Planning on Forever (4 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Planning on Forever
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buddy! We’re just getting started. Welcome to college life, my man. Booze and
hot girls. That’s what it's all about.”

this is what college life is like, then I better get a backup liver because I
don't know if my current one will make it through all four years.

of hot girls, that Nicole chick was hot as hell and
over you last
night. I'm sure that would have been a sight to see for Alexa. Don't worry, my
lips are sealed.”

crap, Alexa!
definitely can’t know about last night. From what I remember, there was a lot
of flirting and wandering hands, but I’m pretty sure we didn’t have sex; I
think I’d remember that. Either way, I know Alexa would be pissed if she found
out about it. It probably wouldn’t hurt to shoot her a text and check in. I
feel a little guilty.

my pockets, I realize my cellphone is missing. Looking around, I finally find
it in between the cushions. I flip it open and notice I already have a missed
text from her. Luckily she just sent it, so I quickly respond.



What do I say?
Thanks for letting me go out with my friends. I got drunk off
my ass and almost hooked up with this wicked hot chick. How was your night?

that’d go over well. Instead, I just keep it cool when I respond, keeping it short,
sweet, and to the point.

cleaning up, we do the walk of shame to our cars. Since Matt left his car at
the school yesterday, I offer to give him a lift.

night, huh?” Matt asks, while we make a quick stop to get a cup of coffee.

no shit.”

what’re you going to do about Alexa?”

not telling her about last night if that’s what’re asking… She’d flip out.”

but you gotta pick. Her or the single life…ya know?”

he’s right. She’s a sweet girl, and deserves better than that; she deserves
better than me.

I ready to just throw away the last two years of my life for a quick dick rub
with some other chick? Absolutely not, I love Alexa. I can’t imagine not being
with her.

I going to be able to control myself when the next Nicole comes around throwing
her tits in my face? There’s going to be a lot of prime opportunities in
college, I’m sure.

I going to be able to keep my dick in my pants when the next situation arises?
That is what’s sending my brain crazy right now, because I’ve not a clue if I
can. Like any other eighteen year old, I’ve got needs and raging hormones.

I send myself into the crazy house thinking about all of this, I need to get
home, take a shower, and cleanse my body and mind of last night. At that point,
I’ll revisit the situation at hand.



a nice cold shower, a quick nap, and some food, I’m feeling much better. Waking
up to Alexa’s picture on my night stand brings me back to where I should be,
with her. Feeling like an ass for even thinking I could live a minute of my
life without Alexa in it, I decide to stop in and see her at work.

into the parking lot, I see her bubbly, adorable face peeking through the
What the hell was I thinking last night?
My heart jumps out of
my chest every time I see this girl.

I missed your beautiful face. How are ya?” I ask, walking up to her window.

reaches out to hold my hands. “Better now that you’re here.”

the ice cream business today? Not too busy yet, I see.” I gently rub my thumbs
over the top of her hands.

it’s slow, but I’m training a new girl, and she’s already mastered the art of
making an ice cream cone, so it’s not that bad.”

talk for a little bit. I tell her I like her hair, what my plans are for the
rest of the day, and how I can’t wait to hang out later. Just as I’m beginning
to tell her that I had gotten some things in the mail from my college, I notice
the new girl walking up from the back room.
No freaking way!
What are
the odds of this? The new girl just so happens to be Nicole. The same Nicole I
spent all day trying to forget, and convincing myself that I will probably
never have to see again.

Oh my God...Hi!” Nicole greets me as she walks up and stands next to Alexa. I
can feel all the color draining in my face as I see the confusion on Alexa's.

Nicole...Nice to see you again,” I say awkwardly, feeling like the smallest
person in the world.

you guys already know each other?” Alexa asks with a puzzled look on her face.

and I have the same friends. We know all the same people. She has met my whole
family, so I can just see the wheels turning in her head, trying to figure out
how I know this super-hot girl. What do I say now? How do I explain this one?
Do I lie or tell her the truth?
Sorry, babe. I got completely drunk last
night and almost hooked up with this girl, but don't worry, I’ve decided I
wanna be with you more than doing that stuff.
Yeah, that sounds fantastic.
I’m sure that will really win her over. Just as I open my mouth to speak,
Nicole beats me to it.

this is the Collin you were talking to me about earlier?” she asks, directing
her question to Alexa.

yeah. This is my boyfriend, Collin...and how do you guys know each other?”

friends with Travis...and...she, um, stopped by his house last night to pick
something up when we were all over there just hanging out,” I blurt out,
totally not sounding confident in my answer at all.
Yeah, that sounded

that's weird. Nicole, didn't you tell me that you went to a party last night
and met this really hot guy and hung out with him and his friends all night?”
Alexa asks Nicole, but is looking at me the whole time.
Shit, not good!

have been some other party, because we just all hung out and played video
games. No partying there,” I blurt out again before even thinking.

party,” Nicole responds in an unconvincing tone and then walks away, filling
things to look busy.

didn't know there were so many parties going on last night,” Alexa replies,
still sounding uncertain.

we missed the memo.” I’m ready to be done with this conversation.

I don’t want to hold you up anymore. Call me when you get out. Looking forward
to seeing the little number you picked out.” I kiss her hand and practically
run to my car.

Karma! That definitely was not on the agenda for this visit. So much for
slipping last night under the table; I just hope Alexa fell for my bullshit
cover, and that Nicole continues to just go with it.




to the beautiful summer evening, work was busy all night. Before we knew it, it
was time to punch out. Things went really well with Nicole, even though she
seemed a little distant after Collin stopped in. Not going to lie, that whole
situation was pretty strange, not to mention Collin seemed a little uneasy too.
However after Collin left, Nicole did reassure me that she was only at Travis’s
for maybe two minutes tops, before she left for another party.

not going to dwell on it. As weird as it was, I’m going to let it go. Besides,
I’m not ruining tonight with more unnecessary drama; I’ve got a cute outfit
laid out, a hot as hell boyfriend waiting for me, and new tips to try, courtesy
of Cosmo.

I get home, I throw my skirt and top on and brush my hair before putting it
back up. I quickly fix my make-up, and then run back out the door.

into the parking lot of the beach, I see Collin’s Mustang already sitting
there. I pull up next to his car; he is staring out the windshield, looking
lost in thought. He looks over at me and smiles before opening his door to get
out. Anxious to pounce on him, I meet him in front of the car and lay a huge
kiss on his lips.

hello to you too,” he says, after we unlock our lips from each other.

I run my fingers through his hair, tugging on the short ones near his neck, I
know that drives him wild. He grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together, and
starts walking down to the beach.
Um okay, I guess we’re going for a walk
. Although he seems okay, and keeps throwing me sweet little grins,
he’s unusually quiet; which makes me a little worried. Coming up to our
favorite spot, he sits down on the giant rocks and pats the space in between
his legs for me to sit down. Although I’m still a little confused, I decide to
go with it.

gonna miss you next year, you know that, right?” he whispers in my ear.

stomach turns a little, hearing the sadness in his voice. Maybe this whole,
going to college thing, is finally hitting him.

let my head drop back on his shoulder. “Yeah, it’s gonna suck. I’m gonna miss
you like crazy.”

sit there in silence, wrapped in each other’s arms, looking out over the water
and just enjoying each other’s company. Although I had envisioned us rolling
around in the sand at this point, sitting here wrapped in Collin’s arms is just
as good


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