Plagiarized (7 page)

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Authors: Marlo Williams,Leddy Harper

BOOK: Plagiarized
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On the fourth day, I took a taxi from the park to his apartment. I wasn’t sure if he’d be home, but I prayed he would be. I only hoped God still listened to me after I had premarital sex.

I knocked on his door a few times, but he didn’t answer. I knew it was too good to be true that He would have heard my prayers. So I sat on the dirty floor against his door and waited for him to come home. After almost thirty minutes, he stepped off the elevator and turned the corner, stopping in his tracks as he saw me sitting there. I immediately stood in silence as I waited for him to reach me.

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he stuck his key in his door, not keeping eye contact with me. It made me heart hurt. My heart was literally in pain inside of my chest, feeling as if it had given up its job functions and refusing to beat.

“I don’t like how things have been over the last few days between us, and I wanted to fix it.”

“Fix it? Did you tell your family about us?” He managed to get his door open but stopped and stared at me, waiting for my answer.

His stare froze me in place and I wasn’t able to speak.

He took my hand in his and looked down to my naked ring finger. “I guess that answers my question.” And then he continued into his apartment.

I followed behind him, closing the door once I made it through the threshold. He threw his keys on his table and kept his back to me. I didn’t want things to be this way. I wanted to kiss and make up. I wanted to make everything right again, like they had been until the night he proposed to me.

“Please talk to me, Ben. Stop shutting me out,” I begged.

out? Are you serious right now?” He turned and shoved a finger into his own chest, emphasizing his words. “I haven’t shut you out. You’re the one shutting me out. All I want is to marry you. Spend the rest of my life with you. I want to take you with me when I leave. I want make a home with you. I want to fuck you so deep and spill my seed in you, impregnate you to make sure you’ll be mine forever. That’s what I want. But I can’t, because you can’t even tell your family that I exist. You can’t tell anyone that I exist. We can’t go out in public in town because you’re too scared someone will see us and tell your grandparents. So no, I’m not shutting you out.”

He made very valid points, but he wasn’t seeing things from my point of view. He wasn’t taking into consideration what it would do to me if I did things the way he wanted them. “If I do that, they will disown me. Then I will be left with no family.”

“Did you not hear a single word that just came out of my mouth? I want a family with you. I will be your family. Our kids will be your family. We will start our own. Do you really want to call people your family that are so willing to disown you?”

“You don’t understand,” I cried. The tears fell rapidly down my face, blurring my vision.

“Then explain it to me.”

“My grandparents saved us. I don’t even want to think about where I would be right now without them. What I would be doing right now if they hadn’t taken us in. I owe them everything.”

“I can tell you where you wouldn’t be, what you wouldn’t be doing. You wouldn’t be standing here with me. You wouldn’t be engaged to me. You’ve paid them back for what they’ve done to help you and your family out. But I can tell you right now that if you keep paying them back, if you keep acting as if you owe them something, you won’t be standing in front of me. And you won’t be marrying me. I told you to do this when you’re ready, and I meant it. But you can’t expect me to wait forever. I want you for the rest of my life, but I can’t wait for the rest of my life to possess you.”

Something in me broke. I think it was the tether that kept me to the child inside my own head. The one that was scared of everything because of the things her grandmother told her about boys. That tether broke, shredded, and vanished. In its place, I found something stronger. Something more reliable, and I held on to that with everything I had.

I wiped away my tears and took a step closer to Ben. He watched me closely with careful eyes.

I took another step closer and he reached out for me. But instead of reaching back for him, I slowly knelt down in front of him. He took a half step back. It wasn’t far, but it was enough to allow insecurity and fear to move in.

“What are you doing, Sarah?” he asked in a deep tone I had never heard come from him before. It was as if he was straining to keep his control.

“I can’t wait, either. I can’t wait one more second before possessing you. Let me do this. For you. For me. Let me have you, Ben.” I scooted closer to him on my knees, and that time, he didn’t move any farther back. He let me come to him and pull open his belt.

