Playing With You (26 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Playing With You
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He slipped out of his jacket and set it on the fallen tree. “I’ll keep you warm,” he said as he held out his hand.

She looked up at him, slid off her sweat jacket, handed it to him and he set it on top of his own.

He sat on the blanket and beckoned to her. She eased onto her knees beside him and he cupped her face in his hands and lowered his head and kissed her.

Her kiss was sweet and his desire for her kicked into full gear. He wanted to take her hard again, right now. But more importantly, he wanted to show her that it wasn’t only about rough sex with him. It was all about her.

When he drew away from the kiss, her lips were parted, hunger in her pretty green eyes.

“You’re an incredible woman.” He brushed his thumb over her lips, which trembled beneath his touch. “I’ve loved every minute of this weekend.”

“So have I,” she said, her voice just above a whisper. “I wish it didn’t have to end.”

“It doesn’t.” He nuzzled her hair that was silky now that it had dried. “When we return, we just pick right back up where we left off.”

She smiled and he kissed her again. She felt so soft and warm in his arms. He slid his hand under her T-shirt, pleased she didn’t have her bra on as he cupped her bare breast and rubbed his thumb over her nipple. He watched her expression as her lips parted and her eyes grew dark with need.

He drew the T-shirt over her head and set it on the fallen tree. Candlelight flickered, gently touching her bare shoulders and chest.

“You know how much I love your body and how beautiful I think you are,” he murmured before stroking her nipples with the back of his hand.

He cupped her breasts, feeling their weight in his hands before he lowered his head and sucked a nipple.

She gasped and leaned back so that her hands were braced behind her on the blanket, her back arched so that he had better access to her breasts. He pressed them together and moved his mouth from one to the other, sucking one nipple before moving his mouth to the other one. Her nipples were large and hard and he loved sucking on them.

“I want you on your back, looking at me.” He adjusted her so that she was lying on the blanket. Her eyes glittered in the light, desire on her features.

He was surprised at how she made him want to go slow with her, to be gentle and show her how much he cared. She stirred things inside him he’d never felt with another woman.


# # #


Roses and Rodeo

Cheyenne McCray


Please Note: this is the youngest McBride brother’s story!


“No thank you.” Danica turned down yet another offer from a cowboy to buy her a drink.

After she declined, she dismissed the cowboy with a genuine smile. She moved away to search the room with her gaze for Kelsey. She held onto her beer bottle as she moved through the crowd.

The bar was packed with men and women in western attire and a country-western band had been playing familiar tunes all night. She liked that the slot machines were outside the bar and the constant ringing and cha-ching of machines wasn’t competing with the good music.

She’d caught herself lightly tapping her boot since she’d come into the bar, but she hadn’t been in the mood to dance. Usually she did, but tonight she had a headache that alcohol hadn’t been able to kick. Thank goodness smoking had been banned from bars and restaurants in Las Vegas or her headache would have magnified.

Her gaze slid past Creed who had three women around him. Kelsey had called the women buckle bunnies, female groupies. From what she’d seen, the groupies tended to wear tight jeans and boots with skimpy tops and bright, flashy accessories like a belt with a big buckle that had lots of dazzle.

She moved her gaze away from the cowboy and groupies then spotted her petite friend who was leaning against Darryl, her hand on his chest, looking into the tall cowboy’s eyes. It was a sweet, romantic picture the way he was looking at her. Danica hoped Kelsey wouldn’t get her heart broken. She’d been through far too much and she deserved a good guy. Danica had met him earlier in the night when Kelsey had introduced them. He seemed okay, but she’d reserve judgment for later.

Her cell phone had vibrated in her pocket three separate times. She was sure they were messages from Barry, so she didn’t bother to look.

From the corner of her eye, she found herself looking at Creed. This time a woman who looked upset was talking with him and the buckle bunnies were gone. He reached up and brushed something from beneath her eye with his thumb. He said something to her and she nodded, then turned and walked in Danica’s direction. The woman bumped into Danica, nearly making her drop her beer bottle.

