Playing With the Boys (28 page)

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Authors: Liz Tigelaar

BOOK: Playing With the Boys
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Both teams huddled on their respective sides of the line of scrimmage.



As soon as Oakwood broke, Tank looked for signs of what play they were going to do. Seeing Oakwood’s tight end move right, he shouted, “Strength right! Strength right!”



As the ball was snapped to Oakwood’s quarterback, the Beachwood defensive line charged forward. Big Jimmy came out of nowhere to pick off the pass.



“INTERCEPTION!” Lucy cheered. Big Jimmy faked left, then cut back right, finding a small opening through the surprised Oakwood offense. The crowd roared!



With Tank and DeRosa as blockers, Big Jimmy sprinted straight up the left side of the field, looking as though he had rockets on the bottom of his shoes. Several Oakwood players tried to grab him, but each fell out, one after the other. Triumphantly, he crossed into the end zone, spiking the ball dramatically before chest-bumping his teammates.



On the bench, Lucy went crazy, cheering loudly and thumping several nearby teammates on their shoulder pads with her fists. The game had just started and Beachwood was already up 6-0! She went in for the extra point, which, thankfully, she made with ease. It was now 7-0. Her ankle stung a little on the impact. With all the warm-up kicks, the kickoff, and now the extra point, she was definitely feeling some soreness. But she didn’t care. All she cared about was that she was playing.



“That’s it!” Coach Offredi bellowed. “That’s the momentum we needed.” He grabbed Lucy with the play. “Into their end zone for a touchback. We need a big kick!”



On the kickoff, she followed Coach Offredi’s instructions, nailing the ball as high and hard as she could, her ankle protesting on contact.



A totally juiced-up Beachwood defense roared onto the field and successfully shut Oakwood down on the next three plays. Oakwood had no choice but to punt on the fourth down. Oakwood punted a short kick to Beachwood that Sascha caught on the Oakwood forty-nine-yard line. On the sidelines, the offensive unit was ready for their turn.



Coach Offredi grabbed Ryan by the shoulders. “Okay, son, let’s do this. Read the field, now. Read the field.”



Ryan and the offensive team ran onto the field as if they were on fire. The energy and excitement in the air were almost palpable as Ryan tossed a quick pass to Kevin, who cut straight up the middle, gaining ten yards and enough for a first down.



On the next play, Ryan did a pump fake to the right but then sent a low bullet pass to Little Jimmy, who cut back, turned, and caught it at ankle level, before being immediately tackled at Oakwood’s twenty. Another first down. Beachwood was clearly dominating.



Anticipating what was coming next, Lucy warmed up her leg on the sidelines, expecting to kick again soon. She was right. Cope caught a line drive right at his gut in the end zone and Lucy was up again. Caleb snapped the ball, Benji held it and BOOM! Lucy nailed it between the uprights. Beachwood was up 14-0.



Caleb knocked Lucy in the head excitedly.“Nice kick,” he said, banging her helmet. Her head rattled around inside. She had a moment to regroup on the sidelines as Coach Offredi gave the kickoff team instructions.



“Now, remember the film from earlier,” he reminded her.They’d briefly looked at film after their ritual pregame meal at Sizzler. “Let’s a do a right return.The wedge slides right! Let’s pin their man back!”



Lucy gave a solid kick to the right, just as she’d been instructed, but Oakwood’s kick returner was fast and, with the help of his teammates, was able to get by Beachwood’s first set of defenders, getting all the way to the Oakwood forty-five before he was brought down. On the sidelines, Coach Offredi threw down his clipboard, obviously angry. He marched over to the assistant coaches, strategizing defensive plays—but nothing Beachwood tried was enough to stop Oakwood’s push for a touchdown. The momentum had quickly shifted.



Oakwood scored. Then scored again. And as the quarters passed and the clock ticked down, they scored yet another time. And by the time the game was deep into the fourth quarter, Oakwood was leading 23-14. Although Oakwood’s kicker missed one of his three extra point attempts, he had also gone on to nail a field goal from the twenty-five-yard line. Things weren’t looking good for Beachwood.



