Pioneer Passion (29 page)

Read Pioneer Passion Online

Authors: Therese Kramer

Tags: #romance, #love, #cattle

BOOK: Pioneer Passion
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When Susan walked away, Scott followed him
into the barn.

“Are you going to the Brown’s?” he asked and
Guy nodded. He then he told the young man to go and check on the
other ranch hands and saddled Blizzard. He was in no mood to say
more and snapped, “Go!” and raced out of the barn. Guy was
breathless upon racing the Brown’s homestead and his head hurt like
the devil had been prodding it with his pitch fork. He now stood
aghast at what appeared to be a slaughter. What the he...?”

There seemed to be blood everywhere.
Revulsion passed over him in waves seeing Rusty holding a bloody
creature; her expression dazed. Certainly his features mirrored
hers. There were red stains covering the front of her robe.
Stymied, he apologized, shut the door and departed. He sat on a
kitchen chair holding his aching head in his hands. If he lived to
be a hundred, he’d never forget the scene he had witnessed in the
other room. He rubbed the soreness at the nape of his neck and
moaned. He felt uncomfortable and looked up to see three pairs of
worried, teary-eyed children staring at him.

“Is my mother going to die?” asked Bobby who
was holding his sister and younger brother protectively in his
arms. The little girl wiped her runny nose on her sleeve and
whimpered. “We heard her screaming for a long time.” A tear
trickled down her small cheek and Guy didn’t know how to answer
them but his heart went out to the terrified children. He took the
little girl and sat her on his big lap. The other two closed in on
him and he tried to reassure them with a weak smile.

“I don’t know,” he admitted honestly. “But, I
think you have a new sister or brother. I hope your mama will be
all right, you must believe it. She loves you very much, and I know
she’d not like to see you fret so. Now, why don’t you dry your eyes
and we’ll sit here and wait for your pa to come out.” They nodded
in unison, satisfied with his words.

It didn’t take long before Wilbur came into
the room to announce that they had a new sister. The girl smiled,
her brothers frowned. The haggard looking man hugged his children
saying that their mama was alive but very sick. Their father
dismissed them each with a kiss, telling them to go to bed and do a
lot of praying. The children obeyed and Wilbur sat his weary body
on the chair and sighed.

Guy realized that Wilbur was too tired to
notice him. Feeling very uneasy, he grunted, “I want to apologize
for bursting in like that.” Wilbur didn’t seem to hear him or
didn’t want to. The farmer put his head in his hands and wept.
After a few moments, Wilbur’s voice hoarse with emotion, spoke to

“You ought to be very proud of your wife; her
quick thinking saved my Bonnie and the baby’s life. I thank God
she’s very smart and brave.” The distraught man looked up at him
and wiped his tears. “You’re a lucky man and she loves you very
much. She’s been baking pies for two weeks and selling them in town
to earn money for a birthday gift for you.”

Guy jerked his body out of his seat so fast
the chair crashed to the floor. He had to assume that the man was
too upset to realize that he had just let out the secret. Leaning
forward, resting his knuckles on the table, he croaked, “Are you
telling me my wife spent two weeks here baking, not tending to your
sick wife?”

The man just nodded.

Guy picked up the chair and sat again.
Thankfully, he hadn’t made more of a fool of himself by accusing
her of being unfaithful. Relief flooded his body, but he was still
a stupid ass and he had nothing to blame but his own idiocy.
Stunned by Wilbur’s sobering news he also realized how close he’d
come to destroying his marriage. He cringed, but knew he had a lot
of explaining to do about last night.

Rusty entered the room rubbing her back and
looking totally weary. There were dark shadows under her eyes and
her cheeks looked hollow, but when he looked up at her, she never
looked more beautiful, making him realize how much he loved

Wow! The truth hit him like a lightning

It’s about time you fess up, he scolded

She looked at him with a quizzed gleam in her
tired eyes but then Guy saw her puzzled look turn cold. He
suspected that she was remembering last night and something inside
him died. How could he explain what happened without telling the
truth? He couldn’t lie; there has been too much deception already.
His wife turned her frosty glance away to address the new

“Bonnie and daughter are resting. When Guy
and I return home, we’ll send one of the hands to fetch the
doctor.” She looked at him again and he nodded at her request. Guy
was feeling no better than she and he’d bet she was glad he had a
big head from last night’s drinking. God, he could kick himself in
the ass.

