Planet of Pain (28 page)

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Authors: B. A. Bradbury

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #sci-fi, #futuristic, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

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‘A method of torturing women that has been used all through the ages,' she said as she adjusted the settings, ‘is to put hot irons inside them, vagina and rectum. Men also, though the choice of orifice is necessarily more limited.'

She approached Eli, who was shivering, and stroked her hand along the inside of the girl's thigh. ‘Don't worry, Kitten,' she crooned, ‘it won't be all
hot. Level four only, I promise.'

She put the copper tip into Eli's vagina and began to work it slowly in and out. Eli whimpered and tried to close her legs. Jo and Stella held fast to her ankles, preventing her from doing so; and Jo felt like a traitor. Eli may have deserted her, but that didn't mean she should now desert Eli. Holding her in this fashion – helping Annamarie to hurt her – was the very opposite of what she had vowed to do.

‘This reminds me of
The Goose Girl
,' Annamarie said. ‘Do you remember that fairy story, Kitten?'

‘No, mistress,' Eli gasped, as she squirmed on the bench.

‘Oh, but surely you must! The goose girl was tending her geese in the meadow when the fire dragon spotted her from his lofty crag, remember? He swooped down and carried her off to his lair and ravished her there. Ring any bells?'

‘I'm sorry, mistress.'

‘No? What a pity. I don't suppose anyone tells fairy stories any more, do they?
The Goose Girl
was always one of my favourites. I especially liked the part where the dragon put his fiery cock inside her and she screamed and screamed.'

She gave a deep sigh, as though regretting the loss of folk culture. It wasn't a genre Jo was familiar with, and from the sound of it she wasn't missing much.

‘How did it end, mistress… the story?' Eli asked a minute or two later. She was panting and her squirming had become almost frantic. ‘Was the goose girl… burned to a crisp?'

Annamarie laughed softly. ‘No indeed. It ended happily, as all good fairy stories do. The geese heard her screams and flew up to the dragon's lair. They flapped their wings furiously and blew out his fire. After that he crawled away into a deep crevasse, and was never seen again. The end.'

‘I'm glad, mistress. I'm glad… she survived.'

‘Yes, Kitten,' Annamarie said, ‘so am I.' And with that she took the seraph out of Eli and signalled for the other three to let her up.

‘Josephine's turn now,' Annamarie announced. ‘We shall be staying with “heat” mode for the present, but trying a different orifice. No prizes for guessing which one. We'll stay at level four, too.' She checked the settings. ‘This is my brother's mode of choice for the seraph, as I'm sure you'll discover in the not too distant future. Where in heaven's name is he, by the way? Helen, see if you can find him. Tell him he's missing all the fun.'

Helen went out, but Annamarie obviously decided not to wait. ‘The position required is somewhat undignified,' she said, ‘but I imagine that will be the least of your worries.'

Annamarie sat on a stool and made Jo adopt a half-squat, facing away from her with her forearms resting on her knees. She put the tip of the seraph to Jo's anus and pushed it a short way into her.

‘You will also learn in due course that my brother is obsessed with deep penetration. In my opinion this is counterproductive. The anal sphincter is more sensitive by far than the deeper recesses of the colon. Shallow penetration is hence the better strategy.'

She was as good as her word. With a barely perceptible movement of her wrist she worked the copper sphere in and out. The burning pain was just bearable, and Jo closed her eyes and tried not to think about how much it was hurting. Not easy, with pain so dreadfully insistent and each minute interminable.

‘Do you think,' Annamarie said after a while, ‘you could manage an escalation? Level five, say?'

‘I don't believe so, mistress,' Jo said, hearing the strain in her own voice.

‘Oh, I think you can,' Annamarie said confidently. ‘You're quite a tough young woman. Tougher than you pretend to be.'

There was a momentary respite and then the pain returned, worse than ever. Jo groaned, shaking her head in despair. And Sigismund chose that moment to put in an appearance.

