged tightly to her curves and she wore a red silk blouse tucked in. She removed the large sunglasses, placing them on top of her tightly twisted conservative hairstyle.

“Wow, you look stunning. I always knew you’d make a fine lawyer someday, but…wow!”

“Well Jason, darling,” Marcella purred, “Let’s not forget I have an eternity to acquire it.”

He laughed, pulling her into his body. “You forget you’re spending it with me. I plan to keep you in bed half of that time. Now, tell me how I come to see you.”

“Well you can just feel for our connection and appear right outside my door. But if you want details, I’ll be at the Omni Bayfront, not Marina, and I’ll be in the presidential suite, eighteenth floor. You’re on my guest list, no one else. I’m trusting you not to tell Dom.”

“You’re secret is safe with me. If he asks, I haven’t seen you. You left me at my house and took off.”

Good. You better be getting back to your mom. How is she, by the way? I’ve been rude not to ask.”

“She’s great now that I’m home. A bit hovering, but that’s okay. I think she’s afraid I’m going to do something. She doesn’t quite trust me yet.”

“I’m sure she’ll come around. Just give it time. You get back. I’ll see you when I see you.”

“In the morning. I’ll wake you for a pretend breakfast. We can at least act the part of human, even if the food compares poorly with the taste of blood.”

Marcella body vibrated. “Thanks for reminding me. Now, go,” she said smiling and pushing him toward the hill. He laughed, winked, and quickly disappeared. She turned toward the water and looked back toward Corpus Christi.

Well, this is it, Miss St. Claire. Shall we go to our new home for the present? Why certainly
. Marcella rolled her eyes for resorting to answering herself back, but she didn’t dwell on it for long. She imagined the restroom off from the lobby and manifested herself. Saying a prayer, she opened the stall door.

Chapter 10

Jason opened his front door and froze. The sound of laughter flowed from within. Knowing Bill was out of town, he recognized instantly who sat inside entertaining his mother. Walking forward, he came face to face with Dom.

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