Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3)
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I pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge, the light blinding us before I shut the door. “I have spent the past ten years treating women like garbage.”

Smith leaned against the counter, farthest from Lexi. “I was waiting up to talk to your boy.”

Lexi pointed at me with her chicken. “You were an asshole. You were all assholes. But everyone loves a bad boy who ends up being a good man. So you guys will be okay. You’ll all be cursed with daughters, but you’ll be okay.” She turned to Smith. “If you want to talk to Luke, you’ll have to wait for a few more hours. He usually gets in around seven.”

I cocked my head, studying her. I thought he’d been able to hide his early morning homecomings. “You knew?”

Lexi rolled her eyes. “Of course I knew, it’s Luke. He’s my best friend.” She smiled, almost sinister. “There isn’t anything that goes on in this house that we don’t know about.”

Smith pursed his lips. “We? As in you and Dash?”

Lexi laughed. “No. Me and the girls.” She held her hand out for me to help her down off the counter. “You think Dylan doesn’t know you’re up worried about Luke? Or that Bryan doesn’t know you were down in the studio feeling low? They know.” She backed out of the kitchen, her eyes glowing. “We always know.”

I turned to Smith. “I’m never getting out of bed in the middle of night again. Lexi is fucking scary as shit.”

He pointed to the stairs and we both raced up them like two kids afraid of the boogey man. I climbed in bed next to Bryan, pulling her against my body, breathing in her sweet scent and wrapping my arms around her waist.

“I’m fine, love.”

I stiffened. “What?”

“No reason to lose sleep over the past. There is nothing anyone can do about it.”

Holy. Shit. They do know everything.

Chapter Twenty-two


The next morning I woke up with my head on Jacks’s bare chest. All my memories from the night before came flooding back to me. I closed my eyes, more than happy to relive them. I still wanted him. I wasn’t pulling away. I only wanted to snuggle in closer. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Good morning, doll.” Jacks tightened his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

“Morning.” I choked out a laugh when I opened my eyes and saw the large tent that Jacks had made with his cock and the sheets. I reached my hand out, flattening that whole…situation.

“How are you feeling?”

I took a quick internal inventory, “Fine, a little sore and not bored in the slightest.”

He grinned. “Yeah?”

I nodded.

“I think we should go take a shower, and take care of my wood.”

I sat up and peered across the hall. “What about Landry?” She was still asleep, but I would hate for her to wake up and come looking for us and find us both gone. “How about you go shower and take care of that, and I’ll stay here in case she needs us.”

Jacks stuck out his lip. “I have a girlfriend who I thoroughly enjoyed fucking. I am not going to go whack it in the shower.” He looked at his watch. “Luke should be home soon, maybe he can watch her.”

I rolled my eyes and threw the covers back and grabbed his hand. “Come on. I’ll fix it real quick.” His eyes widened in surprise, but he sure as hell hopped out of bed and followed me into the bathroom. I locked both sets of doors and then got down on my knees in front of him.

“Are you for real? Because, like I’ve said before, jokes like this aren’t funny. They are cruel.”

I didn’t answer him. I just grabbed the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down, using my hands to work his cock. He let out a hiss the instant my tongue swirled around his tip, his head thrown back. It wasn’t long before his hands found their way into my hair.

“Nope. Sorry. Can’t do it.” He let go of my hair, pulled his briefs back up and grabbed me by my arm. “I need that tight pussy of yours. I have to have it.” He unlocked the door to the room that was supposed to be mine and tossed me on the bed. He secured all the doors and stalked toward the bed. “I told you. You’re like a drug. You’re my favorite place to be.” He slid my shorts off, instantly burying his face between my legs. His tongue, his mouth, his fingers. All started to work me in sync. I was instantly lost, arching off the bed, desperate for release. He knew it too, because he pulled back with a chuckle. “Now who has a problem that needs taking care of?” He slipped two fingers back inside me. “Answer me, doll.”

I grabbed his wrist, holding him in place, grinding against his hand. “I do.”

He took my clit in his teeth for a moment then stopped. “And who is the only person who can help you?”

I sat up quickly, taking him by surprise. “You are. So fucking help me already.” I pulled the elastic waistband of his shorts outward and down, freeing him once again. I let my tongue dart out once more, teasing his tip.

