Playing Patience (6 page)

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Authors: Tabatha Vargo

BOOK: Playing Patience
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“Hey, Mom,” I whispered into the dark room where she lived. “Feel like some company?”

A thin ray of light cut across the musty room and landed on my mom’s sunken cheeks. I watched as a tiny smile sucked the energy from her eyes.

“Of course I am. Get your butts in here,” she rasped.

Syd and I climbed up in bed with her and snuggled up close. I wrapped my fingers around hers. I didn’t miss how thin her skin felt. It was as if the thin barrier that kept her together was slowly dissolving.

I looked over at Syd and she attempted to smile at me. It was a sad smile, one that was for show only. We both knew it could be any time now and moments like this were priceless.

“So, let’s talk girl talk,” Mom said. Her words were breathless and I appreciated her effort.

She began to softly pet my hand with hers and I closed my eyes and took it in.

Syd and I did most of the talking. At one point we even earned a good laugh from her when Syd proceeded to tell her about some run-in at school with a girl and a fake spider. We stayed and talked until it was clear Mom was exhausted.

That night Sydney slept in my room. When Dad came to my door, he simply said goodnight to us and went back to his room.

I skipped the gym and extracurricular activities that week since our maid, Lynn, was off for the week. I felt fine staying out late with her around since she stayed up so late and her room was next to Syd’s. With her being off on vacation, I couldn’t take any chances of him going to Syd’s room while I wasn’t there. Needless to say, I spent more time at home than I wanted to, but it was worth it if it meant protecting my little sister.

Soon it was Friday, and Megan was planning her outfit for our night out at The Pit. I hated that she was so damn hardheaded about going to that stupid place. Her going meant I had to go back. There was no way I could let her go alone. Syd was spending the weekend with a friend so I could afford to get out of the house. After being stuck there after school all week, I needed it. Like I said before, I’d be more careful. I knew what I was getting into this time.

“What do you think of this?” Megan said as she held up a scrap of hot-pink lace.

“What the hell is it?” I asked.

“It’s a halter-top. It’s going to look freaking hot on me.” She held it up to her chest and it looked like it wouldn’t even cover one boob, much less two.

“Are you sure it’s not too small?”

“Uh, that’s kind of the point. Here, you try this one on.” She handed me another piece of tiny material, except this one was black.

I help it up to my crotch since it looked like a tiny pair of panties and that earned a laugh from Megan.

“Pay, it’s a top. Here, this is how you put it on.”

She then began to dress me. She didn’t stop at the top. Soon, I was wearing a tight pair of skinny jeans that barely covered my ass and black boots that went up my calves. Usually, I wouldn’t be caught dead in anything of the sort, but since I knew I’d stand out less this way, I was all for it. I even allowed her to sit me down and put some makeup on my face and curl my hair.

When I looked in the mirror again I was looking at a different girl. It wasn’t me; it was a rocker chick from The Pit, minus the tats and piercings. There was black liner around my blue eyes that made them pop, big hoop earrings in my ears, and my hair hung around my cheeks in a mass of platinum curls.

“Oh my God, Megan. That’s… I don’t know. I look like a different person.” I was shocked.

“No, you don’t. You look hot. Not that you aren’t always hot, but I just accentuated your hotness.”

“Yeah, um… not so much, but thanks. At least now I won’t stick out so much. Promise you won’t run off with Chet and leave me alone at this place.”

“Oh, please! Last time taught me a lesson. I’ll be hooked to your side like your sexy conjoined twin.” She picked through the makeup on her dresser, throwing random things into her bag.

Gerald, the doorman, said nothing this time as we slipped past him. The Pit, once again, was full of people bouncing off the concrete walls, all dressed in black. Except this time I fit right in. While I was still uncomfortable, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the first time. I was completely prepared and I was determined not to lose Megan in the crowd this time.

The band was already playing as we made our way to the bar. We ordered something in a bottle and asked the bartender to give it to us unopened. That got us a stink eye, but we didn’t care. This time we were determined to walk out, preferably not drugged and on the verge of death. We hooked pinkies as we made our way close to the stage. Chet winked at Megan once we were close to the front of the group.

