Read Places in My Heart Online

Authors: Sheryl Lister

Places in My Heart (20 page)

BOOK: Places in My Heart
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“Hmm, looks like another Gray is about to take the plunge,” Justin said.

Morgan's face heated. Thankfully, the game started. Omar was playing terribly. She groaned when he missed another easy pass. Near the end of the second quarter, she told Brandon and Justin she'd be back and made her way through the crowd of people headed to the concession stands.

Flashing her credentials to a security guard, she was able to gain access to the restricted area. She caught one of the Cobras staff members she knew before he entered the locker room. “Hi, Joey.”

“Morgan,” he said with a smile. “I haven't seen you in a while. I hear congratulations are in order.”

“Thanks. Can you do me a favor?”

“Anything for you, beautiful.”

She handed him a folded piece of paper. “Can you give this to Drummond?”

“I'll pass it along,” he answered and pushed through the doors.

“Thanks.” It was time to settle this, one way or another.

Chapter 20

ey, Drummond.”

Omar turned toward the voice.

“Got a note for you.”

“Thanks.” Curious, he unfolded the paper.

I didn't work my butt off to get you a once-in-a-lifetime contract for you to be playing like a kindergartner touching a football for the first time. Get your head in the game, Drummond. Meet me outside the locker room.

He chuckled. That was his Morgan. The vise around his heart loosened.

In the second half, Omar played like a man possessed and logged one hundred five yards and two touchdowns. Afterwards, he had postgame interviews at the podium. He answered question after question and was anxious to be done. He spotted Morgan standing in the back, promptly lost his train of thought and had to ask the reporter to repeat the question.

“There are rumors that you and your new agent have parted ways. Is that the truth?”

Holding Morgan's gaze, he said, “That's not the truth at all. I'm very happy with my agent and see no reason to change.”

“There's been some speculation that there's a new lady in your life. Is there a reason you're keeping her a secret?”

“It's not a matter of keeping secrets. It's about keeping my personal life
. Any other questions?” He paused for a few seconds then stood.
It took another ten minutes before he found Morgan. “Hi.” She wore a pair of shorts and a fitted tee that clung too enticingly to every curve. Dressed this way, she didn't look like an agent, but she did look like the woman he loved. And he did love her more than he ever thought possible.


“How are you?”


“Congratulations on signing Noah and Kent.”


They fell silent. “You'd probably sock me if I kissed you right now.”

“You're probably right.” A smile peeked out.

“Then you'd better start talking or I'll just deal with the consequences.”

“I don't know where to start. I thought I could get over you, but it's not working.”

“I'm glad because I'll never be over you. What can I do to make this work? I can't give you up. You own my heart, Morgan.”

“How do I know this won't happen again? What's to say the next time you see something questionable, you won't believe me? I can't go through this again,” Morgan whispered with tears in her eyes.

Omar's heart ached seeing the pain reflected in her eyes, and he shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching for her. “Let me follow you home and we'll talk there. I want to hold you in my arms so bad it hurts.”


“I'll be there as soon as I can, sweetheart.” He watched until she disappeared into the thinning crowd.

An hour later, he was on her doorstep.

“Come on in.” She had changed into another pair of shorts and a tank top and was barefoot.

Omar shut the door behind him and held out his arms. “I need to hold you, baby.” She came to him and he enfolded her in his embrace. He swept her into his arms, carried her to the living room and sat on the couch with her on his lap. Their eyes held, and he covered her mouth in a tender kiss. A rush of emotions washed over him—relief, joy, peace and most of all, love. Having her in his arms again was like a balm that soothed his heart. He couldn't stop touching or kissing her. It felt like months had passed since the last time they were together.

Morgan's hands were just as busy. She and Omar were a tangled mass of hands and lips tasting, exploring and feeling.

“It's so good to hold you again,” he murmured.

“I missed you holding me.”

At length they came up for air, but he kept her in his lap and rested his cheek against the top of her head.

“I'm sorry,” she said sometime later.

He lifted his head. “About?”

“I left my notes on your contract on my desk.”

