Read Playing for Keeps Online

Authors: LuAnn McLane

Playing for Keeps (24 page)

BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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“Thanks, but I wasn’t the one playing out there today. You guys were. And you made me proud to be wearing this Tiger jersey!” He jabbed his thumb toward his chest and was met with more cheers. “But as you guys know, I’m going to be starring with Miss Lawson in the summer play. I hope to see you all there. It took me a while, but I’ve found my inner artsy-fartsy.”
His comment drew laughter, but Coach Randall held up a hand for silence. “Trust me, we will all be there.”
“Just don’t bring tomatoes,” Noah said and nodded his head sideways at Olivia. “Miss Lawson’s tried hard to make me into a better actor, but I’ve got a ways to go, so we have to go rehearse. See ya at the next game. Go, Tigers!”
Olivia waved at the team and felt all eyes upon them as they turned away. It still felt funny to be the talk of the town when she had always flown under the radar. She thought of her father singing over at Sully’s and had to chuckle.
“What’s so amusing?” Noah asked as they walked hand in hand toward her house.
Olivia shook her head slowly and then looked up at him. “I was just thinking about my dad and Myra singing together over at Sully’s. And of course everyone is still buzzing about you and me.”
Noah paused at her doorstep and tucked his finger beneath her chin. “Does that bother you?”
“Which one?”
“Either . . . both?”
Olivia was touched by the concern in his eyes. “No,” she answered honestly. “It’s about time Dad and I started living our lives . . .” She paused while searching for the right words.
“With gusto?”
Olivia snapped her fingers. “Yes, I like that. With gusto!” She tilted her head back and laughed.
“Now what are you thinking?”
Olivia gripped his hand tightly and tugged him up the front steps and into the house. “I want to kiss you with gusto.” She tossed her rally cap to the side, not caring where it landed, and then wrapped her arms around him.
“I like your attitude, Miss Lawson,” Noah said and pulled her closer against the length of his body.
“Me too!” Olivia declared, but before kissing him she looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity. “Oh, Noah . . .” she breathed, and her heart pounded when he lowered his head and captured her mouth with his.
His mouth felt warm, soft . . . gentle, but when she opened her mouth for more, passion took over. “Livie, baby, you are driving me wild.” With a groan he pushed her up against the smooth, cool wall in the living room and deepened the kiss to a hot fever pitch. He threaded his long fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp while he explored her mouth. He tugged gently on her hair, but with enough force that her head tilted sideways so he could have access to her neck. “You smell amazing, so sweet and yet sultry just like you. Livie, I wanted to do this the entire game.” He eased his hands beneath her blouse and oh, so slowly slid them up her sides just shy of her breasts. “Ahhh, your skin is so soft.” His touch sent a hot shiver down her spine and had her clinging to his shoulders for support. “If I’m being too bold, too rough, tell me.”
“Babe, when will you learn that I won’t break?”
“Damn, that was hot.”
“What?” It was difficult to concentrate with his mouth on her skin.
“Calling me ‘babe.’”
Olivia laughed. “My inner sexpot has a mind of her own,” she joked, but her heart pounded when Noah suddenly cupped her chin in the palm of his hand and held her gaze.
“Let go tonight, Livie. Don’t worry. Don’t think. Just be with me. Will you do that?”
Olivia swallowed hard and then nodded. “Yes.”
“Trust me.”
“I will,” she said, with a smile that was filled with emotion and yet didn’t tremble this time. “Noah, I do trust you.”
“Good. I know it sounds like a line, but I’ve never felt this way before.” His eyes held hers for a moment longer and he searched her face as if wanting to be sure that she believed him.
“Me neither,” she admitted and waited for the fear to grip her heart. In previous relationships she had always held back, afraid to give her heart only to have someone trample on it, like her mother did to her loving, trusting father.
For a second Olivia thought he was going to say more, but then he dipped his head and kissed her once again. She could feel the emotion behind the desire, and it swept her away. For the first time in her life, she loved without holding back. She wrapped her arms around him and when he picked her up she laughed and hooked her legs around his waist. She kissed him with heat, with such passion that she trembled from the intensity.
