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Authors: Rochelle Alers

Pleasure Seekers (33 page)

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nid opened her cloth-covered diary, uncapped her pen and wrote the date:
August 20—Everything is ready for tonight. I can’t believe that it’s four months to the day when I hosted the soiree introducing my three exotic jewels.

Although I have lost two—Alana Gardner informed me last week that she was leaving at the end of the month—I am taking the news well because I just added six more jewels to the roster of P.S., Inc. social companions.

The six young women are as intelligent and as exquisite as Faye, Alana and Ilene. They all passed the background check and this time Astrid led the orientation session. I told Marcus that it’s time I begin grooming Astrid to take over Pleasure Seekers. The transition will be gradual, probably about five years, but there is no doubt she can run the business as well as I can.

I made my goal of five million. Unfortunately, I had to lean on a few clients and issue gentle reminders to others that they were contributing to a worthy cause. The only holdout was Representative Nolan who had to be reminded of his predilection for having social companions dress up like young boys and crawl on all fours while he
masturbated. Once I received his check I told Richard Nolan that I was terminating his membership, and then informed Victor Payton to destroy all evidence of the politician’s association with P.S., Inc.

I am looking forward to marrying Marcus, and there are times when I feel like twenty-six instead of fifty-six. I still find it hard to fathom why a thirty-four-year-old man would want to marry a woman more than twenty years his senior, but I have stopped asking myself why because I love the hell out of him. I suppose it helps that he is the only man who has been able to bring me to climax. So, if I am marrying Marcus for sex, then so be it. Women have married for lesser reasons. What helps is that I am in love with him. If I had met Marcus thirty years ago I know I would have adopted several children, children who would have made me a grandmother.

Even though I’ve never had a child I think of my exotic jewels as my daughters. I want the best for them. Too often women of color are regarded as sex objects who are used and abused before they are tossed aside. I am going to make certain that they are compensated for their beauty and stimulating conversation.

There is no doubt they will do well because I established Pleasure Seekers to empower women; that raison d’être will be in full effect tonight. My only regret is that Ilene will not attend, because I want her to see herself as a role model for the incoming jewels. However, Alana Gardner will make me proud that I, as a woman of color, am also an exotic jewel.


lana placed her hand on the driver’s outstretched palm, permitting him to assist her from the car. “Thank you.”

He nodded, successfully averting his gaze from her revealing bodice. “You’re welcome, Ms. Gardner.”

Glancing around, she silently admired the magnificence of the North Shore Long Island mansion where Enid Richards was hosting what she’d billed as her end-of-the-summer fund-raiser.

Derrick Warren had called and asked if she was attending, and if she was, then he wanted to escort her, but Alana declined his offer; however, she’d agreed to accompany him back to Manhattan.

A smile parted her generously curved lips as she spied Derrick standing at the end of the driveway.

Extending his hands, he closed the distance between them and pulled her into a close embrace. “Damn, you’re gorgeous.”

Alana kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Derrick.” Looping her arm over the sleeve of his suit jacket, she rested her head on his shoulder. “How’s the party?”

Derrick gave her a sidelong glance. “Boring as hell until you got here.”

The sounds of laughter, the babble of male and female voices, and the music from a live band playing a catchy upbeat Latin rhythm greeted Alana as Derrick led her to an open area covered by an enormous gazebo. Thousands of tiny white bulbs illuminated the space in a soft, flattering glow that reflected off the precious gems shimmering in earlobes, around throats, wrists and fingers.

She caught a glimpse of Enid in an exquisite white wrap dress with a black-and-white-pinstriped obi sash. She held a glass of champagne in her right hand while the other clung to the arm of Marcus Hampton. Alana recalled Faye’s reference to his being Enid’s boy toy. Boy toy or not, they presented an incredibly attractive couple.

A passing waiter, cradling a tray of glasses filled with a pale bubbly liquid on his fingertips, stopped in front of Derrick and Alana. “Would you like a glass of champagne?” They both declined.

Derrick let go of her hand and wrapped an arm around her waist. “How are you feeling?”

“Very well. So far I haven’t experienced any nausea.” What she didn’t tell Derrick was that her breasts were so sensitive, she couldn’t stand to touch them. Having the water from a shower on her nipples was akin to torture of an erotic nature.

He directed her to a portable bar. “What are you drinking?”


“Bubbly or flat?”

She smiled at the record mogul. “Flat, please.”

