Playing Pretend (2 page)

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Authors: Tamsyn Bester

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Playing Pretend
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“It sounds perfect,” I replied. My voice trembled with relief, and I blinked away the tears threatening to spill.

“Great. Let’s go over your list of responsibilities, and what I expect, and then I’ll have your contract drawn up.”

I nodded, and listened intently for the hour that followed. The longer Macy spoke, the more I relaxed, and the more I realized everything was going to be okay.




I buzzed myself through the glass doors that separated the top floor offices from the bank of elevators. The morning sunlight illuminated the tiled floors as it gleamed through the windows overlooking midtown Manhattan, the streets below already filled with street vendors, yellow cabs and pedestrians. Rather than risk the remaining life span of my historic Honda Civic, I purchased a Metro card, and took the subway, gauging the amount of time it would take me to get to work every day. I was glad when I timed it at no longer than thirty-five minutes, adding a few extra minutes for the walk from Grand Central to Park Avenue.

I powered up my work-issued MacBook, and put my purse in my desk-side drawer. I sat directly outside Macy’s office, and despite the lack of privacy, I was grateful to have my own workspace.

After brushing my hands down my black lace crew neck dress with short sleeves – another thrift store find – I ventured into the small kitchenette next door to the boardroom and made a fresh cup of coffee. I was tempted to stop at Starbucks, but reconsidered when I realized the coffee at the office was free. Until I could save enough to buy small luxuries, free coffee would have to do.

The office was unusually quiet, and as I wandered around, familiarizing myself with the space, I noted the names on the doors. They were of little consequence to me, until I reached the double doors at the end of the hallway.

Caleb Callahan, CEO’
was written in bold, masculine letters, and I silently wondered what his office looked like. I had no reason to believe I would see much of him, considering he wasn’t my immediate boss, but that didn’t stop the onslaught of memories that had kept me awake the night before. Five years had done little to fade them, or make their effect on me any less beguiling. All night I’d thought of nothing but his smile…The mischievous gleam in his eye…The soft, yet powerful way he kissed...

“Who the hell are you?”

I turned quickly, almost spilling the hot liquid in my mug, and found a tall, leggy brunette scowling at me. Her abstract print silk blouse was tucked into the front of white pleated wide leg pants, and the look was completed with nude peep-toe Louboutins. Long, brown waves cascaded over her shoulders, and her make-up was flawless. Her eyes scrutinized me as she said, “Interns aren’t allowed up here.”

“I’m not an intern,” I replied. My voice was too soft, and gave away just how intimidated I was by the young woman in front of me. Her red lips thinned as she folded her arms across her chest.

“Then what are you doing here?”

I chastised myself for being tyrannized by a complete stranger. “I’m Kadence. The new Assistant Publicist.”

I stuck my hand out, expecting Miss Hoity-Toity to take it, except she looked at it like it was diseased. I dropped it quickly.

“Did you just make that up? I didn’t know we were hiring an
‘Assistant Publicist’.”
She said the last part with air quotes, and I bristled. It wasn’t in my nature to be rude, my pedigreed upbringing didn’t allow it, but it wouldn’t prevent me from defending myself.

“Macy Weatherford hired me,” I replied, refusing to explain myself to someone I didn’t know. “You should really check with her.”

I moved past the stranger and walked back towards my desk when I noticed that Aaliyah, the affable receptionist from the day before, had finally arrived. Her timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

“Good Morning, Kadence!” she greeted enthusiastically. Her smile was bright, and filled with a rare genuity, until she saw the woman behind me.

“Oh, Jennifer. You’re in today.” Aaliyah’s tone – suddenly false, and sarcastic – made me want to snicker. I had a feeling we were going to get along just fine.

“Is Macy suffering from pregnancy brain?” asked Jennifer. “She didn’t tell me we were hiring, and I doubt Caleb would have approved it. It must be a mistake.”

I stiffened, feeling a tight ball of nerves unfurl in my stomach. It was my first day and I was already involved in ‘office politics’ that I knew nothing about.

Talk about a great way to start a new job.

“News Flash, you’re not the boss around here, and last I checked, neither Macy nor Caleb report to
. You’re just being pissy because you have your eye on Macy’s position.”

Jennifer straightened her stance in defense, and glared at Aaliyah. “
Macy makes
her protégé, the first thing I’m going to do is find a new receptionist. So if I were you, I’d watch your step.”

Aaliyah simply rolled her pretty brown eyes. “Please. I might be a lowly receptionist but I’m damn good at my job, and in case you’d forgotten, Caleb is the one who hired me. I highly doubt spreading your legs for him a second time would get him to fire me.”

Jennifer’s mouth dropped open, as did mine. “How dare you!”

Aaliyah flicked her wrist, and
’d Jennifer away before turning to face me. I saw the telltale sign of victory in her eyes, and made a mental note not to get on her bad side.

“Ignore her,” she told me, disregarding the fact that Jennifer was still standing beside us. “I need to make sure you’re all set for your first day. Macy asked me to have your laptop set up with all the necessary software, and give you a copy of both
schedule, and the event calendar for the company. You’re going to be a busy bee, so I hope you’re not too fond of sleep.”