Wilbur thanked her and bid them a good night,
but first he apologized for dragging Rusty out in the cold in her
robe. To make amends, the farmer gave his wife the loan of Bonnie’s
woolen coat, saying, “You can return it later since my wife will
not be venturing outside for awhile.”

Guy lifted and carried Rusty to Blizzard. Her
eyes fluttered open and looking up at him, he saw pain clouding her
vision as she stared at him. “Why?” she whispered and then closed
her eyes losing her will to stay conscious.

Guy heard the confusion and sadness in her
voice and he cursed himself again for his stupidity; his heart
filled with self-loathing, which was becoming a habit lately.
Resting her head against his chest, Rusty wrapped her arms tightly
around his waist and closed her eyes. Letting his horse take them
home, he relaxed in the saddle savoring her warm body next to him.
He prayed she wouldn’t keep it away from him after he explained his
foolish actions. She was sound asleep by the time they reached the

He carried her into the house as Mattie and
Susan rushed to meet them and they gasped at the bloody clothes
when the coat parted. Their eyes held a dozen questions but he went
past them saying he’d explain everything after he put his wife to
bed. He placed her gently on the bed and a second passed before his
hand lovingly brushed an errant strand of red hair back from her
face. Even in her drowsy state, he felt her body stiffen when
removing her soiled robe and gown. She mumbled obscenities and
tired to ward off his helping hands but she couldn’t muster the
strength to fight him off. Finally, after he sponged off her body
and covered her nakedness with a blanket, she succumbed to a deep

Once again, he marveled at her look of
youthful innocence, knowing all too well the wildcat that lay
beneath her soft, ivory skin. His fingers tingled with the memory
of how she felt to his touch, how even now, he ached to fold
himself next to her and caress those secret places only he knew
about. Instead, reluctantly Guy left her and joined Mattie and
Susan who were anxiously waiting in the kitchen. After explaining
the recent events and relieving the worried ladies, he took a walk
to think. The night was inky, quiet, and cold. Dampness embraced
his distressed body, giving him a chill. In the distance, a coyote
howled into the lonely night and he felt akin with the animal and
total solitude. Sometime later, he slipped his body into bed,
aching to hold his sleeping wife and dreaded what tomorrow would

Chapter Thirty

Rusty opened her eyes the next day sensing it
was late. The warm sun kissed the foot of the bed showing her
exactly how high it had climbed. She stretched and felt that the
mattress was still warm, a small clue that Guy had gone only a
short time before. She lay there wondering if there was any cause
to get up when all those horrible reflections pushed their way into
her head again. Even though she squeezed her eyelids tightly to try
to keep from crying, the tears escaped the barrier and trickled
down into her ears. Sensing she wasn’t alone her eyes flew open to
reveal Guy standing by the window. Wiping her eyes with her palm,
she turned her head slightly to see him better and studied his pale
profile. It was then she noticed his finely chiseled features
seemed taut.

Rusty kept her expression stony, watching him
come towards her. Her first reaction was to leap out of bed and run
from the room because she had mistaken the dread in his eyes as an
omen of an unhappy ending. Had he found someone else? Her lower lip
trembled not wanting to hear what he was going to say. Clinging to
the sheet she felt unnatural with her nudity but swallowed her fear
and put one hand up to stop his advance. Her head was reeling and a
ringing in her ears prevented his words from penetrating her mind.
She willed herself not to listen as he continued to speak.

Some of his words seeped through her strong
will anyway.

“....please darlin’. Please believe me, I was
crazy with jealousy. I don’t remember. Rusty, please, I’m asking
you to forgive me.” She noticed that his shoulders seemed to slump,
heavy with the guilt he felt. “I promise never to misjudge you
again. I love you!”

Guy searched her eyes as if he were looking
for any sign of compassion, what she showed him was an icy
demeanor. He wanted a second chance and quickly he bridged the
small distance between them. A long, strained moment passed.

What was he talking about?