Lucy watched Coach Offredi pacing up and down like a caged animal about to unleash his wrath on anybody in his way. He yelled at Ryan. He yelled at Tank. He yelled at the ref. At one point, Lucy thought she heard him yell for a hot dog, but she must have been imagining that
Who could eat at a time like this? She looked at the clock. There were only two minutes left in the game.They had to score now.



“Crossfire . . . Idaho . . . Idaho,” Ryan shouted on the field. “Hut!” He took the snap from Caleb. The receivers took off running, deep into Oakwood’s territory. Just as he was about to be taken down, Ryan fired a thirty-eight-yard bomb to Kevin. The ball spiraled so fast Lucy couldn’t even see the laces. It fell right into Kevin’s outstretched hands. The entire Beachwood team jumped off the bench, screaming, as Kevin sprinted the final ten yards into the end zone. TOUCHDOWN! The team exploded on the field and sidelines! The coaches hugged! The crowd went wild! Suddenly, Beachwood had a shot. Oakwood only had a three-point lead. They were back in the game!



Lucy looked up at the clock. It read 1:32. She jogged out to kick the extra point. BAM! The ball split the uprights. Another point was added on to Beachwood’s side of the scoreboard, which now read BEACHWOOD 21, OAKWOOD 23.



“Huddle up!” Coach Offredi shouted, bringing the kickoff unit closely around him. “Okay,” he said. “This is it. We need to get the ball back. They know we need to get the ball back. Ten yards, Lucy. Right in front of you. That’s what we need.You kick it, you run after it, and you fall on it. Go to that ball, and whatever you do, hold on to it! Hold on like your life depends on it!”



Lucy tried not to look horrified at what Coach Offredi was instructing her to do. “Wait—I’m supposed to kick it
fall on it, too?



“You’re not supposed to,” Coach Offredi challenged. “You will.” He looked her in the eye. “If you can’t do it, you tell me now. I’ll put Benji in there.” Lucy looked over at Benji on the bench. They hadn’t exchanged more than two words since their locker fight. And the two words had been



“No,” Lucy said defiantly. “I can do it.” She looked around at her teammates. “Really,” she said, trying to convince herself as well. “I can. I want to.”



The kickoff team lined up on the field on either side of Lucy. Fully suspecting that Beachwood was planning an onside kick, Oakwood matched their formation, leaving only one player deep in their backfield on the slim off chance that the kick went deep.



Lucy took a deep breath. She knew she could do this. She tried to ignore the throbbing in her ankle. She could do this. She was tough. She raised her hand. The whistle blew.



BAM! She kicked the ball hard on the ground. It toppled end over end a short ten yards. Lucy ran behind it as her teammates ferociously blocked so that Lucy could pounce on it. And she did!



She hit the ground with the ball and curled around it protectively, holding onto it as if her life depended on it. Suddenly, WHAM! She felt as if a piano had been dropped on her . . . and then another piano . . . and then a concert grand piano, as Oakwood dogpiled on her at the forty-five-yard line, frantically trying to jar the ball loose from Lucy’s arms. At the moment the referee blew his whistle and signaled a recovered onside kick, the cleats of one of the Oakwood tacklers in the pile forcefully jammed into Lucy’s recently injured right ankle, sending a wave of searing pain and then nausea through her body.



Oh, please, God,
she groaned to herself.
Please don’t let me puke here.
Puking was bad enough. Puking in public was beyond traumatizing.



On the sidelines, the team went crazy. In the stands, the fans stomped and clapped and cheered.The band blared and the cheerleaders bounced as the Oakwood guys were pulled off Lucy, one by one. Her own teammate,Aidan, helped her up, practically peeling her off the ground. She felt as if she’d been flattened by a Mack truck.As soon as she stood up and tried to put any weight on her reinjured ankle, her leg gave out. It hurt so badly she could barely stand it. Aidan helped her clear off the field and led her to the bench.



