Pioneer Passion (19 page)

Read Pioneer Passion Online

Authors: Therese Kramer

Tags: #romance, #love, #cattle

BOOK: Pioneer Passion
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Rusty’s chest heaving made his entire
reasoning fly from his mind. All he wanted to do was crush her to
him, feeling her breasts, and kiss those pouting lips. Although,
she was young and alluring and he was the adult, he should know
better. He should run but he couldn’t release her. Almost eighteen
is old enough to know your mind, he told himself to justify his
actions. Guy knew her mouth, like the rest of her, was virgin
territory, and it was soft, gentle at first. He wanted only a kiss
but when he felt those sweet lips against his, it was all over. He
swelled like an inexperienced teenager and lost all control. She
bewitched him. Fully aroused, Guy deepened the kiss, pressing his
hot tongue between her quivering lips.

Rusty opened her mouth to give him better
access to her honey cavity and her breath became his. His head spun
tasting her sweet innocence, and was surprised by the intensity of
the kiss. Devil take his soul, he wanted her more than any woman he
ever wanted before. He had to take her slowly; she was a child in a
woman’s body and that thought almost stopped him. Almost.

He looked deeply into her clouded eyes and
said his voice grainy “You know I want you.”

She nodded.

“If you don’t want this I won’t force you. As
God is my witness, I want to make sweet passionate love to

Again she nodded.

“Are you sure?” he asked once more, not
certain if he could stop now if she protested.

“I’m not the child you think I am. I have a
woman’s feelings.”

He saw her blush at her candor and he kissed
her again. She opened her lips, twisting her blistering tongue
around his. Guy was the teacher and she was a fast learner. The
feeling of her heart beating and her hard nipples against his chest
was doing wonderful things to him.

If she only knew the effect she has on

Tensing momentarily, he thought he should be
making love to her on a big, soft bed. He didn’t like himself very
much at that moment, but she didn’t seem to mind. She was no prima
donna; she was his wildcat. Before Guy was through, he would know
every inch of her. He was convinced that once he tasted her
sweetness, he would be able to get her off his mind. His brother
was right; he was a bastard. Damn, but he wanted her! Her long body
fit perfectly with his; she was made for him. After that thought,
he didn’t think anymore. He felt her tremble and feared she was
having second thoughts.

Rusty turned, removed her jacket feeling

Would she please him? Why did she have to be
so tall? Was his lover petite? Could she go through with this?
Would sharing a moment with Guy be enough? It would have to be.
Feeling self-conscious, she wondered why she was torturing herself
with this analyzing. Gathering her courage, she turned but he must
have seen hesitation in her eyes because he pulled her towards him.
Her lips trembled and he kissed her again.

She was a bowl of mush. She wanted Guy’s
love. She needed it. Even being unsure of his feeling didn’t matter
at that moment. She had all the love in her heart for him, and for
now, that would be enough. This she thought wrapping her limp arms
around his neck, feeling his throbbing desire against her

“Relax, sweetheart,” he drawled and eased her
to the ground. “I promise not to hurt you anymore than nature
requires. There will be some pain; just trust me.”

Guy scooped her up and carried her to the
soft grass where he placed her feet lightly on the ground and he
quickly removed his gun belt and shirt. Swallowing her anxiety, his
fingers burned like fire on her back and she felt the heat of his
skin. Rusty lavishly returned his touch, forgetting all her
previous fears. Guy was here, with her; this moment would be
preserved forever in her heart. He kissed her again and she wrapped
her arms around him as if she were clinging for dear life; maybe
she was. His nibbling on her earlobe made her dizzy. He opened her
blouse, gently pressing a firm nipple between his finger and thumb.
The sensation caused her to gasp in delight; her flesh was afire.
Their heat was so intense she feared they would fuse together.
Surely every bone in her body was already incinerated. Their
tongues continued to explore each other’s mouths. She was like a
child exploring fresh territory; it was so new to her.