I took a quick peek at Zeke and he looked right over me as he scanned the crowd through his dark bangs. I felt a slight twinge when he didn’t even notice me, but then I realized I didn’t look exactly like the girl he found half dead on the disgusting bathroom floor. When he turned his head away, I took advantage of the time and checked out his tattoos. The one that stuck out the most was the nautical star on the top of his hand that melted onto the side of his wrist. I’m not sure what it was about the tattoo that was so appealing, but that, combined with the flexing of his muscles as he played, was very attractive.

I was beginning to understand Megan’s fascination with bad boys, although I’d never admit that to her. Zeke had been a total dick to me both times we spoke, but he wasn’t handsy and he didn’t make any sexual advances toward me, and in some way I appreciated that about him.

Then again, looking around at all the tattooed, half-naked women in the room, I obviously wasn’t his type and just a small part of me wanted to be like the girls around me. I may look the part tonight, but this wasn’t me at all and no amount of tiny clothes or makeup could make me like them.

Zeke strummed the chords for his solo and once again I was caught with how untouchable he was for me. He closed his eyes as he played and the light glinted off the piercing on his eyebrow. I found myself jealous of his freedom to be himself. Just like the first time I saw him, he was dripping with moody sexiness. The fact that I could describe him as sexy was a huge step for me, but it was the truth and all the girls pushing toward the stage to get into his line of vision knew it just as much as I did. Zeke Mitchell was sexy. He was a total asshole, but I guess it worked for him.

After a few unopened bottles of beer, and entirely too many stink eyes from the bitchy bartender, I was starting to feel myself relax. The alcohol had made its way through my system and down into my limbs. I was beginning to enjoy myself. I even caught myself swaying to the music every now and again.

An hour after that, I was dancing with Megan and a group of people I didn’t know. I was jumping up and down, screaming lyrics I’d just learned, and laughing like I hadn’t laughed since I was seven. Like, real laughter, not the fake stuff that I produced around people at school. It was an amazing feeling. I could totally see myself becoming an alcoholic real quick if it meant feeling this way all the time.

And then suddenly the fun was over. The crowd broke and darted in different directions as The Pit filled with police officers. Megan grabbed my hand and pulled me in her direction, but the beer had taken its toll and my reflexes weren’t working.

“Come on, Patience! Pick up your feet!” she screamed over the loudness.

The music had stopped and all I could hear were the sounds of the police yelling for everyone to freeze. The lights were flickering and I saw a few people get trampled. Then Megan’s hand was ripped from mine and I was thrown back. I lost my balance and fell hard onto the sticky concrete floor. I tried to get up, but some girl stepped on me and I fell back onto my stomach. Then I felt a strong grip on my arms as someone pulled me into the standing position. For a brief moment, I felt relief, but then my arms were pulled behind my back and I was handcuffed.







“You going to class?” Chet asked, as he passed me a joint.

We were lying in the back of my El Camino, getting high in the school parking lot.

“I doubt it. You?” I took a deep draw and held it.

“Pfft, hell no. I’ve had enough schooling for the week. Let’s go grab something to eat, man. I’m fucking starving my ass off. I’d give my left nut for a burger and a milkshake right now.”

We ended up at the McDonald’s by Finn’s house with half of the dollar menu lying across the dash of my car.

“So, that chick Megan is coming out Friday to watch us play. I hope she wears that tight-ass schoolgirl uniform.” He made a growling noise in the back of his throat. “Dude, that shit is fucking hot. Hey, maybe she’ll bring your girl with her. You know the blonde. If she can stay sober long enough maybe you’ll get lucky,” he joked.

“Please. That chick’s as straight as they come.
have to drug her, too, to get her to put out.” We laughed.

Later that night, we played at Finn’s for two hours before I finally headed home. When I got there, Dad wasn’t there, which meant he was out on a call, towing a car for someone. I went inside, heated up two packs of oodles and noodles, then fell onto the couch to watch some TV and eat. I had just finished my noodles when I heard my dad pull up. I threw my bowl in the sink and went to take a shower.