Coach Offredi rushed over. “Are you okay?” he asked. Lucy took off her helmet.



“Yeah . . . it just . . . it just really hurts,” she answered with tears in her eyes.



Coach Offredi beamed at her. “Nice job, kid.”



Lucy forced a smile. “Thanks.” If it hadn’t been for the searing pain, she would have been able to appreciate the magnitude of what she had just done. She looked up at the clock. It read :54.



As the Beachwood offense took the field for what would be their final possession, Coach Offredi shouted to Ryan. “We just need to get inside the thirty. Just inside the thirty. We need fifteen yards right now! Fifteen yards! Let’s go! Let’s go, Beachwood! Time is now!”



A handoff to Little Jimmy advanced Beachwood seven yards, and a lateral pass to Nick, who dove for the three yards, gave Beachwood a first down. The clock read :28.



The Beachwood team huddled on the field.This was it. Their last chance. They had to get close enough for Lucy to kick. But the question was, would she be able to? Her ankle had swelled so much, she’d just taken off her shoe. The trainer rushed over.



“What’s going on?” he asked. “You okay?”



“It’s just my ankle. . . .” Her voice wavered. “I think I need . . . I don’t know ... maybe to retape it?”The trainer grabbed his bag and frantically started retaping Lucy’s ankle.



On the field, Ryan called out the play. “Green light . . . green light . . . seventy-four.” The ball was snapped. Ryan took the snap and faked a handoff to Kevin, who ran off-tackle, drawing the attention of most of the Oakwood defense. Ryan then took one step to his right and sprang through the hole created when the Oakwood defensive tackle went after Kevin, diving for seven yards and another first down. They were within field goal range!



Hurriedly, the trainer finished taping Lucy. Coach Offredi ran over. “What’s wrong?
What’s wrong?
” he asked, adamantly, his mustache twitching like mad. He looked at Lucy trying to pull her shoe over her swollen ankle. “No, NO!” he yelled. “What’s this?”



“I’m fine!” Lucy said, rushing to tie her laces.



“Fine? Your ankle’s swelled up to the size of Texas!”



Coach Offredi motioned to the ref for Beachwood’s last time-out.



One of the assistant coaches said, “Make the call. You want to put in Benji instead?”



Coach Offredi put his head in his hands. It wasn’t what he wanted, but he had no choice. Lucy spoke up.



“I can go in,” she said. “I want to go in. This one’s mine.”



Coach Offredi looked at her, amazed. “You sure?”



She nodded vigorously. She needed to finish this. She had something to prove. To her coaches, to her teammates . . . to herself.



She stood up. “Okay, let’s go.” Throbbing pain shot through her ankle, as if someone had just hit her anklebone with a hammer. Limping, she jogged out onto the field. She glanced at the clock. It read :14.



Beachwood took their positions for what would certainly be the last play of the game. Lucy said a quick prayer.
Mom, please help me do this,
she thought to herself.
Please help me.



The crowd waited in breathless anticipation. Everything became still. Benji gave Caleb the signal. Caleb snapped the ball back . . . but it was off-line. So off-line that Benji had no chance to catch it cleanly.



Horrified, Lucy watched the ball tumble to the ground at her feet.



“Oh my God,” Lucy said aloud. She glanced around, panicked. She couldn’t let Oakwood get their hands on it. Without even thinking, she scooped it up and did the only thing she could do.






Benji sprang up, blocking for her. His action allowed her to cut through an open hole. She was careful not to go over the line of scrimmage as she headed toward the sideline. She tucked the ball into her body and was so terrified she didn’t even notice the throbbing pain in her ankle.



She saw the Oakwood defensive end and two linebackers barreling toward her, and she knew she was never going to make it to the end zone. If they hit her, she might not even make it to tomorrow!



Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she saw Kevin in the end zone in front of the goalpost. Seeing her frantic scramble, he cut across the end zone back toward the left sideline, trying to get open.



The clock ran down. Six . . . five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . .

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