“That didn't give her the right to do what she did. It's not your fault. This was all Roland's doing. From what Jaedon told me, Evelyn took a plea in exchange for her testimony. She may still have to do some time, but with all the other charges, Roland will be going away for a long time. He told me that he talked to you, too.”

“I warned Roland what would happen if I saw one thing. He must have thought I was playing.”

Omar chuckled. “That's my girl. Well, now he knows for sure.”

“I don't want to talk about them anymore.”

“Me, either.” He would much rather have been making love to her, but tamped down on his desire because they needed this time just to be together.

Morgan stared up at him. “Can we make a pact to always ask questions before jumping to conclusions?”

“Absolutely.” He sealed the deal with a kiss.

“What are you doing tomorrow since there's no practice?”

“I was thinking I could take you over to the restaurant to meet my parents. We'd have to go a little earlier, say five-thirty or six, so I can get home.”

“That's fine. No late nights for you. I'll be making sure you're not breaking curfew. I'm glad the Cobras are one of the teams who don't hold camp in the middle of nowhere anymore.” Since building a state-of-the-art facility three years ago, upper management felt the players still bonded during the fourteen-hour days.

“So am I.”

“Speaking of curfew...”

“I have a little more time.” He wanted to pack her up and take her to his house. But doing that would guarantee a sleepless night, so he contented himself with holding her. They would have plenty of time to play catch-up.

* * *

“I'm glad you agreed to come with me tonight,” Omar said Monday evening.

“Please. I wasn't missing out on a chance to taste this famed barbecue.”

“Let me get my kiss now, because once we step out of the car, you'll have me on lockdown.”

Morgan laughed and stroked a finger down his chest. “You act like you don't get kisses...and

He grasped her hand and brought it to his lips. “Mmm, the
might get you naked in the backseat of this truck right now.”

The thought, as scandalous as it was, sent pinpoints of desire shooting through her. “We need to get out of this truck.” She reached for the door handle.

“Yeah, yeah. And take your hand off that handle.” He got out and came around to open her door.

She pulled him down for a slow, drugging kiss. “That ought to hold you for a while.” She strutted off toward the entrance.

Omar groaned and caught up to her. “You little tease.” He held the door open.

Morgan was enveloped in the warm, cozy atmosphere the moment she crossed the threshold. The people who worked there seemed to be enjoying themselves as much as the patrons. An older woman conversing with some diners turned their way, and her face lit up. She hurried over and smothered Omar in a big hug.

“Hi, baby. I'm so glad to see you.”

Omar chuckled. “You saw me less than two weeks ago, Mom.” To Morgan he said, “Morgan, this is my mother, Miriam Drummond. Mom, Morgan Gray.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Drummond.”

“I'm so pleased to finally meet you, Morgan. Welcome to Miriam's Place. Let's get you two seated.” She hooked her arm in Morgan's and led her away.

Morgan glanced over her shoulder at Omar, who shrugged. Mrs. Drummond reclaimed her attention.

“I can't believe it has taken Omar this long to bring you to meet us.”

“Um...well, we haven't—”

She gave a short bark of laughter. “My dear, I know young love when I see it.” She gestured to a booth. “I'll be right back.”

When Omar joined her, she asked, “What did you tell your mother about us?”

“I didn't get a chance to tell her anything. She figured it out.”

Before she could reply, Mrs. Drummond approached with an older gentleman who resembled Omar and his brother. “Is that your father?” The man stood over six feet and had the same deep bronze coloring. He had a few lines bracketing his face and some added girth around the waist but was still strikingly handsome.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Bobby, this is Morgan Gray,” his mother gushed before Omar could make the introduction.

Morgan stifled a laugh at the expression on Omar's face.

“Nice to meet you, Morgan.”

“It's nice to meet you, too, Mr. Drummond.”

“I've never met a lady sports agent.”

She didn't know how to respond to this man staring at her in awe.

“Dad, Mom, can we get a couple of menus? Morgan and I don't have a lot of time.”

“Oh, yes, yes. Sorry. I need to get back to the kitchen,” his father mumbled.

