Pirated Love (10 page)

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Authors: K'Anne Meinel

BOOK: Pirated Love
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“Easy love, I will get to you in a moment,” Tina murmured as she nuzzled closer to Claire’s neck, causing delicious little shivers to go up her back.   Her words caused Claire to stiffen and pull away though.  Tina immediately protested.

Claire realized it could be any body in her bed and Tina would not know the difference.  Strangely, she wanted to be different.  Then she was horrified at her thought and pulled back further.  Reaching down, she quickly unlashed herself from the bed and tried to crawl over Tina to the outside of the bed.

Tina rolled with her though and woke up fully, looking up at the now spread-eagled blonde who rode her like a horse.  She was not sure who was more surprised, the redhead looking up, or the blonde looking down.  Smiling delightedly, Tina arched up at the waist, joining their bodies at a deliciously hot spot and rubbing suggestively.  Claire nearly groaned, but her horror at being caught in such a compromising position was such that she attempted to finish her climb over Tina’s body.

“Could not wait for me to wake up, eh?” Tina asked.

“I was trying to let you sleep,” Claire replied primly and tried to move, but Tina’s hands clamped on each of her legs, holding them to each side of her body.

“I am awake now and randy as a young buck,” Tina told her and ground upward once again, her green eyes narrowing to mere slits at the sensation.  She was fully aware that Claire had not realized her robe had gaped open and was showing her deliciously firm, young breasts to the more experienced woman’s view.  Tina wanted to groan, but knew gentling this prickly filly would take time and effort, which she was willing to give.

“You need your sleep,” Claire tried to argue, with perfect logic.  What this woman had been through over the past few days must have exhausted her.

“I can sleep when I am dead,” she replied, and ground again suggestively at the juncture between their legs.  “Do not deny me,” she ordered, and reached for the gaping robe, pulling it apart and down so that Claire was exposed from the waist up.  Claire gasped and tried to pull it back up, but Tina easily stayed her hands.  “You got yours the other night, now it is my turn,” Tina murmured as she reached up to play with the delicious orbs that taunted her so.  She sat up slightly so she could take first one and then the other in her mouth, the heat and moisture causing a gasp to escape from Claire’s lips.  Still Claire tried to push Tina back on the bed to escape her grasp, but the redhead was stronger and in no hurry.

“Nooooo,” Claire tried to protest at the actions as well as the sensations, but Tina ignored her as she began caressing the delicious body in earnest.

“Unbutton my shirt,” Tina ordered her, but Claire refused to comply, taking Claire’s nipple firmly between her teeth. Tina bit slightly causing Claire pain.  She growled around it, “Unbutton my shirt!”

Claire had never experienced pain in her breasts before except during her monthlies, and
was pain she had never felt.  It was obvious she would have to obey and she began to comply.  Tina released the teat from her teeth and soothed it by licking and sucking at it, gentling it until it was tightly puckered by her attention to it.  Strangely, to Claire, this was arousing and she could not believe she was enjoying the captain’s ministrations.  Tina’s hands gentled down her long back and cupped her buttocks firmly and ground up against her again and again in a little rhythmic dance of her own making.

When the shirt had been fully opened, without being told, she reached for the wrappings that held in Tina’s breasts.  Tina sat up further so she could kiss up to Claire’s neck and so that Claire could remove her shirt the rest of the way, removing it from her shoulders and down her arms.  The wrappings took longer to unwind from her body.  Claire had never seen another woman’s breasts, and while she had known Tina was naked the other night, she could not really see them.  Seeing them now in the light of day, strangely, she wanted to touch.  Since Tina was busy now kissing into her neck and nuzzling along it, making her feel wonderful, she wondered if she would mind her touching her
....  The gasp of pleasure when Claire’s hand touched one of them had her pulling back in fear that she had hurt the other woman, only to have Tina take her hand and return it to her breast.

Claire looked into Tina’s aroused eyes and her own were slightly shocked at her daring.

“Go ahead and touch darlin’, I need to feel it,” Tina entreated her in a husky voice.

