Play Dirty #2 (7 page)

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Authors: Jessie K

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary romance, #Erotica, #New Adult

BOOK: Play Dirty #2
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She felt like exploding from happiness. It wasn’t the same sensation as when she and Matthew were pleasuring one another, the way he made her feel like bursting from arousal. But she felt just as fulfilled. She stood and lowered herself into Matthew’s lap, straddling him and hanging slightly off the stage. It made her almost feel like she was flying, tethered only by his grip.

She ran her hands through his hair, those gorgeous dark curls she could never get enough of. He left a trail of kisses down her neck and whispered against her skin, telling her how proud her was of her, how amazing she was, how incredible she felt. Lynn pulled his head back by his hair and kissed him tenderly.

“You know, in the Baz Luhrmann version, Romeo and Juliet have incredibly hot sex,” she whispered against his lips. “I noticed you didn’t have us do the same.”

He ran his hands under her shirt and up her back. “I was not going to have Aidan Nelson touch you intimately, stage or otherwise. Him or anyone else.” He kissed her jaw. “This is reserved for me, no one else.”

“That’s very territorial of you,” she teased.

He unhooked her bra and she helped him slip it through her tank top. His warm mouth took her nipples in his mouth and sucked gently. Lynn rocked against his hips, moaning as she felt his hardness under her.

“If it’s really that important to you, perhaps I can help you reenact the scene. You know, for closure.”

She crossed her arms and pulled her shirt over her head, cool fingers of thrill caressing her as she sat exposed in her high school theater. “You’re such a good director.”

Matthew gently turned them sideways, so she lay across the stage, and kissed his way down her stomach. He grasped the band of her yoga pants between his teeth and pulled them down past her pussy. A guttural moan escaped him when he found her bare instead of hidden in panties. Leaving her half-dressed, he spread her lips and dipped down to kiss her, his tongue parting her folds and tasting her center.

“Oh, my sweet Romeo,” she purred, immediately on fire.

“My sweet Juliet.” His voice was low and husky, making her immediately wet. He licked her once more and pulled her pants off entirely. Matthew threw them over his shoulder, helped her stand, and led her backstage to the small bed crammed in a corner, waiting for the next performance to serve as Romeo and Juliet’s wedding bed.

Lynn pulled off his dark shirt and pressed her bare skin to his. He swept his hands under her legs and laid her out on the bed.

“You are fucking gorgeous.” He dipped down to claim her breasts in his mouth as he unbuttoned his jeans and sent them to the floor with his boxers. He lay down beside her, caressing her as they kissed, with such tenderness it almost made Lynn cry.

She rolled over top of him and grabbed hold of his cock, rubbing it against her wetness. He held her to him by the back of her head, their mouths agape in delight, barely able to kiss from the sheer ecstasy of pleasure. And then he thrust against her, slipping deep inside, and they cried out together.

Matthew held tight to her, pushing himself upward, guiding her hips as she rode him. They said nothing, bodies speaking for them. Lynn dug her nails into his back, wanting to anchor herself to the moment and not lose herself completely to the ecstasy shooting through her. He bit her collarbone in response.

He grabbed her hair and tilted her head back, exposing her neck, and sucked, pausing to leave a gentle nibble under his lips. Lynn leaned back so her breasts were in his face. He obliged her desires by taking one in his mouth and sucking it as he had her neck. Rocking against his cock on her clit and feeling her nipples in his mouth surrounded in her ecstasy. She felt herself quickly slipping from reality and towards a spiraling orgasm.

“God, Matthew.” She whispered. “I just… I…”

He left her breasts, grabbed her hair again, and forced her to look at him, their noses pressed together as she rubbed her cunt across his cock. He thrust upwards in such a way that she gasped loudly. “I love you, Lynn.”

Chills doubled back across her skin and her head went light. “Matthew…”

He stilled her mouth with his own. “No, I love you. I love you more than any man should love a woman.” He stared into her eyes with intensity. Lynn felt the orgasm creep up her chest, seconds from sweeping her away. “Tell me you love me.”

“OH, god.” Lynn gasped again as the orgasm started, slow at first, and then ripping through her. “Oh, god, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.”

