Playboy's Challenge (Highlander's Series) (8 page)

Read Playboy's Challenge (Highlander's Series) Online

Authors: Jo Barrett

Tags: #Time Travel, #Highlander, #Romance, #Sensual, #Scotland

BOOK: Playboy's Challenge (Highlander's Series)
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“Come with me,” she said, her voice soft, vastly different than how she usually spoke, especially to him.

Okay, so the guy wasn’t exactly the ugliest Highlander he’d ever seen, but she couldn’t possibly be attracted to him. Could she?

“I doona like him,” Erin said, lowly, so only Adam could hear.

They exchanged looks, which supported his first assessment of the stranger. Something wasn’t right about the man.

As Deidra disappeared into the hall with their guest beside her, Colin motioned for Michael to follow.

“What think you, mauvereen?” Colin asked Tuck, his gaze somber as he stared at the doorway where they’d disappeared.

“Those in power, the state of things—everything is progressing as it should.” She crossed to stand at his side and placed her hand on his shoulder. “But I think meeting with the others, hearing what they have to say is a good idea. The future can still turn out differently. Jenny was certain of that.”

“Aye. ’Tis always best ta know all we can.” He took her hand and pressed a quick kiss to the back.

She glanced at the door then looked down at him with a grin. “I also think that you’re barking up the wrong tree with that one.”

“You canna blame a father for trying.”

Her grin widened as she looked down at him, reminding Adam of his own parents and how they were always gazing at one another like that.

“I doona trust him. The stench of lies flows in his wake,” Erin said.

“He does have a serious poker face,” Adam agreed. “Makes me wonder what he’s hiding.”

Sure, his dislike was partly because of Deidra, of how the guy looked at her. He wasn’t stupid enough to deny that, but there was something off about the man.

“I’ll no’ have you scaring him away if Deidra accepts him as a suitor,” Colin said, his scowl back in place.

“And I think maybe you two should go to bed,” Tuck said with a wink.

That was all the encouragement they needed. Both Erin and Adam stood and stretched, making a big show of retiring for the night, when in reality they were going to check out their visitor.

In a matter of moments, they were near the guest quarters and found Michael walking toward them, shaking his head.

“You get bad vibes off the guy too?” Adam asked.

“I doona know what yer on aboot.”

“He wants to know why you be shaking your head,” Erin said.

“Ah. I’ve no liking for the mon, nor the way Deidra is behavin’ around him. ’Tis no’ her way.”

Adam gripped Michael’s arm. “What do you mean, behaving?”

“Now lad, ye canna be so blind that ye didna’ see how she smiled at the mon. She likes this one I think, but I canna understand why. He isna any different than the others,” he said, rubbing his jaw as he glanced back to the guest quarters. “I suppose he is one of the better lookin’ lads. And he took her hand and kissed it, like she be a queen. And most suitors of late have no’ treated her with the proper respect, much less showed any manners such as these. She has a bit of reputation fer no’ acceptin’ any who call.” He shook his head with an odd frown. “But this one is different, I’m thinkin’.”

Adam glanced at Erin. “He’s after something and plans to use her to get it.”

Erin nodded, while Michael shook his head at them both with a heavy sigh. “I wouldna’ wish ta be ye, if he’s the one the lass wants,” he said, and strolled down the hall.

Deidra appeared from around the corner with a servant girl carrying a tray and knocked lightly on the door.

“’Tis a pleasure ta see ye again so soon, mistress,” Macconach said, as he opened the door then took her hand and kissed it.

Adam felt his muscles bunch and started toward them, only to be yanked back by Erin.

“Now is no’ the time. We must catch him at his scheme,” he said, pulling them back into the shadows. But their presence went unnoticed by Macconach, his gaze firmly on Deidra, as she and the serving girl disappeared into the room.

A strange knot developed in Adam’s stomach. What if she really did like this character? What if this guy managed to get her first kiss?

And why the hell was he asking himself such stupid questions? She wasn’t his, never would be. So what if Macconach kissed her, it wasn’t his problem.

But the knot continued to twist and curl in his gut.

“We’ll take turns keeping an eye on him,” Erin said.

“Fine, I’ll take first watch,” Adam bit out.