His stomach sucked in as my fingers began to fumble with the button on his jeans. I thought he’d try to help me once he noticed my struggle, but he didn’t. He kept his hands at his sides until I had the zipper pulled all the way down. Then, he moved his fingers to my hair, threading them through the strands and holding tightly to my scalp.

He grasped my head and tried to pull me toward him and I instantly stilled until he let up his grip. I wanted to be the one who controlled this. Me. I wanted to make the decision and do this the best way I could.

I pulled his pants down until they were at his knees. I put my fingers under the waistband of his boxers and wondered if it was possible to die of a heart attack from pure nervousness. I swear my heart was pounding so loudly, I thought he could definitely hear it.

His breathing had sped up and I could tell from the way it hitched when my fingers skimmed his pubic hair, he was more than turned on. I could also see the outline of his dick through his underwear. I couldn’t believe how close it was to my face.

I pulled his boxers down in one fail swoop before I could change my mind. My nerves were so raw that I thought I might faint. I felt light-headed and willed myself to pull it together.

I lightly touched his shaft and it seemed to spring to life. I gasped and immediately loved the control I felt. The power I had was intoxicating. It gave me the strength I needed and all of a sudden I felt amazing and in total control. I could do this.

I grabbed the base of his cock firmly with my right hand and started to lick just the tip. There was a drop of liquid there and as soon as I licked it away, another one formed. Weird! It tasted salty and tangy. Like nothing I had ever tasted.

I took my left hand and started to stroke his testicles. I don’t know why, but the word testicles always made me want to giggle. I would call them balls. That was easier to comprehend.

I took his balls in my hand and started to move them gently. He moaned and that gave me the assurance I needed to continue. I put the tip of his cock all the way into my mouth.

“Oh, baby, you do that so good,” he moaned. “Take it all the way in,” he begged.

I smiled slyly. I liked this newfound feeling of dominance. I felt like I had discovered an entirely new world.

I took his length all the way into my mouth and felt the tip of him slip down my throat. I didn’t gag. I never had. Even when I had tried to make myself puke when I was twelve by shoving a toothbrush all the way down my throat. I hadn’t even been able to produce anything then. It had been disappointing then, but now, now I saw the benefits to not gagging.

I took him in further down my throat and he almost lost his load. He pulled back and started to breathe super hard.

“Oh my God, Sarah! You took me all the way inside your mouth. I can’t even explain how good that felt.”

“Shut up and let me finish.” I took hold of him again and started to suck him like one of those gigantic swirl lollypops you get at the fair. I twirled my tongue around him from base to tip. He was thrusting his hips and couldn’t even bear to stand still.

I didn’t even bother to hide my grin any longer. I fucking loved this.

I started to feather his balls lightly with my fingers and he screamed in ecstasy. I was contemplating how I felt about him coming down my throat when he pulled me up and practically threw me against the front door with a roar. An honest to goodness roar!

I couldn’t believe that we hadn’t even made it very far into his apartment. We were still by the front door.

He held my chin in his hands and gazed deeply into my eyes. “That was the best blowjob I’ve ever been given in my life,” he rasped. “I can’t believe how good you are at it.”

He kissed me gently on my lips and then started nibbling them. It was the sweetest kiss and I knew what it meant. He was thanking me for my services. That made me grin.

He started to expand the kiss by licking my lips delicately and then slowly putting his tongue in my mouth and then out again. It was as if he was fucking my mouth with his tongue and I loved it! I moaned and grabbed his neck, urging him to continue.

The ache between my thighs was persistent, I found myself rubbing them together. This was an entirely new feeling. I had no clue how to make it feel better. I was starting to feel like I was going crazy. Like if I didn’t get what I needed soon, I would scream.

“Oh God, Ben. Please! I need something.”

He chuckled tenderly, “What do you need?”

“I don’t know,” I said breathlessly.

He pulled down my panties and lifted my right leg around his waist. I held it there as his cock waited at my entrance. I whimpered in need, but I still didn’t really know what it was I needed. I couldn’t remember a time I had felt this turned on. All these experiences and feelings were still so new.