“O-okay,” I stuttered, turning just in time to see Jennifer storm off. I stared at her back, replaying Aaliyah’s comment in my mind.
Spreading your legs for him a second time.
It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it was like a pinprick to the ridiculous fantasies I’d been having about Caleb from the time I was seventeen. Shaking the irrational thoughts from my head, and berating their existence in the first place, I looked back at Aaliyah, and forced a smile.

“Lead the way,” I said, ready to forget the way my day had started.

The remainder of my morning was a torrent of activity. Once my laptop and work email were set-up, Macy caught me up on the major events we would be overseeing over the next few months, the first of which was the Annual Shareholders Gala in just two weeks. It was the official kick-off to the event season at Callahan Industries, and from what I’d been told, it was quite a grand affair.

I absorbed as much as I could, and by the time my lunch break came around, I was in need of a breather.

At a quarter after the hour, Macy came out of her office, dressed in a navy blue ruched Maternity tank dress, and black peep-toe heels. Her red hair was clipped out of her face, showing off her pregnancy glow.

“You ready?” she asked, closing her office door. “The meeting with the heads of departments starts in fifteen minutes, and I’m jonesing for a scone before we start.”

I grabbed my notebook, and a pen, and followed her to the boardroom where we’d had my interview. The room was already filled with a low hum of conversation, and I was grateful when Macy introduced me to the other executives. Gregg Attrige was the Head of Media and Advertising, and from the formal way he shook my hand, I deduced that he was a few years older than every one of his colleagues. His silver hair was coifed to the side, and he dressed well. We spoke briefly before I was introduced to the next executive, Annabel McCain. She too was immaculately dressed with her black hair in a pixie cut, and pale green eyes. She was only three years older than me, putting her at twenty-five, and was the chief editor of Callahan Lifestyle Magazine. It was unheard of that someone her age had such a prestigious title, but she explained that the magazine was her brainchild, and Caleb had provided her with the funds, and the platform to get it off the ground. Her bubbly personality, and easy sense of humor made me feel right at ease, and I knew we would be good friends. The last two executives, Anthony and Julian, were two (very obviously) gay gentlemen who I learned were the masterminds responsible for Callahan Industries’ newest procurement: Callahan Couture. They studied me, dressed in their designer clothes, their manicured hands flicking the air dramatically, and after a brief assessment, engulfed me in a hug rather than the customary head nod or handshake. They were ostentatious, and ridiculously over the top, but like everyone else in the room, they belonged, and added a unique flare to an already diverse team.

Once the introductions were over, Macy and I sat down, and I prepared myself to take minutes and any additional notes I thought would help me for future meetings. I hadn’t realized that I was anticipating Caleb’s arrival, until he blew in through the door, ten minutes late. My breathing shallowed, and I watched with eager eyes as he stood at the head of the table, exuding both power and a sense of subdued supremacy. He’d always been that way, only now it seemed far more…

His angular jaw, and high cheekbones were covered in a spattering of light brown scruff that only added to the severity of his expression. I couldn’t risk looking him over any further, for fear of getting caught, so I kept my gaze fixed on his face.

He frowned, his brows arched, and his lips tilted into a frustrated scowl. “Sorry I’m late,” he muttered. “Something came up. We’ll need to cut this meeting short since I have another pressing matter that requires my immediate attention.”

“I’ll take notes for you, and drop them off at your office later,” offered Jennifer. Annabel, Anthony and Julian all rolled their eyes, not bothering to hide their disdain for Jennifer’s over-zealousness. Rather than respond to her, Caleb placed his hands on his hips and looked at Macy.

“I’ll have Kadence send you the minutes and the notes,” she said easily, unaware of how her request made me freeze.

Even so, I wouldn’t dare look up. Instead, I found that scribbling mindless nothings on my notepad was a far safer option. By the time I looked up seconds, maybe minutes later, Caleb was gone and the meeting had officially started.

By five forty-five, I was done with everything on my to-do list and ready to head home. I was tired, and overwhelmed, but couldn’t help the sense of accomplishment that had me beaming.

Macy came out of her office, her purse slung over her shoulder. “I have to leave early for my OBGYN appointment, will you be okay here on your own for a few more minutes?”

I smiled, and grabbed my own purse from my desk drawer. “I’m about to head out myself. Is that okay?”

“Of course. Did you remember to give Caleb the notes you made from today’s meeting?”

“No, but I can drop it off on my way out? I heard him on the phone earlier so I think he still might be here.”

I felt like kicking myself for forgetting, but it had slipped my mind while I was trying to find my footing. Part of me had deliberately put it off and focused on the other tasks Macy had asked me to complete, but now I had no choice.

With a smile, Macy walked past reception, and then quickly backtracked. “You did a great job today, Kadence.”

I nodded once, and preened under her appraisal, a small grin of my own playing at the corners of my lips. I powered off, making sure that I had everything, and then walked down the hallway. Standing outside Caleb’s office door, I heard him murmuring from the other side, and considered slipping the printed papers in my hands under his door, rather than face him. I felt foolish after the meeting today; hating the way I’d been unable to even look at him. I wanted to smother the small flicker of hope that he’d remember me, and the only way I could think of doing that was to remind myself that he was, for all intents and purposes, my boss.




poised to knock, when something inside me made me hesitate. I stared at the door, like it may have had all the answers I was looking for, but after five minutes of not doing anything I decided I didn’t want to see Caleb yet. In truth, what it actually came down to was that I didn’t want
to see

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