He groaned and I knew our little game was over. He jumped onto the bed and opened the nightstand drawer, grabbing a condom and quickly putting it on. He lay down on the mattress, his hands behind his head. “Help yourself.” I straddled his body, his hands on my hips guiding me into place. Inch by slow inch I impaled myself with him. When I was fully seated, I felt his cock in my stomach, every little movement I made, I could feel.

I took his hand, holding it low on my abs, letting him feel how deep inside me he was. His free hand tightened on my ass, bruising my skin. I set a slow pace. I couldn’t physically go any faster, any harder. It was too much.

“That’s it, baby. Nice and slow.” He kept his eyes open, watching me ride him. His hand at my stomach, feeling himself move inside me. “Damn, doll. That’s so fucking hot. You’re so fucking perfect.”

We were both worked up, so on edge. Even at my leisurely pace, it didn’t take long before we were both panting, both chasing our release. He sat up, bringing his mouth to my breasts; my hands went into his hair holding him in place. My movements became shorter, jerkier. “Jacks, don’t stop.”

“It’s all you baby. Ride me. Fuck me.”

My whole body tightened at his words. He captured my mouth with his, stifling my cries as my orgasm over took me. My whole body reacted, it was like nothing I’d ever felt before.

“Fuck, you’re so tight.” I had stopped moving, my body had a mind of its own. Jacks wrapped an arm around my waist, lifting me slightly. He started thrusting up into me, finding his own climax in seconds.


In stark comparison to our morning, Jacks and I spent the rest of the day just hanging out with Landry. We headed into Destin and took her to all the tourist attractions. We ate lunch at a little place on the beach and finished the day with a few new Disney movies in front of the big TV downstairs. The whole house usually got together for dinner at night, but it seemed like everyone was doing their own thing right now. Which was fine by me. I hadn’t talked to Dylan since yesterday morning. She may be my big sister, but she didn’t control my life. I was happy here with Jacks and Landry; more than happy, I was ecstatic. Jacks was such a good dad, but he was also a fantastic boyfriend. Everything he did was so thoughtful and kind, and casual. I was worried at first about how Landry would react, to the two of us getting closer. But he was so relaxed, so at ease, that it made everything seem seamless.


“Yeah, sweet girl?” I’d just closed our book. I’d read three chapters tonight.

“I had fun today.”

I lay down next to her, tucking my hands under my cheek. “Me too.”

She smiled. “What are we doing tomorrow?”

I took a deep breath. “Actually tomorrow we have some pretty important stuff to do.” I pursed my lips, “You want to hear it?” I waited for her to nod before I continued. “Well, Jacks and I wanted you to meet with a few people. We have a counselor coming to talk to you.”

“About what?” She was on her side now, facing me.

“About your mom, and about coming to live with Jacks.” I brushed her hair over her shoulder. “Is that okay?”

She nodded. “Who else?”

“A tutor. We want to make sure you are all caught up on your schoolwork and ready to start in the fall.” I picked up Ello and put him under the covers next to her. “I have a few different tutors coming. You can pick the one you like the best.”

She nodded again.

“Do you have anything that you want to ask me? Or anything you want to talk about?” I didn’t want her to feel overwhelmed, but all of these things were necessary.

“Can I still do my drum lessons with Uncle Luke?”

“Absolutely.” I smiled. “You have fun with Uncle Luke?”

“Yeah.” She let out a little sigh. “He has fun too. When he’s teaching me, he smiles and laughs. Which is good because usually he seems so sad.”

Well, shit. How was I supposed to explain Luke to Landry when I didn’t even really know what was going on with him? “Sometimes grown-ups get sad about things. But you make Uncle Luke happy, so it’s good that you like hanging out with him.” I sat up and kissed her forehead. “Good night, sweet girl.”

She snuggled up with Ello. “Good night, B.”

I turned off her light and headed across the hall to Jacks’s room. Well, my room too I guess. While I was showering this morning he moved all my stuff into his closet and dresser. I flopped down on the bed next to him. “All tucked in.”

Jacks closed his laptop and sat it on the nightstand. “I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Why?”

“I’m getting tested for STDs.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Be still, my beating heart.”

