Planet Mail (10 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Planet Mail
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“As you have no attendants except me, I’ll have to arouse you first.”

Douglass stared at him. “I am aroused. You know I am.”

He smiled, his finger tracing her dripping sex. “Not enough. Remember, I want you thinking about one thing and one thing only.
My cock.
You’re not ready for that yet. I want you to take me inside you. I want you to beg for me.”

He stood up and kissed her, his mouth unhurried, his tongue slowly lapping at hers as if he had all the time in the world. She concentrated on the textures and scent of his lips, the thrust of his tongue against her own. His fingers closed over her nipples and tugged in rhythm to his kisses, harder and harder until they stood out from her breasts.

Douglass bit her lip as he attached clamps to her extended nipples and several chains to connect them together. He returned to tantalize her mouth, still slow and careful, not giving her enough, never giving her enough. Her chained nipples grazed his muscled chest with every subtle caress. She felt every hair on his chest as it brushed her flesh, his cock slid against her stomach, wet and hot.

She groaned when he drew back and studied her. Her pussy throbbed, reacting to the hardness of the butt plug deep inside her. He circled her and drew the hair away from the back of her neck. She shuddered as he bit lightly on the curve between her neck and her shoulder.

“Are you thinking about my cock?”

She tensed as the tip of his shaft pressed against the butt plug.

“Yes, of course I am.”

He laughed, the sound caressing the back of her neck. “Not enough though. You’re still thinking too hard. I want your mind to submit to me as well as your body.”


He slid a hand around and cupped her mound. “Because you are my consort and I am your king. You owe me your obedience.”

“I’m not one of your subjects. I have a life on another planet. I have a family.”

Abruptly he removed his hand and walked around to face her. “You have a man who makes you as wet as I can? You have a man whose seed you want?”

He held out his hand palm up, showing her the thick pool of her cream. Holding her gaze he slowly bent his head and lapped it into his mouth.

“No. No one has ever made me feel like you do.” Douglass hated herself for the admission but it was the truth. Why should she pretend otherwise? Even if she never saw him again, she’d always remember how he’d driven her wild.

He held her gaze, his golden eyes steady on hers. “Then perhaps you should enjoy me then and let me take control.”

She stared right back at him.
Her whole body quivering with need.
With a sigh, she relaxed into the restraints, opening herself wider to him, ready to submit to his desires.

Marcus fell to his knees and rubbed his cheek against her stomach before heading down to her pussy. He breathed in and then flicked her clit with his tongue. She jumped as if he’d hit a nerve.

…” he breathed. “Ready for a clamp, I think.” She watched as he attached a thin gold loop to her clit and two clamps to her pussy lips. His fingers moved gently over her, exposing her secrets, displaying her for his sexual gratification. Douglass didn’t care. She even liked it.

He looked up at her, his gaze narrowed. “I’ve often wondered how my ancestors got through their duties when they knew that their consort would be waiting for them like this.” He caressed his shaft and balls and shuddered. “My cock ring feels too tight already. Imagine having to deal with the problems of your kingdom with a hard-on and your mind on fucking your woman.”

He reached into the drawer again and extracted a large leather dildo. Douglass swallowed as he rubbed it against his dripping cock, coating it in his pre-come. “This is for you as well. It’s not quite a vibrator but it serves a similar purpose. Watch me put it in.”

The dildo slid inside her with ease, she was so wet. She fought the clenching on her internal muscles but couldn’t stop herself coming. Her body arched against her restraints as her climax throbbed through her. Marcus watched her, one hand wrapped around his cock as she shuddered and moaned.

When she’d quieted, he stepped forward, slid his fingers into her hair and kissed her hard. “Next time you do that, I want to be inside you. Is that what you want?”

She couldn’t reply, too caught up in a rising sensual haze to formulate a comprehensible answer. He replaced her blindfold. “Keep thinking about my cock. Decide whether you want to take my seed.” He hesitated, his breath warm on her cheek. “Of course, if this is enough stimulation for you, I will not force myself on you.”