Derrick was everything Calvin wasn’t or couldn’t be. He always offered her a choice. It hadn’t mattered whether it was a beverage, food, activity or destination. If only he were straight, she mused, then he would’ve been perfect for her.

Alana had asked herself over and over how important sex was in a relationship, and the answer always was: very important. In fact, it was the substance that cemented any relationship—at least for her. However, she’d known women who admitted they were lucky if they made love with their husbands or boyfriends once a week, yet they stayed with them out of love.

Alana had fallen in love with Calvin, but look where it’d gotten her. Although he never refused her sexual overtures, their relationship had ended with “out of sight, out of mind.” He loved her when she was taking care of all his needs, and quickly forgot her when someone else replaced her as his provider.

Her slow, seething anger had erupted into rage during their separation once she realized that Calvin McNair had pimped the hell out of her. And she couldn’t say that Faye hadn’t warned her.

Well, the Alana Elizabeth Gardner who Calvin knew had died—never to be resurrected. It had taken her thirty-three years, but she now saw herself as a woman mature enough to take care of herself, a woman who looked forward to becoming a mother—with or without a man.

She’d achieved financial independence, so she could afford to stay home with her child for the first four years of its life; she’d resumed working on her manuscript; and she’d arranged for a certified health-care professional to see to the needs of her mother for around-the-clock care. Once she moved back to New Paltz, she would reassess Melanie Gardner’s health-care needs.

“Alana, are you sure you’re all right?”

Derrick’s voice broke into her reverie. She blinked once. “Yes. I’m sorry, but my mind was elsewhere.”

Smiling, Derrick handed her a goblet of water. “I hope I was a part of your thoughts.”

She returned his smile. “As a matter of fact you were.”

“Good or bad?”

“Good,” she admitted. “Very good, Derrick.”

He accepted a glass of club soda from the bartender. “Does this mean there is hope for us to become a couple?”

Alana took a sip of her chilled water, staring at Derrick over the rim of the glass. She lowered the glass, her gaze softening with tenderness and compassion.

“I can’t, Derrick. You have everything I’d ever want in a man, but…” Her words trailed off.

“But you’d need me to make love to you,” he said, finishing her statement. The loose folds in his face shifted as he clenched his teeth. “I don’t know why I’m drawn to men now, because it hasn’t always been that way. I’ve slept with women in the past and liked it, yet I enjoy being with a man more. I suppose I’m the perfect example of what
folks call a homo-thug. I give off the appearance of being an alpha male, but underneath I’m soft. I’ve always managed to maintain a low profile with women, so I haven’t cultivated a persona that I’m a ladies’ man. Most women take one look at my face and keep it moving. But to the ones who recognize my name, it doesn’t matter what I look like because all they want is to sleep with Derrick Warren and become his baby mama. All the tit and ass shakin’, and even if they put their shit on my face wouldn’t get me to sleep with them.”

Alana met his direct gaze. “What’s so different about me, Derrick? In case you haven’t noticed, I have my share of tits and ass.”

Lowering his head and his gaze, Derrick stared at the thick carpet of green under his imported footwear. “I don’t know what it is, Alana.” His head came up. “If there was ever a woman to make me straight, then it’s you.”

Looping her free arm through his, she shook her head. “I’m flattered, but I can’t take you up on your offer. You’ll be the godfather to my son or daughter, which means we’ll always remain friends. Perhaps one day, when we’re both different people, we might hook up. I never thought I’d say this but I don’t need a man. What I do need is a good male friend. I need you.”

Derrick took a step and kissed her fragrant curly hair. “And I’ll always be a friend, Alana.”

Turning her head, she kissed his mouth. “Thank you.”

Patting the hand tucked into the bend of his elbow, Derrick led her over to where Marcus stood with Enid.


Enid’s eyebrows lifted in surprise when she saw Derrick Warren and Alana Gardner heading in her direction. Although she was pleased to see the two together, it was the presence of the other six exotic jewels that had filled her with indescribable peace. Not only were they exquisite, but intelligent and charming. And for the second time in a matter of three months her blondes and redheads found themselves taking a back seat to their peers of color. One had the audacity to complain to Astrid, who calmly told her to “step up her game.”

Removing her arm from Marcus’s, Enid extended a hand to Alana. “Welcome. You look wonderful.”

Alana shook the slender hand, smiled. “So do you, Enid. I love your dress. Vera Wang?” she asked
sotto voce.

Enid’s pale eyebrows lifted. “Why, yes.” She turned to Marcus. “Darling, you do remember Alana Gardner?”