Erin mumbled something about his addled brain again before disappearing down the hall, but Adam paid little attention. What he wanted, what he had his eye on was the latch on the door. At least she wasn’t alone in there, but he’d feel a lot better if she’d hurry up and get the hell out.

Several minutes later she emerged and sent the serving girl away, then turned in his direction. The moment she was within arm’s reach, he pulled her into the shadows at the end of the hall.

Pushing her into the tight nook, he imprisoned her between his arms against the cool stone wall, while her sputtered curses made him chuckle.

“Oh! I should have known you’d be hanging aboot,” she said, her voice hot with anger, her hands pressing against his chest. “And where is your playmate? Are you no’ playing at being spies together?”

“I’m on first watch,” he said, pressing closer.

“’Tis no’ by my father’s command.”

“No, but your mother seemed to think it was needed,” he said. Well, Tuck did grin and wink, so he figured it was close enough to the truth.

She planted her hands on her hips. “Did she now? Well, I’m sure she didna’ mean for you to watch me.” She resumed her attempts to shove him away, but he could tell her heart wasn’t really in it.

“Um, not in so many words, but since you’re here, I thought I might as well claim my prize,” he said.

She stilled, her hands resting lightly against his chest. “I ne’er agreed to the change of the wager,” she said, her voice firm, but he detected a faint wavering at the end.

He lowered his head toward hers. “You didn’t disagree with it, either. And there has been no pie at dinner for weeks.”

“I—I didna’ have time,” she said, her sweet warm breath touching his lips.

“But we have time for this,” he whispered against her mouth, then with the softest of caresses, brushed his lips across hers, unable to stop himself, although knowing he should.

Her mouth parted in a silent “oh,” and he took full advantage of the moment. Slipping his tongue inside, he felt her anxiety and her excitement, and savored the heady flavor of Deidra MacLean.

Strong, slender fingers fisted in his shirt as her soft sighs echoed in his brain. As kisses went, he had to say this was one of the best he’d ever had in his life. And if it really was her first, he couldn’t help but think that with a little practice she would be able to bring him to his knees—literally.

He jerked back with that thought and put some needed distance between them before he went too far. With her face flushed, her eyes filled with desire, their quickened breaths mingling in the still night air, he realized his mistake. This was no simple kiss.

Damn! She was not the just-for-fun type. She was his friend’s sister, they were practically family! He couldn’t risk hurting her, and it was inevitable, if they kept on like this.

No matter what he did or tried to do, he always let everyone down. First, his father by not being good enough at anything, then his grandfather by not sticking it out in research, then his mother by not being able to be in his father’s presence for more than a few minutes without arguing, and then there was Trudy.

Her memory settled over him like a shroud. She may have wanted the money more than him, but he’d loved her, and it had nearly broken him when she left, when he lost the only person he thought who would stand by him, care for him, love him, failings and all.

That was the last time he let anyone close, and he vowed never to get in that position ever again. He was a visitor in Deidra’s world, nothing more.

“That was a mistake,” he said, backing away. “I’m sorry.” He turned and walked away, cursing himself for thinking that a few kisses wouldn’t hurt anyone. Because they were killing him.

Deidra stood there in the dark, her chest heaving with deep pangs of regret. She’d known his kiss would be just another of his torments, but she’d allowed it anyway.

“But you will ne’er touch me again,” she murmured, then started down the hall toward her chamber, her steps unsteady as she quickened her pace until she was running.

Slamming into her room, she bolted the door behind her, anger holding back her tears. With a swipe of her hand, she removed the few that had escaped. It didn’t matter that her first kiss had been all she’d ever dreamed of and more. Adam didn’t want her—no man did. There was no reason to ever think otherwise. She was who she was, and there was no changing that.

With grim resolve, she readied herself for bed. But the night was long and sleep refused to come. Her mind and body relived every moment of his kiss, and she cursed him again.

By morning light, a plan settled in her brain, and with a determined grin, she recalled one of her mother’s sayings.

Payback’s a bitch

“Aye, that it is, Adam Sutherland, that it ‘tis,” she said, and made her way to the kitchens. There was a pie to make, and it had to be just right.


