Playing All the Angles (14 page)

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Authors: Nicole Lane

BOOK: Playing All the Angles
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“Do you? Why? Because it will distract him from this baby? How much harder for your sister would it be if she figured out that your babies aren’t just cousins?”

“He’s going to blow this,” Eve said. “I won’t. If it was left up to me, she’d never know, but he’s too visibly passionate about things. I’ve got to just cut ties. The shower gave me a reason. I’ll just cut ties and refuse to be around any of them. Then he’s got no reason to talk about me.”

“That doesn’t make the problem go away.”

“Well, what would you do?” she asked, frowning.

He thought and then kissed the back of her head. “I’ve no idea. I just can’t help thinking it’ll come out eventually, and it’s better if they don’t have their own children involved in the mix.”

“Maybe. I don’t know. I wish she hadn’t married him.”

“Speaking of foregone conclusions, what if she comes to you and starts asking questions? Are you going to tell her everything?”

Eve sighed. “Oh God, I hope that doesn’t happen. I’d rather she didn’t want to talk to me at all.”

“She’s your sister, Evie. She loves you. Of all of them, she loves you.”

“I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Can I ask?” Tad hesitated. “Why? Why did you keep seeing him?”

“I’m a fool? I think the bigger question is why did I start it up in the first place. I kept it going because I never really stopped to think about it. In a way, I felt Dominic was mine already, so I wasn’t really taking anything away from Isabelle. I was just—it was like I’d given her an old dress, which I brought out of her closet to wear now and then because it still looked good on me. I could launder it and sneak it back in on a hanger before she noticed it was gone. And I was lonely and lazy. He already knew me, so I didn’t have to work at learning a new person or watch a new person try to learn me. It was safe in as much as I didn’t have to worry that he’d want more out of it than I did.

“It’s funny the things you ponder when trapped in nature. A bigger truth is that I didn’t want them together. I think, subconsciously, I was trying to keep her away from him, and that seemed the best way to do it. I mean, what kind of man proposes to a woman when he’s sleeping with her sister? That’s insane. No one does that. And finally, I’ve always been attracted to him. From the first time I saw him, there was this flaming chemistry. I don’t know why.”

Tad hummed. “Would you want him full-time if he weren’t with your sister?”

“No way.” She shook her head against the cradle of his arm. “No way. Neither of us would want that. I mean, we were friends. We could be friends, but not a couple. I want different things from a relationship than he does. Dominic’s the guy who doesn’t marry the girl he sleeps with, you know? He’s got a bit of a virgin-whore complex.”

“So, I don’t have any competition?”

She leaned back to look up at him. “None. Not from him. Not from anyone.”

He smiled and kissed her. “That’s good to know. I prefer getting to keep you without a fight.”

“How about me? Any competition?”

He leaned up on one elbow and looked down at her. “None. I’m besotted. I want you to meet my family.”

Eve stared. “Really?”


“Like this?” She rolled onto her back and patted her stomach. “I’m not exactly what you bring home to Mother.”

“Eve, I’ve already told them about you. I spent a very long time on the phone with both of them, talking this through. I’m not going to lie and say my parents were excited at the idea of me being mad over a girl who is pregnant with someone else’s child, but they both agreed it was better than me getting someone pregnant and not loving that person. See? It’s better for me to be in love with you and you pregnant with Dominic’s kid, than for me to be in Dominic’s shoes. I can love you, and I’m thinking I’ll probably love this baby without reservation. Dominic can’t do that.

“Do I want to be a father?” At the look on her face, he laughed. “Not that you’ve asked me to be a father, but if you did, do I want to be one? That’s what my mum asked me. Did I want to take on the responsibility? I told her I wanted you and whatever comes with that. Looks like a baby comes with that. If I’d gotten you pregnant, I’d have to take on the responsibility, like it or not. At least this way, I’m sure I like you.”

“You haven’t dated anyone since Gemma,” Eve said, feeling her chest constricting. “Aren’t you afraid you’re missing out? Don’t you want to go run and play? Are you really willing to trade in your freedom for a house filled with nappies and bottles, or are you going to resent me once the infatuation wears off? I’m afraid you’re going to hate it, and I’m afraid I’m going to open myself wide up to you just in time for you to realize that.”

“I’m not afraid at all,” he said seriously. “For the first time in my life, I can say that and have it be perfectly true.”

“I’m scared to death.”

That made him snort. “Obviously. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, Evie. I didn’t know I could. It’s not just infatuation or a ‘rebound.’ I love you.”

“No, no, no.” She put her fingers to his lips. “Don’t say that. Don’t jinx it.”

He laughed. “What?”

“Don’t say that. Because I’ll believe you, and I’ll let you in.” It was hard to breathe now. “And I’ve never let anyone in. Then you’ll just disappoint me, and I’ll be in too deep to get out, and I can’t just think about me anymore.”

“Evie…I do love you, and I’m going to say it. And I’m going to introduce you to my parents. And I’m going to ask you to marry me, but not tonight because I think you’ll go into an early labor from the shock. And I’m going to keep you forever. I’m not going to freak out and run, and more important, you’re not going to freak out and run. Because you love me too.”

“How do you know?” she whispered.

“Because you’ve already let me in. No one else gets to rub your belly. No one else knows what names you really like. You don’t even tell Marcus the things you tell me, and I see how you look at me. You’re already in deep, woman. And you like it.”

Eve bit her lips together, unable to find words to respond. He was right. Every single thing he’d just said was true, and the fact that he’d seen through her so easily was at the same time terrifying and thrilling. She felt her lips curve into a smile, and he mirrored the expression as he pulled her into another kiss. She didn’t need to say anything. He already knew.

Chapter 10

“I W
what’s wrong, Isabelle,” Alora said, handing her another cup of tea.

