Playin’ Cop (Heroes of Henderson ~ Prequel) (11 page)

BOOK: Playin’ Cop (Heroes of Henderson ~ Prequel)
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“Touch me, please,” Duncan breathed. “God knows it’s all I can think about.” He took her head in his hands and devoted exquisite attention to her mouth while her hands drifted over his shoulders, slid down his chest and worked together to unfasten the waistband and unzip his pants. “God, yes,” he moaned into her mouth, kissing her with greater intensity as she slid one hand down between his pants and his boxer-briefs that covered the taut, firm shaft of his erection.

He pushed himself against the heel of her palm as she slid it down the length of him, and then groaned his approval when she used her fingers to massage his balls through the fabric. His lips kept their connection as he removed his pants. Then he took her hand and moved it inside the elastic band of his shorts and she followed his lead, slowly exposing his erection as the heat of her hand came in contact with the engorged shaft of his cock. He sighed her name in appreciation.

As his legs worked to disengage his boxers, Duncan slid the straps of Annabelle’s bra off her shoulders, biting the smooth skin at the side of her neck. He unhooked her bra and pulled it down between them, his mouth eagerly following his hands to her aching breasts. She sighed, closing her eyes, biting her lower lip as she guided his hands to use more pressure. Her need swelled in delight and she rocked her pelvis against his shaft, stroking both of them where they needed it most.

Her legs instinctively circled Duncan’s waist when he lifted her up, backing her to his bed where he lifted one knee, guiding them both on to the top of his comforter. Annabelle slid backward to the head of the bed, digging her fingers into the end of the comforter and pushing it under her body as Duncan helped drag it down beyond them. He laid her down, her head on his pillow and took his time to look his fill of her naked breasts, narrow waist, and long shapely legs.

“How the hell did I get so lucky?” he asked, sliding one hand up and down the side of her body as his eyes roamed freely. “Underneath all your stylish perfection, there is this sinfully, smokin’ hot body.” He lowered his head, closed his mouth over a nipple and sucked hard, causing Annabelle to gasp and buck her pelvis. He covered her lower body with his own, feasting on her breasts while drawing her hands up over her head.

His own hands slid back down languidly, caressing the sensitive insides of her arms, the ticklish depression of her underarms, the rounded sides of her breasts, and the indentation of her waist before tucking themselves under her back and massaging her buttocks. “I’ve been dying to get my hands on your shapely derrière,” he said leaving a trail of kisses down her stomach and over her navel as his hands fondled her hips and rear-end.

He pulled the silky threads of her G-string down her hips and off her legs. Annabelle closed her eyes, feeling the contrast as cool air hit her warm, wet pubic hair, leaving every part of her exposed. Duncan traced his thumb through the thick of it, making her body bow when it slid over her clitoris and continued down her slick center. “So perfect,” he said, his breath tantalizing the engorged nerve endings. His mouth lowered and he lovingly kissed her right where she could feel it most.

“Oh baby, there’s so much I long to do to you,” he moaned, lifting up and crawling forward over her body. “But I can’t get what you did to me the other night out of my head,” he said looking into her eyes. “Here,” he offered his hand and helped her sit up. Then he moved back against the headboard and fumbled with a condom before taking her hand and bringing her to him.

“Just like you did before,” he begged, clasping her hips and maneuvering her on to his lap. “Rub yourself against me,” he pleaded as she slid her body along the back side of his erect shaft. “God yes,” he breathed, his head thrown back as Annabelle started to rub her aching center up and down the long length of his cock, her body providing lubricant for the condom. “I fantasized about this,” he said bringing his gaze down between them to watch the action. “Every night since.” He cupped her ass with his hands and set the rhythm for the both of them. “Feel good?” he asked when Annabelle started to moan.

“So good,” she said, closing her eyes, licking her lips. He smiled. She could hear it when he spoke.

“That mouth of yours is one hell of a turn-on,” he said, moving her body a little faster. She tilted her hips and pressed harder, targeting her swollen nub. Duncan’s hips started to pump causing an “even better” to spill from her lips.

“You like this, baby?” Duncan asked, his breath coming faster. His fingers gripping her ass tighter. His cock sliding quickly within the folds of her flesh. “Is this what you needed? Finish what you started New Year’s Eve, Annabelle. Come on, baby. Come for me,” he breathed, “Come for me so I can take us where we both want to go.”

He reached between them to press his cock hard against her. When Annabelle first started to spasm and shake, he moved his thumb over her nub and manipulated her into a soul-wrenching orgasm. And as the hollow need inside her grew desperate to be filled, he lifted her up and then slid her down, sheathing his erection. Another orgasm erupted immediately, causing her body to go loose everywhere except where it counted for Duncan. Her internal muscles milked him hard, setting off a wild chain of events.

Duncan pushed Annabelle to her back while she still came, whimpering his name, squeezing his cock inside the very core of her body. “Holy shi—” he began, but the blood drained from his head down to his groin, erasing all thought. His hips worked like a piston, ferociously fucking the girl of his dreams. Every muscle from his toes to his forehead strained, his shoulders and neck were rigid, his jaw clenched. He heard himself grunt louder and louder, out of control with every pump, until his entire body shook uncontrollably with a long, hard climax.

“Holy Mother of God,” he panted, lying on top of her, sweaty and spent.