Curious, she touched them both at the same time with her hands.  They overflowed them and felt heavy in her palms.  They were warm and soft.  Squeezing them slightly, she heard Tina’s gasp of delight and she wondered if she could cause the same feelings in Tina that the captain caused in her.  She had said it was her turn, and while Claire was not sure what that entailed, she thought it only fair to give her pleasure too.

Tina was wild to possess Claire.  She had woken aroused and exhausted, not a good combination, but she wanted this woman,
woman to make her body thrum with the pleasures waiting for them to share.  She did not care that Claire was inexperienced.  She wanted...needed the passion that could come from two bodies coming together and pleasuring each other.  She needed a good old fashioned fucking and wanted it from this inexperienced woman who was not so willingly in her bed.  She was tempted to take the lead, but she wanted this blonde to learn how to pleasure her.

Claire played with the heavy orbs, her thumbs caressed across the now erect nipples, and her fingers squeezed and kneaded them as she listened to Tina’s heated breath as she kissed and sucked into her neck.  The sensations were delicious, and when Tina’s lips snuck down her chest to Claire’s own erect nipples she wondered if she could return the favor.  She tried to bend down, but she was not able to, the angle was wrong.  Daringly, she pushed the captain onto her back and bent down to take a nipple into her mouth.  It tasted slightly salty from the salt water that the captain had bathed in, through her clothes.  It also tasted of sweat and something uniquely Tina.  She enjoyed the flavor and the feel of the hard nipple on her tongue.  She took the other, equally erect nipple in her mouth and tasted it as well.  Tina arched into her, enjoying the sensations.

Tina had thought she could let the woman play and learn, but her patience was wearing thin and she was exhausted.  She would not last much beyond the orgasm that was building inside of her.  She had to have it soon.  She reached down to her own pants and unbuttoned the flap.  Rising slightly, grinding upwards again she tried to remove them one-handed, but failed.

Claire realized more was going on and looked to see Tina attempting to remove her pants.  She glanced upward and realized she had never seen such intensely green eyes before.  They were impassioned, and she could see something else, frustration in them.  Such power to have over another human being.  It excited her and she realized she wanted to see what else she could do to this woman.  She helped her to remove the pants.  The captain was wearing nothing else beneath her pants.  Claire had never seen another woman’s cuny.  There was no hair on this one and the skin was smooth, white, and wet.  Not from the salt water, but from what Claire could tell with her nose were natural juices.  She had wondered if other women experienced that embarrassing wetness and here it was confirmed.  Remembering how wonderful it had felt to have Tina touch there the other night, she found her hand straying towards it to touch and feel.  The redhead’s gasp of delight encouraged her as she stared avidly.

Tina spread her legs to allow the novice access to her.  She needed more, and she needed it soon, or she would have to do it to herself.  She much preferred that Claire do it for her, but was not sure she had the knowledge or would be brave enough.  Tina gritted her teeth as she waited.  The tentative explorations were going to be the death of her.  She wanted, no
more and NOW.  When the fingers did not enter her, she grabbed Claire’s hand and forced the fingers inside of her.  She hissed, “Fuck me,” to the startled blonde.

Claire was embarrassed to hear the crude words, but it was obvious that Tina needed something, and she needed it immediately.  Her demand was not ignored and Claire tentatively began to thrust in and out, watching Tina’s face to see that she was doing it correctly.  It felt...odd.  It was moist and soft and creamy, and yet, like nothing she had ever felt before.

“Harder,” Tina demanded and arched to allow her more access.  “Harder!” she ordered, authoritatively.

Claire adjusted herself a little to really put some muscle into it, and thrust as fast and as hard as she could.  She hoped she would not hurt the woman, but as Tina’s leg came up to wrap around her waist and her hands fell back on either side of her head, she writhed beneath Claire’s ministrations.  The redhead was panting awfully hard, as though finding it hard to breathe, and little cries were coming from the back of her throat.