They kissed all the way to the bedroom and tried to keep kissing while undressing. Fingers fumbled, hands tugged, and shoes were toed off and went flying across the room. They laughed, groaned when he paused to slip on protection, and then sighed when they finally tumbled to the bed in a heap of tangled legs and white-hot passion.
When Noah scooted up and leaned against the mound of pillows, Olivia swung one long leg over and straddled him. She boldly let him look his fill while he cupped her breasts in his big hands.
“You are gorgeous.”
Olivia wanted to thank him, but all she could manage was a gasp when he rubbed his thumbs over her nipples. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth but couldn’t hold back a throaty cry of pleasure when his warm tongue replaced his thumbs. He licked, sucked, and when he lightly nipped with his teeth Olivia arched her back and wantonly, brazenly offered him more. “Noah . . .” She threaded her fingers through his hair, and when she rocked suggestively against him a muscle jumped in his jaw.
“I need you now,” he said in a low, husky voice that felt like a physical caress. When his hands slid down to span her waist, Olivia came up to her knees and then slowly eased down onto the hard length of his penis. Her breath caught at the exquisite feeling and she gripped his shoulders while she moved at a slow, sensual pace. “Ah, Livie . . .” His eyes closed, but Olivia watched his handsome face, loving the play of emotion and the stark masculine beauty. Warm pleasure started to build and her heart raced. She moved faster and faster with a passion that felt wild and free. His strong hands guided her, helped her when her thighs quivered. “Noah!” Her breasts brushed against his chest and when he thrust upward deeply, his throaty cry of pleasure carried Olivia over the edge with him.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, and then kissed her neck, her shoulders, before pulling her mouth to his for a hot, sweet kiss. Olivia leaned against him and enjoyed the feeling of being skin to skin, heart to heart. For a moment they were silent and simply remained entwined. Finally, Noah swept her hair over her shoulder and said, “That was incredible. You blow me away, Olivia.”
Olivia cupped his cheeks between the palms of her hands and kissed him softly before saying, “The feeling is mutual.”
“I know you have school in the morning, but I want to stay with you tonight.”
“I want you to,” Olivia told him. Sleeping in his arms all night was something she would never pass up. “I’m going to slip into my pajamas,” she said and then kissed him lightly before easing off the bed. “There’s a new toothbrush in the hall bathroom if you want to use it,” she offered with a smile.
“Thanks. I will,” he said, but then shook his head. “But I have one request.”
Olivia raised her eyebrows.
“Forget the pajamas.”
“You’re right. Pajamas are overrated.” Olivia laughed as she headed into the bathroom. After flicking on the light, she stared at her reflection and put her hands to her cheeks, thinking that she was glowing with happiness. It felt so good to love, to trust, and to allow the luxury of believing that somehow they would make this last beyond the summer.
After brushing her teeth and quickly washing her face, she looked at her pajamas hanging on the hook on the back of the door and giggled. She had never slept in the buff before, but then again in the past few weeks she had done quite a few things that were out of character for her. “Oh, inner sexpot, I do love you,” she whispered and for some reason felt compelled to tiptoe into the bedroom. She tossed the pillows to the floor and then slid beneath the cool sheet and waited for Noah to return to her.
When the BlackBerry on the nightstand vibrated, she picked it up, thinking that the phone was hers, and looked at the text message. What she read made her stomach plummet. The message from someone named Laney O. read:
Noah, you need to ditch that silly little play in that one-horse town and come home where you belong. I know you must still be angry, but I made a huge mistake and I will do whatever it takes to get you back. Love isn’t the same without you. Call me.
Love isn’t the same without you?
Olivia put a trembling hand over her mouth and then set the phone back on the nightstand. When she heard footsteps coming down the hallway, she scooted down and pressed her head into the feather pillow, pretending to be asleep.
When Noah eased beneath the covers and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, Olivia tried not to stiffen. She swallowed a sob and wondered if she should confront him about Laney, but the pain of his betrayal cut too deep. No wonder her father had hurt so badly for so many years. A hollow ache settled in her chest, and she couldn’t find the courage to address the situation. She wondered how she could even go on with the play, but she was going to have to dig deep and act the part. Madison and Cricket Creek were counting on the success of the play, and damned if she would let Noah Falcon ruin it.