Rusty didn’t know how it happened. By the
time she opened her eyes, they were both naked. The breezes made
her shiver, or was it the knowledge of their nakedness? She moaned,
feeling an unfamiliar sensation consume her. This feeling, new to
her, was causing havoc on her senses. This time she shivered with

Guy kissed her breasts playfully, toying with
her nipples with his hot tongue. Then slowly and deliberately, he
worked his tender assault up her neck, over her jaw, and plunged
his tongue through her swollen lips. He slipped his hand between
her legs, finding her softness, and she drew in a deep breath as if
someone had hit her. He held his own breath but let it out slowly
and she closed her eyes. He eased himself over her and saw her eyes
shut. Never had he spilled his seed prematurely before, but it was
becoming more difficult for him to control himself.

He whispered, “Open your eyes, sweetheart. I
want to see pleasure in them when I fill you with my passion. She
did as he asked and when his hardness slid into her, hitting the
barrier, he felt her stiffen. Although, sorry for her discomfort,
he pushed swiftly and this time he was certain it was the pain made
Rusty wince biting her lower lip, but she gifted him with a weak
smile assuring him she accepted it bravely. He smiled in return and
moved slowly at first, letting her get accustomed to the sweet

Surprised, but totally pleased, his partner
thrust her hips along with his rhythm and abandoned herself so
completely, he felt as if he’d burst into a thousand pieces. He did
and by her cry of pleasure, he assumed so did she. He was happy to
know she shared his passion and smiled, seeing her face glow from
their love making.

“Sweetheart,” Guy coaxed hating to disturb
her, for she lay in his arms like a contented cat. And why not? She
was his wildcat. He traced the tiny blue veins in her soft breasts,
marveling at her pale skin. Ah, those beautiful breasts. How blind
could a man be not to have noticed? Even though she had bound them
tightly, he should have suspected something; such a skinny kid had
filled out the shirt so snugly. Her white flesh reminded him of
cream, just as soft and just as delicious; her body would be
branded in his mind forever. Rusty lifted her face to him and he
was rewarded with an expression of pure pleasure. He wanted to make
love to her again and the idea surprised him.

“Mmmm,” she sighed, and murmured, “I fear it
might have been a dream if I open my eyes. I cannot believe what
had happened and I’m in awe with the thrill and wonder of it all.”
He chuckled lightly at her honest candor making him fell ten feet
tall. But he had to admit, although not to the woman in his arms,
it was the best sex he ever had. Rusty shivered and she seemed to
be embarrassed again. “I’m cold,” was all she said.

He wanted to hold her longer to tell her
things he never said to a woman before, but he only said, “It’s
clouding up, we must hurry, it might storm. Come, dress quickly,
I’ll never forgive myself if you get a chill.”

He remembered how closely he had come to
losing her once. It surprised him how he felt emptiness when she
left his embrace. He dressed and felt serge of guilt run through
his veins, never having made love to a virgin before. Are you
insane? Fear crept down his spine, not liking it for a minute that
she had gotten under his skin. He became disgusted for his weakness
making his arrogant self resurface.

“Hurry up!” he tersely ordered. Sorry he had
snapped, Guy shrugged to cover up his self-loathing and he chose to
ignore the confusion etched on her features. He knew if he looked
at her, he’d take her in his arms again. And again. And again.
Damn! He was a fool to fall under her spell. It won’t happen

Hearing the sharp timber in Guy’s voice,
Rusty looked up from buttoning her blouse with total confusion. Why
did he snap at her? Hadn’t she pleased him? Her eyes became watery,
but she conquered her tears long enough to say, “What’s wrong?”

His voice was smooth but flat, he replied,
“It’s nothing. I want to get home before it rains.” He walked to
his horse without looking back at her, but she noticed that there
were only a few clouds in the sky. “It doesn’t look like rain,”
Rusty contradicted, frowning. Her heart constricted numbly.

Only moments ago she had loved the feel of
him as they were one with each other. Now she was a woman and would
never be the same. She still tingled all over, feeling every inch
of her body alive. Was he now having second thoughts and regretted
that he had made love to her? Son of a bitch! He was the most
exasperating man she’d ever met. Even now, with her heart breaking,
she wanted to hate him, but she couldn’t and chided herself for
loving him. She thought she had enough love for both of them, how
could she have been so wrong? Rusty fought back tears that lay
heavily under her lids. So caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t
hear the rider approach until he was bringing his horse to a halt.
Kyle jumped from his mare and she had no doubt in her mind that he
noticed her hair in a twisted mess. Her blouse was partly buttoned
and her boots lying on the ground; it didn’t take a genius to
surmise what had just transpired.

