Plagiarized (15 page)

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Authors: Marlo Williams,Leddy Harper

BOOK: Plagiarized
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On Monday morning, I had pep in my step as I arrived at my classroom door at Rosemary Academy. Nothing could ruin my day. Absolutely nothing.

Craig was a no-show again and I wondered what he was up to. Did he really think he and I would happily ride off into the sunset? I was twelve years older than he was. Seriously?

That night, I would be meeting Keegen and hopefully we could get ourselves on the same page to continue our relationship. Now that Tom was out of the picture, I could focus solely on Keegen. That was what Keegen had wanted, after all.

I went through the motions of my monotonous day and soon, it was over. I rushed home to get ready and couldn’t wait to see Keegen. It had been so long since he had fucked me and I was craving his talented dick. I needed it inside of me. My pussy clenched at the mere thought of it.

When I arrived at Keegen’s, the sign of his porch light glowing made me smile. He was expecting me.

I knocked on his door with our signature three knocks and he immediately opened the door. I grinned at him. “Hello, handsome!”

“Hi, Sage,” he said in a way that sent alarms off in my head.

He ushered me inside and we sat on his couch. I hadn’t even removed my coat. I reached for him but he stopped me. He couldn’t even look at me in my eyes.

“I can’t do this with you anymore,” Keegen said coolly.

“No!” I exclaimed and stood up. “Why? I left Tom. We’re no longer together. I thought that’s what you wanted. To ultimately be together, just you and me? I thought you wanted more?”

“I did. I do, but he left you. You didn’t
to leave. That’s an different situation entirely. You didn’t pick to be with me. You’re with me because you have no one left.”

I was speechless, opening and closing my mouth until I found the right words. “How do you know the details of it?”

He looked stunned for a minute but didn’t answer.

“You have no idea, do you? How could you know?” I stood and started to pace.

“You’re right, I don’t really know the particulars, but I can only imagine.”

“Oh yeah?” I fought back. “What is it that you imagine, Keegen? Please, enlighten me.”

He stood up and looked at me for the first time since I had walked in. “I can imagine that you came home and he was there. I can imagine that he confronted you about your inability to be faithful to him. I can also imagine that he walked out on you as you cried and begged for him not to. How accurate is my imagination, Sage?” His face was stoic and his words cold.

“You. You are the one that told him about us, aren’t you? You stupid son of a bitch!” I screamed.

“Why would I do that?” His voice had finally changed from emotionless to something I couldn’t place. It wasn’t quite anger. Frustration maybe? “I gave you until tonight. Why would I go to him? I’ll be honest with you, though. I did plan to let him in on your double life if you chose not to be with me. But I wouldn’t have done that before you made your decision. Not to mention, all he would have to do was check your Facebook author page and see half-naked pictures of me. You fucking called me your husband for crying out loud. Did you really think he would never find out? Do you honestly believe I am the only person alive that would have a reason to sell you out to your husband? You live two lives, Sage. It was only a matter of time before one crumbled around you.”

I went to the door, opened it, and left. Never looking back. It was the strangest experience and I couldn’t even deal with it all. How dare he judge me? How did he know the details of Tom leaving me? I hadn’t told anyone. But he was right about a few things. He wasn’t the only one capable of spilling my secrets. I did flaunt my affair online for the world to see, even
though they didn’t
it was an affair. As far as they were concerned, he was my husband. I needed to be more careful of who I allowed on my Facebook account as a friend. It was obvious there was someone that couldn’t be trusted. And it was foolish of me to think I could keep up with two different lives without losing one of them.

But I hadn’t lost everything. I still had a book that was about to be released to the masses and I would be fine. I would be a bestselling author and make my own money. These assholes would all come crawling back to me on their hands and knees, begging for another chance with me. After all, I was Author S. Motherfucking Roby.




Tuesday went by slowly, then Wednesday, then Thursday, and finally Friday. I will always remember Friday, that Friday in particular, because several life-changing events took place. It was the day of my book release and it was also the day I was called into Principal

“Sage,” she greeted me with a smile. “This is Mrs. Chavez. She’s the mother of Jesus Chavez, one of our football players and Craig Marten’s best friend. She only speaks Spanish, so I need you to help translate for me, if you would be so kind?”

I nodded and took the seat she had gestured to. “Of course.” I had never translated for her before, but it seemed like a reasonable request.

“Buenos Días, señora Chávez. Nombre que es sabio y me enseñan aquí en Romero Academia. Voy a traducir para usted.”
Good morning, Mrs. Chavez. My name is Sage and I teach here at Rosemary Academy. I will translate for you.

“Perfecto, gracias.”
Perfect! Thank you.

I nodded.

