Pirate Princess (50 page)

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Authors: Catherine Banks

BOOK: Pirate Princess
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“So, co-captain, are you going to go up with Finn?” Bernard asked.

“Again with that title,” Finn said with a sigh.

“No, he’s the captain and he gets the credit. Especially since he stole most of the treasures,” I said.

The boat hit land and we jumped out, Finn carrying our large sack of treasures and I only made it five steps before Cristoff grabbed me and spun me around while hugging me. “Princess!” he yelled happily.

Finn rolled his eyes at Cristoff. “Hi, Cristoff,” I said with a smile as he sat me down. Despite his over the top antics, I did like him as a friend. And he had risked his life to save me.

“So, you’re still with this guy? You sure you don’t want a new captain?” he asked with a smirk.

“I’ve already asked her that myself,” Lance said from behind us.

“How have you been?” I asked Cristoff instead of acknowledging Lance’s existence.

“I’ve been rather down lately,” he said with a sigh.

“Oh, why is that?” I asked despite knowing I was setting him up to flirt with me further.

“It’s been lonely and so dark without your bright light around,” he said dramatically.

Finn clapped his hands slowly. “Bravo, well done.”

Cristoff bowed. “Thank you. Thank you.” He looked at me and his face turned serious. “I really have missed you.”

I hugged him and then backed up to Finn. “Well perhaps you should visit me and Finn more often.”

“Maybe I will.”

“Don’t encourage him,” Finn chastised me.

“Captains! Line up!” Sedgwick ordered.

“I’ll see you after the winner is announced,” Cristoff said, planted a kiss on my cheek, and then jogged over to the boxes.

“For someone who seemed so possessive of her the other day, you let him get away with quite a bit,” Lance commented.

“Did you know the King and Queen of Crilan destroyed Trian’s castle and killed the King for kidnapping the Princess?” I asked Finn as we continued to ignore Lance.

“I had heard that. Quite frightening the amount of power that Kingdom has,” he answered with his arm around my shoulders. We walked away from Lance and Finn walked up to the boxes with his bag.

Lance walked by a minute later to stand to an empty box with his items.

“Any other captains?” my dad asked the crowd while looking at me. I subtly shook my head and he said, “Alright then, let the counting begin.”

Lance looked over at me and I really hoped Finn won because I did not want to go to Lance’s crew. I had a high suspicion that he was planning to take me if he won.

“Hey,” someone whispered beside me.

I turned and stared at Faxon in shock. “What are you doing here?”

“Shh, I’m observing,” he said and put his cloak’s hood on.

I shook my head and sighed loudly. This mage was nothing, but trouble. Sedgwick got the counts from everyone and then whispered the results to my dad who smiled broadly. “In third place we have Captain Rufus. Second place goes to Captain Lance.” Yes! “And the winner for the second year in a row is Captain Finn!”

Everyone cheered loudly including me. Dad raised his hands and everyone quieted. “Who do you take for your crew?”

Finn glanced at me and said, “This year I won’t take anyone. I have a full crew.”


“Can he do that?”

“I’ve never heard of someone not taking a crew member.”

“Final decision?” dad asked Finn.

“Yes, sir. I guess now is as good a time as any to announce my retirement as Captain,” Finn said with a smile.

“What?” Lance screamed.

“Tonight will be my final night as Captain and I pass the title to Bernard!”

Finn’s crew cheered and some others did as well, but everyone still seemed shocked by his announcement.

“Well done!” my father applauded.

“Did you know he was doing that?” Faxon asked me.


“I bet this is what he was discussing with Jared the other day,” Faxon mumbled.

“What else did they discuss?” I asked him.

He shrugged. “I didn’t pay attention.”

I shook my head at him and laughed. “Of course you didn’t.”

“If you’re retiring you should not have participated in the Festival,” Lance said over everyone’s celebrating.

“Captain Rocco, what do you say?” Finn asked him.

“Finn won, whether he was planning to stay captain a day or a year longer makes no difference. You lost, get over it,” Dad said to Lance.

“He cheated. He is using someone who isn’t part of his crew,” Lance accused Finn.

“Who?” Dad asked.

Lance lifted his arm and pointed at me.