Danica took a step back and shook her head. She looked at Darryl and Kelsey again. They really did look like a cute couple. She glanced away from the pair to check her watch. It was still early but she really wasn’t in the mood to party. Maybe she’d tell Kelsey about her headache and that she was going to head up to their suite in the casino resort hotel that was on the strip. She wouldn’t mind a bath in the amazing jetted tub.

“Heading off so early?” The deep drawl caught her attention. She immediately loved the male voice and turned to find herself facing Creed McBride.

She raised her brows. “Who says I’m leaving?”

He gave a slow, sexy grin. “Honey, you’ve been trying to head out that door all night.”

Her face warmed. “You’ve been watching me?”

“Ever since you walked into the room.” He searched her gaze. “Just waiting for a chance to catch your attention. I don’t think there’s a cowboy in this place who hasn’t offered to buy you a drink.”

She studied his eyes. He had dark hair and nice eyes that were a gorgeous shade of green. “Who’s to say I’m not going to send you packing?”

His gaze held hers. “I’m hoping my luck will hold out. I think this is the longest conversation you’ve had with any cowboy you’ve met tonight.”

Amusement sparked in his eyes as he spoke. He had that same ease and confidence in his manner in person as she’d seen before he’d ridden that bull and even after his ride.

He was about as tall as her four brothers, around six-two, but a little younger—she’d guess about thirty-three. His white shirt and Wrangler jeans fit him oh-so-well, and his white western hat was tilted up enough that she could study his eyes. He was definitely hot in an alpha male, bad boy kinda way.

“I’m Creed McBride.” He held out his hand.

“My name is Danica and you’re right, I’m heading up to my room.” She smiled as she took his hand. “Nice meeting you,” she added but couldn’t get herself to turn away. In fact she had a hard time getting herself to release his hand. His grip was firm and warm, his hand callused from hard work.

It was probably only seconds but it seemed as though it carried on longer before she finally drew back her hand.

“Pretty name.” He looked like he wanted to touch her again to keep her from leaving but held himself back. She didn’t know why she thought he did, but she could almost feel the brush of his fingers against her cheek even though he hadn’t reached for her at all. He studied her and she felt warmth go through her at the intensity in her look. “I bet you’re told all of the time what gorgeous blue eyes you have. Such a brilliant blue,” he said.

“Is that a pick-up line?” She raised an eyebrow.

“You know it’s not.” He smiled. “It’s an observation.”

It was true that she got that all of the time. She and her four brothers had the same eye color and her aunt called them “Cameron blue”.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to two-step with me?” Creed gave a nod to the dance floor. “I haven’t had a chance to dance all night.”

She wanted to ask him why not when gorgeous women had surrounded him all night, or the other woman he’d been talking with, but she didn’t want him to know that he’d captured her attention tonight, more than once. Fortunately, she didn’t think he’d caught her at it.

Darryl came up to Creed’s side and he put his arm around Creed’s neck. “Do you know who you’re talkin’ to?” Darryl raised his beer bottle with his opposite hand. “You should be damned impressed. This is Creed McBride, two-time world bull riding champion.”

Creed looked uncomfortable and Danica’s lips twisted with amusement as she teased him. “I’m impressed by a lot of things, but riding an animal out to kill you isn’t one of them. I’m more impressed by the person.”

“Felt the heat on that one.” A slight grin curved the corner of Creed’s mouth, obviously knowing she was teasing, and he disengaged from Darryl. “Why don’t you go find that cute little blonde you’ve been with all night?” he said to Darryl.

Darryl turned his gaze on Danica and slowly looked her up and down. Disgust flowed through her at the blatant way he was undressing her with his gaze. “What about this sexy thing?” He grinned. “Danica, right?”

“Yes.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Best friend to Kelsey Richards. Where is she, by the way?”

Darryl jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “She’s waiting for me by the bar.”

Danica put her hands on her hips. “I think I might need to go have a talk with her.”

“Just havin’ a little fun.” Darryl straightened. “I best be getting back to Kelsey.”

Danica frowned, wondering if she should go have a talk with her friend. But then Danica wondered if maybe she was reading too much into the way he’d been looking at her.

