Playing Hard: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Playing Hard: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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Riley sneers. “I told you — I didn’t like the way Bryce was talking to you. And I don’t like the way he looks down his nose at
. Why the fuck should I be polite to him?”

“Because we’re in public,” I tell him. “Because that’s the way things are. Because you don’t have a choice.”

“Because he’s rich and I didn’t grow up with shit?”

“There’s no point in this conversation if you’re just going to be impossible!” I say in frustration. “And anyway, Bryce has nothing to do with it. We can’t be together because
those are the rules.
You knew that when you said you’d do this.”

Riley leans back against the door, looking at me. “And why are those the rules?”

“Because my father —” I start to say, before Riley cuts me off with a gesture of his hand.

“Because your father wants you to marry someone from, what is it called? Your own social class. Someone like Bryce, for example.”

The steam from my ears is back. “That is
true,” I say. “I would never marry someone like Bryce. I would never even
someone like Bryce.”

Riley just shrugs. “Or any of the guys Bryce hangs out with. They’re all pretty much interchangeable, yeah? Tight shirts, chinos, their own mansions when they’re fifteen? Total pigs who won’t even care about you or what you’re interested in, as long as you’ll keep your mouth shut in
be polite
because you
don’t have any choice?

I stare at Riley, opening and closing my mouth in outrage.

“And tell me, Ava,” he says, and the look in his eyes is positively
now, “have
of those Ivy League fratboys ever made you horny? Have you ever thought about any of them the way you think of me? Have any of them made you come even half as hard I have — before I’ve ever even touched you?”

I feel my throat dry up. Riley already knows the answer to that — he knows I’m untouched.

And so, by inference, he knows that I’ve never found any of the men I’ve met in the past attractive enough to sleep with.

And it’s true, I suppose — I mean, I’ve had one or two
, but they were never anything worth acting on, even if I’d been bold enough to try.

But Riley… from the minute he burst into my life, I’ve been able to think about very little else but fucking him. About him taking his huge cock — which I now know is
in addition to being huge — and fucking me like his life depends on it.

And he knows it.

“Riley,” I say, and I mean it to be a warning, but instead it comes out as a breathy sigh. As if I’m calling him to me, rather than trying to push him away.

He doesn’t answer. Not in words, anyway.

He just keeps advancing across the small space of the room toward me.

I should tell him to stop.

The thought is fuzzy in my head, as Riley reaches out, resting the palms of his hands on my hips.

Then his lips are pressed roughly against mine, his tongue driving into my mouth, warm and wet.

Arousal floods my body, the same way it always does whenever I’m around Riley. His tongue against mine drives all other thoughts out of my head, his hands pulling me against him, one moving up over my side, the other sliding down to grab my ass. I gasp a little as his fingers dig into my flesh —
no one
has ever touched me there before, at least, not sexually. And certainly not in this way — Riley is forcing my hips forward, pushing my lower half into his body. And I can already feel the effect our kiss has had on him. His fingers squeeze my ass, stopping just shy of moving between my legs, to where my pussy lips are already starting to grow wet with need for him.

It’s pathetic really — how quickly he can reduce me to this state. How quickly he can make me go from being a fully-formed human being with thoughts and opinions on all sorts of topics, to being a simple ball of want and need, with only one thought in mind: how much I want him to fuck me.

I throw my head back as his lips leave my mouth and begin making their way down over my jaw and neck, kissing my bare shoulder, his tongue lapping against the rise of my collarbone. My fingers dig into his tux jacket, trying to drag him even closer to me.

A gasp leaves my lips, my eyes opening wide when his hand finds my breast under my dress, his calloused fingers rolling over my nipple. I’ve touched myself there, of course, and I know how pleasurable it can be. But
this is something totally different. Little darts of pleasure are shooting through me, and I arch my back, pushing myself against him. His fingers easily cup the whole of my breast, his thumb still sliding over the tender flesh of my nipple, and all I can do is gasp and tremble.

His lips are still on my neck, and I know that if I don’t push him away he’ll leave a mark there, but….

… But I can’t find it in myself to care.

The exquisite feeling of his lips and tongue against the sensitive skin of my throat while his fingers work at my nipple is too good for me to care about anything else. The only thing I want is for him to
stop doing it.

“Oh God, Riley…” I breathe, and it’s as if hearing his name calls him back to himself.

He stops kissing me. Just takes his lips right off my neck, and removes his hands from my breast and ass. He moves back slightly, but he’s still close enough that I can feel the heat coming off his body; just feel the touch of his hardening cock against my thigh.

I blink up at him, not sure what to say or do.

“Why did you stop?” I blurt out, before I can think.

Riley just looks down at me a moment.

“I thought you said the last time was a mistake.”

He has me there. I
say that. And I’m still not convinced it isn’t an even
mistake now.

But it’s so hard to remember all the reasons why that is, when Riley is so close, when the memory of his lips on mine is still so fresh.

“Why didn’t you sleep with anyone before?” Riley asks bluntly.

I flush. “That’s kind of a personal question,” I say.

Riley sniggers. “You were just about ready to fuck me right here in this closet, and you’re worried about personal questions?”