She shook her head. “We just had a fight, Lora. I just needed some space.”

“Fighting already? You’ve only been married a month.”

“Yeah, well, the honeymoon’s over.” She sighed, taking a sip from her cup. She had spent the night at Alora’s, though she’d been careful not to tell her sister too many details of the “spat” that had brought her there. It wouldn’t do for the rest of the family to know, especially when it would make things worse with everyone voicing their considerable opinions. She’d slept fitfully and not terribly much through the wee hours, then spent a few minutes picking through the many texts and voice mail messages Dominic had left her. He’d figured out that she was at Alora’s, or maybe he’d spoken to Eve, which she bitterly thought was more than likely.

Were they friendlier than they’d pretended to be all this time? Isabelle couldn’t help but wonder, and every new question raised several others in its wake. Still, she knew she was going to have to go home and face him. It wasn’t as though it was doing her any good staying with Alora, who was filling the silences with her own diatribes about their sister. Isabelle had decided that if Dominic rang again, she would answer, if for no other reason than to hear his voice. She sat, stirring her spoon in her tea and wondering how she was going to get past all of this, when her phone rang.

“Do you want me to answer it?” Alora offered, reaching for the tinkling mobile.

“No, I’ll take it,” Isabelle told her, grabbing up the phone before her sister could. “In the other room.” She got up and hurried into the living room, flipping the phone open as she went. “Hello?”

“Isabelle? It’s Patrick. Hallo. How are you doing?”

“Patrick? Oh! Patrick. Hi. Um…good, you?”

“On break finally. I’ve had ER duty again, and it seems like all the freaks come out when it’s my go. I was hoping I’d catch you. I’m off tomorrow, and I’d like to take you to lunch.”

She was silent for a moment, the reality of this voice from her past slowly sinking in, and she was suddenly overwhelmed by the memory of happier times before he had disappeared from her life. “I—I’d love to.”

“Yeah?” he asked, excitement in his voice.

“Mm-hmm. What time did you have in mind?”

“Noon? I thought we could meet at Roma’s.”

“Oh, I haven’t been there in ages,” she said, smiling to herself. “Sounds good.”

“Brilliant. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

“See you,” she replied, and he was gone.

She turned to see Alora standing in the doorway, watching her with a sly, quizzical expression. “Did I just hear you make a date with Patrick?”

“It’s lunch,” Isabelle said.

“With Patrick?”

“Yes, with Patrick.” She stood up, stuffing the phone into her pocket.

“Oh my God!” Alora clapped her hands, beaming, “I love Patrick!”

Isabelle considered her sister and shook her head with a soft groan. “I’m going home,” she said. “I have to go home.”

“Or you could just stay here and date Patrick.”

Isabelle felt her eyes flash. “What is with you? I thought you liked Dominic?”

“We all like him. You can’t help but like him. But we
Patrick. Sweetpea, I just can’t help thinking that Dominic’s the type who wouldn’t take his vows seriously for very long. Patrick would.”

“Well, I didn’t marry him, did I? He left me, didn’t he? Dominic didn’t. I married Dominic, so, no, I’m not dating Patrick. I’m having lunch with him as an old friend.” She added hotly, wishing she hadn’t even as the words came out of her mouth, “If Dominic can have lunch or whatever with his old flames, I can too.”

“Ooh,” Alora breathed, fingertips against her mouth. “Say no more. I understand.”

“I doubt it.” She sighed and shrugged. “I’m going. Thanks for the tea and sympathy, Lora.”

“Anytime,” Alora said behind her as she gathered up her purse and went for the door. “And do tell Patrick we said hello!”

Isabelle rolled her eyes and said nothing more, hurrying down the steps and out to the car. She was pulling out of the drive when the phone rang again. “Hello?”

“Issie? Thank Christ! I’ve been worried sick.”

“I’m fine. I’m on my way home.”

“Good! Good. I’ll order some Chinese.”


“Are you all right?”

“I’m glorious,” she said. “How did you find out where I was?”

“I called everyone in the family,” Dominic replied. “I tried your parents and Jeanne. Then I rang Eve to see if you’d gone over there.”

“And you didn’t try Alora first?”

“I didn’t think you’d go there. After the way the day had gone, I didn’t expect you’d go to her.”

“What made you think I’d go see Eve?” she asked, her voice rising slightly.

“Because of the reason we were cross,” he defended. “Because it was Eve and me hiding the past from you. I thought you’d go to confront her.”

“How often do you see her?”

Dominic’s voice dropped, and she could hear the frustration in it. “I see Eve at family events. Until Alora’s shower, I hadn’t seen her since the last family function, when I proposed to you. Remember that one? When I proposed marriage? Because I wanted to be married to you.”

Isabelle didn’t know if she believed him or not. She couldn’t be sure without seeing his face. “I need to hang up. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“All right,” he said, sounding defeated.

She hung up and concentrated on the road in front of her. It took another fifteen minutes to reach their house, and he was waiting for her on the front step when she pulled into the driveway. She gathered herself and got out, climbing the stairs until they met about halfway.

She avoided his open arms, dodging him for the door. “Did you order?” she asked him.

“I did. Yeah.”

She continued into the house, and he followed, closing the door behind him. Isabelle dropped her bag next to the couch and went into the kitchen to pour a glass of wine, moving about the kitchen wordlessly and taking a large drink before turning back to face him. “I didn’t tell Alora what the fight was about,” she said between sips, “in case you were wondering.”

“I know you’re upset.”

“Last night I was upset. Now, I’m furious.”

He looked at her. “Why? I told you that it’s nothing.”

“If it was nothing, you would have mentioned it before now. Not kept it as some private joke between the two of you behind my back.”

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