Playing Dom (13 page)

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Authors: Sky Corgan

BOOK: Playing Dom
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I don't use pain for the sake of hurting people. I use pain for
pleasure. I've never done anything to my subs that they haven't
wanted me to do, and I would never flog or whip them at an intensity
they wouldn't enjoy. Scenes aren't meant to be used as punishment.
This.” He took the flogger from me, feeling the weight of it in
his hand. “This isn't a tool meant to beat submission out of
you. Submission is earned through mutual respect. This is supposed to
be a reward of sexual gratification and a symbol of trust. I would
rather die than hurt you with it.” His eyes met mine as he
handed the flogger back to me, handle first, and I swooned from the
intensity of his gaze, the honest tone of his words. And in that
moment, I trusted him completely.

do this,” I said, taking a deep breath.

you don't want to, I'm not going to make you.”

want to. I'm the Mistress, remember? Now, get out of my room.”
I pointed to the door with the riding crop.

Domina.” Micah rolled his eyes at me again, though this time it
didn't bother me as much. I was too happy to let it bother me, still
reflecting on his words, lost somewhere between subspace and a
strange euphoric place inside of me.

I tossed the riding
crop onto the bed before following him into the living room. Then I
handed him the flogger before assuming what I felt like was an
appropriate position with my hands held over my head and my legs
slightly spread.

know, this would be better if you were naked,” he suggested,
though I could tell from his tone that he didn't think I would buy
into it.

I decided to
surprise him, immediately stripping off the teddy without another
word. When I was done, I threw him a small wink over my shoulder. He
was standing there with his mouth agape, though he quickly tried to
hide his shock when our eyes met, curling his lips into that cocky
smirk I was so used to seeing on his face.
He only thinks he's in
I thought before turning back around and bracing myself,
praying that I had made the right choice in trusting him.

you ready?” Micah asked.

We'll do this the same way we did the spanking.”

I'm going to start now.”

I held my breath as
I waited for the first lash, expecting a similar amount of pain to
what I was used to with Chet. The initial stroke was so light though
that I barely felt anything at all. It was more of a thud than a
sting, and so superficial that the tails hardly brushed my back.

can do it harder than that,” I grumbled, a bit annoyed that he
was obviously babying me.

The second strike
had a bit more muscle behind it, though there was still no pain. My
flogger felt completely different than the ones Chet had used on me.
While I wasn't particularly disappointed, it was also hard for me to
get used to. The tails seemed to stick together and thud against my
back instead of lashing out like tiny biting snakes.

feels wrong,” I said finally.

do you mean?”

not like any of the floggers that Chet used.”

because it's probably made of a different material.”

does it matter what it's made of? I mean I know that some floggers
are made of different stuff.”

depending on what the flogger is made of, the type of material, the
number of tails, the thickness of the tails, it will create a
different sensation. The tails on this one are about an inch thick,
so it's more likely to produce a thudding than a stinging sensation.”

You really do know a lot about this stuff.”

He shrugged. “Again,
it comes with experience. I do know something that this flogger would
feel really good for, but you're going to have to trust me.”

While I wasn't not
enjoying the flogging, he did have my curiosity piqued. Something
that would feel better, huh. Might as well give it a try. He hadn't
done anything to me that I hadn't liked yet.

will allow this, slave,” I said quickly, not wanting him to
feel in control.

on your hands and knees,” he told me.

on your hands and knees, please Domina,” I corrected him.

There was that eye
roll again. “Do you want me to do this or not?”

are you going to do, first?” I gave him a suspicious look.

a surprise. I told you to trust me. If you don't trust me, I'm not
going to do it.”

I sighed, feeling somewhat deflated by his stubbornness. Relenting, I
knelt down.

all fours.”

I dropped the rest
of the way, frowning but also incredibly curious. Even though I kept
insisting I was in control, it felt like our roles had switched. He
was standing over me with the flogger in a position of power. I
wasn't sure how to change that. My only options were to tell him to
stop or to suck it up and let him dominate me for a while. In the
end, I chose the later of the two, too intrigued to back out.

your eyes forward,” the pitch of Micah's voice darkened,
demanding my obedience.

It was easier to
follow his lead than I imagined, though a small part of me was still
screaming not to. That was the part of me that had been hurt by Chet,
the part of me that was reluctant to trust any man with a device in
his hand that could cause me serious harm.
Remember Micah's words.
He said he wouldn't hurt you.