Darryl touched the brim of his hat. “Ma’am,” he said politely, his demeanor completely changed. Darryl slapped Creed on the shoulder then turned and headed toward the bar where Danica caught a glimpse of Kelsey.

“Come on.” Creed indicated that dance floor with a nod. “Give this cowboy a dance.”

The only indecision that warred within her was the thought of getting to know him better, maybe even liking him, when she’d already decided that she wouldn’t want to date a bull rider. Not that dancing with him meant that he even wanted a relationship with her.

Against her better judgment, she found herself nodding. “All right.”

He flashed a smile at her and took her by the hand. She set her beer bottle on a table as they passed by and then they were on the dance floor.

It was a lively two-step and they fell into the dance as if they’d been doing it together forever. She’d been country-western dancing since she was a little girl and it was obvious he was plenty experienced, too.

When the one dance was over, another tune started right away and he swung her into a country waltz. She found herself laughing as they danced and then she realized her headache had vanished. Every touch of his hands sent warmth throughout her body. Or was that just the heat of her skin from dancing?

She was ready to walk off the dance floor the moment the next song struck up, a slow tune, but Creed took her by the hand then brought her into his arms, catching her off guard. She braced her palms on his shoulders to keep him from holding her too close. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

His warm breath caused a shiver to run through her as he murmured, “Thank you for the dances.”

She swallowed, trying to not let his closeness affect her…the solidness of his body, his masculine scent, and the heat of his large hands at her waist. She cleared her throat but couldn’t get anything out.

“I’d like to see you again,” he said close to her ear.

She drew back and gave him a skeptical look. “You’re a bull rider. You don’t stay in one place for too long.”

“Long enough,” he said. “Where are you from?”

“I’m from southern Arizona, in the San Rafael Valley,” she said. “But I now live in San Diego.”

“There you go.” He gave her a little grin. “We do have something in common. I’m from just north of Phoenix, in Kirkland, between Prescott and Wickenburg.” He touched a lock of her long, dark hair. “What’s an Arizona country girl doing in San Diego?”

“I work as a research associate at the University of California,” she said. “In our department we do breeding maintenance, genotyping, cloning, and other related projects.”

“I’m impressed.” He continued to lightly play with her hair. “Did you go to the University of Arizona?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“I graduated from the U of A twelve years ago,” he said with a grin. “I’d bet you were at least eight years behind me.”

“Something like that.” She smiled. “What was your major?”

“Animal Sciences.”

The song ended, surprising her. The time had passed faster than she’d expected.

“I’d better go,” she said as they drew apart.

“Why?” He walked beside her as she left the dance floor.

“It’s getting late.” And she was becoming far too interested in this bull rider.

He caught her by her hand and drew her to a stop. “Sure I can’t talk you into a drink?”

“You already talked me into dancing with you.” She smiled. “But no, not a drink.”

“Give me your phone number,” he said. “I want to see you again.”

She shook her head. “I don’t date bull riders.”

With a laugh he said, “Why not?”

“It’s too dangerous a sport,” she said. “I’d be worried all the time.”

“You’d worry about me?” He had that sexy grin again.

Somehow she felt off-balance by his reply. “I suppose I would, if we were dating. Which isn’t a possibility because, like I said, I don’t date bull riders.”

“Why don’t you give me a chance?” he said. “I’ll show you that you don’t have to worry about me.”

She put her hands on her hips. “How many bones have you broken over the years? How many concussions have you had? How many times have you had to be stitched up?”

He winced.

“Or,” she went on, “maybe you should just tell me what bones you haven’t broken. Yet.”

He shook his head. “It’s not as bad as it sounds.”

“Oh?” She folded her arms across her chest. “How many times have you ridden even when you were injured rather than waiting for those bones and injuries to heal?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “More times than you can count, I’ll bet.”

He laughed and raised his hands. “Aw, come on, Danica. Just give me a chance.”

She liked the way he said her name. His voice had a raw, sensual quality about it. “I’m heading up to my room now,” she said. “It really was nice meeting you.”

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