Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers) (27 page)

BOOK: Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)
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We were going to
Disneyland. It had been my dream since I was a little girl to go to the most
magical place on earth but I never had the chance to. Now I am here with the
man I love, my sister, and her husband. What could be better?

I'll tell you
what. Having an amazing boyfriend who had his filthy rich brother rent out the
park for the evening so you can ride all the lines without waiting in line.
Like I said... best gift ever!!!

I had to ride
Space Mountain first so we're standing outside the entrance, ready to go in to
ride when Autumn stops us. "You guys go ahead. I'll just wait out

The guys are
looking at her like she's crazy because only I know the real reason she can't
go on this ride. In all the chaos of the last several weeks she hasn't had a
chance to tell Jared she's pregnant yet.

you've got to come. We're the only four people in the park who can ride these
rides," Jared pleads with her.

"I know, but
I can't." Autumn is looking up at him ridiculously. When we got out of the
truck a little while ago Autumn was freezing. She was already wearing jeans and
a long sleeve shirt but it wasn't enough. Jared had to buy her the most
ridiculous, but warm, sweatshirt, beanie, and gloves. She's wearing her Disney
themed attire now and I can't help but laugh at the face she is making up at

ruining how fucking awesome this is, Billy. Why can't you ride?"

Autumn looks over
to me for help but I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. She's on her own.

"Unless you
give me a good reason I’m going to pick you up and carry you to the ride. It'll
be fun, babe."

"I- um-
I," she stutters, trying to come up with something to say but fails.
"I can't ride the ride because the sign says so." She points over to
the sign next to the height requirements.

Jared looks
annoyed and jogs over to read it. "Bullshit, " he mutters under his

"All this
sign says is that you should be in good health, free from high blood pressure
and some other bullshit," he yells as he continues to read the sign.
"Avoid if you have back or neck problems. Expectant mothers should-"

He stops reading
and turns around to look at my sister. "You're p-p-pregnant?"

She smiles up at
him, nodding. "Yes."

The smile that
comes over Jared's face is nothing I've ever seen before. His grin stretches so
far that I know his mouth is going to hurt in the morning.

"I'm going to
be a dad? I'm going to be a dad!"

He runs over to
Autumn and then sweeps her off her feet, twirling her in circles and
celebrating the news.

"You've got
to stop spinning us, babe. I'm starting to feel sick."

He abruptly stops
at Autumn's words and then lets her down easily. His eyes trace up and down her
body over and over again in disbelief and pure happiness at what he's just
found out.

"Have you
seen a doctor? What if you're doing too much? You should be in bed right now,
shouldn't you?" Jared keeps shouting out question after question and I
can't keep up with him so I know Autumn's head must be spinning.

"We should
give them some privacy," Scott whispers from behind me.

I turn to face
him. "Let's ride without him."

Scott nods in
agreement and we walk in the entrance to ride Space Mountain.

A few minutes
later my entire body is shaking and Scott is holding me in a tight embrace.
Space Mountain is scary as shit. I had no idea it was a rollercoaster you ride
in the pitch black. Small children are allowed to ride it. That's just not

When I've finally
calmed down Scott lets go of me and reaches out to hold my hand. "Do you
want to ride something a little less scary next?"

"Yes, please.
I'm thinking something with my favorite Disney character that even toddlers are
allowed to go on. No more scary rollercoasters for me."

He laughs and
brings our hands up to his mouth so he can kiss the back of my hand.
"Deal. No more scary rollercoasters."

We spend the next
few hours riding every other ride in the park. Scott even convinces me to ride
the few rides meant for older kids. By the time the four of us are back in the
truck and heading home, I'm exhausted from the best birthday I've ever had.

We drop Autumn and
Jared off at their home and congratulate them again before driving another
twenty minutes to Malibu. Sinatra greets us when we walk in the door and Scott
lets her out back for a few minutes before we head to bed.

I snuggle up to
him under the covers until as much of my bare skin is touching his. This is my
favorite part of the evening. When we come together as one at night. I could
have the shittiest day and Scott's presence at night makes me feel so much

He wraps his arms
around me as I lie back in his embrace.

"Did you want
to come with me to tomorrow's session? I thought it could be nice if you came
and then we could go out to lunch afterwards," Scott whispers against my

He's been going to
a few outpatient sessions every week to help him fight his gambling addiction.
While Jared thought it would be better for Scott to enter treatment full-time,
Scott couldn't imagine being separated from me for that long. He said the best
cure for his addiction was the reality that he'd lose me if he started gambling
again. It was a sobering thought for him.

Instead, he goes
to treatment a few times a week and we talk it through if he's ever having a
really hard day. The hard days seem to be getting fewer and fewer and that's a
good thing.

"I'd love to
come with you if you want me there. I'll just let Autumn know I'm taking the
day off."

He gently squeezes
me from behind before starting to slowly caress my stomach with the palms of
his hands.

"I love you
so much, beauty. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

I turn over in his
arms and lean up, pecking him quickly on the lips. "I love you, too."

Turning back
around I back myself into his embrace as he wraps his arms around me again,
spooning me. I slide the palm of my hand over the back of his hand that's flat
on my stomach. I take his hand with mine, dragging it down my body and to the
space between my legs. He starts to move his fingers against me so I let go,
bringing my hand back up and resting it behind me on his thigh.

"You know
what I'm in the mood for now?" I ask, moaning out half of the question.

that?" he asks huskily.