I tried to relax as
I waited for what was to come, though my heart was booming in my
chest, echoing out a beat to my demise. This wasn't the first time
I'd listened to its frantic rhythm. I had gotten used to being
stressed out when I was in Chet's care. After taking a few weeks away
from him, it was strange to feel myself reacting this way again.

The first touch to
my ass was suede tails lightly petting over my skin. My body
instantly stiffened from the sensation, my breath hitching with
nervous anticipation.

your legs a bit more,” he told me, and I obeyed.

The tails slipped
between my crack, feeling like soft tongues licking across my
sensitive flesh, shooting an electric shock of desire straight to my
nether region. Micah was moving slowly, oh so slowly, letting the
tongues explore over my backside and between my legs. I felt myself
involuntarily relaxing, my fear of him dissipating with each passing

not so bad, now is it?” he asked in a soothing tone.

bad at all,” I admitted, feeling a shiver of pleasure roll down
my spine.

going to ramp the intensity up a bit, okay?”

Ramp the intensity
up? What he was doing now wasn't intense at all, just pleasant. I
couldn't imagine what he possibly meant.

Deciding to place my
safety in his hands, I nodded, curiously waiting for what was to
come, feeling my heartbeat quicken again with anxiety. The tails of
the flogger left my ass, and my body instantly tensed in anticipation
of him striking me. That was the only possible meaning for ramping
things up.

But then another
sensation came unlike any I could have imagined. Instead of the
flogger being slapped across my ass, Micah directed it between my
legs. The tails licked up at my clit, causing a pleasurable pressure
against my pussy lips accompanied by a delicious sting to my
sensitive nub. I groaned shamelessly, my arms trembling under my own
body weight. By the second strike, I felt my rolling desire bubbling
to a head. It only took two more swings before my orgasm peaked to
the surface. I thought about telling him to flog me faster, but then
instead slipped a hand down to rub my climax out the rest of the way.

Micah was good with
body cues. He stopped flogging me the second I reached down and
waited for me to finish. It felt strangely erotic knowing that he was
patiently watching me orgasm.

When my pleasure
subsided, I stood, making sure I stayed facing away from him as I
stepped back into my teddy and pulled it up. Gotta leave some things
to the imagination. I smacked my lips as I turned around, looking

was fabulous, slave. Thank you.”

He laughed, “You
still insist on calling me slave after I had you on your hands and
knees like that.”

it.” I grabbed the flogger away from him and gave him a hard
smack on the hip, making him wince. “You were only able to do
that to me because I allowed it.”

was able to do that to you because you trust me. You could have
received the same treatment as a submissive, maybe even better

Better treatment?
Was there such a thing? I felt pretty darn satisfied with the way
things had gone. He hadn't really flogged me, but I certainly had a
new appreciation for floggers.

told you, I'm not interested in being a sub anymore. Don't push the
subject.” I tried to put on a serious face, crossing my arms
over my chest.

I told you that I'm not a slave, but yet you keep insisting on
calling me one.”

make a good slave.”

slave that doms.”

called topping from the bottom. I thought you'd know that.”

He rolled his eyes.
“It's not topping from the bottom if I don't actually want to
be a bottom.”

I waved at him
dismissively before sitting down on the sofa. “Whatever,

incorrigible,” Micah huffed.

That's why I'm the Mistress. On the other hand, you've been rather
well behaved. I think subbing suits you.”

all. What do you want me to do now?”

I thought for a
while. “I want you to attend a munch with me.”

munch?” He looked utterly repulsed by the idea.

a munch. I believe I'm ready to present myself to the community as a

you sure?” Micah quirked an eyebrow at me.

I've rather enjoyed these two sessions with you, and I think I'm
ready to move on.”

you haven't really learned anything,” he told me hesitantly.

learned enough to know that I enjoy being a Mistress more than a sub.
Bossing you around has been awesome.”

not about bossing someone around.”

part of it though.”

a small fraction.”

like the biggest part to me.”

that's what you truly think, then you'll be no better than Chet.”

My anger flared.
“Don't you dare compare me to that asshole. Don't you dare!”

Micah sighed, “I
know you're not like him. You're too kind to be cruel, but you also
don't have enough of an understanding of what you're doing to claim
to be a Domme.”

Just go home. I'll make a perfectly good Mistress. I don't need you
validating me. If I have to wait for that, then it will never

think about it. We've only had two sessions together. What you
learned prior to that was all hands-on from being with Chet. You
didn't even know what aftercare was until I showed you. And every
time we've done things together, you've made me top from the bottom.
I know you're scared of being hurt as a sub, but you honestly weren't
meant to be a Domme.”

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