Player Season: The Pickup Artist Who Hacked Nike (31 page)

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Authors: Brad Stephenson

Tags: #Baseball, #Biography & Autobiography, #Humor, #Nonfiction, #Retail

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One count of computer fraud and five years of probation, but I wasn't going to prison if I helped Nike fix the leak.

Best of all, the deal guaranteed immunity to any accomplices who may (or may not) have played a role in helping me hack Nike. Worst of all, I owed them a lot of money, at least $50,000, but I wouldn't know the exact amount until sentencing.

Overall, looking at the big picture, I was very fortunate.

I also found fortune on the plane. Sitting to the left of me on my flight back home was a young and amazingly exotic Spanish girl named Selena. I needed to sharpen my skills again – solid game can save your life.

"Let me guess, you're a model," I said, stroking her ego.

"Hah, no actually I'm a singer," she warmly replied.

"Singing in the shower doesn't count you know," I mockingly told her.

"I know! I'm a dancer too," revealed the angel-faced brunette.

"Me too, but only competitively," I sarcastically disclosed.

"I have a song on my iPod if you want to listen," she offered.

We shared headphones, bringing us closer together and remained that way for an hour. Once the
lights went out
, I decided to go nuclear.

I leaned in, kissing her on the neck and nibbling on her ear. We were remarkably comfortable for two people who just met, and I knew it would only escalate once her earring fell into my mouth.

She then placed her legs on top of mine and I put my hands on top of her legs. With six hours left to go, it's safe to say it ended up being quite the memorable flight.

When I returned home, I checked my email inbox and was blindsided by every word appearing in front of me on the screen. The message came from a website that allows people to send anonymous emails – and this is all the person wrote...

"Liz has your kid."

To be continued...

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