Marcus’s catlike gold eyes swept over Alana’s full figure. He wanted to ask his fiancée what normal sighted man could forget the drop-dead gorgeous woman with the profusion of curls that made her look as if she’d just been made love to. A black halter dress with an Empire waistline barely skimmed her curvy body while leaving everything
nothing to the imagination. It just depended upon who was doing the looking.

“Of course,” he said, offering her his hand. “It’s nice seeing you again, Alana.”

“Same here,” Alana returned.

Enid recaptured her fiancé’s arm. “Alana, I hope you’ll
be available in late December to come to Saint Bart’s to witness my wedding to Marcus.”

Alana noticed the stunning emerald and diamond on Enid’s left hand for the first time. “I’m unable to commit, because I’m with child.”

Enid’s eyes sparkled. She leaned over and kissed Alana’s cheek, surprising everyone, including herself. “So, that accounts for your glow. Congratulations. When’s the big day?”

“Late March or early April.”

“I can understand your reluctance to travel, but you must let me know what you have because I’d like to send you something for the baby.” What Enid was dying to ask Alana was whether Derrick Warren was the father of her baby. Since she’d refused to see him again, but it now appeared that they’d reconciled.

“Why don’t you get something to eat,” she continued. “I’m told the food is wonderful.”

Alana smiled up at Derrick. “Speaking of food, it is time for mama and baby to get their eat on.”

He patted her hand. “Come sit down, and I’ll serve you.”


ithin an hour of arriving at the Sands Point, Long Island, mansion Alana was overcome by a wave of fatigue and couldn’t keep her eyes open. When Derrick asked how she was feeling she’d said well. As long as she hadn’t been plagued with losing the contents of her stomach she was well. Tender breasts, weight gain and fatigue were all preferable to nausea.

She touched Derrick’s shoulder. “I’d like to leave now.”

He gave her a quizzical look. “Are you all right?”

A lingering sigh escaped her. “I can’t keep my eyes open.”

Pushing to his feet, Derrick extended a hand, pulling her gently to her feet. He led her to the area set up for parking and found his driver sitting with three other drivers who were engaged in a raucous game of spades. He caught the man’s attention. Five minutes later they were in the Bentley as the driver maneuvered onto the expressway toward New York City.


Alana came awake when the car slowed and stopped in front of her apartment building. Running her fingers through her mussed hair, she sat up straighter and smothered a yawn.

“Would you like to come up and see what you’ve purchased sight unseen?”

Derrick reached for Alana’s fingers, squeezing them gently. “Yes.” Leaning forward, he opened the panel between the back seat and the chauffeur. “I’m going upstairs with Ms. Gardner. I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.”

The doorman approached the car at the same time the locks were disengaged. He opened the rear door, nodding to Derrick as he stepped onto the sidewalk. He offered Alana his hand. “Good evening, Ms. Gardner.”

She smiled, nodding. “Good evening.”

“Nice building,” Derrick whispered in her ear as they walked into the lobby.

“It is. And I don’t look forward to moving,” Alana admitted as they entered the elevator.

“Why don’t you stay?”

Alana closed her eyes for several seconds. When she opened them the elevator had stopped at her floor. “I can’t because I’m committed to taking care of my mother.” She told Derrick about her mother’s medical needs as they walked the length of the hallway. She stopped at the door behind which the most important thing in her life had been represented: independence.

She unlocked the door and pushed it open. “I’m going to give you a set of keys,” she said over her shoulder as she walked into the lighted entryway. She’d left on the overhead light and a floor lamp in the living room.

Derrick glanced around at the tasteful furnishings as he moved from the entryway into the living room. The
dominant color of a soft apricot pink was the perfect contrast to shades of brown ranging from ecru and fawn, to mahogany. Wall-to-wall drapes were open to reveal spectacular views of Central Park.

His footfalls were muffled in the pile of a chocolate-brown and shrimp-pink area rug as he walked over to the window. Light from the windows of towering apartment buildings on the other side of the park dotted the darkened landscape.

“I would’ve paid you twice what you asked for a view like this,” he said reverently.

Alana, having slipped out of her heels, padded barefoot across the living room to stand beside Derrick. “I wasn’t out to cheat you, D. If I’d listed it with a Realtor, I probably wouldn’t have gotten my price or sold it so quickly.”

He gave her a soulful look. “I don’t need another home, but this place is perfect if I want to stay over in the city after a heavy night of partying.”

“Do you really party that much?”