Her body shuddered and she shook her head to
clear it, sorry now that she hadn’t listen. He was talking in
riddles. Opening her eyes, she found herself stunned that he was so
close yet she hadn’t felt his hot breath on her face. He was
frowning despairingly. What was he rambling about? Jealous? Parts
of his conversation still swam around in her boggled mind.
Misjudged? Jealously? The woman didn’t mean anything. There was too
much to remember and she blinked. What else did he say? I love you?
Her eyes opened wide in wonder, her head filled with disbelief. Had
she heard right? Lifting her face, her voice cracking, she asked
her voice above a whisper, “D-did you s-say you love m-me?” How
could she doubt him? But then… he had never said it aloud to her

Although her heart swelled with a longing to
comfort him, seeing pent-up anguish visible on his rugged face, she
didn’t dare move, and sat there clinging to the sheet. Too numb for
words or action, she watched Guy pull something out of his pocket.
Wordlessly, he took her shaky hand and slipped a beautiful ring
onto her finger. Her mouth went dry and her heart accelerated with
such relieved joy that tears fell freely down her face. Nothing
mattered but the fact that he loved her.

My mother always said that true love washes
away all sins.

She knelt on the bed and her arms whipped
around his neck; all her worries and confusion fell away with the
sheets. Greedily, she placed wet kisses on his face and saw his
features soften. Instantly, their breaths merged and his tongue was
quickly inside her warm mouth.

Tender loving warmth ran through Rusty and
she said softly, “Oh, Guy, I love you too.

His tightly clenched jaw muscles seemed to
relax a bit, and he rasped, “Please accept this as a token of my
love and know I’ll never hurt you again.”

Her husband held her tightly, soaking in the
ardor she gave him. Rusty decided that she wasn’t going to be shy
in showing how she felt about him. Her kisses traveled shamelessly
down his chest as she unbuttoned his shirt. She disrobed him with
experienced, nimble fingers, and took it upon her own to show him
how it felt to be loved beyond his wildest dreams. This time she’d
the giver and he the receiver making rivulets of excitement spread
through her body.

Skillfully, rapaciously, she flicked her
small hot tongue over his left nipple. He moaned with pleasure as
his hands cupped her breasts, but she pulled them away. She
wouldn’t let him touch her, not yet and warded off his advances.
Rusty was giving her all to please him.

“Oh, God,” he rasped. “Please, I need to
touch your soft satiny skin, your taut rose buds, and the secret,
warm, velvety places of your body.”

His words thrilled her but she wanted this,
it heightened her own arousal. Knowing how she affected him, made
her happiness full-blown.

Guy’s breath became labored and when he
opened his mouth to protest his words became lodged behind a loud
gasp as she placed tender, hot kisses on his stomach and below. All
his bones turned to cartilage in his muscular legs and he felt he
would soon crumple to the floor.

“God! What are you doing to me? I cannot
endure much more.” His voice sounded almost strangled to his own
ears. He buried his hands in her hair and quickly, but gently,
pulled her up to his face. Her mouth turned up impishly and she was
licking smiling lips looking very pleased with herself. Once again,
he opened his mouth to say something but his words never reached
her ears because Rusty slanted her wet lips across his so swiftly
that he almost toppled over. He had to grab her waist to keep from
falling and this action made their bodies come in hard contact. He
drew a hard breath as if he had been kicked in the gut.

Rusty broke the kiss and pulled a very
aroused and perplexed man onto the bed. His slate blue eyes were
heavy-lidded and dreamy and a smile tugged at the corners of her
mouth. She had almost laughed at the funny expression on Guy’s face
when their eyes met. She was enjoying herself and giving him a fast
hard kiss was the only way she could control her laughter. Does
making love always have to be so serious? Well, maybe, but this
time she was giggly from all the passion she felt for her

“I want you to lay still and let me do all
the loving,” Rusty commanded firmly. There was puzzlement in his
eyes but she didn’t explain further, just kissed him again,
flicking her tongue around his. She felt his sharp intake of his
breath and again it delighted her to know she was having such an
arousing effect on him. There was no denying her love for her man,
and she never would dream she’d get so much pleasure herself in
pleasing him. Now she understood why he took his time in his love
play. Her own arousal was at a level she couldn’t believe possible.
Though she wanted to feel every inch of him, but she didn’t know
how long she could keep up her game. Guy did not objected to her
exploring his body with her hands, running her fingers across his
chest and shoulders and down his rib cage. She could feel his
muscles leap at her touch.

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