Dad laughed. “Oh I assure you that the Pirate Princess is indeed a part of Finn’s crew. They had to obtain my blessing.”

“Speaking of that, why is it that you let Finn replace your dead daughter so soon?” Lance asked.

Uh oh.

“Are you questioning me, boy?” Dad asked him angrily.

“You should shut up,” Finn told Lance.

“Your daughter died not even a year ago and you let Finn replace her with this new girl. What kind of father does that? Unless you never loved your daughter to begin with?”

“First of all, Finn and I aren’t a couple,” I said loudly before Dad could answer. His face was flaming red and he looked ready to kill Lance.

“You aren’t?” Lance asked in shock.

“No,” Finn said. “I’m dating a Princess, but not her.”

“What?” Lance asked in shock.

“Everyone knows that,” Cristoff said with a roll of his eyes.

“So your girlfriend lets you run around with this girl?”

“Yep,” Finn said smugly.

“Are you done being a poor sport?” Dad asked him, “Or do you have more issues you would like to discuss with me privately?”

“I’m done,” Lance said, finally embarrassed. He started to storm by me, but halted and said, “I’ll find you later, Princess.”

“I’ll pass on the reunion,” I told him.

He glared at me and then continued on his way towards his ship. Finn walked over to me and asked, “What did he say to you?”

“Nothing to worry about, Captain.”

“What happens now?” Faxon asked me.

“What are you doing here?” Finn asked him in shock.

“Observing,” he said and then turned to me to wait for my answer.

“Now, we celebrate!” I yelled. Everyone cheered and mugs were handed out filled from the various barrels.

I handed one to Faxon and he looked at it with a frown. “Oh why not?” he said, smiled wide and took a deep drink.

“Woo!” Finn and I yelled happily and then took drinks ourselves.

The night passed in a blur of rowdy fun and despite knowing part of a chapter of my life was closing, I was incredibly happy to be surrounded by family.




Chapter Fifteen


We were two days into the tournament and Finn was moving up the tournament ladder quickly with an undefeated rank despite holding back a lot. I walked towards the tournament grounds after sleeping in longer than anyone else and felt content. I felt so content that I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings and didn’t see the man walking down the alley towards me until a moment before we would have collided. Dagger in hand, I jumped away from him. He was tall, athletic, well dressed, and had a sword at his hip.

I turned away from him and started on my way again since it had been an accidental collision, but he followed behind me a short distance away. It was possible he was going the same direction as me so I didn’t say anything to him, but as soon as we stepped out of the town and into the open he reached out towards me. I spun around with a sword and dagger in hand and faced him. He smiled at me and then rushed straight at me. I barely avoided his hit and tried to strike him as I moved. He was fast, but thanks to the practices with Finn, I was faster.

He blocked my attacks, but couldn’t attack me back as I pushed him farther back. I prepared for my final attack which would hopefully cripple him and then suddenly my body was hurtling through the air away from him. I slid along the ground on my back and finally came to a stop. I leapt up despite the pain, ready to face whoever this new opponent was.

“Enough,” Esmeralda barked.

I stared at her in shock. “You
threw me
?” I shouted at her in utter disbelief.

She walked straight towards the man who had sheathed his sword already. “What is the meaning of this?” She bellowed at him.

He bowed to her. “I apologize, Queen Esmeralda. I was simply ascertaining her strength and wanted to see if the rumors of her prowess were accurate or exaggerated.”

I gaped at him and her. “Esmeralda…”

She turned to me and asked, “Do you know who he is?”

“He attacked me out of the blue!” I yelled defensively. “I didn’t stop to ask his name!”

He walked closer to Esmeralda and she smacked the back of his head. “Idiot! You apologize right now or I’ll teleport you to the Fire Ring.”

He dipped his head and then walked straight towards me with a reproachful look on his face. He dropped to one knee and bowed his head. “Forgive me, Princess Tilia.”

“Who are you?” I asked softly.

He looked up at me and gave me a dazzling smile. “I’m Prince Marquez of Drimla.”

Drimla was one of the smallest Kingdoms in Olanze, but their soldiers were some of the fiercest in Olanze, aside from Crilan’s of course.

“I almost killed you,” I said in shock.

He smirked. “I’m not so easily killed.”