He reached out and pulled the rubber band out of my hair. “I want to make sure that I’m all clear, then I’m throwing away the condoms.”

I crawled up his body and onto his lap. “Oh yeah?”

He nodded. “Oh yeah.”

I kissed his neck. “Aren’t you even going to ask me how I feel about that? Maybe I don’t want to throw away the condoms.” I kissed the other side of his neck, then let my nails trail down his chest and hook into the band of his shorts.

He ran his hands up my back, under my shirt. “I don’t care.” He let his hands move in the opposite direction, grabbing my ass. “I don’t want anything between us. I want to feel you riding my cock, bare. I want to come inside you so fucking hard that it drips down your thigh.”

His words send a shiver down my spine. I pulled back, looking at him. “Well, that was fucking hot.”


I nodded. “Fuck yeah. Take your pants off.”


We were lying in bed, side by side, playing our favorite zombie game. “Hey, I told Landry about everyone she is meeting with tomorrow.”

He pressed pause. “What did she say? Was she overwhelmed?”

I shook my head, unpausing the game and then firing off a few shots into an undead adversary. “Not at all, she seemed fine with everything.” I nudged him with my leg. “Everything is going to be fine, love. This house is full of warmth and family; we are going to get Landry all squared away emotionally. The courts are going to laugh in her mom’s face when she tries to get her back.”

“Yeah, I’m sure they will…but courts and lawyers mean that Landry is going to have to face her mom again. She’ll have to testify, relive the abandonment.” He hit pause again and leaned his head against the headboard.

I took his face in my hands. “You’re right, and that sucks. But that’s also the end. It’s happily ever after from then on, right?”

He smiled. “Right.”


Today was such a good day. When I was with Jacks and Bryan, it felt like we were a family. Like I was one of those happy kids from school that had two parents that cared about them. Jacks was my dad, and I was pretty sure that he and Bryan were more than friends…but that didn’t mean she wanted to be my mom. I didn’t know if I was even allowed to have another mom. Maybe you only got one, and if that one sucked, then too bad. We did so many fun things today, and we laughed so much. It was the best day I’d ever had.

I was a little nervous about all the people I had to meet tomorrow. My teachers always seemed to like me okay, when my mom bothered to take me to school, that is. But this counselor person? What if they told Jacks and Bryan that I was crazy, that I wasn’t a good kid? Maybe they would see the same things my mom saw. My mom was never a good mom, but she left me for a reason. And even though I tried real hard, I couldn’t figure out what that reason was.

Chapter Twenty-three


Today was a long-as-fuck day. I went to the doctor first thing and waited there for over an hour. I made them rush the tests; I needed to get inside Bryan, sans condoms, tonight. Then the band and I had a conference call with the label, which consisted of a lot of arguing and threatening, from both sides. In the end they admitted they loved the demo we sent them. We could make the album we wanted to make, but if it didn’t sell, they were dropping us. Either way, we were free to write what we wanted, so we spent hours doing just that. I went upstairs long enough to hop on the Skype call that Bryan had scheduled with my GC. I knew the other guys were content letting the girls take care of all the house shit that needed to be done, but Bryan was already doing so much for me and Landry. I couldn’t put all that on her shoulders as well. I scrubbed my hands down my face, pulling my phone out to see I’d missed a call from the doctor’s office. I clicked the voicemail button and queued up the message. I’d left them very specific instructions to let me know if I was good. Whether I answered or not. I smiled listening to the nurse tell me I was all clear. I wanted to jump around and do a happy dance. I settled with texting my girl.

J: Doctor called

B: And?

J: We’re good to go, doll.

B: Would this be a bad time to tell you I’m not on birth control?

J: That’s not funny.

B: I’m not joking.

J: Fine. I’ll knock you up. I already have one kid, what’s another one?

B: I can’t tell if you’re joking…

J: That makes two of us…

B: I’m on the pill.

J: I know. I saw them in the bathroom the other day.

B: You’re weird. Come upstairs and meet Landry’s new tutor.

J: Be up in five.

“Dude.” I looked up at the sound of Dash’s irritated voice. “Will you get off your phone so we can finish this riff?”

BOOK: Play Fair (The Devil's Share Book 3)
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