Please Me: Parisian Punishment (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Willows

BOOK: Please Me: Parisian Punishment
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“Is that good?” He whispered before he took a nibble of her ear.


Her only response was a hiss of sibilant air that fogged the mirror in puffs of breath and the fog receded from the surface just as quickly as it came to be there. It only took her a few minutes and a few dozen strokes, but she was too close to the orgasm that beat at her. She couldn’t stop it, not for a million dollars. She couldn’t help it, even as Pierre dug deeper and she watched the sensual grimace from the clench of his jaw and the knuckles of his hands turn white.


“I haven’t given you permission to come yet. Be patient.”


“I can’t stop it Pierre, please.” Her volume had begun to escalate, the pitch of her voice high even as she tried to mute the sounds to a whisper.


“Don’t be a bad girl, Shari.” But there was no way she could keep her body from doing what came naturally.


She saw the signs of her orgasm before she felt the impossible wave of pleasure crest. Her body changed color, and she saw the flush of red take over her skin. Her frame appeared tight, as if she clenched every muscle she owned in preparation of Hurricane Pierre.
Her cries began to grow louder with each slap of his hips and Pierre clasped one hand over her mouth to silence her squeals. It wasn’t enough, the pitch of her whines still escaped from behind his hand.


“You are such a bad, bad, chaton.” He kept thrusting, harder and faster. Now the sounds that escaped the flesh gag were eclipsed by the sound of their colliding hips and her suctioning pussy. Her eyes met his and he lifted the hem of the tiny net skirt to her navel. His feet kicked hers further apart until she stood wide open and exposed in every way. She was shocked when Pierre used his hand to smack her pussy just above where they came together as one. The noise was wet, aggressive, and somehow delightfully rude. Shari loved the feel of his hand clap a cadence over her clit. To hear the wallop was as good as it felt, and she was shocked at how the audible nature of their public tryst became even more seductive than the sex. Well, she amended, a close second to the sex.


“Can you be quiet now? I really need both of my hands.” Shari opened her eyes, actually she didn’t know when her lids drifted closed, but that was inconsequential. She had to have more and she would have agreed to the loss of a limb as long as he didn’t stop what he did to her. She couldn’t trust her voice and she nodded twice before he released her. He pressed two fingers into her mouth. “Suck me. Get my hand nice and wet.”


That was no hardship and she slurped over the thick fingers in between her lips until they were sodden. He took the digits away and let them limply trail her torso while she was rooted to the handful of inches Pierre kept plugged inside of her pussy. When he was done with his fingers he began to rim the ring of her anus and he displayed no hesitation or fear in his mastery of her. The tips of his fingers exploited her sensitive tissues, took ownership of regions that she couldn’t imagine were so nerve-laden and needy for sexual contact.


When Pierre delved deeper with his cock his fingers speared her further, and she craved more of the dual sensations. When she had to have a faster cadence she whipped her hips back and forth each movement she made implored him for more. More fingers, more cock, more of him. The location no longer mattered. What she wore tonight no longer mattered. She would give him what he asked for, so long as he held lurid lovemaking over her head.


“Pierre please, I can’t stop it.” Her voice was small, and she felt insignificant compared to the orgasm that beat at her once more.


“This time you don’t have to.” He continued to smack her snatch in a decadent cadence that called her to the peak and beyond.


But she was unable to keep her pleasure silent. Then again, Pierre was unable to mute his groan as he came either.


Shari was beet red as she dressed and knew she was going to perform a walk of shame on exit. Well, she corrected herself, she wasn’t ashamed merely contrite. Every patron within the changing area had to hear her cries of sexual satisfaction.






Cunnilingus and Crumpets


Pierre watched his woman come for him, she was too loud and he filed the thought away along with others that she had earned just punishment for. A spank bank. Pierre laughed at the asinine thought and bade Shari to dress. She looked less nervous, but she was definitely ashamed of what they had just done. That was somehow gratifying, even though he wasn’t aiming for shame. But the emotion would serve him just as well as any other at the moment. The only reason she felt shamed was he made her forget the fact that other people could hear her. Indeed for a moment he had forgotten where they were and the only thing that brought him back to the here and now was the tag that hung from the back of her dress. The paper tag and plastic fastener scraped his skin in odd intervals and the scratch forced him to remember where he was. Although, he couldn’t forget where he was either, his wife had pussy made of Kryptonite and she always made him weak.


When they left the dressing room, the pink haired girl had a satisfied smirk on her face and he was almost positive that she came with them.


“Here are those hot pants and top.” He didn’t bother having Shari try them on, and he refused to waste the woman’s time after she bothered to retrieve them. So he merely nodded and added the garments to the cart.


“I’ll just take those and the rest of the lot as well.” The girl scrunched her face like she knew what he did with some of the clothes and that he better purchase the lot.


Shari was present in body but she looked lost or high, and he wasn’t sure which. Either one was fine so long as she was ready for lunch. He was starving, coming that strong had taken something vital from him that only a truckload of calories could replace. The attendant had one last parting shot before he walked away.


“By the by, I didn’t let anyone else back here while the two of you were in the dressing room.”


“Thanks.” If anything Shari flushed brighter and then looked at the floor when the woman winked at her.


When he had paid for the clothes and loaded the bags into the car, Shari still hadn’t spoken.
She was still in la-la land with her eyes glazed over in that oh so familiar way. She was a natural to the lifestyle. Shari just didn’t realize it yet.
It was a bit past lunch and Pierre decided to take her to The Crumpet Room, a British style tea room during the day and pub by night as it was a brisk walk from the shop.