That night he didn’t fuck with me. I guess he was too exhausted from work to even bother. I wish they’d work him to death more often. Shit, I wish they’d just work him to death… period. I fell asleep in a pair of boxers with my radio on and dreamt of the blond girl and her strange blue eyes.

By the time Friday rolled around, I’d missed two days of school and was so broke I barely had enough gas money to spit in my gas tank. I’d been to every business in town trying to get a job, but the tattoos and piercings weren’t accepted by most. Instead, I found myself on the front porch of Javier, the local dope dealer. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and if I wanted to have gas money and food I needed some cash. Dad worked, but he was the stingiest son of a bitch alive and I was old enough to take care of myself.

I left Javier’s place with an ounce of weed. He didn’t want to start me out with too much, even though I’d told him I could have that sold in less than thirty minutes at The Pit. I had to start somewhere. An ounce of weed today would be a pound of blow tomorrow. Either way, it was money in my pocket.

I showered, got dressed, and drove over to The Pit. The band was already setting up by the time I got there and there were already at least twenty people at the bar. It wasn’t long until we were up on stage playing our asses off for a roomful. I played until my fingers ached and took a swig from my beer every chance I got. It was a good night. I was playing my heart out and later, once everything was settled, I’d sell this weed and get my money.

I scanned the crowd and saw a few familiar faces. A cute brunette in the front caught my attention. She looked up at me with flirty eyes and licked at her bottom lip. She was cute, not sexy, but she’d do. I took note of where she was in the crowd before I moved on. A flash of white hair crossed my vision and my eyes landed on a petite blonde. From behind, the girl reminded me so much of that Patience chick, but this girl was in a tight pair of ass-hugging jeans and the sexiest halter top I’d ever seen.

My eyes traveled down the back of her, past the ends of her long, sandy hair, and landed on her luscious ass. I got so turned on that I played the wrong chord. That earned me a pair of bug eyes from Finn, but no one in the room seemed to notice but my band mates. Her slender shoulders and her back were fully exposed. A tiny mole on her shoulder blade stuck out and for a second I imagined running my finger across it. Her milky shoulders moved up and down as she bounced with the music.

Every dip and curve of her body could be seen through her tight skinny jeans and I knew in that moment there was no way this was the same girl that I found on the bathroom floor. The girl that came to my house and nervously fiddled with everything as she quietly mouthed the words “thank you” would
be caught dead wearing such revealing clothes.

Cute brunette in the front row forgotten, I honed in on the sexy, blond girl. I’d never mess with such a straight-laced girl like Patience, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t dip my stick in a chick that reminded me of her. Then the girl turned and her perfectly shaped nose and shimmering blue eyes came into focus. From up on stage, I watched as Patience danced and laughed with the group of girls around her, including her friend Megan. Instantly, I was pissed off that it was her.

One, she had no business coming back around here. She didn’t belong here and her being here was a danger to all of us since she was the governor’s daughter. Two, she looked entirely too sexy to be such a sweet, innocent girl. She was headed straight for trouble with those tight jeans and that tiny top. And three, I was pissed because it meant I wasn’t going to get some hot, blonde action tonight. Had it been some other cute blonde, then fine, I would have spent my night making her say my name, but not her; I wouldn’t put my hands on the khaki, snowflake princess.

I turned my attention away just in time to see the room get flooded with cops. Me and the boys knew the drill and we had unplugged and dipped many times before since we played in some pretty shady places. Just as I was about to unplug and grab my shit, I looked up and saw a flash of blond being pushed around in the crowd. I knew right away it was Patience.

Cussing myself, I set my guitar down and jumped off the stage. She was so tiny and I could see her being trampled to death. I made a plan as I pushed through the crowd toward her. I’d grab her, grab my guitar, and get the hell out through the back.

Just as I was about to grab her, she was pushed to the ground. I watched as she tried to get up but was stepped on. Then, there was a cop scooping her up. I pulled back and ran straight into another cop who threw my arms behind my back and cuffed me. I looked over to see Finn shake his head at me as he grabbed my guitar and ran out the back. At least I knew my guitar was safe.

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