The following morning, Adam was thankful Deidra wasn’t at breakfast. He still felt guilty for leaving her the way he had, but he’d had no choice. He’d only cause her pain, and he’d given her enough grief when they were kids. But that kiss would haunt him forever.

Shaking off thoughts of her, and of his already less than stellar behavior, he looked at his drawings laid out on a large table he’d had set up outside near the main gate.

“See you here,” Colin pointed at Adam’s sketch. “I think ’twould be best if we brought out this part while we build. The bailey would be safer during the construction.”

“It will take longer, but if that’s how you want to do it, that’s what we’ll do. Once it’s completed here and here,” he said, running his fingers over the sketch. “We can simply tie it into the current wall structure. It’s not as sound, but won’t leave the keep vulnerable while building.”

“Aye, ’tis the best way to go aboot it.” He slapped Adam on the back, knocking the air from his lungs, but he managed to stay on his feet. “Amelia and I will be leaving on the morrow. I canna say how long we’ll be away, but I hope ta see some progress when we return.”

“Are you sure you want to leave all this to me?” Adam rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at the massive gate. It was a daunting task, to say the least, and without any modern equipment, it made things all the more difficult. He had to actually think like a seventeenth century architect, but his own doubts, his many failures, concerned him the most.

Colin squeezed his shoulder. “Have some faith, lad. You’ll do fine, as you’ve done thus far. And Erin has some knowledge of such things as do most of my men. ’Tis no’ the first wall we’ve e’er built,” he said with a hearty chuckle.

“Right,” he said, a nervous laugh stuck in his throat. “I’ll get started on this half today, now that we’ve some of the stone to work with.”

“That’s the way, lad. Now I’m off ta prepare for the journey.”

“Do you have any idea what this meeting is about?” Adam’s question stopped him in mid-turn.

“Nay, ’tis a bit odd, but I’ll no’ ignore the summons ta meet. ’Tis best ta know all I can, rather than ta stay where ’tis safe. A mon has ta take chances ta keep what he holds dear.” With a somber look on his face, Colin climbed the steps and disappeared into the great hall.

Adam pondered his uncle’s words as he glanced around the bailey, looking at what Colin held dear. This place, this odd castle out of time, and the MacLean clan were all the things the old Scot needed to make him happy. Adam wondered if he would ever find something that made him happy like that.

A soft laugh caught his ear, and he turned in time to see Deidra and Macconach walking across the courtyard. He was making a big show of insisting on carrying her basket filled with herbs, and she seemed to be enjoying the attention.

His teeth clenched when she granted Macconach a bright smile and handed over her basket.

“He’s been by her side since this morn’,” Erin said, coming up beside Adam. “’Tis enough to sour my stomach.”

“He is laying it on pretty thick.” He crossed his arms, his fingers digging into his biceps as Macconach slipped her hand to his arm. The same hands that had twisted his shirt the night before when he kissed her. The same hands he’d imagined all night long traveling across his body as he explored hers.

He tried to shake the image from his mind. “We only need to keep an eye on him for another day. Then he’ll be gone.”

“Aye. His leaving doesna’ come soon enough for me. But Deidra is soon to the kitchens so he’ll not be bothering her there. I understand she’s makin’ a pie.” Erin grinned at him. “So ’twould seem your change to the wager was no’ accepted after all.”

Adam looked back to his drawings, ignoring the subtle jibe and wasn’t about to mention what happened last night. “Makes no difference to me. I don’t have time now for wagers, anyway. I’ve got a new gate to build.”

Erin looked over his shoulder at the drawings, allowing the lie to go unchallenged. His old friend was no fool. He knew there was something going on, but for whatever reason, chose to leave it alone. “So when do you begin on the changes Da scratched out this morn?”

“Today. I’m going to need to gather the men and give them new instructions. Care to lend a hand?”

“Aye, seeing as how I canna’ get a rile out of you.” Chuckling, he sauntered off across the yard toward some of the men.

Adam hated being so damn obvious. He used to be impossible to read, able to hide his thoughts, his feelings behind a wink and a smile. He’d honed his act as playboy to perfection. But Erin saw through him all too well, and he suspected so did his aunt Tuck, he realized, as he caught sight of her watching him watch Deidra.


Deidra helped her mother gather the things for their trip. “How long do you think you’ll be gone?”

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