He thrust into me; I was so wet and ready, I immediately felt intense tightening between my legs. Firework explosions went off behind my closed eyelids and that’s when I knew. I was experiencing my first orgasm. It was incredible and my immediate thought was that I wanted more.

I pulled my left leg up to join my right leg around his waist. He was hitting me so deep now that I was encompassing his waist. Each time he plunged into me, I cried out in encouragement. He fucked me in so many different ways, all against the door. He changed his rhythm, his depth, and then he started to play with my clit and I exploded again. He quickly followed me, pulling out and coming all over my thighs.

He stilled as we both caught our breaths. With my legs still wrapped around his waist and his fingers digging in to my ass cheeks, we leaned our foreheads against each other’s and let our warm breaths mix between our faces. His flaccid cock was resting against my stomach and I couldn’t wait for it to get hard so that we could do that all over again. I wondered how long that would take.

“Let’s go down to the courthouse right now. We’ll get married there and then go back to your grandparents’ house when we’re done. We’ll pack up your stuff and then I’ll bring you back here where you belong, with me. They won’t be able to do anything about it then.”

“Why are you pushing this, Ben?” I asked, fearful of his answer for some unknown reason.

“Because I want more. I need more.”

“I do, too.”

“Then give me more,” he begged.

“I will. I promise, I’ll give you more. Just let me do it in my own time and in my own way. Don’t push me.”

And it was true. I did want more. But could I really have more with Keegen?



I read back the last few lines and then immediately hit the delete button.

What the hell was I thinking when I wrote that? Keegen? I knew what I was thinking about. And it was enough to make me stop writing. I had to stop before I allowed any more of my subconscious to fill my pages and confuse me even more.

Monday rolled around way too quickly. I had gotten lots of subject matter for my book during my Saturday evening with Missy. I had spent almost the entire day on Sunday writing. I had written a whopping fifteen thousand words. I had never written that much in one sitting before, it was exhilarating. I still needed more! The book was coming along nicely, a combination of my antics and her stories. I wanted to ask someone to look at it for me, but whom? I had made tons of friends on Facebook and had a nice following of people. Perhaps one of them would be willing to help me out?

By the time I arrived at the Academy I was determined to avoid Craig at any cost. I just could not go through with this. Sleep with a student? It was insane, even if he was eighteen and drop dead gorgeous.

I was so busy with my thoughts I ran straight into, you know who! God was evil sometimes.

“Why hello, Mrs. Roby.” Craig provided a devilish smile.

“Good morning, Craig. Did you finish your assignment that was due today?” My voice came out high-pitched.

“Yes, I did!” He grinned. “I may still need tutoring after school, though.”

“No problem,” I side-stepped him and scurried away. How the fuck was I going to do this? It was either sleep with Craig or I would be fired once he told Principal
the truth. I knew Principal
would believe Craig over me in a heartbeat. I was screwed, literally and figuratively.

My whole life seemed to be spiraling out of control. Part of me wanted to just run away! On a more positive note, this would all make a good storyline for my book.

I walked in and there were already thirty pairs of eyes waiting for me. I smiled and greeted the little twerps, “Buenos días, clase! Tenemos nuestro paquete de tarea para repasar y tengo los papeles que se calificaron. Vamos a ir sobre esos también. Muchos de ustedes apenas pasó.”
Good morning, class! We have our homework packet to go over and I have your papers that were graded. We will be going over those as well. Many of you barely passed.

I quickly did attendance and then dove into my work. Before I knew it, lunchtime was upon me. I ate quietly at my desk, in my classroom. Tom was still barely talking to me. He had said it didn’t matter about the bill, but he was still acting distant. I was wondering if he knew I was having an affair. That would not be good. Then I would get nothing according to the lengthy prenuptial agreement I had signed.

I was thankful to Thomas and the security, both financially and emotionally, he offered me. Was I happy? Well, it depended on the day. I was happy most of the time. I loved to write and wished I could be a better writer so that I didn’t have to depend on others for stories. I wished things would come to me as naturally as they seemed to come to other authors. I had the want, just not the talent.

