Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers) (2 page)

BOOK: Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)
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I am the complete
opposite of my sister. I have mossy, brown hair. My blue eyes stand out with
yellow around the irises. I love the color of my eyes, but they're farther
apart than I'd like. I have great skin like Autumn, too, but my nose is
slightly larger than I'd like and my smile is slightly crooked. There were also
those few horrible years of bad acne. While I suffered with blemishes, Autumn
never had acne issues. Autumn also has the whole innocent look going for her and
I've never had innocence on my side. I think the brown hair with light blue
eyes scream trouble.

Thankfully, by
fifteen I filled out and learned how to take care of my skin. I started
applying my make-up correctly and wearing clothes that accentuated my curves. I
wouldn't say I'm overweight by any standards, but I'm a size eight and have a
plump ass and tits that should be on a different body. My breasts used to cause
me back pain, but I exercised daily and when my back started acting up, I
started weight training to strengthen my lower back.

The biggest thing
I've learned was to own my body and be confident. When you're confident, a man
knows it. It's chemical or something, and when you give off that vibe, the men
will come. I oozed confidence in every aspect of my life, which made finding
men easy, and got me a lot of friends. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that my size
eight curves remind men of sex, and I learned how to use my curves just

Autumn turns on
her blinker and makes a right onto the Pacific Coast Highway. The visual of the
ocean on my left and the coast on my right is breathtaking. I watch as we pass
sections of the beach with surfers in their wetsuits, the waves crashing
against the rocks.

Lake Michigan can
be beautiful in the summer, but the ocean isn't beautiful. It's
magnificent.  When I see views like this I often wonder why I still live
in Michigan. I could move here. I've got no real career to hold me back, just
my waitressing and cage dancing. Sure, my parents would be upset because I help
them at the shop when the weather is nice, but they'd get over it.

Who am I kidding?
I talk a good game and I even play my part, but Michigan is my security
blanket. Moving out here would be going out to the unknown, and that's the only
thing I'm actually scared of.

"So whose
house is this again?" I ask Autumn, trying to get out of my own thoughts.
Jared has six brothers so it's hard to keep their names straight, especially
since I've never met them before.

"This is
Scott's place. It's... a dream house, Winnie. Right on the beach, floor to
ceiling windows. It's a several million dollar home."

That's another
reason I could never move to Southern California. I can't afford it.

"What does he
do where he can afford a place like that? Don't tell me he's in the porn
industry too? I might be able to pork a porn star after all." I nudge her
with my shoulder so she can tell I'm teasing her this time.

Really, Winnie?"

"Would you
prefer a different term? Okay, screw, fuck, bang, hump, ride-"

enough!" she shouts, interrupting my vocabulary lesson. "Scott's a
real-estate agent. He makes good money, but not that good of money. One of his
clients left it to him in his will when he died."


"A client
just left him a multi-million dollar home? I need to get into

"I don't know
all the details, Winn, but it's a nice house. We had the party catered and
Tawny's been setting up the decorations and making sure to let everyone know to
park on the next block over. Kelly's riding over with Jared under the false
pretense that she wants to relax on the beach while the boys surf."

I've met Kelly,
Jared's business assistant, a few times. I was suspicious of her at first.
She's tall, blond, pretty and can party with the best of them. Quite frankly, I
was worried for Autumn, but Kelly has no interest in Jared. That's good.

Tawny's another
story. I've know Tawny since we were kids. She moved out here and became a porn
star with Jared's help. He helped her become who she is today. They've also
fucked on film several times. I know Tawny has a thing for Jared, she can deny
it all she wants, but I know. It's just good she respects Autumn enough to back
off. I know Jared would never cheat on Autumn, but it would definitely ruin
Tawny and Autumn's friendship, and Autumn needs good friends in her life.

"We'll be
getting there only a few minutes before Jared so we have to hurry. I can't wait
to see the look on his face when he realizes we didn't forget his

"What did you
get the man who's turning?"