He kissed the top of her head. “If you wish to mull over the true risk of giving yourself to me, consider this. By refusing me you deny us both a great deal of pleasure, and in truth, as I seem incapable of having children, perhaps your fears of becoming pregnant are unjustified.”

His footsteps echoed in the high cavern as he retreated until she could no longer hear them. Had he gone to bathe in the steaming caverns she imagined lay beyond the temple? She pictured him lying back in the water, soaping his cock, thinking of her. Deprived of her sight, she could only concentrate on her body. Carefully she flexed her muscles. The softness of the leather and the hardness of the smooth glass complemented each other. Her womb throbbed, desperate for completion.

As time passed, she began to understand what Marcus wanted of her. With her body primed for his pleasure and her sight removed, she could only think of gaining her release. She also knew Marcus was the only man who could give her what she wanted. Would he take her slowly, drawing out each pleasure until it bordered on pain or would he be fast and hard and overwhelming?

By reminding her of his childless state, something she knew he must find difficult to even say out loud, he forced her to decide whether her fear of pregnancy was too great to enjoy his spectacular lovemaking. What did she want? She slowly let out her breath.

She wanted all of him. His lovemaking, his humor, the way he made her
like the most valuable thing in his world. He was a man she could grow to love. Was it worth taking the risk of loving him to the best of her ability when she was still unsure whether he was capable of doing the same? Was it worth risking the possibility of carrying his child? She sensed he would be more than willing to accept Danny in his life. He would be no absentee father. If Marcus held true to his beliefs their child would be treasured and loved from the moment he knew it existed. For the first time in her life could she find a way to have everything she wanted?

Her world narrowed to the sensations coursing through her aroused body. Every breath she took tugged at the clamps on her nipples and reminded her of his mouth on them. Every twitch of a muscle brought her closer to orgasm and increased her sense of being stuffed full. She wanted his cock. She wanted to give him whatever he wanted.

She felt rather than heard him return. Her body tensed to instant awareness as the scent of his arousal reached her nostrils. She knew he stared at her. Did he like what he saw?
Her body open, wet and ready for him?
She let out a breath as he released her nipples from the clamps and then drew in another one as he methodically sucked her nipples in hard, pulsing strokes which went straight to her womb.

She came as he started on the second and he grunted his approval. His hands worked quickly on the other clamps as he continued to suckle her. She tensed as he moved behind her and took out the thick glass plug from her butt. Without speaking, he worked his cock inside her, spreading her butt cheeks wide as he pressed forward.

Douglass was glad for the support of the restraints as he thrust into her, his hands gripping her hips to hold her steady. She came again, muscles clenching against the leather dildo, wishing it was the flesh of his cock instead. He pulled out and she heard him washing himself.

He took her blindfold off and she winced against the sudden influx of light. He caught her chin in his fingers. “Tell me what you want.”

“Your cock and your seed.”


“Anywhere you choose to put it.”

He didn’t look away. “What if I took you out into the town square and fucked you there, would you let me?”

She stared right back at him. “Yes.”

“What if I made you suck every man’s cock in my bodyguard while I fucked you, would you let me?”

A tremor shook her at the thought of being on her hands and knees pleasuring other men while Marcus took his pleasure with her.


He removed the dildo, allowing her cream to pour out. “What if I wanted to fuck you until I ran out of come?”

“I am your consort. You are my King. I owe you my obedience in all things.”

He circled her wrists with his hands. “Then take me and fuck me dry.”

He surged into her on one strong heavy stroke, his hips pumping hard as he leaned into her. Douglass came after the first few thrusts and continued to climax as he kept up the even pace. His mouth descended possessively, demanding her submission, pushing her beyond pleasure into ecstasy. Her sheath milked him with a voracious strength that matched his cock.

She went beyond thinking, she only was. The circle of her awareness shrunk to what he was doing to her, how she couldn’t direct his movements, how he had power over her. And yet, she sensed her own power even as she reveled in his, knew in her heart that she gave him what he demanded because she wanted to and not because she had no choice.