“Mi hijo ha estado diciendo que Craig está teniendo una relación con uno de sus profesores. Estamos muy preocupados por él. No tiene familia, aquí, por lo que está cerca de mi familia. ”
My son has been saying that Craig is having a relationship with one of your teachers. We are very worried about him. He doesn’t have family, here, so he is close to my family,
Mrs. Chavez said dramatically.

My eyes bugged out. Holy shit! What was I going to do? I turned to Principal
and said, “She’s very worried about Craig because he’s been upset lately. Over a math grade he received. I guess it wasn’t fair.”

I looked at Mrs. Chavez. “Sí, sí,” she agreed and it was obvious she didn’t understand what I was saying in English. I was home free.

The rest of the conversation went the same way. She told me the details and I tweaked them to fit in with the math story.

Once she left the office, I rose from my seat to leave.

“Mrs. Roby,” she called me back.

“Yes?” I stopped with my hand on the door.

“I do understand a little bit of Spanish, just not enough to completely translate the entire conversation.” She looked at me pointedly.

I gulped, then nodded, then made my escape. I had no choice now but to resign. She knew I had been having a relationship with Craig. That’s why the bitch had asked me to translate. She had wanted to see me squirm.

I finished out the last three classes of the day and then made my way to the office. I left my neatly typed resignation note in the principal’s inbox. I took my small box of personal items to my car and then slowly drove away.

It was the last time I would drive away from Rosemary Academy.

I hadn’t checked my book numbers on Amazon all day and I was anxious to get home and see how many books I had sold. When I thought of the number, I saw pure dollar signs. I would be rolling in the dough. I just knew it. I had a blog tour scheduled all weekend and some takeovers. I had to go on several blogs’ Facebook pages and host giveaways and answer stupid questions. It was all about the dollar signs.

I arrived home to an empty house and pushed all thoughts of Tom to the back of my mind. I was on my own now. It was time to grow up and take care of myself. I giggled, I couldn’t even think of that without laughing. I would never change. I liked the way I was, liked who I had become. Anyone who didn’t like me could eat shit and die for all I cared.

Once I got upstairs, I opened my laptop and checked my numbers. I felt giddy; my heart was beating faster as I typed in my login and password. I went through the necessary pages and countless reports until I hit the one that would show my numbers. My heart fell at the sight, only three hundred forty books sold so far? How was that even possible? I had planned to hit at least a thousand sales the first day. I knew most people would think selling over three hundred books was an excellent start for a new author. But it was pure shit as far as I was concerned. I deserved more. I had worked way too hard to just sell a measly three hundred books. Fuck that!

I got on the phone and called my editor. I was whining and complaining to her and she thought I was being a brat. She even told me so outright. I wanted to punch her in the face. How dare she? She had even said that I should be pleased and proud of the numbers so far. That just showed what a dumbass she was. I was done with her. She even had the audacity to say that I should be happy that she didn’t ask me for part of the proceeds since she had helped write half my book. As if! She did not! I wrote all the meat of the book, she just helped with grammar. I mean, she had helped me with a few scenes, but half the book? Fuck her! Okay… maybe I was being harsh. She may have more than helped with half the book, maybe even more than half. But she was being a bitch and had pissed me off. So my statement of “fuck her” was still valid.

I logged on to Facebook to do my first takeover. I wanted to just get it over with, take a sleeping pill, and go to bed. It was time to end this fucked up day finally.

I wrote my first post
Hello everyone! My name is S. Roby *smiles* and I’m so happy to be here with you tonight *waves hello*. Thank you so much for being here with me tonight *kisses*.

I started hearing pings as the comments rolled in. I replied to each one as I was supposed to with charm and charisma. I loved them all as far as they were concerned. I added
thank you
s to all my posts.

Ugh! Time to take a sleeping pill and check out for a while.

I had spent the entire weekend in my pajamas, on Facebook and Goodreads, promoting my book. I had finally reached one thousand sales, but it had taken an entire weekend and I had worked my ass off. It was harder than I thought. I had really expected those kinds of numbers on Friday.

I shut my computer with a huff and jumped in the shower. It was time to get dressed and take a break.

I had called Missy to see if she could meet me, but she hadn’t answered. I was just drying my hair with the towel when my phone rang. It was probably Missy calling me back. I answered the phone without looking, knowing it was her.

“Hey,” I said casually and continued to study myself in the mirror. It was one of my favorite things to do, after all.

I studied my high cheekbones and full lips, completely captivated with my beauty—

“Hi, Sage.” That voice snapped me out of my moment of self-worship.

“Craig,” I said softly.

“I know you’re probably surprised that I’m calling you,” he stated.

Well, duh!
I hadn’t heard from him in days, over a week. I began to think he had fallen off the face of the earth. I had actually kind of forgotten about him, if I was being honest.