“I'll get those menus,” his mother said.

Omar shook his head. “Sorry about that.”

Morgan smiled. “My parents will probably be the same way, especially my mother. She wants to know when I'm going to invite you to our family dinner. With your hectic schedule, it probably won't happen until after the season ends. Or we can always do it on the bye week.”

“Nope. Can't do it. I'm taking you up to the cabin.”

“You don't hear me complaining.” A woman came and handed them menus. It took Morgan only a minute to choose. “I'm ready.” She ordered the ribs, macaroni and cheese and green beans, while he chose grilled salmon, a baked yam and steamed vegetables. Despite the crowd, it didn't take very long for their food to arrive. She said a quick blessing and dove in.

“What do you think?”

“These ribs are
good. You know how to cook these?”

He grinned. “I do indeed.”

“In that case, I'll stay with you forever.” A strange look crossed his face, and she realized what she'd said. “Aren't you going to eat?” She could feel him watching her but kept her eyes focused on her food.

His mother came back near the end of the meal. “How was everything, Morgan?”

“It was delicious.”

“Glad to hear it. I have a special dessert prepared just for you.”

“Oh, Mrs. Drummond, you didn't have to go through all that trouble.”

“Believe me, it's no trouble at all,” she said with a smile and sashayed off.

“Your mom is so sweet.”

“She's the best.”

Morgan glanced over her shoulder and saw his mother coming, holding one plate. “You're not eating dessert? I don't want to eat by myself.”

“If you can't finish it, I'll help you.”



“Here you go, dear.” Mrs. Drummond sat the plate down, smiled and strolled off.

Morgan went still, and her pulse skipped. In the center of the dessert plate sat a black velvet box. “Omar.”

“Open it, baby.”

She reached for the box with trembling hands and flipped the top up. She gasped softly. “It's beautiful.” A lover of diamonds, she recognized the radiant-cut solitaire perfectly perched in the center, surrounded by two rows of round diamonds.

Omar came around and slid in next to her. “I love you, Morgan Gray. All that I am, all that I do and all that I have is wrapped up in you. Every place in my heart belongs to you. You are my everything, baby. Marry me.”

The tears were flowing before he could finish the words. “Yes.” He slid the ring on her finger and kissed her. A loud cheer went up. Morgan jumped and turned around. “Oh my God. My whole family is here.” She buried her face in his chest.

“I figured we might as well turn this into a big old engagement party while we have the chance.”

“I'm gonna kill Malcolm.”

The rumble of his laughter vibrated against her cheek.

“You said that the first day I came to your office.”

Her head came up, and they smiled. They were bombarded with congratulations and hugs from both families, and she even had a chance to meet his brother, niece and nephew. Rashad didn't stay long because of the crowds, but it made her feel special that he'd come. “We can't stay here all night.”

“I don't plan to. I'm taking you home, and then I'm going to make love to my future wife.”

“I'll try not to keep you out too late. You owe me a rematch with ‘Madden,' but I think I'll wait until we go to the cabin.” She leaned over and whispered, “Because this time you're going to lose, and I plan to make you scream my name.”

Without a word, Omar grabbed her by the hand, mumbled some hasty goodbyes and hustled her out to the truck.

He didn't say anything during the entire drive, but the tense grip he had on the steering wheel and his slightly labored breathing let her know he had a tight rein on his control and was about to snap. When they arrived at her house, he jumped out of the truck and nearly dragged her to the front door. Before she made it in the house good, his mouth came down on hers...
. He kissed her greedily, his tongue thrusting deep. They never made it past the front door. Somehow, through her haze of desire, she heard the slide of his zipper and the tearing of a package. He hiked up her dress and lifted her into his arms. Morgan wrapped her legs around him as he placed her against the door. His smoldering gaze locked on hers. Omar pushed her panties to the side and drove into her with one long stroke, burying himself to the hilt.

Morgan shuddered and closed her eyes. “I love you, Omar.”

“I love you, Morgan. You are my heart.”

BOOK: Places in My Heart
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