When Noah kissed her bare shoulder a hot tear slid down her cheek, but she vowed never to let him see her pain. For her father’s sake, she had learned a long time ago to mask the hurt of her mother’s absence. She was a good actress. She could do this. The game was far from over.
Once More with Feeling
kay, find your marks and let’s try this scene from the beginning,” Madison directed with a frown. “This time kiss with some emotion!” She plopped down on her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. For the past few days something had been wrong with Olivia, and Madison didn’t understand, but with opening night just two weeks away she was sweating bullets. They were down to final rehearsals and up until now lines were memorized, blocking felt just right, and lighting seemed perfect. After four weeks of rehearsals the stage crew had set changes down like clockwork. In fact, Madison had hoped to allow the stage manager to take over while she observed a run-through, but she just couldn’t keep from breaking in with direction.
Olivia looked as if she had just sucked on a lemon and Noah appeared just plain confused. “Again!” Madison said sharply and rolled her fingertips to her temple as she observed Olivia’s wooden performance. “Okay, you know what? Let’s call it a night,” she shouted to the cast and crew. She shoved her script into her leather case. “I’ll see everyone at six thirty tomorrow. Olivia, may I see you, please?”
Olivia nodded and walked in front of the orchestra pit to where Madison leaned against the back of a folding table. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Noah?”
“Nothing,” Olivia said but swallowed hard. “I’m just tired from grading exams, that’s all. School is over at the end of the week, so I’ll be fine. I’m sorry, Madison.”
“Yeah, right. Like I’m buying that line of bull? Noah just stormed off the stage and you don’t seem to care.”
“I care deeply about this play,” Olivia assured her in a shaky voice. “I’ll be fine.” She pressed her palms downward toward the floor. “Just let me catch my breath. Tomorrow will be better.”
“Better? Olivia, I don’t want
. I need what you already had up there! Passion! Feeling! Emotion!” She pointed to the stage and then put a hand over her heart. “Come on, tell me what’s got the bur up your butt,” she demanded, but when Olivia’s mouth trembled and her eyes misted over, Madison shook her head and then grabbed Olivia’s arm. “Let’s go to Sully’s and slug down a dirty martini.”
Olivia wrinkled up her nose.
“Okay, a glass of wimpy wine . . . whatever. You have to tell me what in the world is going on.”
Olivia inhaled a deep breath. “Madison, I’m just burning the candle at both ends and I haven’t been sleeping well. I truly just need a good night’s rest, that’s all.”
“You are such a crappy liar,” Madison responded tightly, but then her voice softened when Olivia’s eyes filled with tears. She put a hand on her friend’s arm and squeezed. “Listen, I’m going to Sully’s. If you need someone to talk to, we can snag a booth and chat, okay?”
Olivia hesitated but then shook her head. “I’ll be fine, and the play will go off without a hitch. I promise. The stress is just getting to me.”
“Okay,” Madison sighed as she slung her leather satchel over her shoulder. “If you change your mind, just call me.”
“Thanks, Madison. I will.”
Madison nodded but shook her head slowly as she watched Olivia walk out the door. Something had happened between Olivia and Noah Falcon. Noah seemed frustrated but clueless and Olivia was acting just plain weird! Madison looked around the theater. Thanks to Jason and the art department at Cricket Creek High School, the set was beautiful. The lighting had been perfected over the past few weeks, and everyone had their lines down pat. Posters were placed everywhere, and ticket sales were strong, with opening weekend sold out. Local hotels and inns were filling up, and Wine and Diner was almost ready for its grand opening. Everything was going as planned. Olivia Lawson was the last person Madison would have expected to have a meltdown.
“Go figure,” Madison mumbled as she locked the front door. Suddenly a dirty martini sounded pretty darned good and maybe a bite to eat as well, so she hoofed it down the street to Sully’s. But after opening the door her heart thudded and her eyes widened.
What the . . .
BOOK: Playing for Keeps
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