“I need to see you,” he said quietly. I had to strain to hear him.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Craig. Let’s not start this again.” I needed to just find myself a new guy. A guy that loved me for me, not an eighteen-year-old boy who had no idea who he even was. Although, he was hung like a champion and I was horny, especially after posting all those dirty comments during my blog takeover. It was hard to act sexy and perverted all the time, especially when you weren’t getting laid. Plus, since he was only eighteen, maybe I could train and teach him to be the kind of man I wanted?

“I’m coming over,” he demanded.

I laughed. “Okay, Craig. You win. I’ll see you, but I’ll come over to your place.”

“Great! We really need to talk.”

“Well, talking wasn’t one of the things I had in mind. So hopefully you’ll make it quick?”

I was dressed and ready to go, since I had planned to meet Missy. She still hadn’t called me back and that irritated me.

I blasted my music all the way to Craig’s house. I didn’t want to dwell or give the thoughts that were pinging in my head a second thought. I needed to escape.

I had brought a duffle bag with me and planned to stay at his house for a couple of days, if he would let me. I had brought my laptop, too, so I could start my second book in the series. The readers were already begging me for more. It was intoxicating to be famous. Well, I wasn’t exactly famous yet, but I was getting there. I was definitely famous with my Facebook fans. That had to count for something.

I pulled into his driveway and I was surprised to see him waiting for me, sitting on the front stoop. He looked like a little boy and I was momentarily taken by surprise. He was a boy, not a man, if I was honest with myself. But he was a man in the bedroom and that’s what I needed at that very minute.

I got out of my car and walked around to the trunk to get my bag and computer. He immediately got to his feet and came to help me. He eyed my bag and then looked into my eyes.

“Are you staying here?”

“Is that a problem?” I said in my signature bitchy tone.

“No, no problem. I just didn’t know, is all. My parents are planning to come home next week. You will probably like them.”

“I am not meeting your parents, Craig. I’m just planning to let you fuck my brains out.” I sighed and rolled my shoulders back as we walked up his front steps. “I am so stressed out with my book release. I’m hankering for a release of my own, if you know what I mean.”

“I can probably help you out with that.” He grinned mischievously.

For a moment, I was struck at how handsome he was. He could have been a model, but definitely didn’t need the money. He already had a mansion and all the trimmings that came with it. He was set for life.

I was the one who was poor now. Maybe I could figure out a way to make this relationship even more beneficial. I would need some money to hold me over until the divorce settlement came through. That would probably take at least six months; I had googled it.

“Let’s go upstairs, unless you’re hungry?” he offered and pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

“I’m hungry, but not for food.” I gave him my sexiest come-hither look and he went weak in the knees.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me the rest of the way up the stairs. I was laughing so hard by the time we got to his room, I was doubled over and trying to catch my breath.

He came up behind me and lifted up my skirt. He started to touch my pussy and ass through my lacy thong panties. It was deliciously erotic and felt forbidden. I felt my breath hitch as he stuck his finger under the side and started to play with my clit. This was exactly what I needed.

He suddenly stopped and brought me over to the sofa in his room. He laid me over the back part of it, so that my butt was in the air. I had to stand on my tiptoes, even in my heels, since I wasn’t very tall. He moved my short skirt up and started to play again. This time, I could brace against the couch and I felt more secure. My legs started to shake as his fingers got rougher and more adventurous. He was fucking my pussy with two fingers, while using his thumb to do exquisite things to my clit. I thought I might come at any minute until he stuck his finger in my ass. That made me straighten my body as best as I could while crying out in pain.

“No,” I said and tried to move away. He held me down and I realized then just how strong he was. I stayed put and waited for him to make the next move.

He kept his finger firmly in my ass and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Have you ever been fucked here?”

I shook my head. Lie. But he didn’t need to know that. His cock was huge, there’s no way it would fit. Tom’s had fit no problem, but Craig was another situation altogether.

“You’re lying. I can tell you’re lying by the way your eyes are darting back and forth. You have been fucked here before. By whom?” He waited a moment. “Your husband?” he snorted. “I think it was him.”

I stayed quiet as my body tried to get used to his finger in my ass. He was keeping it in there without moving it, so it didn’t feel too bad. But I had no idea what he planned next. He definitely seemed to be following an agenda.

“Do you know what I’ve been up to since I saw you last?” he said breathily, right into my ear.

“No,” I half moaned.

“I’ve been watching lots of porn. It’s the only way I can get off. You’ve ruined me. Your beautiful body has destroyed me for life. I can’t get off with any other women. I’ve tried. But guess what happened?” He laughed sinisterly and didn’t wait for me to respond. “I couldn’t get it up. I have never had a problem with that in my entire life. But my dick wouldn’t get hard, no matter what I tried. Then I started watching anal porn and bingo. My boy came to life once again. He was harder than ever, he loved watching a big dick ruin a girl’s ass. You know what was even better? When the girl cried, seeing those tear trails down her cheeks, made my dick explode.”

