Plaything: Volume Two (7 page)

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Authors: Jade West,Jason Luke

BOOK: Plaything: Volume Two
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Suddenly I was aware that she was staring at me with solemn enigmatic eyes and slowly swaying her body closer to me. I saw something move there in her expression – something deep and emotional that I could not afford, dared not chance. It was like a cloud shadow passing over the deep blue pools of her eyes. She tilted her head to the side and the look in her gaze became an invitaion, her lips slightly parted, soft and red and ripe. The air between us crackled with an energy charged with intimacy – and I felt myself teeter, as though to pull away from her required every ounce of my strength and resolve.

Suddenly my cell-phone chimed and I glanced at it on the kitchen countertop.

It was the solution I was searching for – the kind of cruel slap that could break this insidious spell that was being woven between us once and for all.

I stared down at the phone for a long moment and slowly I smiled.

It was a nonsensical message from my communications provider, but I held the phone close as if the message was much, much more. From the corner of my eye I could see Amy’s quizzical expression. I waited...

“Good news?” she asked at last, finally taking the bait.

I looked up, feigned distraction. “What?”

“Did you get good news?” she gestured at the phone. “You’re smiling.”

I nodded my head and slipped the phone deep into the pocket of my trousers. “It was just a message,” I shrugged, trusting this pivotal moment to feminine curiosity.

“Oh?” Amy’s voice was light, almost off-handed. “From a friend?”

Thank God!

“From my fiancée,” I said.

For a long moment the room went still. Amy seemed to have frozen, as though at the slightest movement she might break apart and shatter into a million pieces. “You have a fiancée?”

I nodded. “Sure,” I said. “She’s a model.”

“A model?”


Amy’s face went a bloodless shade of white and it seemed as though her body began to shrink and wither. “A fashion model?”

“Yes. She’s in Milan for the new season shows. She just sent me a picture of the bridal gown she has chosen for our wedding.”

Amy took a step forward, eyes heavy on mine. She took a breath, and her arms folded across her breasts. “Show me.”





Thank you so much for reading Plaything, volume two. We hope you enjoyed it!


The final instalment in Robert and Amy’s story will be available soon – February 2016 – and we will be announcing the release date very shortly.


Thanks again!

Jason & Jade








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