“First, I wasn’t going to fuck you. Second, that’s two completely different things.”

I can see Riley doesn’t believe me at all about the first thing, and honestly, I’m not sure I do myself. But perhaps the second thing has made him think, because he doesn’t immediately come back with a smartass response.

“Is it because you’re scared?”

“No,” I say vehemently. “I’m just not like that. I never have been. Unlike some people, I can’t just jump into bed with anyone I see.”

If the jab about his sex life landed, Riley’s face doesn’t show it.

“I think you were scared,” he says. “Just like you’re scared now.”

“I’m not scared of you,” I retort. What the fuck is he talking about?

Riley shakes his head, a smug smile on his lips. “I didn’t say you were scared of
But you
scared. Scared of how I make you feel.”

I purse my lips. “And how is that?”

“I think you know.”

He leans forward and kisses me again, pushing his lips against mine, his tongue sweeping into my mouth. I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to — the kiss is too strong, too powerful. Riley is absolutely demanding, his tongue roaming my mouth, twining with mine, forcing my jaw to open wide.

When he pulls away again I’m left breathless, my heart racing. My hands sit lightly on his biceps, my fingers fluttering.

. Like you’re not in control. You’re so uptight, you hate the fact you can’t stop yourself from wanting me.”

“That’s not true.”

“Yes, it is. You just don’t want to admit that someone like me makes you feel this way.”

I blink up at him. “Someone… like you?”

“You know what I mean. Someone who doesn’t give a fuck about the rules you love so much.” He smirks. “Come on — admit it. You’d love to just ignore what your father and Murray and whoever the fuck else says, and do something stupid. Just once. You’d
to watch me punch Bryce Lennox in the face to shut him up. Or let me go down on you until you come so hard you can’t see straight.”

Oh God.

I open my mouth to deny both of these things, but I can’t. I wish someone really
smack Bryce in the mouth to teach him a lesson, since it seems like no one else will. And as for letting Riley go down on me….

Oh God, yes.

I can feel his fingers against my thigh, slowly pulling the long hem of my dress up into his fist. I let my eyes slide shut, the movement of his fingers sending a desperate heat through my body, even though his touch is light as gossamer.

I can feel the material sliding slowly higher along my leg, and the anticipation is killing me.

Still, some small, functioning part of my brain realizes that none of this should be happening.

“Riley… we’re in a closet. Anyone could come in.”

“I don’t care.”

His voice is husky, his breath ragged. I want him to kiss me, but he keeps his lips hovering mere inches from mine, as if he wants to watch me.

I bite my lip, turning my face away and closing my eyes — I’m too embarrassed to look him in the eye like this, trembling and helpless and against him.

When my dress is finally rucked up to my hip, he slides his fingers across my thigh, making me shudder. Anticipation thrums through me with every beat of my heart. I gasp as he rubs his fingers lightly over the mound of my pussy, just above my clit, through the material of my panties.

“No cotton panties tonight?” he asks, his voice amused.

“Shut up,” I manage to make myself gasp as his fingers slide a little lower, caressing my lips.

“No, I liked them. They were… adorable,” he says. “Most things about you are.

I want to snap back some bitchy response, I really do, but then his fingers slip inside my panties, parting my lips and sliding between them, finding my clit instantly.


His fingers make slow circles around it, sending waves of pleasure through me. I’m so aroused that he doesn’t need to do anything but touch me lightly, and my knees are shaking, my shivers coursing up my spine. I move convulsively against him, my breath coming in gasps.

No one has ever touched me here before.

No one has ever touched me
like this

The times I’ve masturbated I’ve always thought that it was fine, and there was really no need to go out and find someone else. But the movement of Riley’s fingers now, his breath on my face, his hard, warm body pressing up against mine… I realize I could not have been more wrong.

This is…

And I’ve never wanted anybody more than I want him.

He leans down to nibble and kiss my neck again, making small noises of approval as I shudder at his touch. His fingers on my clit are relentless, circling it lightly, bringing my pleasure to a peak before slowing down again, always keeping me on the brink. I fold my hands into fists, biting my bottom lip.

Slowly, he makes his way down my body, kissing my breasts through the fabric of my dress, taking my nipples lightly between his teeth; first one, and then the other. He teases them into points, while the only thing I can do is moan.

It’s clear he’s determined to take his time, but the only thing I can think of is how much I want to feel his mouth against me, his tongue on my clit, his lips sliding over my wet pussy.

I’m not even frightened of going so far, for the first time. My need for him is too strong. I don’t care where we are. I don’t care that this is
I just want him.

As Riley drops lower down my body, his fingers leave my clit and I groan, immediately missing him. He laughs.

“Are you sure this isn’t a mistake?”

I clench my jaw. “Shut up, before I decide it is.”

He laughs again, and I feel the warm puff of his breath against my thigh.

“You’re so wet, Ava.”

He brushes his thumb lightly over my clit as he kneels in front of me, making me shudder, a small cry escaping my lips.

“You better be quiet. Like you said, someone could come in….”

I close my eyes, biting down hard on my lip. He’s right. This is so wrong. Anyone could hear us, anyone could come in at any second.

Why the hell does that make me so hot?

I don’t have time to think about it.

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