"A snugglefuck.
A really good snugglefuck. What do you think?"

He cups me between
my legs and pulls me tighter against him so the length of his thick, long
erection is cradled between my ass cheeks.

"I think
you've just read my mind."

We spend the next
hour having a very intense snugglefuck, making this the most incredible
birthday ever. I have no idea how Scott will top it next year.



The End

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Books by Justine Elvira

The Road To Price (Price #1)

The Road To Forgiveness (Price #2)

Lawful Overdose

Rough To Ride

Changing His Game

His Game


Turn the page for information on
Justine Elvira's next book and a sneak peek of In a Heartbeat by Liz King.

Coming this Fall from Justine

One: Temptation

Do you see that guy? The guy standing
behind the chrome, 3-tier towel rack, staring out at the long length of the lap
pool like a creeper or pedophile? That dumb shit is me. Over the past year I've
gone from being one of the most handsome, rich, eligible bachelors in the
Chicagoland area to a dwindling, pathetic version of that man.

I hate the man I've become. I'd beat the
shit out of me if I could.

I'm a wealthy businessman who works hard
during the day and plays hard at night. She's the frumpy, overweight mystery
woman from my health club who swims laps every morning in lane one.

At first I was intrigued. I wanted to
know more about her. But intrigue turned to fascination and then soon she
became an obsession.

I can't learn enough about her.

I'm used to getting what I want... and I
want her.

Lane One:
to your TBR List!

In a

Liz King


Chapter One


Eight Years later...


Ugh! This headache
is killing me! I hate pollen season! My eyes get all puffy and my contacts
drive me insane! I already get a lot of eyestrain looking at our monitors in
the dark of the procedure labs, and the contacts just add to it. Oh well, I
guess it’s glasses for me again today. It’s not like I’m trying to impress
anyone. I don’t date, even though the girls at work think I should. They don’t
think it’s normal for a 23 year old to not want anything to do with a social
life. It’s just easier to block out the past if I keep to myself.

I’m a registered
nurse at Mercy General, working in a cardiac procedure lab. I love my job. In
the lab, we study the heart and its rhythms. I love the control that I can have
over the heart rhythm with the stimulator. I know all too well how life can
change in a heartbeat.

I always wanted to
be a nurse, ever since I was a little girl. In nursing school, I dedicated
myself completely to my studies. I finished with my Associates Degree in only
seven semesters. I didn’t even take the summers off. This being said, I
graduated at the age of twenty. Yes, I know, it was funny to me too that I
could administer narcotics, but I couldn’t legally buy alcohol.

It’s already 5:15
am, I guess I need to get out of this bed and get ready to head into work. I
hop in the shower, take care of business and pull my long dark brown hair up
into a bun at the back of my head. It’s too long to fuss with this early in the
morning, and it just gets in my way when I’m tending to my patients. Mascara
and Chapstick are the extent of my makeup for work. I throw my clothes on, grab
my favorite pair of Danskos, the pink and black zebra print, and head out the
door. Out of bed, showered, and dressed in less than thirty minutes. Not bad.

My mind wanders as
I drive down the interstate towards the hospital. It’s Friday, so I know the
girls are going to try to talk me into heading out with them again. I always
decline, stating that I’m too tired, or that I have things to do. Cleaning and
organizing my already immaculate apartment
something to do.

I look down at my
phone sitting in the cup holder. I know that Sly’s in the central time zone, so
it's really only 5 am there, but he’s an early riser, so I decide to call him
anyway. Sly, short for Sylvester, is my best friend. We've been best friends
since he tried to get me to play some game with him on the bus when I was
eleven and he was thirteen. Some stupid dinosaur something or another, I don’t
even remember. I just laughed in his face and we've been inseparable ever
since. Sly is the only man, besides Daddy, that I’ve let get and stay close to

“Hiya, sweet
cheeks.” Sly answers on the first ring.

I love how he's as
much of a morning person as I am. “Hey, baby doll! I’m headed into work, what’s
your lazy ass doing today?” I ask as I change lanes. I enjoy our banter. We
sometimes act like an old married couple. Sly and I never really tried dating.
One time we did come close to kissing, but as our lips were about to touch, we
both burst out laughing and knew that it wasn’t meant to be. He's the brother I
never had, and I'm like a sister to him. Sly knows almost everything there is
to know about me.

Sly chuckles on
the other end of the line. “You know it's my 48 hours off, I’m not doing a damn
thing. I may head out to the lake today, chill out on the boat, but nothing
else. You wanna drive down here this weekend? It’s Labor Day weekend, so you
have Monday off, right?” he asks. Sly is a firefighter, so he works twenty-four
hours on and forty-eight hours off.

“Maybe, I’ll see
what time I get out of the lab. You know Fridays we are always slammed. Doctor
Morrison is always adding cases on. He's been on call all week, so I know he’s
got something up his sleeve,” I tell him. Doctor Travis Morrison is my favorite
doctor to work with. He’s a great physician, funny as hell, and is like a
second father to me.

Sly sighs. “Okay,
babe. I know that this time of year is hard for you. Just know that I’m here. I
can switch my shifts around if you want to come up tomorrow and stay through

I didn’t even
think about it being close to the anniversary of my mother’s death. I've been
studying so much for a certification exam and learning the new equipment we got
at work that it totally slipped my mind. Momma has been gone for four years
next week. She passed away after the beginning of my senior year in high school
from breast cancer. We were very close, I told Momma everything. Well, I told
Momma almost everything.

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