“Forever.” He promised.

Lynn nodded, unable to speak. She wrapped her arms around his neck as the orgasm crested through her, and he immediately followed, crying out her name, and she knew. She knew right then, from that moment on, it was forever.


“You’re here!” Dana shrieked, clutching a wine cooler. She threw her arms around Lynn’s neck. “Our fair Juliet has finally graced us with her presence!”

Lynn hugged her back and accepted a red plastic cup from Aidan. “Sorry I’m late! You know how parents are. Well, my parents.”

“I’m so glad they were there to witness your killer performance!” Dana clinked glasses with her. “Now, Daddy Warbucks can never deny your talent ever again. If he tries to interfere with your inevitable takeover of Broadway, we’ll all have to kill him.”

“It’s a deal.” Lynn smiled. She hated lying to Dana, but there was no way she was going to tell everyone she was late to the after party because she was busy fucking their director stupid on virtually every set piece on stage.

Because they did. And god, it was so, so good.

At the same time, she was exploding with the need to tell Dana what happened. Not just the sex, but… their confessions. His continued professions of love as he grunted and thrust into her. The way she felt like she would burst into a billion pieces every time he said those words, every time she repeated them.

It was the most amazing night of her life, and she couldn’t share it. Not really.

So, she accepted the compliments from everyone with a smile, drank her beer, and tried to remember the feeling over completeness during the production. She laughed at the inside jokes they’d all developed from spending entirely too much time together, and posed for a million selfies. She even joined Aidan in a ridiculous toast, thanking everyone for being so kickass and not trashing their dressing rooms while they were making out on stage.

“I know you are all insanely jealous I get to make out with this hottie.” Aidan pointed to Lynn with his beer and threw an arm around her shoulders. “I mean, I’m insanely jealous of me. She’s hot, she’s talented, she makes you feel shit when you don’t want to.”

Dana cheered from the kitchen and everyone laughed.

“So, thanks for not slipping bleach into my water during tech week so you could take my spot.” Aidan raised his glass towards Matt Lewis. “And he’s not here, because of student-teacher relations or whatever, but a toast to Mr. Flint, who abused us in class with terrible acting exercises and still somehow made us put on the best fall production our school has seen in years.”

“Hear hear!” Aria called out, lifting her wine bottle. “To the hottest theater teacher in the state!”

A few of the ensemble girls cheered loudly, and everyone laughed again. Even Lynn. They all raised their glasses. “To Mr. Flint!”

“Now let’s get wasted!” Brad Smith yelled. More cheers.

Lynn joined in, feeling happy and full. She followed Dana out to the back deck to join in a game of Theatrical Beer Pong. If a ball landed in a cup, the other team had to recite an obscure monologue from
Our Town
. It was an old favorite among the department.

It was almost Lynn’s turn when her phone buzzed in her pocket. She slid it out and tried to keep her face straight. KIRK scrolled across the top, along with a very sexy picture of Chris Pine. Matthew had programmed his number during their weekend at his apartment, but she had altered it.

“Kirk?” Aria looked over her shoulder and cocked an eyebrow. “Who’s that?”

Lynn swallowed down her excitement and shrugged it off. “Old friend from theater camp. I’ll be right back.”

.” Aria rolled her eyes. Thankfully, Dana jumped in and pretended to fawn all over her performance as the nurse.

Lynn hurried through the crammed house and out into the street, all but running. He never called her. Ever. Making sure no one was around first, she answered the phone, breathy and excited. “Well, hello.”

The line was silent.

“Um.” Lynn pulled it away from her ear to make sure the call was connected. “Hello?”

A heavy sigh answered her. “There’s a problem.”

Immediately, Lynn felt a pain crawl through her chest. She tried to breathe through it, but it settled into her stomach and she felt nauseous. Still, she kept her voice bright and cheery. “What problem.”

Another heavy sigh. She could picture him tugging at his hair.

“What problem?” Lynn asked.

And then realization hit her, hard. “Wait… you can’t be talking about…? How? That’s impossible! Please tell me this is a joke, Matthew. This isn’t funny.”

“I’m not being funny, Lynn.” Another heavy pause. “Someone knows.”


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