Play Along (17 page)

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Authors: Mathilde Watson

Tags: #gay contemporary erotic romance

BOOK: Play Along
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Mark nodded against Manny
s shoulder.

"Hey, boss man! It's six o'clock! Are you going to open them doors, or what?"

Louie re-emerged from the stock room, leading the servers and the other bartenders, who had been waiting in the break room, out into the main room. Mark sighed and pulled out of Manny's embrace, signaling for the bouncers to open the doors.

He leaned against the back wall, watching from the far wall as patrons flooded in through the open doors. When Mark realized he was scanning the crowd, looking for a head of blond curls over a pair of crystal blue eyes, he turned away, chastising himself for behaving like a love-sick fool. Chance would be there soon enough. He'd promised.

They'd spoken on the phone every day since they'd parted. Only a few hours had passed since their last call, but Mark was anxious to see Chance again in person, to hold him in his arms. Still, he felt foolish. There was plenty of work to be done, and he didn't have time to daydream.

Just as Mark pushed off the wall, determined to find something to do, Chance walked through the front door. Mark stopped and grinned, waiting for him to look his way. Chance spotted him almost immediately and grinned back.

For a moment they just stood there, staring across the room at each other, grinning like fools. Finally, Chance threaded his way through the crowd over to Mark and launched himself into Mark's arms. Mark caught him, holding on tight and kissing him breathless.

"God, I missed you." Mark whispered against Chance's lips when the younger man pulled back, gasping for breath.

"Well, you've got me now." Chance answered, lowering his feet back onto the floor and ducking his head, blushing a dark red. Half the people in the room were staring at them, smiling or laughing. Mark shrugged. They were only jealous… or happy for him.

"Yes, I have." Mark replied, wrapping Chance in his arms and holding on tight. The lights went down and the music started on the sound system, signaling the start of a busy night. Reluctantly, Mark stepped back and smiled down at Chance, not quite believing he'd come.

"Dance with me?" Chance grinned up at him and grabbed his hand, tugging him toward the dance floor. Mark laughed and followed after his young lover. He never knew what to expect anymore, and he didn't care. Half the fun of life was seeing how it all played out, right?


The End



About the Author



Mathilde Watson spent far too many years being practical, working multiple jobs and trying to worm her way into a steady career. Her dreams of writing and becoming a published author were put away because she foolishly listened to the adults in her life who insisted that writing was a frivolous hobby.

Over the years she tried her hand at many different jobs, but the need to put her ideas on paper never went away. The sudden loss of her last job left her with a lot of time on her hands, and she found herself filling that time writing. One morning she endured yet another lecture on wasting her time with silly stories, and in a fit of rebellion she decided to take a chance and submit one of her stories to a publisher.

She no longer believes in being practical or realistic.




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Also by Mathilde Watson



Available at Silver Publishing


Positive Reinforcement



Play Along


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