What did you get him?"

Her cheeks blush
pink and her smile slowly fades. "It's private. It's... something he'll
get to open in the bedroom."

"You dirty
girl," I tease. "Those are the best gifts."

"Did you have
a chance to pick up something for him?" she asks as we drive into Malibu.

"No. I guess
I'll just offer to go in on your gift with you. I bet he's never had a
threesome with sisters before."

I barely get the
last word out before I have a dull pain in my shoulder from the punch Autumn
just landed.

"I'm kidding,
for goodness sakes. That hurt a little."

The smile’s back
on her face. "Serves you right. Now stop making sexual jokes about my
boyfriend. It's inappropriate in so many ways."

"Alright, I
promise." I rub my shoulder with my hand, massaging out the sting. "I
was kidding anyway. I got him a personalized
jersey. I
figure he can wear it while watching the games at home."

"That is a
really thoughtful gift, Winn."

I laugh. Little
does she know there's also a personalized
jersey in the bag,
in Autumn's size with her name on the back. What can I say? I like messing with
my sister's boyfriend.




The birthday boy
arrived a few minutes after we did, so we barely had time to get to the
backyard before the crowd was yelling 'Surprise’ to an elated Jared. I could
see the shock and pure joy on his face.

I guess he really
is into his birthday.

I've been
wandering around, mingling with people I don't know for the past thirty
minutes. Autumn's been preoccupied with Jared so she must have forgotten that I
know only four of the hundred or so people at this shindig. I'll say this
though, Jared's brother's place is beautiful.

I'm standing on
the wooden deck, on the second story of the house, overlooking the small patch
of grass surrounding an infinity pool. Past the pool is the beach and then the
ocean. People are playing a game of water volleyball in the pool and the beach
is filled with Jared's friends and family. The guests are having fun mingling
and drinking. There are even a few guys taking advantage of the early evening
waves and surfing.

This doesn't feel
like a home, it feels like a five star resort I never want to leave.

I spot Tawny
talking to a few people her age, most likely Jared's friends. They could also
be his colleagues, since I know Autumn mentioned a few of them would be here
today. Kelly comes up behind her with drinks for the group and they all resume
their conversation.

"Hmm." I
breathe out. I want to take in as much of this weather as I can. I have to go
back to Michigan in a few days and even though it's April, it's still cold and

Summer can't come
soon enough.

Someone clears his
throat behind me and I'm startled. I almost drop my drink. I turn around to see
a good looking guy a few feet in front of me. He's tall, but not too tall, and
he definitely has the surfer look to him. Normally, I wouldn't just stare at a
man this way, but he's shirtless, only wearing swim trunks, and his chest is
muscular perfection. His almost jet black hair is wavy and cut perfectly. Long
enough to run my hands through, but not too long to look unkempt. He has no
tattoos or piercings that I can see, but his skin is glistening from the water,
making his tan skin look desirable.

When I look back
at his face I see gray eyes staring back at me. Although he looks nothing like
Jared, I know this must be one of his brothers. I mean, how many people
actually have gray eyes?

"Hi," I
whisper shyly.

I'm shocked at my
response to him, too. Since when do I act shy?

"Hey. I need
another player for our volleyball game downstairs. I was watching you up here
from the pool and wanted to know if you would like to play?"

Sports aren't
really my thing, but I'm naturally competitive so I know I won't allow myself
to be horrible at this. Plus, I'll take any excuse to start up a conversation
with this hottie.

"Sure, I'll

He grins at me,
obviously happy with my answer. "Awesome. Do you have a suit or do you
need to borrow one?"

I have on a pale
blue bikini under my sundress. Autumn had warned me about the pool, and I'm
suddenly glad I chose this suit. It's made by my favorite lingerie brand. The
top is revealing, showing the top of my breasts, with small, thin straps to
hold my breasts up, but also giving me full support. The bottoms are small, the
material scrunches up by my ass, giving it the cheeky look and putting my ass
on display. There are two silver hoops; one on each side of my bottoms that
bring the material of the front and the back together, and in doing so reveals
the smooth skin of my hips.