‘Apologies, Anna,' he said. ‘Urgent business; you know how it is.'

‘Take a seat, pray do,' his sister said. ‘Enjoy the show.' He did precisely that, drawing up a chair and sitting in front of Jo. He leaned forward, studying her face.

‘This one's very pretty, isn't she?' he said after a while. ‘What's her name again?'


‘Josephine, that's right; I remember now. Such a beautiful mouth.'

He ran the tip of his index finger around her lips, which were parted as she gasped in pain. She closed her mouth, disconcerted by his scrutiny.

‘You're so predictable, brother dear,' Annamarie chuckled. ‘Josephine, would you like me to stop now?'

‘Yes please, mistress,' Jo gasped.

‘I'll make a deal with you. Siggi here is just dying to have you perform fellatio on him, I know, so when you've made him come I'll stop.'

Siggi's handsome face broke into a smile. He drew aside his robe and did the cock-flicking trick to gain an instant erection.

‘You've witnessed his impressive staying power,' Annamarie said. ‘Artificially induced, needless to say, but still remarkable. Suck hard enough and I'm confident you'll succeed, however.'

Siggi put his cock to her lips, and Jo lost no time in starting to service him. More than anything in the world she wanted this over and done with, and at last Siggi climaxed, squirting endlessly into her mouth. At least he didn't hold her ears as he had with Bel, or push his cock to the back of her throat, so choking wasn't a problem. Neither was the dreadful pain in her anus, for Annamarie had withdrawn the seraph at Siggi's first grunt. The only thing Jo had to contend with, in fact, was a mouthful of semen, and she disposed of that as she knew Siggi would wish, feeling it slide down her throat.

‘Excellent,' Annamarie said happily. ‘Two down, two to go. Who's next?'




Chapter 24


‘I find personally,' Annamarie said, ‘that extreme cold can be equally as effective as extreme heat. The pain it engenders is quite different, of course: I've heard it described as a truly dreadful ache. Not unlike the ache that derives from anal intercourse, but considerably more severe. I'll be interested to hear your opinion on this, Stella.'

Her victim was lying on her back on the same high bench that Eli had used, but the position was somewhat different in that her knees were drawn up to her chest, and no one was holding her. Annamarie was standing at the foot of the bench working the seraph slowly in and out of Stella's anal sphincter, much as she had with Jo. The level, however, was now at six, and Jo couldn't imagine how Stella could just lie there and take it, and make not a sound.

‘Another advantage of the seraph should now become apparent,' Annamarie said. ‘Real cold carries with it its own anaesthetic. Tissue becomes numb as the temperature drops and the pain falls away. With simulated cold, however, there is no such relief.'

Siggi approached and stood looking down at Stella. He stroked her belly, shoulders, and thighs. ‘You have a remarkable body,' he said. ‘Excellent muscle definition for a female. I imagine you must have trained hard.'

‘I have, sir,' Stella said, her voice wavering.

‘Thought so.' He plucked her nipples, stretching them. ‘These are remarkable, too.' He told Helen to fetch some clips and selected a pair of largish black ones, which he fastened to Stella's nipples. But she gave no sign that she felt it, and Jo guessed the pain in her anus was swamping all other sensations. Siggi, not to be thwarted, pinched the clips and squeezed, applying extra pressure. It did the trick, for Stella's belly contracted suddenly and she grunted. He repeated it several times, then turned to Annamarie.

‘Mind if I take over?' he asked. ‘I'd like to try something.'

‘Not at all,' she said, stepping back and handing the seraph to her brother. ‘I could do with a drink in any case. Torturing young women is such thirsty work. Helen, fetch me my usual.'

Siggi told Stella to get down, which she did, stiffly. He sat on the chair and changed the seraph's settings. ‘Heat,' he said. ‘Anna can keep her cold mode. Level six as before.' He took off his right boot and sock, stuck the base of the seraph between his big toe and second toe, put his heel on the floor, and ordered Stella to sit on it.