Esmeralda smacked him in the back of the head again. “She could have seriously injured you.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, “but can you blame me?”

“You’re lucky Finn wasn’t here,” I muttered under my breath as I walked away.

“I’m sorry I acted out of line, but the rumors of your skills are not exaggerated in the least.”

“Thank you,” I said since I knew I had to be nice.

“Here,” he said and held out a wrapped box towards me.

“What is it?” I asked curiously.

“Your birthday present.”

I stopped walking and turned to face him. “My birthday present?”

He smiled. “I knew when I was planning my trip that it was your birthday this month as well so I ensured I had a present for you.”

I took the offered box and tried to hide my shock. “Thank you, Prince Marquez.”

He stared at me expectantly and asked, “Aren’t you going to open it?”

“I prefer to open my presents in private,” I said, tilting my head towards the group that had gathered since our fight.

“I understand. May I escort you to the tournament?”

“I would be honored,” I said with a smile. I hoped it didn’t look forced. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him or that I didn’t like his country, I just didn’t want Finn to overreact.

“Are you participating in the tournament?” he asked me.

I laughed. “No. I prefer to spar with the King where others can’t see me fall.”

“Falling is just a gateway to learning and improving yourself.”

“Very insightful,” I said.

“I’m not just a pretty face,” he said with a smirk.

“I never suggested you were,” I said with a smirk back.

“Oh, she has a sense of humor!” he said with a happy smile. “It’s so rare to find women with a good sense of humor.”

“Perhaps you’re just looking at the wrong women,” I suggested.

“Possibly,” he said.

“Will you be participating in the tournament?” I asked him.

He sighed longingly. “Sadly my father has strictly ordered me not to enter the tournament.”

“I’m sure you’re very disappointed,” I said.

He nodded his head. “I have always wanted to spar with the King of Crilan.”

“I’m surprised you said spar and not fight.”

“No one wants to fight him, that’s a sure death sentence,” he said seriously.

I laughed loudly. “You’re right about that.” Unless you’re his niece and you cut him.

“Tilia,” Finn called from my right side.

I turned and watched as he walked towards me, enjoying the view. His fists were clenched at his sides, but otherwise he looked calm and almost bored. “Hi,” I said happily, “I was just on my way to find you.”

He looked at my walking companion and asked me, “Are you heading to watch the fights?”

I nodded my head. “Yes.”

“Who is your friend?” he asked finally.

“Finn, this is Prince Marquez of Drimla. Marquez, this is Finn,” I introduced.

“It’s nice to meet the Princess’s friends,” Marquez said as he shook hands with Finn.

“Finn’s my boyfriend,” I corrected him.

The shock was instant, but he quickly hid it and said, “We hadn’t heard that you were taking suitors.”

“She’s not,” Finn said and slipped an arm around my waist.

“Finn,” Jared called, “there you are.” He walked over and assessed the situation as he approached. “Prince Marquez, it’s nice to see you again.”

Marquez bowed to him. “It’s an honor to see you again King Jared.”

“Tilia, where have you been?” Jared asked, “And why is the leg of your pants torn?”

I looked down in shock. I hadn’t realized Marquez had cut me during our fight since the cut hadn’t broken the skin. “I apologize, that was my fault,” Marquez said.

“I was delayed because we had an impromptu sparring match and I didn’t realize he had torn my clothes,” I explained quickly.

Finn’s grip tightened on my waist and I sensed him growing angrier by the second. Jared put his hand on Finn’s shoulder and said, “Well now that you’re here, let’s go watch the fights. I’m taking bets to see who the final three contenders will be.”

Finn relaxed under Jared’s hand, but I knew he wasn’t going to let it go without at least a warning to Marquez. Jared walked ahead of us, talking with Marquez to get him to walk next to him and leave us some space.

“He cut you?” Finn asked angrily.

“No, he just nicked my clothes.”

“Was this a voluntary sparring match?” he asked me with a knowing look.

“Finn, I’m perfectly fine and besides that you cannot attack the prince of another kingdom unprovoked,” I reminded him.

“It’s not unprovoked. He attacked you.”

“And I defended myself and would have killed him if Esmeralda hadn’t intervened. I know it’s hard, but let it go. He was only testing me and didn’t hurt me.”

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