He roared as he finally came, the sound reverberating around the cavern as his hot seed pumped endlessly into her. He rested his forehead on her shoulder and drew her in a comforting embrace. Before he pulled out, he murmured, “That was just the beginning. Next I’m going to take you from behind and then, if you ask nicely, I might even let you go on top.”


Dawn broke sending slivers of light through the palace walls as Marcus carried Douglass out of the cavern and up to his bedchamber. He held her close, felt her warm satisfied body relax in his arms. Oblivious to the people he
he concentrated on his consort’s scent and the soft gleam of her long black hair.

An unaccustomed sense of protectiveness shook through him. By Thor’s blood, if she gave him a child, he would be the happiest man in the universe. He would make her his queen and spend the rest of his days with her in his arms and in his life. His smile died as he laid her carefully on the huge bed. Why was he giving himself such false hope? He’d never sire a child. He’d never have a queen.

With an inarticulate sound, he buried his head in his hands. Was he destined to watch Douglass leave him as other women had when they discovered he couldn’t give them a child? On his planet even his great wealth and power couldn’t compensate for that loss.

She wasn’t from his world. Could he persuade her to remain and simply be with him? He studied her sleeping form. She’d taken more than his seed during the last night. She’d taken his heart. Her courage and sensuality amazed and humbled him. Her permission to let him master her had forced him to acknowledge that he was her slave forever.

With a sigh and a prayer to the gods, he crawled into bed next to her and drew her into his arms. His cock stirred against the soft flesh of her belly. By Odin, he was sore. He resolutely shut his eyes and allowed sleep to overcome him.

Chapter Seven


“My King, you must get up!”

Douglass opened one eye to see Marcus sitting on the side of the bed as Sven strode into the room.

“What is the hurry, Sven?” Marcus stood and stretched giving Douglass a perfect view of his beautiful butt and muscled back.

“A delegation has arrived from the village of
. They insist you must see them at once.”

What in Thor’s name do they want?” Marcus thrust a hand through his disordered hair and stared at Douglass. His slow smile left her staring at his mouth. “Perhaps they have some news about your ship, consort. We still haven’t located the ‘black box’ you spoke of yet.”

Douglass eased her aching body out of bed. Sven had already laid out her clothes besides Marcus’. She slipped on the silk tunic, wondering why she needed to be covered up and combed her hair while Sven helped Marcus dress more formally.

The great hall seemed strangely deserted when Marcus and Douglass reached it. Sunlight threaded down through the stained glass panels on the ceiling staining the stone floor in myriad overlapping colors. The small party from
was dwarfed by the magnificence of the cavernous space. Douglass took the seat Sven showed her to the right of Marcus’ throne.

An elderly man took a hesitant step forward and bowed.
We bring you great news from our village.”

Marcus inclined his head. “Welcome, Elder of
. We await your news with great interest.”

Douglass stiffened as two women came to stand beside the elder. They were the first women she’d seen on the planet since her arrival. Both wore cloaks that concealed everything but their eyes. Marcus got slowly to his feet as one of the women fell to her knees.

“My King, I am Mistress
. I bring you a great gift.” She gestured at the other woman. “Do you remember my daughter, Lillian? She was sent to your tent as tribute when you visited our village.”

Marcus fisted his hands. “Uncover your face, Lillian. Let me see you.”

Lillian removed her veil. Douglass thought she could barely be considered a woman. Her expression was a curious mixture of triumph and fear.

“Greeting, Sire. I bring you joyful news.” She pulled her cloak away from her body and rested her hand on her stomach. “I carry your child. You will have an heir.”

A roaring sound broke over the hall as Marcus’ men responded to the announcement. Douglass felt the echo of it inside her head as well. Only one man stood as if unimpressed amidst the rejoicing.

Marcus held up his hand. “Perhaps we should discuss this matter in private.” He gestured at his closest companions. “Accompany me to my chamber and summon my personal physicians.”

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