“No, please. Craig, you can’t,” I pleaded.

“You owe me, Sage. You owe me this!” he hissed out. “No one else has taken you there, so I’ll be your first. I’ll take your ass virginity.”

“I have been fucked there before. I lied to you,” I said desperately.

“Are you lying now, or were you lying before? What a quandary your lies have created, Sage. What shall we do?” He started to move his finger slowly in and out of my ass and I moaned and tried to scoot away.

“Nooooo,” I whined. But it was starting to feel good. He added another finger and now I had two fingers fucking my ass. Before I knew it, I was thrusting my ass back to meet him. It felt so good I couldn’t help myself. I just needed to be fucked.

“You like that, don’t you? You’re just a dirty slut. Are you going to come for me?”

“Little girl. Call me your little girl.”

“Fine, little girl. Are you going to come for me?” He removed his fingers and put something cold and wet up against my ass.

I squirmed and yelled as I felt something larger enter my ass. “What is that?” I cried out.

“It’s a butt plug. I don’t want to rip you open. If you didn’t notice, my dick is quite big. So I read online that you have to prep an ass with a butt plug first, prior to fucking it, especially if a guy with a big dick’s going to fuck you.”

I moaned as he moved the toy further into my ass. I felt like I was going to split in two as I cried out over and over. I was surprised to discover that I did want it. I wanted him to fuck me there. Call it perversion, or whatever, but this would be a new experience. I gave out one final cry when he finally reached the end.

“Stay there and don’t move,” he demanded. I watched him walk to the bathroom, then heard water running and he came back.

He pulled my panties down and left them wrapped around my ankles. It made me feel slutty but I liked it. He started to play with my clit again and I swear I heard angels singing. It felt so good I almost came, but it was as if he sensed my arousal and that I was nearing my orgasm because he quickly removed his stimulating fingers.

I moved my ass, looking for his fingers. I wanted them back on my clit pronto so I could let go and have this amazing orgasm that I knew was building perfectly.

“Please,” I pleaded.

“Not yet, little girl, you’ve been bad and you aren’t going to get everything you want at the precise moment you want it. I’m in control, now. Say it!” he commanded.

“You’re in control.”

“Exactly!” He moved back behind me.

I laid there for what felt like forever, but theoretically, it was only a couple of minutes. His hand came down hard on my ass and I shrieked and wriggled under it.

“Ouch, that hurt.” But what I didn’t mention were the feelings of bliss I had felt when his hand had driven the plug in further. I had experienced feelings I never had before. And that was no lie.

He did it again, two more times and I had a hard time not pushing my ass out to meet his hand. I wanted him to spank me all night. The combination of his hand and the plug were creating extraordinary amounts of pleasure.

I finally heard him unzip his pants and I tried to keep my breathing slow and even. I had been panting so hard, I had almost passed out, and I didn’t want to miss this experience. He put his cock at the entrance of my pussy and I fought the waves of disappointment. I had been positive that he was going to fuck my ass. All thoughts of disappointment were erased when he entered me. I was so wet he was able to fit his entire length deep within, in just one thrust. I bucked like a bronco it was so good. I was experiencing double penetration for the first time and couldn’t believe how good it felt.

He started to move in and out slowly, and I fought myself not to come. I wanted to wait and experience more of this first. Each stroke of his cock brought intense waves that I could feel all the way to my toes. I thought I would go insane before I let go and my body convulsed for a record amount of time. I felt the orgasm in all areas of my body and couldn’t remember a time it had been so intense. I screamed and yelled profanities as I came and heard him return them full force as he came with me.

We both lay in a heap over the couch, with him on top of me and still inside of me, until we gathered our faculties. I felt completely limp and didn’t think I would have the ability to walk. Thankfully, he didn’t make me.

He gasped as he pulled out of me and went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He came back out with a couple of wipes and cleaned my thighs and pussy nicely.

“Thank you,” I murmured. I couldn’t even keep my eyes open I was so relaxed and satisfied. I also felt safe. Craig had always taken excellent care of me, so I felt safe here.

He lifted me up gently in his arms and deposited me on his deliciously soft bed. I groaned as my ass hit the comforter, which drove the plug home once again.

“Can you take this thing out?” I asked him softly.

“Nope. It will stay in until I fuck you in the ass. Oh yeah, that is definitely going to happen. I just want you to enjoy it, so these steps are necessary.” He joined me on the bed and took me in his arms. I lay on his chest. His chest hairs kept going up my nose so I moved my hand in between us.

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