Mortified, Rusty watched as Kyle swung Guy
around. The cowboy was completely taken unaware by his brother. Guy
came back with a hard punch to his sibling’s stomach causing Kyle’s
breath to whoosh from his lungs. Rusty knew it was a lucky punch,
for Kyle was distracted a moment by her unkempt sight. The younger
man’s concentration now back to Guy, he lunged and they toppled
over onto the ground. They rolled around for a while, Guy wouldn’t
let go and neither would his little brother. They grappled in the
dust as Kyle tried to deliver a damaging blow to Guy. Tangled arms
and legs disturbed the dirt and she coughed… and, she had seen

“Stop it!” she screamed. She was fuming and
angered that they were fighting over her! They refused to stop and
she screamed again. “Stop it, you two!” she stamped her foot on the
ground forgetting she was barefooted. Her heel was bruised on a
rock. “Ouch! Damn!” In a minute she hobbled over to her boots,
putting them on gingerly. Limping slightly, she picked up her
jacket and put it on. “Kill each other, for all I care,” she
railed, and then straightened her clothes, hoping they would beat
each other senseless. That’s if they had any sense to beat. Albeit,
she meant what she said, she watched as Kyle broke apart and got
another good punch, hitting Guy’s right eye while cursing, “You

Guy staggered. “Who asked you to come here
and butt in?”

Rusty had to admit that Guy was right but she
wouldn’t say so aloud. She continued to be a spectator seeing Kyle
swing at Guy again but miss and he leaped sideways, huffing. Guy
tried to get in another good punch himself but his brother was also
fast on his feet and ducked. Kyle appeared to become very annoyed
and frustrated. Guy got in a lucky punch to his brother’s right
shoulder and he rubbed the bruised spot.

Kyle retaliated and sneered, “I was worried
about her. And I see I had good reason.” His words came out labored
and he swung. Guy ducked and came up with a right cross; a bull’s
eye on Kyle’s nose, making blood trickle down. He was bathed in
sweat as was his ass of a big brother. Then, pop! Guy got it right
in the kisser! Rusty smiled but she had seen enough. Bang!

Guy winced seeing his opponent stiffen at the
shot. He eyed Kyle, who eyed him back. She grinned realizing that
neither man trusted the other. Guy rolled his eyes at this whole
asinine situation and more curious than careful, turned in her
direction. She believed that he saw the determination in her eyes
as she stood pointing a small gun at them. She gave them a lethal
leer to show the two lunkheads that she meant business. Kyle
followed Guy’s gaze muttering some-thing incoherent under his

“The next one to throw a punch is going to
get a bullet in the foot,” Rusty threatened in a firm but calm
voice. “Now, if you two shitheads would be so kind as to stop all
this foolishness, I’d like to go home.”

Guy lifted his eyebrows and wiped the blood
that trickled down the side of his mouth. “I guess we’d better do
as the lady says, since she seems to have us at a

Well, at least she got one lunkheads
attention but Kyle chose to ignore his brother’s observation and
spoke with authority, “I think you and I have some talking to do.”
He narrowed his eyes into hateful slits. “You have a lot of
explaining to do!”

Guy snorted. “I don’t have to explain
anything to you or anybody else about how I live my life.”

Now the other fool also decided to ignore
Rusty, who was still holding her gun on them. God, there’re both
stubborn to the core!

“Oh, really!” Kyle groused, enraged.

“Yes, really!” Guy flung back. “And, I’m
getting mighty tired of this childish argument. This is nobody’s

That was the first statement Rusty had to
agree with.

“You took advantage of a child!” sneered

“I thought you said she was a woman!” barked

Embarrassed by Guy’s remark, Kyle’s cheeks
burned feverishly, she could see the younger idiot paused slightly
longer than normal to steal a bit of time to organize his thoughts.
“She is… but.---”

“But what?!” Guy demanded.

Kyle puffed up his chest, appearing to be
very determined to have his say. She rolled her eyes, how much more
could these two buffoons’ say?

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