Altogether, it's
an extremely sexy swimsuit, or so many men have told me, and it brings out the
color of my eyes. Once I'm in the water and my dark hair is wet I'll have the
exact look I'm going for. Trouble.

Not that anything
will happen with this man. It's obvious he's Jared's brother and that would
just be too weird, for my sister and Jared that is. I don't mind. I'm only here
for two more days, so hooking up with him could be fun.

I grab the hem at
the bottom of my dress and pull it up my body, lifting it over my chest,
shoulders and then head, before tossing it on the deck railing.

"Don't need a
suit, I come prepared."

"I like a
girl who comes... prepared," he says cockily.

Little does he
know I love a man who likes making sexual innuendos. That's my favorite way to

"I'm Scott,
by the way. And you are?"

We walk down the
steps of the deck. The steps lead to the yard and stop directly in front of the

"I'm Winnie,
Autumn's sister."

He stops mid-step
and turns around to look at me. "So you're the infamous Winnie. I've heard
some stories about you."


"Don't you
mean hopefully good?"

I ignore his
question and gently push his shoulder so he'll get the hint to keep walking
down the steps. When we reach the ground he wastes no time and jumps into the
pool. When he resurfaces on top I can't help but stare at him for a few more

Who knew Jared had
such a gorgeous brother?

"So whose
team am I on?" I ask, walking over to the edge of the pool where Scott is
standing in the water.

"You're with
us, Winnie." He barely gets my name out when I feel his hand on my forearm
and he's pulling me into the water.

My body submerges
into the shallow depths of the saltwater pool and I'm momentarily in shock. I
rise from the water, coughing up the small bits of water that went up my nose.
When I get a hold of myself I push my wet hair back and stare at the gray-eyed
traitor in front of me.

"Did you
forget I'm on your side?" I ask him jokingly. My hands move to pull my
hair off my neck and I gently ring it out before pulling it across one
shoulder. I wore waterproof mascara today so I hope that it's still in place
and I don't look like a giant raccoon.

"Oh, I didn't
forget. I just wanted to get you wet."

So that's how he's
going to play it. If it continues this way, I’m going to have a fun time
playing with him.

disappointed in you," I tease, shaking my head. "There are many other
ways to get me wet."

His grin turns to
shock as I watch his mouth slightly open at my innuendo. Poor Scott, he has no
idea who he’s trying to mess with.

The game starts
and I quickly discover that my team never needed me. Even if they were
outnumbered by one player, Scott, a man, and a woman I was introduced to as
Angela, can clearly win this game on their own. I try my best to stay involved.
I'm able to spike the ball and get us a point. I set the ball a few times so
that Scott can spike it down on the other side, but that's my extent of playing
the game. After a long game, which ends in a score of forty-two to eighteen, we
start to get out of the pool because the food has been served.

Scott pulls
himself out of the water, and then turns around and reaches a hand out to me,
offering to pull me up.

"What's the
catch? Are you going to pull me out just to throw me back in again?"

He shakes his head
at me, amused as water trickles down his face. "Sometimes a nice gesture
is just that, a nice gesture."

His hand grasps
mine and he pulls me up and out of the water. Cold chills run down my body from
the wind coming from the ocean. With his hand still holding mine, Scott walks
ahead, dragging me with him until he opens up a brown wicker storage bench near
the beach chairs and pulls out two towels. He opens the first one, and moves it
behind my body before bringing the ends to my front, wrapping me completely.

The gesture is
sweet and I can't help smiling up at him.

"See, I can
be nice," he says, opening his own towel and wrapping it around his

"You call it
nice, I call it wanting an excuse to touch me," I retort.

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