Tina adjusted herself to grind down on the fingers probing her, and closed her eyes to enjoy the sensations more fully.  She felt her crisis nearing and let it flow.  It had been so long since she had allowed another human being to cause this that she just let it flow.  Her body went into convulsions and her legs wrapped tightly around Claire, making it harder for her to thrust into the creamy wetness that was deluging her fingers and hand. 

Claire was at first alarmed, and then realized that Tina was experiencing what she herself had experienced the other night, only it seemed more intense and exciting.  She felt herself wanting to experience it once again too and she did not stop thrusting until Tina’s hand came weakly up to stop its motion.

“Enough,” she gasped, finally feeling replete.  Realizing her exhaustion was against her, she quickly rolled the other woman beneath her and quickly thrust her own fingers inside her, ever mindful of the tissue that made her a virgin, and then went down on her now erect clit.  She had scented Claire’s arousal long before the novice had even known she was excited by what they were doing.  Tina’s knowledgeable mouth and fingers made short work of making the inexperienced woman cum.  Claire herself had not expected it to happen so quickly and was left crying out in delight while experiencing that sensation for the second time in her life.  It was lovely and she wanted to hold Tina close and talk to her about it, but the exhausted captain gently removed her fingers.  Then with a look she made sure Claire was watching and licked them clean.  Claire was strangely moved by this gesture.

Exhausted, Tina lay down on the bed and scooted her buttocks off the blanket to get it out from beneath them and cover herself with it.  Within minutes she was snoring again.

Claire could not believe what had happened and she too scooted down in order to lay next to the naked woman.  She was confused, delighted, and in awe of what had just occurred.  Never in her wildest imagination could she have thought that these things were inside her.  Remembering what she had caused in Tina thrilled her, and while she had not known what to do until Tina showed her, she had the satisfaction of knowing she had helped.  She lay there a long time until boredom and sleep claimed her once again.

A knocking on the door woke them both and Tina was the one to go answer it.  She grabbed her robe that Claire had been wearing, to walk across the floor, belting it together across her form.  Claire made sure that the blanket covered her naked body.  She could not hear what was said at the door, but she could hear the commanding tone of the captain’s replies until she shut the door and bolted it once again.  Glancing towards the bed, she made her way to the shuttered windows and pulled them both back to allow the late afternoon sunset into the room.  She opened one of the windows to let in the fresh air.

“Ahh, that’s better,” she said, as she saw that Claire was awake.  “This cabin reeks of sex and other odors,” she said, as she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out the chamber pot.  Seeing what was inside, she quickly lifted the robe and sat over it to release her own stream into the mix.  The combined odor was rather disgusting.  When she was finished, she quickly picked up the pot and hurried to the open window to fling the contents out of it.  She left it by the window and walked rapidly across the cabin to the cabinet that held her tub and pulled it open and the tub down.  Catching up a pitcher, she turned on the water to fill it.  Once full, she walked over to the chamber pot to rinse it out and flung the contents out the open window once more.  “There, that’s better,” she said, as she looked at Claire watching her.  “If you wish to use it, you better hurry.  A late dinner is being prepared for us and I must get back up on deck to oversee the rest of our repairs.”

“Is that why we were stopped?  For repairs?” Claire asked, as she too swung her legs over the edge of the bed and, using the blanket as a shield, hovered over the chamber pot.

“We are in a port I knew of where we could make repairs.  My men have been working while I caught up on my sleep and other things,” she chuckled as she smiled knowingly at Claire and watched the blush creep up her cheeks.

“Could I go...?” Claire began before she could help herself.

“No, you are to stay in this cabin.  I do not want you seen or there will be trouble, and there are certain things you dare not disobey me on,” she ordered her.  Seeing her resentful expression begin, she added, “Claire.” She waited for the blonde to finish her stream and look up.  “Claire, there are men here who would think to take you away from me.  Not for the ransom, which will be hefty enough, but for themselves.  They would use you horribly, and when done, would either sell you to others of their ilk or to a brothel.  I am a good fighter and do not mind a decent fight, but why start a fight if we can prevent it?”

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