Playing Pretend (17 page)

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Authors: Tamsyn Bester

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Playing Pretend
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I shifted, and Caleb’s right arm went around my waist. He placed his left hand at his side, and gave the camera’s one final grin before breaking just about every rule I’d set.

He dipped me with suave fluidity and when my mouth opened with a gasp his lips descended, capturing mine like they had every right to.

I instructed myself,
push back, push back.

The loud eruption around us wasn’t nearly enough to drown out the blood rushing in my ears.


“Mr. Callahan, how long have you and Ms. Kavanagh been dating?”


“Mr. Callahan, how’s Braelynn?”


“Mr. Callahan, are you in love?”


“Mr. Callahan, why all the secrecy?”


All the questions went unanswered, and it became obvious that Caleb was using actions rather than words to get his point across. My lips double-crossed me, and started moving when Caleb’s did, following the

The man could kiss the lips off a mannequin if given half the chance, and what he was doing to mine felt like sex. Lip sex. Sweet, sensual lip fucking that I specifically said
was. Not. Allowed

Right then.

Two could play at this game, buddy.

Caleb pulled away but not before I nicked his bottom lip with my teeth, hard enough to make him flinch. His eyes blazed, and the independent woman inside me cheered like I’d just won a gold medal at the Olympics.

“I told you,” I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear me. “No kissing.”

The upturn of Caleb’s mouth was the only indication that he’d heard what I said.

“You should by now, Kadence,” he lifted me slowly, “I’m not a man who easily takes instructions from others.”

“It’s never too late to learn, Mr. Callahan.”

With a final acknowledgement of the press, Caleb led me across the red carpet, past what was supposed to be the
press gauntlet, and inside the warehouse.




“OH MY GOD, I KNEW IT!” Annabelle rushed towards us, her light purple lace-sleeved dress swaying at her knees. With her pixie cut hairstyle, and exuberant gait, she reminded me of a dark-haired Tinkerbell. Her smile was wide, filled with expectation, and when I looked over her shoulder I saw an amused Aaliyah trailing behind her. She too looked picturesque in a dark red Venetian one-shoulder gown, her long dark hair slick and straight.

I kissed Caleb on the cheek – for show, of course, not because I really wanted to – and excused myself. He lifted my hand from the crook of his arm and kissed the back of it before turning his attention to the numerous reporters vying for but a second of his time. They were invited, and from what I’d heard were all doing interest pieces on the fashion show, and the brain behind it. Fortunately, I had yet to be accosted by some nosey journalist, but from the gleam in Annabelle’s eye, I wasn’t going to like her impending inquisition any better.

“Knew what?” I asked, swiping a champagne flute from a passing waiter. Aaliyah shook her head playfully, taking a champagne flute of her own.

“I tried to stop her,” she told me, shaking her head in resigned enjoyment at our overzealous co-worker.

Annabelle pouted. “Oh c’mon, Liy. You can’t blame me for being excited. I knew there had to be something going on between Caleb, and Kadence.”

“I know,” snorted Aaliyah. “You’ve been hounding me all week for information.”

“Only because you knew what was going on and didn’t tell me,” whined Annabelle.

“I wasn’t allowed to,” retorted Aaliyah. “But now you can ask Kadence yourself.”

Annabelle’s expression was rather comical, and I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“Okay, fine.” I sipped my champagne. “It’s true. Caleb and I…” I hesitated, knowing it would be the first time
would be acknowledging out aloud what the rest of the city had already assumed. “Are together.”

Aaliyah and I traded a knowing glance, each reminding the other that we were doing nothing more than playing a part. Me more so than Aaliyah, but she was one of only two people privy to the exact nature of the arrangement between myself and Caleb.

Annabelle clapped, and her reaction garnered a few curious glances from several of the other guests. “This is so exciting. We should definitely do a story on you two for the magazine.”

“You’d have to speak to Caleb about that,” I replied, trying for nonchalance. The thought of having an ‘expose’ done so soon was not at all appealing. “I’m still trying to adjust to all the attention.”

Whatever Annabelle said next was lost on me as I finally took a moment to look around. Large white strobe lights hung from exposed beams above the built stage and chairs draped in an assortment of pastel colored fabrics lined the runway. On the far side of the warehouse stood several high-top tables with various canapés and a variety of champagnes and sparkling wines. To lend to the artistic theme of the event, we had a number of the walls covered in blown up designs from the contestants, along with black and white photographs of the city landscape.

Much like the décor, there was an eclectic mix of guests in attendance as well. It was smaller in scale compared to the Shareholders Gala, and the atmosphere more intimate. Potential investors mingled with top designers, and venture capitalists rubbed shoulders with retail buyers from stores like Bloomingdales, and Saks Fifth Avenue. The room hummed with the sweet stench of money and creative genius and all because Caleb had chosen his guests with the young designers presenting their work in mind.

Annabelle’s fiancé, Brian, stopped by and dragged her away, and when her brother, Landon, stepped up to Aailyah’s side, and wrapped his arm around her waist, my brows shot up in surprise.

“Landon,” she gave him a shy smile. “You remember Kadence right?”

“Yes, nice to see you again,” he replied. He was so enraptured with Aaliyah that he barely looked at me. I chose not to hold it against the guy because Aaliyah looked just as taken with him.


When had that happened?

They seemed to have forgotten I was standing there altogether, so I excused myself and took a turn around the room until I’d greeted everyone I knew, and introduced myself to the people I didn’t. When guests asked about me and Caleb, I answered as vaguely as I could without sounding rude, and promptly redirected the conversation back to the event. Caleb found me when I was talking to Anthony and Julien, and not-so-discretely pulled me into his side.