‘Which orifice, sir?' she asked.

‘Anus,' he said.

Grimly she stepped up and squatted over the thing, then lowered herself onto it.

‘All the way down,' he said. ‘Sit on my foot.' She did so, and for the first time in the session a groan escaped her lips. ‘That's good,' Siggi said. ‘Now hold it like that. I'll tell you when to come up.'

He kept her squatting for a good fifteen or twenty seconds. Stella was panting, her face a rigid mask. Her hands clasped her knees, the knuckles showing white.

‘Up now, very slowly,' he said. ‘Slowly, that's it… now stop. Hold it there… hold it… now down again.' He raised and lowered her a score of times at least, telling her along the way that constant exercise was the only way to retain muscle tone, this particular routine being very good for the thighs. What Stella thought remained a mystery, though probably loss of muscle tone was the least of her concerns. Having experienced a hot seraph in the anus herself – albeit at level five, not six – Jo pitied her.


The fourth and last session got underway. Annamarie took over once more, and had Bel kneel with her hands behind her back. She then proceeded to tell them another story, but this was no fairytale.

‘On Earth, early this century,' she said, ‘there was a bloody civil war in the eastern part of that region called Europe. The cause was religious belief, if you can believe that, and it was rooted in centuries of bitter division and mistrust. It was a particularly vicious conflict and many atrocities were committed on both sides. In one incident a group of female prisoners had their nipples squeezed with pincers. They were made to kneel, as you are now kneeling, but they were not bound. They were told that if they could endure the torture without moving they would be freed. If they moved, or tried to resist in any way, their throats would be cut.'

She adjusted the seraph and Jo knew she was selecting pincer mode.

‘Needless to say,' Annamarie went on, ‘I make no such threat. It seems to me in any case that there are worse things than having your throat cut. That, at least, is quick and relatively painless. You take my meaning?'

Bel nodded; she could hardly fail to take it, Jo thought bitterly. If she moved she would be made to suffer even more.

Annamarie took hold of Bel's right breast, pressed the seraph to her nipple and held it there. Bel jerked and let out a tormented groan.

‘When word of this incident spread,' Annamarie went on, ‘reprisals were taken against women on the other side, and then reprisals for the reprisals, and so on and so forth. The thing escalated rapidly until virtually every man on both sides carried pliers or pincers in his pocket, and women lived in dread of being captured. It is estimated that by the end of the conflict half a million women had been subjected to this treatment. Suffering as you are, Bel, you probably feel some affinity with them.'

She was silent for several minutes. The seraph stayed in place, pressed against Bel's nipple, whose hands were clenched by her sides, her eyes shut tight again.

Annamarie released her finally, and Bel's breath hissed in a long gasp of relief. Annamarie grasped her left breast, but the seraph remained idle for the moment.

‘It's been said that the act was symbolic – crushing the nipples to deny milk to the enemy's offspring – but that's sheer hogwash. It started as a simple act of cruelty, by individuals who shared Siggi's and my particular predilections, and that, in my opinion, is what it largely remained. Do you concur, Bel?'

‘I'm afraid history isn't my strong point, mistress,' she said tightly.

‘Oh, come now,' Annamarie said, ‘you must have a view on this, surely? You can speak out freely; I won't punish you for it, beyond what I already intend for you.'

‘In that case, mistress,' Bel said, ‘I would say that I think you are probably right about it being no more than a sadistic act. I would add that no one should be made to endure pain for the amusement of others.'

Jo winced. It was clear Bel was taking Annamarie at her word, but Jo didn't trust the woman an inch. She hoped Bel wouldn't regret her candour, but Annamarie merely nodded and said, ‘In a perfect world no doubt that would be so. Unfortunately, the one we live in is far from perfect.'

She laid the seraph on Bel's left nipple, and Bel shuddered.

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