Derrick smiled, the expression deepening the folds around his eyes. “More than I actually want to. I suppose it goes along with the business. Work hard and party even harder.”

Reaching for his hand, Alana threaded her fingers through his. What surprised her was that his hand was as soft as hers. “How did you get into the music business?”

“Do you want to interview me?”

Alana shook her head. “No. I’m just a little curious about the man who’s going to become godfather to my son or daughter.”

“Do you have a couple of hours?”

“I have all night.”

Derrick stared at Alana. He was only a couple of years older than she was yet felt much older. And despite her lush body and exotic face, Alana Gardner projected an innocence that made him want to take care of her as one would a child. Underneath her sophistication was a woman who loved and trusted with her heart instead of her head.

Releasing her hand, he shrugged out of his suit jacket. “I’ll answer all of your questions, but first I’m going to need some coffee.” He was still feeling the effects of the champagne and brandy he’d drunk the night before, a night that ended at six in the morning.

“Caffeine, decaffeinated, flavored or plain?”

Derrick stared at Alana, complete surprise on his face. “Damn, woman. I didn’t know you had it like that.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Most girls I know will break out the instant, and that’s it.”

Rising on tiptoe, Alana kissed his cheek. “That’s because they are
Derrick. It’s time you start dealing with a full-grown woman.”

“Sure you right,” he drawled.

Alana snapped her fingers. “You better recognize. Make yourself at home while I put up the coffee. Then I’m going to take this makeup off my face before I slip into something more comfortable.”

“I prefer the caffeinated,” he said as Alana turned on her heel and walked in the direction of her bedroom.

Derrick placed his suit jacket over the back of a tan leather club chair with a matching ottoman, then made his way over to a desk in the corner. Built-in shelves were crowded with books and sleeves packed with magazines. He scanned the titles of the books. It was apparent Alana was blessed with beauty
brains. Many of the titles were required reading in high school and college.

His gaze shifted from the books to a large stack of paper sitting next to a computer. He picked up the first page. It was a manuscript. Alana was writing a novel.

Derrick picked up the unbound pages and sat down on the sofa. Reaching over, he turned on the lamp sitting on a massive square of rosewood that doubled as a table and began reading. The aroma of brewing coffee filled the air as he turned page after page. He’d completed the first two chapters when Alana reappeared in a pair of cotton pajama pants and an oversize T-shirt. He glanced up at her and smiled. Her fresh-scrubbed face and the curls she’d brushed off her forehead and secured in an elastic band on top of her head served to enhance her natural beauty.

“What are you doing?” She wasn’t able to conceal her annoyance.

Derrick ran a hand over his shaved head before putting the manuscript on the cushion beside him. He stood up. “I was reading your masterpiece. Is it completed?”

Some of the fight went out of Alana. She didn’t know whether Derrick had referred to her novel as a masterpiece to placate her or if he truly liked what she’d written.

“You like it?”

“I love what I’ve read so far. Have you finished it?” he asked again.

Alana nodded slowly. “It’s done. But I still have to go over it and do some line editing and probably some tightening here and there.”

“From what I read I don’t think you should change anything.”

“That’s because I rewrote the first hundred pages three times before I felt comfortable with it.”

“Do you mind if I read it?”



“You want to read the book tonight?”

Derrick smiled. “Yes, I do.”

Alana’s body stiffened in shock. “I can’t let you take the manuscript with you. It’s my only copy.”

Derrick met her gaze. “Then I’ll stay here and read it.”

“It will take you all night to read more than seven hundred pages.”

Shrugging a shoulder under his custom-made white shirt, Derrick moved closer to Alana. Cradling her face between his hands, he dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I have all night.”

Wrapping her arms around his trim waist, Alana leaned into his warmth and strength. “I’ll sit up with you for a while. Then I’m going to bed.” Pulling back, she stared up at the man who unknowingly had become her friend and knight in shining armor. “The coffee’s finished
brewing.” Hand in hand, they walked out of the living room and into the kitchen.

Derrick called his driver and informed him that he would call him the following day to let him know when to pick him up. He sat in the large eat-in kitchen with Alana, drinking coffee and telling her of his childhood. Alana cleaned up the kitchen and went to bed, while he returned to the living room to read. The hands on his watch moved slowly as he found himself pulled into a world of power, glamour and fame with larger-than-life characters that leaped off the page.

Alana had written a bestseller. And he knew a movie producer who’d been looking for something for the small screen. He’d wait until Monday before making the telephone call, a call he was certain would change her life—forever.

BOOK: Pleasure Seekers
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