The bell rang and I jumped a mile in my seat. I had two classes after lunch and then what? I guess I would head to Craig’s. Craig was in my next class and I all of a sudden felt flushed and nervous. He was eighteen years old for Christ’s sake. Why should he make me feel nervous? If anything, I should feel superior to him. I checked my phone for the umpteenth time and I still hadn’t heard from Keegen.

That wasn’t unusual, though. Days would go by and I wouldn’t hear from him, but this time, I longed to hear from him. What the hell was he thinking?

I stood and walked to the door to greet my next class. “Buenas tardes, clase! Por favor, encontrar su asiento rápidamente para que podamos.”
Good afternoon, class! Please find your seat promptly so that we can begin.

Craig walked in and winked at me as he took his seat. I looked away and continued addressing the class, pretending he didn’t exist.

The class seemed to take forever to end. It was agonizing. I swear I felt every single second tick by on the clock. I felt completely exhausted when it was over. I didn’t know how hard it was to avoid someone’s stare for fifty-five minutes.

The bell rang and as the class got up to leave. I said, “Gracias, clase. Has hecho un excelente trabajo en la actualidad. Vamos a seguir trabajando en este capítulo de mañana.”
Thank you, class. You did excellent work today. We'll continue working on this chapter tomorrow.
I let out a slow breath and prepared for the last class of my day. I was almost home free, well I guess it depends how you look at things. I was either almost home free, or almost ready to jump from the frying pan into the fire.

By the time the dismissal bell rang, I felt ready. During my last class of the day, I waffled back and forth with my decision. I almost marched down to the office and turned in my resignation. I imagined the look on Craig’s face when I told him to fuck off. It was a nice thought, but one that wouldn’t be happening. After giving it much thought, I had decided I would just get this thing over with and do whatever Craig wanted, then put it behind me. I was ready to face whatever it was I would have to endure.

I walked confidently out to the parking lot. I had stayed in my office until after five; I knew all the staff members would clear out by then. I stopped mid-stride when I spotted Craig leaning casually against my car, waiting for me.

“What can I do for you, Craig?” I asked as I unlocked my car.

“Oh, Sage. Don’t play games with me. Follow me to my house,” he demanded and got into a sleek Lotus that I hadn’t noticed was parked next to mine.

I followed him to his residence and it was hard not to gape when I pulled up to a gargantuan mansion. Tom and I lived in a very nice home, one that I would have even considered luxurious. But next to Craig’s home, our home was crap.

I pulled in and parked behind him in the long circular driveway. I got out of my car when he came over and opened my door for me.

“Don’t worry, the parentals aren’t here. They never are!”

I wanted to smack the cocky grin off his face.

He gestured for me to follow him and I completely dropped the façade I had safely put in place when I saw his entryway. It was the most amazing entryway. There were multiple items from artists that were famous all over Europe, a lot of them from Spain; oh, how I loved Spain and longed to visit there. I recognized multiple items and tried not to outwardly ogle the treasures his family had accumulated. I would do anything to have just one percent of the items this treasure trove held.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” Craig grinned widely.

“Mildly,” I offered and smiled back. I knew I had been caught gawking and was past the point of being able to cover it up.

“Let’s go upstairs,” he suggested, but the superiority in his tone told me there was no room for questions. I was to obey. It was hard coming to the realization that this kid could order me around. But he didn’t act like a kid. He acted like someone way beyond his years.

He led me to a bedroom that was twice the size of mine. Yup! My house was pure crap compared to Craig’s monstrosity.

He lifted off his shirt and kicked off his shoes, then turned on a stereo system with a remote. Smooth jazz instantly came through the speakers in the most addicting tone. It was the kind of music that begged you to sit down and listen for a while.

“You listen to jazz?” I asked him, trying unsuccessfully to hide my surprise.

“I do. I like many extraordinary things.” The way he looked me up and down sent tingles down my spine.