Moments later, still breathing heavily, he reached for Annabelle’s hand and squeezed it.

She squeezed back.

Finally finding the strength to move, he rolled off and sprawled flat on his back, both their heads at the end of the bed. “Annabelle, sweetheart,” he whispered, his heart rate still off the chart, “I’m afraid you’re gonna have to marry me.” His other hand collapsed on top of his stomach and he closed his eyes as Annabelle rose up on an elbow to peer down at him.

Through labored breathing he told her again, “You’re gonna have to marry me, baby.” He opened his eyes and wiped sweat from them. “Because there is no doubt you have just ruined me for all other women. And, more importantly,” he went on, “I know damn well there isn’t a condom in this world built strong enough to survive a fuck like that.”

He glanced over as Annabelle choked out a laugh at his ungentlemanly choice of words. Giving his spent body a long, cool once-over, she shrugged a shoulder. “Okay,” she said before flopping back down and snuggling in against him. “I’ll call Daddy.”

He smiled at that, his arm going around her, his fingers playing over her deliciously soft skin. And then he smiled broader because he was a lawyer. And although Miss Devine might be somewhat unaware, she’d just entered herself into a verbal contract.

And he had every intention of holding her to it.





Interested in what romance has is in store

for Duncan’s friends Brooks and Vance?


Enjoy a sneak peek from


Good Cop

Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 1




Brooks Bennett ran a hand through his short copper curls and blew out a long breath as he studied his surroundings. Their favorite college haunt seemed smaller and dingier, though the same stale smells of cooking grease and spilled beer lingered. They’d celebrated their College World Series win right here almost seven years ago. Seven years. Fucking A.

“Hey, Third Base,” he said, his mouth pulling into a broad grin. He hadn’t called his buddy that in years. Vance Evans’ expression also showed a little oomph for the first time in days at hearing the nickname. He stopped picking at the label on his long-neck bottle and started looking around.

“We had a hell of a run. State champs in high school. World Series champs here.” He tilted the bottle to his lips.

“That we did,” Brooks agreed.

“Though, I gotta tell ya,” Vance said, shaking his head. “The team we’ve put on the field this year? They would have handed us our jocks.”

Brooks laughed. “It’s true. I know it’s true, but please don’t tell them that. We’ll lose complete control.”

“Are you kidding me?” He squinted his eyes and twisted his mouth. “No way would I ever admit that. I parade them by our State Championship trophy every damn day.” He smiled then and leaned forward, tapping his finger on the table between them. “But it is damn good fun being their coach.”

“That’s good, since you’re not much of a cop,” Brooks teased.

“Fuck you,” Vance said good-naturedly and then sat up straight and scowled when he heard their long-lost fraternity brother, Duncan James, hailing the bartender. “Show time.”

Brooks appreciated the irritation he saw in Vance’s eyes, though he wasn’t convinced driving an hour into Raleigh and staging an ambush was the smartest way to handle this. But since the college kids were spring-breaking their asses off in Florida or wherever they went these days, the bar was quiet. Maybe the three of them could calmly talk this out.

“Hey, y’all. Sorry I’m late,” Duncan said, sliding into the booth next to Brooks. He wore his big-deal-lawyer suit more comfortably than a pair of jeans. “The call I’d been waiting for all day came in just as I was about to leave. Had to take it.”

“Y’all? When the hell did
start sayin’ ‘y’all’?” Vance asked.

“Did I? Must be from hanging around you rednecks too long.” Duncan glanced at a menu before setting it aside. He took a deep breath and blew it out as he looked at his best friends. “God, it’s good to see you guys. How the hell are you?”

Brooks and Vance exchanged a look before casting their disgruntled expressions on Duncan.

“We’re bent,” Vance told him.

Raising an eyebrow, Duncan sat back and eyed his buddies again. “Never one to mince words,” he said, and nodded to Vance. “What’s going on?”

“Annabelle Devine is what’s going on.”


“Christ, Dunc, it’s the end of March. The last time we saw you was New Year’s Day.”

Duncan’s mouth hung open for a moment, and then he snapped it shut. “You do recall that it was the two of you who introduced me to Miss Devine, right? On New Year’s Eve?”

“We didn’t introduce you. She was the target of our damn bet.”

“A bet where I came out on top, in more ways than one.”

“Clearly,” Vance scoffed. “And since you’ve hooked up with our infamous ‘Keeper of the Debutantes,’ you haven’t been back to Henderson for one poker night. We can’t get you on the phone unless we call your office. For God’s sake, we even had to beg you to fill out your NCAA bracket.”

Duncan turned wide eyes to Brooks. “Is this for real?”

Brooks clenched his jaw.

“Oh, you too, huh?” Duncan looked back at Vance. “I neglect you two for a few weeks and you drive into town to, what? Stage an intervention?”

“We’re just here to save you from yourself, bro.”

Duncan laughed at that, and Brooks watched Vance’s temper spike. Luckily they were interrupted by the waiter.

“Three more beers, three shots of tequila, three bacon cheeseburgers medium-rare, two with onion rings, one with fries, and bring some extra pickles, if you don’t mind,” Duncan ordered. He handed the menus to the waiter and folded his arms across his chest. When the waiter was out of earshot, Duncan cleared his throat and leaned forward.

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