The place was dead when they walked inside and only two of the dozens of tables boasted any occupants. Pierre decided to test her even farther than before and allowed her to take the seat facing the window. He sat with his back to the glass and placed an order for sandwiches and chips along with a bottle of wine.


When the waiter walked away Pierre spoke to his wife. “Shari, are you with me?” She nodded and he continued. “I’m going to eat your pussy right now from beneath this table. You cannot make a sound or you will get us thrown out for indecency. If that happens you’re not going to like what I do to you. Not at first anyway.” His tone was normal and nonchalant enough to the point where he may as well have been remarking on the weather. Her eyes grew wide and Pierre chuckled, this was going to be fun. He smiled and checked to see if the other diners looked his way before he leaned over and pulled the floor length table cloth onto his lap.


He winked at her just to be as mean as possible and ducked under the cloth. The heavy rustle of fabric fell behind him and amid the darkness he saw Shari’s feet under the table. The bare toes were a perfect guide to where he was headed. He started slowly at first, just allowed his hands to skim over her toes then migrated north. When he was done with the tablecloth the heavy fabric rested on her lap bunched up along with the cotton of her maxi dress. If someone looked closely, they would be able to see a glint of his skin from the knee down from between the chair legs. Although he doubted anyone would pay that much attention.


He licked a path from the ankle to her inner thigh up one leg and down the other. Shari’s entire body seized up and she shook beneath his mouth. Pierre laved the other leg from the shaky thigh down to the ankle again and when he began to move upwards she clamped her legs together. He opted not to spank her but she would pay for the attempt to deny him access to her body. It only took a moment to wrench her thighs open again. But this time he was no longer in the mood to tease her and dove right into the main event.


Pierre captured the nubbin at the apex of pussy between his lips and squeezed the delicate bundle. Then he scraped his teeth gently over the surface before he opened his lips wide and nursed stiffly on her entire wet snatch. She was unable to stand the pressure and he heard her grunt along with a shift of her hips. But she wasn’t trying to get away, no, she shifted to give him more access. And that was why he loved his naughty wife. She was innocent in body before he got his hands on her, but she had a mind made to dwell in the gutter.


Check Please!


Shari felt as if she was about to explode. Pierre had a way of making the most simplistic exercises between a man and a woman exotic and undeniably erotic. His head was planted between her legs and treated her wet pussy as if she was lunch fit for a king. He nursed her clit, tongued her pussy lips and teased her entrance until she was ready to beg him for cock. It was as if he delved head first into her brain and dug her most decadent desires out one by one to lay them bare before her. Not only that, but he exposed her to light of day when she was unable to prevaricate about the needs he’d unearthed. She stiffly sipped her water and she felt grateful that he had made the allowance of seating her in front of the window.


At least the other patrons were unable to see the writhing mass her spouse had turned her into. But even with that thought there were people outside who saw the faces she made and could correctly assume why. She knew they saw her based on the looks she received as the men and women milled past the exposed window. Somehow the eyes outside made her feel worse than if the roles were reversed and other diners inside the eatery saw her. Orgasms were just too personal and she didn’t want to share that much of herself with a crowd of strangers.


After the first few minutes, she no longer minded being on display as Hurricane Pierre spun her away to a place where only the two of them could go. When his fingers joined in on the action, she was unable to care what faces she made and merely hid her flushed cheeks and gaped mouth in her cloth napkin. As the tension within her mounted Pierre continued to wreak havoc on every cell she owned south of the border. She was an instant from orgasm and no way was she capable of sitting still. She knew that she practically danced in her chair, but there was no way to stop it. Not that she wanted to.


But when she felt Pierre snort between her legs and twist his lips over her clit again she was lost. She could hear a throat clear behind her and embarrassed she looked up. It was the waiter. Damn it, how long had it been anyway? It seemed to her that it would take longer to make chips and sandwiches, especially in a place like this.


“I hope all is well with your meal.” He said, even as the waiter laid the dishes before her and looked askance at Pierre’s empty seat.


“Thank you.” She turned away and hoped her dismissal would be taken for what it was. There was no way she cared to have to explain herself. In fact, she thought, the boy should be grateful that she gave thanks at all considering how dumbfounded she felt.


But the boy still stood there for just a moment and Pierre continued to work his magic. Shari was unsure what she was supposed to do. She couldn’t hold still as Pierre went to town on her pussy. He feasted as if she was his last meal and he only had five minutes to finish it. The waiter sought something from her, but she had no idea what. And a moment later she didn’t care either. There was one heartbeat and a single breath between her and a massive orgasm. She blindly groped for her plate and picked up the first item she touched and placed it in her mouth. Too bad it was the lettuce garnish. The waiter chuckled and now she knew what he wanted. The young man wanted to be privy to her impending peak and but she was too wrapped into her own pleasure to care if he saw when she got it.


Pierre gave an indulgent pass of his lips over her clit and nibbled the nubbin in a pulsing pattern before he suckled steadily. The suction kicked her senses up a notch and instead of a mere peak she was thrust head first into orbit. Her hands fisted the table cloth in her lap with the intent of pushing Pierre away, but he was determined to cling to her clit until she was obliterated.


She looked up and the waiter looked pained as if the sight of her ferocious orgasm ached. Shari understood where the youth came from as she hurt in all of the best ways when she had it.

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