I felt my breathing hitch as he walked over and trailed his fingers down my cheek. How could this kid turn me on? I tried not to factor his taste in music, artists, and antics into how I felt about him. But in a matter of minutes, my frame of mind had changed.

He put his hand behind my neck and brought me closer to him. The way that he maneuvered and grabbed me, it was light-years beyond him. He was experienced beyond his years. He took me gently into his arms and started to dance with me.

I don’t know why I was surprised that he was a good dancer, but I was. He led me across the soft carpet as if he had been dancing his entire life. I even stumbled a couple of times, but he never faltered.

We danced for a while until he led me back to his king-sized bed. It was covered in the most luxurious and expensive bedding that money could buy. I had an eye for these sorts of things.

Without looking up, I unzipped my boots and rolled down my thigh-highs slowly while he watched. I knew he was watching me. It was as if I could feel his eyes on me.

I stood up and without my boots; he now stood a head taller than me.

He started unbuttoning my blouse and I was surprised that I was short of breath. This was really going to happen.

He took my shirt off and gasped when his gaze hit my lingerie. He traced the lace softly, teasingly, without touching my skin. I realized I was holding my breath and slowly started to breathe again, until he circled my nipples. Then I let out a moan. If felt so good, all the things my feelings encompassed. The forbidden lines I was crossing, the silky fabric against my sensitive nipples, and the pounding that had started between my thighs. From the moistness that had gathered there, I knew he wouldn’t need to ask if I was turned on. The evidence was right there. He had captured me, and I gave myself over to him.

I kissed him with great abandon, letting all thoughts of how wrong it was fly from my head. I didn’t want to battle them any longer. I just wanted to feel.

He groaned as he pulled down my skirt and panties, and then bit his lip when I was at last, standing naked in front of him. He feasted on me with his eyes and I felt so exposed. I squared my shoulders and let him look. I knew I looked good; I studied my body in the mirror on a daily basis. I knew every nuance by heart. I knew exactly what he was seeing.

He took his pants off and I tried not to look down, but that was an impossibility. I wanted to see him and gauge what I was in for.

Holy fucking shit! He was huge! The only man I had ever seen come even close to this size was Keegen. Craig was fucking hung like a horse. I tried not to get scared, but it was hard. Keegen had worked with me until he didn’t hurt me anymore. This dick would wreck me if he didn’t use it correctly.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I know how to use it. I won’t hurt you.”

I looked up and met his gaze. What I saw made me believe him. I didn’t think he wanted to hurt me, so I relaxed.

“Lay on the bed,” he demanded and I conformed to his wishes.

He got on top of the bed beside me and started to trace his hands lightly up and down my body, which produced goose bumps almost immediately.

“Does this feel good?” he asked me.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

He started to kiss my neck and I froze, but then made myself relax.

He moved down to my breasts and took one of my nipples into his mouth. He rolled it around his tongue like a pro and I started moaning like a bitch in heat.

He took me by surprise when he bit down and I let out a shriek, but didn’t pull away. He moved to the other nipple and offered it the same treatment, but this time, I was prepared for the bite that never came.

He moved down my stomach and was soon at my pussy. I clenched my legs closed unconsciously and he had to spread them apart again.

“Relax, Sage,” he whispered, and I did.

He took my clit into his mouth and I closed my eyes.

God help me, it felt so good I almost instantaneously came from that alone. I moaned and started to thrust myself into his mouth. He dipped his tongue into my hole and I screamed. It felt delicious.

“Do you want me to fuck you now, Sage?” he asked quietly.

I opened my eyes and looked at him peculiarly.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” he repeated.

I nodded.

“I want to hear the words,” he whispered and bent his head back down to suck my sweet spot.

“Fuck me!” I screamed. “I want you to fuck me, Craig!”

He moved into position and used his fingers to stretch me open. He held his fingers in position, opening me wide, as his cock took their place.

I groaned as he pushed his cock in deeper. It felt good, so good. He was long, so long, he couldn’t get his entire length in.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he directed, and I did.

Once I did what he told me to do, he fit his entire length inside. I gasped at the full feeling while he sat there a minute, letting me get used to him.

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