“I should have known I would find my woman with the two of you,” he joked, squeezing my hip. I tried not to roll my eyes at his public display of affection, but figured I should get used to it.

“Oh please,” replied Anthony, waving his hand in the air. “Our sweet Kadence doesn’t have eyes for anyone but you.”

My cheeks warmed. I guess I wasn’t as inconspicuous about seeking Caleb out as I’d thought.

“The feeling’s mutual.”

I couldn’t meet Caleb’s eyes, but when the master of ceremonies announced the start of the show, I was relieved I wouldn’t have to.




and while he gave his introductory speech, I snuck around to the back to make sure everything was running smoothly.

There were models everywhere, and everyone, designers included, was running around in a frenzy to get ready. I checked in with one of our event management staffers, and when I was satisfied that I wasn’t really needed I slipped out of the backstage area and down the curtained off hallway towards the bathroom. I stopped short when I heard arguing, walking closer to where it was coming from.

“I know all about the stupid scheme you and Caleb cooked up.” Was that Jennifer’s voice?

“Oh please, you have no proof whatsoever. And in any event, what happens between Kadence, and Caleb has nothing to do with you. He slept with you once, and last time I checked that doesn’t entitle you to anything.”

Macy. That was Macy’s voice.

I rounded the corner, and found Jennifer and Macy in a standoff. Even at eight months pregnant Macy looked ready to smash Jennifer’s head against the wall.

“What are you doing?” I asked loudly, approaching them. Jennifer’s head snapped around, and her expression twisted into an unnatural scowl. She was clearly unhappy to see me.

“Ah, just the person I wanted to see.”

“Are you okay, Macy?” I looked at my boss. Her face was a little red, and her right hand was cradling her belly.

She nodded. “I’m fine, but I think it’s time Jennifer was escorted out of here. She’s had a little too much to drink, and her conduct is far from befitting of a Callahan Industries employee.”

“It would be my pleasure,” I said, turning on my heel to find security. Unfortunately, I didn’t get very far. Jennifer wrapped her cold hand around my arm, and pulled me back.

“Not so fast,” she bit out. “We have something to discuss.” Her lips formed a maniacal smile as she folded her arms across her chest. Her bedazzled bodice could barely contain her surgically enhanced chest, and when I looked her over I noticed the slit in her dress that stopped just above her hip. She looked like a high-priced hooker.

“There is absolutely nothing we could possibly have to talk about, so why not do us all a favor and leave before I have security remove you for harassing a pregnant woman.” I glared. Jennifer was nothing more than a bitch with a chip on her shoulder, and I refused to cower away from her. She didn’t scare me, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t wary of her.

“I’ll make it quick,” she sneered. My hackles rose. “End whatever it is that you have going on with Caleb, or I’ll tell everyone that this whole ‘relationship’ is a publicity stunt.”

I stared, and when I had no reply, Jennifer’s expression changed to one of victory and satisfaction.

“Or perhaps it’s the fact that you’re an Archer that will really get their interest. I wonder how the public will feel about you when they find out it was your father who tore New York’s most beloved family apart by screwing Caleb’s mother.”

I searched my mind for a retort, unwilling to give Jennifer any indication that I was faltering under her threat.

“Tell them what you want,” I replied, trying to sound more fortified than I felt. “They won’t see you as more than a scorned lover out to ruin Caleb, and if you think that will make them feel sorry for you, then you’re crazier than I thought.”

My heart raced, and I thought about how horribly wrong everything could turn out if Jennifer was serious about her threat. I didn’t have anything to hide, but if the press found out about my family’s history with Caleb’s, it wouldn’t bode well with the Board we were trying to win over.

“Last chance, Blondie. Either you quit your job at Callahan industries, and leave Caleb, or I spill. Everything. Your name won’t be worth shit by the time I’m done with you.”

I stepped closer, and mustered all the faux courage my body could carry. “Go ahead. I’m not going anywhere, and I’m sure as hell not leaving Caleb.”

The hellish determination in my voice surprised even me, and when I cast a quick glance at Macy, her expression was one of
Like she expected me to fight for Caleb, and a relationship that we both knew wasn’t real.

Jennifer opened her mouth, ready to spew whatever bullshit had popped into her head, when Macy bent over and whimpered.

I pushed Jennifer out of the way, and if I had time to enjoy the way she tittered vicariously on her hooker heals I would have, but I was a little too concerned with the pain on Macy’s face.

“Oh dear,” she breathed. “Houston, we have a problem.”

“Okay,” I wrapped my right arm around her shoulders, and gave her my left hand to hold on to. “Let’s get you out of here.” We passed Jennifer, and the poor woman looked horrified.

“Shame on you,” I taunted. “Going after a pregnant woman is a new low for you, Jen.”

“But I didn’t,” she stuttered. “It’s not my fault.”

“Have fun proving that.”

I walked Macy to the back exit, and took my phone from my clutch to call an ambulance, and then called Macy’s husband, Drew. Poor guy flipped out on the phone, but I assured him I wasn’t going to leave Macy’s side until we got to the hospital. I didn’t have time to find Caleb, and because I knew he was busy with the show, I didn’t bother calling him. My concern was that Macy and her baby were okay. Caleb could wait.




“I REALLY AM SORRY,” said Macy. “I should have known it was nothing.” I walked her to the curb outside the doors of New York-Presbyterian hospital where Drew had stopped his car. He looked disheveled, but the relief on his face was evident. It was late too, and we were all a little tired after all the drama.

“It’s fine,” I replied, squeezing Macy’s hand. “I’m just glad you and baby are both fine.”

“Talk about embarrassing,” she snorted. “Here I thought the kid was coming, and it turns out it was just a bad case of gas.”

“We won’t tell Jennifer that,” I snickered. “Let her think it’s her fault.”

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